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教学督导是美国教育督导的特色部分。教学督导为教师提供服务和辅导。通过向教师提供改进教学的专门帮助,满足教师的不同需要,来促进教师的专业发展。本文在厘清美国教学督导内容的基础上阐述了美国教学督导的基本特征以及对我国的启示。  相似文献   

美国现行教学督导系统及其特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教学督导是美国教育督导的特色部分.教学督导为教师提供服务,通过向教师提供改进教学的专门帮助,来改进学生的学业成绩.强调服务和帮助,是美国教学督导的一大特色.本文在描述美国教学督导现状的基础上探讨了美国教学督导的特征.  相似文献   

美国教师督导及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国教师督导特别强调其对教师的指导,帮助教师提高教学质量是其根本目的。由此美国的教师督导强调其对教师的服务功能,这是我们国家所欠缺的。笔者对美国教师督导的发展历程,教师督导者角色,教师督导的概念、目的、主体以及督导策略做了介绍,以期对我国教师督导有所启示。  相似文献   

美国教师督导特别强调其对教师的指导,帮助教师提高教学质量是其根本目的。由此美国的教师督导强调其对教师的服务功能,而这是我们国家所欠缺的。本文对美国教师督导的发展历程,教师督导者角色,教师督导的概念、目的、主体以及督导策略作介绍。  相似文献   

教育督导作为教育管理与评价激励机制,对于教育界的各个层面及教师个人均具有导向作用、激励作用和改进作用。在教育督导的工作开展过程中,应当注重以下几个方面:一是督导双方共同制定督导方案,二是被督单位和个人积极参与督导过程,三是督导双方确认评估结果。对教师的直接督导管理与评价和教师素质的提高、教师积极性的发挥有着密切的联系。目前,对于我国教师的教育督导管理与评价机制尚有待于进一步的完善与深化。  相似文献   

同伴督导是美国教育督导发展的高级阶段,它顺应了后现代主义思潮对教育督导理论的基本要求。本文通过对同伴督导在对象角色、同伴出现方式、教师合作方式及影响方式等内在价值的深入剖析,构建了实现及支持成功同伴督导的计划方案,以期为我国正在进行的教育督导改革提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

美国教师督导的内容及其有益借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的教学督导对教师的成长起到十分重要的作用。我国高校的督导工作应借鉴美国的督导内容和方法,明确督导工作的目的,督导者和教师关系平等,督导方法科学合理,做好督导结果的沟通反馈工作,并注重教师的教学反思和教师校本培训,以促进教师发展。  相似文献   

学校的管理者是一个特殊的教师群体。要成为优秀的教育管理者,教师必须接受适当的培训以遵守特殊教育领域的法律和法规。教育管理培训方案必须包括特殊管理教育方面的要求。对教育管理者自我效能感的调查结果表明,教育管理者的自我评价与实际能力之间存在差异。研究结果显示,培训方案需要改进以便更严格地培养教师成为教育管理者,最终他们才能做到“不让一个孩子掉队”。  相似文献   

区分性教师督导体系是教师督导组织和督导人员针对不同教师群体的实际情况和需求,依靠明确的教学标准、差异的督导程序以及专业的督导人员来对教师进行评价和指导,以保证教学质量和支持教师发展的教师督导体系。美国中小学区分性教师督导体系的实践经验为我国教师督导体系的完善提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

高校教学督导联盟:内涵、动因及路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》把"提高质量"作为教育改革发展的核心任务,明确要求"建立健全教育质量保障体系",把重点集中到强化教学环节。本文通过探讨教学督导联盟,改进现有的高校教学质量监控的重要子系统——高校教学督导机构的工作方法,强化其重要功能——对教师群体和教学管理者群体的问责,拓展该组织的生存力。  相似文献   

Evaluation procedures and the emphasis on evaluation in teacher education courses in Israel were studied through questionnaires administered to teacher educators, student teachers and practicing teachers. The results show that the emphasis on evaluation is marginal and that evaluation procedures in teacher education have significant effects on practicing teachers.  相似文献   

This article is to explore the possibilities of mentoring for school based teacher education in Australia. Traditionally, supervision at the school level during the practicum in Australia has been focused on the classroom teacher whose role was to oversee and watch the direct work of the student teacher. However with the reforms in teacher education within the higher education sector which began in the late 1980s, a new challenge has arisen, which emphasises a shift of focus within the practicum from the role of classroom teacher as supervisor to one of mentor. Therefore, teachers who wish to become mentors will require new skills and competencies which extend beyond those of supervision, which necessitates the need for further training and education of classroom teachers. This article examines the mentoring role and the skills needed by teachers in supporting the development and education of student teachers into the teaching profession. The article also briefly examines the implications that this shift in focus from supervisor to mentor may bring for the participants involved in the education of student teachers.  相似文献   

教师的教育实习,作为联系教师教育中的理论学习与未来教学实践的重要纽带,是教师教育课程中的必要组成部分,也是教师的专业社会化与专业发展的关键阶段。荷兰乌特勒支大学的"现实主义"教师教育实习模式,以傅乐的教师关注理论为基础,重视教育实习与理论学习的紧密融合,大学与中小学指导教师的合作督导,以及实习教师的反思能力的培养等,这些对我国的教师教育实习都会有所启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

均衡发展是我国义务教育的战略性任务,师资均衡配置是实现城乡义务教育均衡发展的关键。通过对城市、县镇、农村义务教育师资配置情况进行比较,发现城乡教师队伍数量、质量、结构、稳定性等方面均存在显著差异。究其原因,既有制度性阻碍,又有非制度性制肘。促进城乡义务教育师资均衡配置,建议应从强化理念引导机制、改革教师人事制度、改进教师培训制度、完善教师工资制度、建立健全城乡教师流动制度和督导评估机制等方面来进行调整。  相似文献   

师德建设是高等学校事业发展和师资队伍建设的一项重要内容。文章列举了高校师德建设中存在的具体问题,提出了加强师德建设的具体措施:高校应加强理论学习,提高青年教师的政治素养和专业知识水平;严把新进教师入口关;加强师资培训;加强教学督导;改善环境,提高待遇,调动青年教师的积极性。  相似文献   

中英学前教育师资培养体系的比较分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对英国学前教育师资培养体系中的学前教育师资培养机构设置、学前教育师资任职资格和学前教育师资培养中的教育实践三方面进行比较研究,得出通过教育立法,完善教育制度建设;升级运行机制,扩大师资培训范围;构建师资任职资格评鉴体系,完善督查与评估机制;理论联系实际,推行园本培训体系的四点启示。  相似文献   

教育的质量取决于教师的素质。目前,教师职业倦怠正如一只蛀虫慢慢蚕食教师的积极主动性,使教师的内在潜能难以发挥,严重影响了我国教育质量的提高。学校管理目标的核心是促进教师的发展。为了积极应对教师职业倦怠问题,学校管理者要从树立"以人为本"的管理思想、增强教师主人翁意识、构建多元化评价机制和搭建专业发展平台等多方面入手,努力探索学校和教师共同发展的最佳途径。  相似文献   


Cooperation between home and school benefits pupils’ wellbeing in many ways. Hence, it is of utmost importance that teachers are able to cooperate with families in early childhood education as well as in primary and secondary education. In order to work effectively with the diversity of families, teachers need to develop their skills and knowledge while in teacher education programmes. Earlier research has suggested that teacher education programmes do not address this issue adequately. In this article, programme managers in Finnish teacher education programmes are asked to reflect on how cooperation is covered in their programmes. Based on the data, collected through an online survey, home–school cooperation can be considered an integral part of teacher training: most of the programmes surveyed offered modules that concentrated either solely on the issue or as part of other modules. Cooperation was also discussed from various perspectives during the modules. Respondents considered their graduates to be either competent or somewhat competent to cooperate with families. According to programme managers, modules should be developed in relation to strengthening the theoretical basis of cooperation, and especially in enabling pre-service teachers to practise their skills in cooperation while they are having their practical training at schools.  相似文献   

陈晓燕 《高教论坛》2011,(6):86-88,92
教师教育效能感影响教师的教学质量、管理水平、教育技术的运用和科研的开展,对提高教育教学水平有明显的作用,而发挥督导中"导"的作用是提升教师教育效能感的主要因素,需要加强指"导",让教师亲历成功的体验;正确"导"向,增加教师替代经验;及时疏"导",唤起教师积极情绪;为教师倡"导"宽松、和谐、民主的工作氛围。  相似文献   


Strong teacher education programs acknowledge the importance of a partnership between teacher education and public school faculties and the important role mentor teachers play in the education of student teachers. Studies suggest that mentor teachers trained in supervision are more effective than those who are not. This article describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a workshop for mentor teachers that reflects the collaborative effort of university and public school faculties. The particular focus of this workshop was on giving feedback to student teachers. Evaluation data suggest that mentor teachers felt the workshop provided helpful information.  相似文献   

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