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Most of the focus of research and debate about school exclusions in the U.K. has been about secondary age pupils, which is not surprising in that secondary school exclusions are much more numerous than at the primary school stage, accounting for approximately 87 per cent of all permanent exclusions (DfE, 1992). However, the research reported here takes the longer view and thus hopes to inform preventative work with primary age children, who are displaying great difficulties in mainstream schools, and special schools. It is based on the hope that there might be more potential for “success” when children are helped earlier. As primary age exclusions are relatively unusual they may present a different order of concern, in relation to the excluded children themselves. This paper will examine evidence about the incidence and nature of primary school exclusions and debate some of the issues which make these exclusions a particularly serious focus for concern. The data from a national questionnaire, three regional case studies and 265 excluded children within them, is reported here. The research project was supported by a grant from the Economic and Social Research Council.  相似文献   

Ontario, a province located in central Canada, has a population of over 8 million people. Although the total area of the province is over 400,000 square miles (over I million square kilometres), the overwhelming majority of the population lives in southern Ontario, which includes less than one-third of the area of the province.The Ontario school system offers elementary and secondary education to all children and young persons able to profit from instruction. The school programme covers kindergarten, eight years of elementary instruction, and five years of secondary school. Compulsory school attendance has been enforced since 1870. At present the age of compulsory attendance is 6 to 16; kindergarten is voluntary at the age of 5, but nearly all children of this age are enrolled. Since the second half of the 1960s, junior kindergarten is being offered in many schools, and by 1974 the percentage of Ontario's 4-year-olds enrolled in junior kindergarten was 33 per cent. As far as the secondary school is concerned, in 1974/75 the net enrolment rate1 of persons age 16 was 87 per cent; of age 17, 69 per cent; and of 18, 34 per cent.The post-secondary educational system consists primarily of two major components: community colleges with over ninety compuses serving all the major economic regions of Ontario; and universities.The community colleges were introduced in the 1960s with the main purpose of providing joboriented programmes beyond the secondary level for high-school graduates who require post-secondary training and education other than university. They also offer programmes to meet the educational needs of adults and out-of-school youth, whether or not they are secondary-school graduates.In 1975/76 the post-secondary enrolment of full-time students in community colleges was about 60,000, and in universities about 160,000. However, the number of part-time credit students enrolled in colleges considerably exceeds full-time enrolment, while the number of part-time university students reached 75,000. In addition, many hundreds of thousands of adults participate in non-formal learning opportunities offered by the colleges and universities, as well as by a great variety of other organizations, such as the local school board, social, community and cultural organizations, municipal authorities, private schools, sports and interest clubs, etc. author of numerous educational films, television programmes and publications, among others, Broadcasting for Adult Education: A Guidebook to World-wide Experience (Unesco Press).  相似文献   

The differences between genders in 14 different categories of disability, of samples of children and students found eligible for special education, are presented. In kindergarten and upper secondary schools, 65 per cent of the children or students deemed eligible for special education were boys. In elementary through junior high school the figures were about 70 per cent. In the kindergarten sample the difference in prevalence remained the same as the overall difference within each category of disability. In the samples from elementary, junior high and upper secondary schools a relatively higher prevalence than the overall difference between the genders was found with regard to problems of vision, hearing, language and intellectual disabilities among girls. A similar higher prevalence than expected was found among boys with regard to problems with reading and writing, psychosocial problems and attention deficit disorders. The conclusion is that the higher incidence of boys in special education during the pre-school years must be attributed to genetic or biological differences between the sexes. Further, in addition to these differences, the higher incidence of boys in special education during the school years is caused by an interaction between genetic or biological factors and a pedagogy that does not match the educational needs of male students.  相似文献   

This paper informs debates about the potential role for low-fee private schooling in achieving Education for All goals in India. It reports Young Lives’ longitudinal data for two cohorts (2906 children) in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Eight year olds uptake of private schooling increased from 24 per cent (children born in 1994–5) to 44 per cent (children born in 2001–2). Children from rural areas, lower socioeconomic backgrounds and girls continue to be under represented. While some access gaps decreased, the gender gap seems to be widening. Evidence on risks to equity strengthen the case for an effectively regulated private sector, along with reforms to government sector schools.  相似文献   

对安徽省395名中小学教师的职业压力、社会支持和职业倦怠进行调查与分析.结果表明:3.5%的教师有严重职业压力,43.8%的教师有轻度职业压力;有轻度、中度和重度职业倦怠的教师比例分别为18.2%,7.8%和2.8%.教师的职业压力、社会支持与职业倦怠3个维度均呈显著负相关.应采取有效措施,减轻教师的职业压力,建立和完善社会支持系统,减少教师的职业倦怠感.  相似文献   

This short report presents the interim findings of an ESRC‐supported study of primary school exclusions. The research to date has involved a questionnaire survey of LEAs nationally and in‐depth case studies, involving schools, parents/carers and children, in two contrasting LEAs. It is first argued that the exclusion from mainstream education of very young children is, in itself, a cause for alarm. Evidence is then presented of rising numbers of exclusions, as well as high levels of unmet educational and/or social need in the majority of cases studied. It is concluded that urgent government action to support children, many of whom were found to be ‘in need’, is not only required under the Children Act 1989, but would actually prove more cost‐effective.  相似文献   


The development of the Danish Folkeskole (the basic school for pupils aged six to 16) followed a reform passed in 1969 by the Danish Parliament which stated that all children with special needs should be able to receive instruction in a normal school environment. The results obtained over the past 20 years are encouraging. Only 0.5 per cent of all school children attend a special school and about 12 per cent of all pupils receive special educational support in ordinary classes. This article evaluates the reform which has taken place, analyses some of the underlying factors and looks at possible future developments.  相似文献   

A national survey of teachers’ needs with respect to children with learning difficulties being taught in Welsh is reported. Using a cluster sample of one in three primary schools and all appropriate secondary schools in Wales, 80 per cent of schools responded to the postal questionnaire. Both secondary and primary teachers gave first priority to the development of a reading scheme, with graded reading books the most desired hardware. Analysis of themes desired in language materials revealed a preference for the values of reality and stability rather than escapism and change. A Welsh comprehension test was given highest priority amongst choice of tests. The relationship between tests and materials and the role of a survey in policy making is discussed.  相似文献   

The paper discusses elements of the findings of 'Iceberg', a doctoral study at the University of York addressing many issues of child bereavement through a retrospective study of nearly one hundred individuals who had either experienced the death of a parent when they were at school, or were the surviving parent of such a child. The research revealed issues of lack of control and information for children after a parental death. Forty-seven per cent of those in the study attended the funeral of their parent. There was correlation between the age of children and attendance at the funeral. Of the fifty-three per cent of children not attending, twenty-four per cent of them were forbidden to attend, whilst eleven per cent of them were distracted from attending the funeral, such as being sent to school or a neighbours and being unaware that it was taking place. None of the children attending the funeral reported any negative experiences, and two thirds of them reported it as a positive or helpful event. In contrast, over three-quarters of those not attending later wished that they had. Over a third had feelings of regret, others feeling that they had been excluded from the family at the time of the death, and felt anger, hurt, and frustration. The conclusion was that the best strategy is to give children informed choice about whether or not to attend. If children do attend a negative outcome seems unlikely, but it would be prudent to prepare them as to what to expect at the ceremony.  相似文献   

This article makes the case for clearer reporting of alternative provision. The main body of this paper consists of an analysis of available data on permanent exclusions and attendance at alternative provision. Findings show a greater number of young people attending alternative provision compared to those permanently excluded and concerning patterns of over representation among children in care and those with a special educational need or disability. This raises issues of children’s rights, particularly equality of educational experience and of fair access to the schooling system. It is argued that annual reporting on exclusions should be developed to include a section of in depth reporting on alternative provision.  相似文献   

Research has shown that dyslexics have an inability to establish sound‐symbol correspondence, phonological awareness and alphabetic knowledge by the normal teaching methods used in schools. In new research with Reception year children, ages 4 and 5 years, it was found that 90 per cent on entry to 8 Reception classes had not established sound to symbol correspondence. Five months later, despite the normal daily teaching of reading and writing skills, one third of children had still not ‘cracked the alphabetic code’. Reports were sent to the teachers identifying each child's level of skill in handwriting and spelling with suggestions for specific interventions to promote the learning of sounds and their symbols. On entry into Year 2, in a 10 minute writing test, it was found that all the shildren had now developed sound‐symbol knowledge. At the end of Key Stage 1 the national SATs results showed that the disadvantaged groups in the project schools had raised their performance by 30 per cent in literacy above previous years and the already high perfoorming group had improved by 10 per cent. One dyslexic was identified in the Year 2 test by a need for word‐building teaching.  相似文献   

This study examines nine secondary American history textbooks' treatment of 9/11 and related events. Through the use of content analysis, the study centers on the knowledge omitted from textbook portrayals of 9/11. Findings indicate that when authors omit particular information, these exclusions limit the perspectives that students can consider, which shapes understandings of American history and the world. Recommendations are provided for ways teachers can develop students' critical thinking, provide them with multiple perspectives, and increase their historical understandings.  相似文献   

Honduras has made steady progress in expanding post-primary school coverage in recent years, but many rural communities still do not provide a middle (lower secondary) school. As a result, Honduras has implemented a number of middle school alternative programmes designed to meet the needs of at-risk populations throughout the country. This article analyses dropout in three of the four main alternative lower secondary school programmes in Honduras over a three-year period for a cohort of roughly 5,500 students. The results show that these programmes are indeed reaching a vulnerable population in the country, but dropout rates are generally very high – upwards of 50 per cent in some cases – between Grades 7 and 9. Furthermore, even in the control school comparison samples made up of formal lower secondary schools, about 25 per cent of children leave school between Grades 7 and 9. The authors’ analysis includes propensity score matching (PSM) methods that make more focused comparisons between students in alternative programmes and control samples. These results show that dropout rates in alternative programmes are not much different than in control schools, and only significant in one programme comparison, when taking into account family background characteristics like socioeconomic status (SES). Multivariate analysis within alternative programme samples finds that attrition is lower in those learning centres which have adopted key features of formal schools, such as university-educated teachers. The results highlight the tremendous variation in the alternative middle school sector in terms of programme features, school quality and student outcomes, as well as the challenges of expanding this sector to meet the growing demand for lower secondary schooling in Honduras.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to assess the presence of evaluation system components that assist principals in responding to incompetent teachers. According to Virginia principals, 5 per cent of the teachers in their schools were incompetent; however, only 2.65 per cent were documented formally as being incompetent. The typical principal with a staff of 100 teachers identifies 1.53 incompetent tenured teachers per year and remediates 0.68 teacher, encourages 0.37 teacher to resign or retire, reassigns 0.29 teacher, and recommends dismissal for 0.10 teacher. The four evaluation system components of remedial procedures, evaluation criteria, evaluator training, and organizational commitment were found to predict 69 per cent of the variance in the principals' effectiveness rating of their evaluation systems, but none of the evaluation system components were found to predict administrative responsiveness to incompetence. Such findings suggest that principals and school systems are avoiding a serious problem that undermines the education of millions of children, staff morale, and the publics perception of education.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors report on the evaluation of an anti-bullying programme, the cool school programme (CSP), conducted in a secondary school in Ireland. The study explored how participation in the anti-bullying programme affected students and teachers in one second-level school. The programme focused on students' faith in the teachers' ability to deal with bullying effectively, their willingness and confidence in telling a teacher about bullying and whether they felt safe in school. Teacher confidence and behaviour with regard to bullying were also explored. The study found that 91 per cent of students felt that teachers took bullying seriously. Eighty-nine per cent thought that teachers knew how to deal with bullying and 75 per cent felt able to tell a teacher if they were bullied. Eighty-seven per cent said there was a better atmosphere in their class. Ninety-three per cent of students felt safe in school. Seventy-two per cent of teachers reported greater confidence in their ability to manage bullying and 84% reported increased vigilance. Ninety-four per cent thought that students felt safer in the school. Sixty-nine per cent said there was a better atmosphere in the school. Most felt that the programme was now part of the school culture (94%) and would continue in the school (97%). The authors acknowledge that relying on reported levels of bullying may not give a complete picture of the impact of an anti-bullying intervention. They argue that researchers may need to take into consideration teacher approachability, challenging the culture of silence, responding appropriately and ensuring student safety in school when evaluating programmes.  相似文献   

This paper describes one element of the research basis for the Baseline Assessment Scales now published for optional use in baseline schemes nationally (SCAA, 1997a). The aim in developing these scales was to provide a range of criteria that would allow almost all children to show some attainment, whilst also acknowledging the attainments of the most able. For this purpose, four-point scales were required. The first point would be attainable by over 80 per cent of children in their first term of school, and the fourth by only 20 per cent or fewer, with two intermediate points. Four such scales were trialled for reading, and one for writing. As part of the trial analysis, an investigation was undertaken into the hierarchies amongst the items on each scale – that is, to what extent was it possible for a child to attain a more difficult item, whilst failing an easier item on the same scale? A ‘coefficient of dependency’ was calculated for each pair of items on each scale. The percentages of children achieving each item are reported, and the strength of the hierarchies amongst them. This provides some evidence as to the interrelationships between children’s literacy attainments at the start of school.  相似文献   

In Norway more than 95 per cent of the students in each annual school-leaving cohort from the lower secondary school continue on to upper secondary education. The result is that there is a wide range of abilities among the students, and so various forms of adapted teaching are necessary. Each year almost 10 per cent of the new entrants in upper secondary are classified as students with special needs. The main focus of this paper is on how different forms of adaptation influence the flow of special needs students through upper secondary education. Two groups are compared: one with students who in their first year are taught exclusively within ordinary classes, and one with students who receive adapted teaching in small groups outside ordinary classes. The analysis controls for the level of functional difficulties among the students. The study illuminates how the organization of the specially adapted teaching influences successes as well as failures among the students. A sample of special needs students from six Norwegian counties has been followed prospectively through upper secondary education. Results of this follow-up study are presented within a theoretical framework based on transitions in the life course.  相似文献   

Since 2001, the Chinese government had passed a series of policies known as ‘the two primary responsibilities’ to allow the rural migrant children to attend urban public schools. However, what the migrant children actually experienced in and after negotiating access to these schools deserves serious attention from educators, scholars and policymakers. Based on prolonged ethnographic fieldwork in a Beijing public school, this study demonstrated three key aspects of exclusions in migrant children’s schooling experiences, namely, (1) access to school, (2) in-class participations and (3) peer interactions, and examined the ‘hidden curriculum’ in the existing school practices that prevented migrant children from integrating successfully in the urban school settings. We found that academic performance lay at the root of social exclusions, but the local educators’ perceptions of migrant children as outsiders, the urban-oriented school curricular and urban children’s involvement (vis-à-vis migrant children’s little involvement) in the extracurricular activities at school as well as the paid supplementary trainings outside school together formed the ‘hidden curriculum’ that led to the marginalization of migrant students in the urban school system.  相似文献   


School exclusions remain at a high level in the UK. Exclusions are the result of the interaction of complex factors, and schools are not equipped to tackle disaffection and disruptive behaviour on their own. The article describes the evaluation of a multidisciplinary home and school support project in a city borough. The project provides early intervention for primary school children at risk of developing serious emotional and behavioural problems and of subsequent exclusion. To this end the project works with children, parents/carers and schools in a holistic manner. The project also aims to improve home-school relationships, increase teacher understanding and integrate professional practice. Both mainstream and special settings have found the project to be of value.  相似文献   

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