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高等特殊教育院校教师专业化问题,一直是制约我国高等特殊教育健康发展的“瓶颈”,越来越难以满足残疾人高等教育发展的要求。本文针对当前高等特殊教育院校在教师专业化建设方面存在问题,从规划、培训、建设、管理等方面作出具体的分析与对策,对于调整高等特殊教育院校教师师资结构,优化师资资源配置,推进高等特殊教育事业和残疾人事业的加快发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

残疾人高等教育院校教师专业素养的培养,在中国高等特殊教育发展中具有重要作用。文章在对全国16个培养特殊教育教师的师范院校进行抽样调查的基础上,详细阐述残疾人高等教育院校如何提升特殊教育教师的专业素养,对于调整高等特殊教育院校师资结构、优化师资资源配置、推进残疾人事业的加快发展、实现教育公平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国残疾人高等教育师资培训体制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前 ,高等特殊教育专业教师相对匮乏 ,加强高等特殊教育师资培训工作是一项亟待解决的大事 ,本文尝试从宏观理顺高等特殊教育师资培训体制 ,形成高等特殊教育教师持证上岗机制 ,搭建全国的培训平台及网络等方面 ,构建我国高等特殊教育师资培训体系 ,为规划我国高等特殊教育师资培训提供参考。  相似文献   

郭强  冯建新 《绥化学院学报》2014,34(10):135-139
特殊教育与特殊教育学之间模糊关系、随班就读师资的培养及特殊教育师资专业化等对高等特殊教育本科师资培养提出新的要求。从特殊教育与特殊教育学之间关系、特殊教育专业划分、高等特殊教育师资培养模式的培养目标、课程问题以及培养模式类型角度,探讨高等特殊教育师资培养模式。得到本科层次特教师资培养的启示:应拓宽特教师资培养模式类型;既要培养言语治疗师、物理治疗师等专业师资,又要培养特教学科教师或随班就读的复合型师资。  相似文献   

教师专业化建设一直是制约我国高等特殊教育健康发展的"瓶颈",文章针对当前高等特殊教育院校在教师专业化建设方面存在现实问题,从规划、培训、建设、管理等方面做出了具体的分析与对策,以推动高等特殊教育院校教师师资结构的调整、师资资源配置的优化,进而推进高等特殊教育事业和残疾人事业健康发展。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家政策的支持和教育理念的变革,我国高等特殊教育专业建设取得了较大的发展,开设特殊教育专业的高校日渐增多,至今已达百余所。为全面了解我国高等特殊教育专业的建设和发展现状,进一步促进我国特殊教育师资队伍专业化发展,本研究抽取48所样本院校,对我国当前承办特殊教育师资培养的高等院校专业建设情况进行调查。调查结果表明:高等特殊教育专业教师年龄分布不尽合理,学历水平相对较低,专业化程度不高;专业建设方面存在着经费投入不均衡、新建校师资与招生规模严重失衡等问题。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的全面发展,我国远程教育和高等特殊教育都有了一定的发展,然而在实践中却存在着高等特殊教育教师专业化程度低、缺少统一的资格准入标准等问题,需要对我国高等特殊教育的师资培养模式进行调整,基于借鉴远程教育的相关经验,并结合高等特殊教育教师的特点,通过建立统一的特殊教师资格准入标准、将对高等特殊教育教师的职前教育和职后教育相结合等手段,推进我国的高等特殊教育更好地发展。  相似文献   

本刊讯中国高等教育学会特殊教育研究分会2008年年会于11月1日在烟台召开。有关高校的特殊教育学者专家60多人出席了会议,就改革开放30年的残疾人教育、我国残疾人高等教育的发展经验、高等特殊教育学科建设的实践与思考、融合教育、特殊教育师资培养等进行了演讲与交流。本次年会共收到论文47篇,其水平和质量较前有所提高,特别是一些年轻的博士和硕士研究生参与了会议并带来了町喜的研究成果。  相似文献   

特殊教育作为教育事业中不可或缺的一部分,越来越受到国家和社会的关注。特殊教育的发展离不开特教师资队伍的建设,特殊教育教师的质量在很大程度上影响着特殊教育的质量。文章从我国高等特教师资认证制度的现状出发,通过对比发现并分析其目前存在的问题,借鉴美国特教师资准入制度标准对我国特教师资准入制度的建立提出对策建议,试图构建有中国特色的高等特殊教育教师资格准入制度,培养一批优秀的专业化特教师资队伍,提升我国特殊教育的质量水平。  相似文献   

我国高等特殊教育的现状及发展研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
我国高等特殊教育已有近20年的发展历史,在高等特殊教育的学科体系内对高等师范特殊教育专业和残疾人高等教育从办学模式、规模、层次及专业发展、培养目标等方面进行总结、分析,得出我国高等特殊教育20多年来所取得的经验、成绩和目前存在的问题、困难,并对今后高等特殊教育发展趋势和对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

Overall, too few science teachers are being prepared in this country, and ethnic minority students are rarely enrolling in science teacher education programs. Thus, it is particularly important that multicultural education be included in science teacher education programs. I do not believe that science teacher educators will be able to prepare significantly more minority science teachers in the near future to teach the growing number of minority students in schools. Consequently, science teacher education programs must begin producing multicultural teachers. If we do not, then millions of children will not receive an adequate science education, let alone a good one.  相似文献   

This forum explores contradictions that arose within the partnership between Teach for America (TFA) and a university teacher education program. TFA is an alternate route teacher preparation program that places individuals into K-12 classrooms in low-income school districts after participating in an intense summer training program and provides them with ongoing support. This forum is a conversation about the challenges we faced as new science teachers in the TFA program and in the Peace Corps program. We both entered the teaching field with science degrees and very little formal education in science education. In these programs we worked in a community very different from the one we had experienced as students. These experiences allow us to address many of the issues that were discussed in the original paper, namely teaching in an unfamiliar community amid challenges that many teachers face in the first few years of teaching. We consider how these challenges may be amplified for teachers who come to teaching through an alternate route and may not have as much pedagogical training as a more traditional teacher education program provides. The forum expands on the ideas presented in the original paper to consider the importance of perspectives on socially just science education. There is often a disconnect between what is taught in teacher education programs and what teachers actually experience in urban classrooms and this can be amplified when the training received through alternate route provides a different framework as well. This forum urges universities and alternate route programs to continue to find ways to authentically partner using practical strategies that bring together the philosophies and goals of all stakeholders in order to better prepare teachers to partner with their students to achieve their science learning goals.  相似文献   

This study documents our efforts to implement an ‘ethic of discomfort’ and a ‘pedagogy of discomfort’ in our undergraduate multicultural teacher education courses. Commitments to these moral imperatives inherently involve emotional work for teacher candidates and teacher educators. Such emotional work, particularly in academia, is often invisible and disincentivized. This study examines the following: (1) grappling with students’ emotional reactions that stem from discomfort, (2) engaging in public emotional discourses, (3) negotiating the political dimensions of teaching diverse students, and (4) remaining emotionally available to students as they work through these ideas in their own lives. The implications of this study address the types of preparation and support teacher educators need to facilitate the transformative potential of a pedagogy and an ethic of discomfort. While pre-service teacher education is considered a safe and productive learning space for students to be discomforted, questions are posed regarding the safety for pre-tenured teacher educators involved in this process. We offer a typology of emotional work from a teacher educator perspective in teaching multicultural education.  相似文献   

体育教师面对可塑性极强的莘莘学子,一句话,一个动作,一种表情都会给学生这样那样的影响,因此,从体育教师应具有的形象、在形象上易出现的问题以及体育教师怎样塑造良好的形象等方面进行探讨,对体育教师的形象塑造会有所帮助。  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of on-line discussion as a medium for learning in a pre-service teacher education program. As part of an Education Studies course student teachers engaged in a discussion of issues related to technology and equity in schools. The design of the task and the subsequent analysis of the on-line text were part of a research project investigating whether and how communications technology can be used to integrate and extend the learning of teacher education students. The main argument developed in the paper is that through the on-line activity distinctive sets of writing practices were created. These practices enabled students to make connections between the often disparate parts of teacher education programs—theory and practice, campus and school, research and experience.  相似文献   

Deliberate practice is increasingly recognised as necessary for professional development. This paper sets out to explore in what ways student teachers’ learning activities in a teacher education programme can be characterised as deliberate practice. Based on an in-depth exploration of 574 learning activities, our results highlight the different ways in which activities in teacher education programmes can be designed, the different motivations students have to engage in them repetitively, and different ways in which feedback can be organised, within contextual constraints posed by all professional environments. Results also indicate that self-improvement is not the only motivation for engaging in deliberate practice for student teachers, as pupil improvement is also considered important. These results support a context-specific operationalisation of deliberate practice and provide starting points for teacher education programmes to promote deliberate practice in their curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper explores student identity construction through the narrative life history of one non-traditional student, engaged in teacher education in a non-traditional way – a fully online university degree course. The students within this course are all mature-aged. Most are female, and have already developed personal identities as partners, friends and mothers, as well as professional identities such as teacher aides. Adding the new identity of “student” to these already established roles has an impact on these participants’ actions, beliefs, experiences and hence on their identities. Further, the notion that they are now “pre-service teachers” forces students to consider their professional identity in new and sometimes uncomfortable ways. This paper explores the challenges for one student created by the need to negotiate this complexity. Through this exploration using narrative life history methods, the paper considers the implications of the experience of becoming a student and a teacher.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to investigate the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and burnout among special education school teachers in Turkey. One hundred and eighteen teachers completed the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Teachers belonged to the psychological counselling and guidance programme, primary education, special education programme, programme in education of students with mental impairment, programme in education of students with hearing impairment, programme in education of students with visual impairment, music education and art education. Findings showed that there were significant relationships between teacher self-efficacy and burnout. Also, significant differences were found between genders and branches in terms of burnout and teacher self-efficacy. Indices of structural equation modelling indicated that domains of burnout were strongly predicted by self-efficacy. Findings highlight the importance of self-efficacy beliefs in special education staff’s level of emotional involvement, sense of accomplishment and engagement.  相似文献   

This paper begins the exploration of disruption as an analytical construct that allows for the investigation of how individual learning and changes in local practice mutually influence the other within a purposefully designed learning context. We seek to describe the types of learning experiences that emerged using disruptive pedagogies and tools within a series of methods courses in an undergraduate elementary teacher education program. The intent of the designed context was to disrupt the traditional practices of teacher education courses by creating a participatory environment where students participated in the creation of course content through their engagement with social media and each other. We define disruption as an innovation that requires students to challenge or change their epistemologies and participation in their learning. This paper addresses a designed disruption that was created in the context of an elementary methods course. The results demonstrated diverse consequences for participants, their activity, and our understanding of their learning. These findings provide a starting point for examining the implications of disruptive practices within pre-service teacher education programs.  相似文献   

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