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Elicitation is a communicative act to request information during a dialogue, which reflects the questioner’s problems at hand, perplexity, interests, or perhaps internal concerns, either voluntarily or unintentionally. A patron with an information need or a problem at hand approaches the retrieval system to ask their first question. However, many more communicative acts requesting information occur during the retrieval interaction. Elicitation during retrieval interaction, as distinct from the patron’s first search question, is termed micro-level information seeking (MLIS). What features does MLIS possess? And is MLIS predictable? These are salient research issues because if a patron’s MLIS is explainable and predictable, it is advantageous for the intermediary, be it human or an intelligent agent, to form a dynamic user model by taking the patron’s MLIS into account to provide better information retrieval support. This study explores the following research questions: (1) What are the purposes of patron elicitations? (2) When does the patron’s elicitation tend to occur? (3) Do patron elicitations differ from intermediary elicitations in terms of frequency of occurrence and time frame? (4) Does patron elicitation behavior relate to contextual variables, such as gender, age, status, knowledge, prior online search experience, individual intermediaries interacted with, or length of interaction? Qualitative and quantitative approaches including discourse analysis, content analysis and statistical analysis are applied. The major research findings include: (1) patrons’ and intermediaries’ elicitation behaviors differ in terms of frequency and time frame, supporting the prior assumption that intermediary elicitation is pre-planned and patron elicitation is situational; (2) patron’s perplexity is situational, being in most cases “search-assignment related”; and (3) patrons’ elicitation behavior is significantly related to their contextual variables. The study suggests dynamic user modeling to take account of the patron’s MLIS.  相似文献   

We have just passed the fifth Anniversary of the publication of the Science Council of Canada's first best-seller — its Report No. 4: Towards a National Science Policy for Canada. When it appeared in October 1968, this report created quite a stir. It was the first definitive examination and evaluation of science-policy problems in this country. It helped to establish Canada as one of the countries anxious to improve the effectiveness of domestic scientific and technical activities under the leadership of the senior government. And it added lustre to the Council's own growing reputation.What has happened in the science-policy field in this country since the publication of Report No. 4? What has happened to the philosophy and recommendations set out in the report? What has the Science Council been doing since 1968? These are questions that will be discussed in this article.  相似文献   

相关是情报学的核心概念。从Mooers等的相关定义开始,从历史的发展过程讨论了Vickery的相关定义、主题相关、逻辑相关、情境相关和认知相关,指出这些相关定义一方面丰富了相关本身的研究内涵,另一方面也为情报学的深入发展指明了前进方向。  相似文献   

Current awareness services are designed to keep users informed about recent developments based around user need profiles. In organisational settings, they may operate through both electronic and social interactions aimed at delivering information that is relevant, pertinent and current. Understanding these interactions can reveal the tensions in current awareness dissemination and help inform ways of making services more effective and efficient. We report an in-depth, observational study of electronic current awareness use within a large London law firm. The study found that selection, re-aggregation and forwarding of information by multiple actors gives rise to a complex sociotechnical distribution network. Knowledge management staff act as a layer of “intelligent filters” sensitive to complex, local information needs; their distribution decisions address multiple situational relevance factors in a situation fraught with information overload and restrictive time-pressures. Their decisions aim to optimise conflicting constraints of recall, precision and information quantity. Critical to this is the use of dynamic profile updates which propagate back through the network through formal and informal social interactions. This supports changes to situational relevance judgements and so allows the network to ‘self-tune’. These findings lead to design requirements, including that systems should support rapid assessment of information items against an individual’s interests; that it should be possible to organise information for different subsequent uses; and that there should be back-propagation from information consumers to providers, to tune the understanding of their information needs.  相似文献   

网络隐私顾虑被认为是阻碍用户披露个人信息的重要影响因素并越来越受到学术界的重视。鉴于隐私是与情境相联系的多维、动态的概念,情境的变化会影响用户对隐私的理解,本文结合现实背景提出了电子商务环境下网络隐私顾虑的理论概念,在以往研究的基础上确定了网络隐私顾虑的构成维度,开发出初始的测量指标,然后通过3套独立的样本数据进行探索式因子分析、验证式因子分析和关联效度分析。结果表明量表具有良好的信度和效度,网络隐私顾虑由控制、收集、二次使用、错误、不当访问与补救5个维度和19个题项构成。  相似文献   


Does cruel behavior towards robots lead to vice, whereas kind behavior does not lead to virtue? This paper presents a critical response to Sparrow’s argument that there is an asymmetry in the way we (should) think about virtue and robots. It discusses how much we should praise virtue as opposed to vice, how virtue relates to practical knowledge and wisdom, how much illusion is needed for it to be a barrier to virtue, the relation between virtue and consequences, the moral relevance of the reality requirement and the different ways one can deal with it, the risk of anthropocentric bias in this discussion, and the underlying epistemological assumptions and political questions. This response is not only relevant to Sparrow’s argument or to robot ethics but also touches upon central issues in virtue ethics.


朱春艳  华薇娜 《现代情报》2015,35(1):54-60,90
十年积淀,大浪淘沙.从图书情报视角来看,Web2.0十年间经过怎样的发展和演进?为我国图书情报领域留下了什么?对图书情报学科的发展产生了哪些影响?文章采用因子分析、聚类分析及多维尺度分析等多元统计分析方法[1-2],挖掘了国内图书情报学视角下Web2.0研究现状,并以高频关键词的共词矩阵为基础,初步绘制了十年来Web2.0研究热点演进趋势的知识图谱,得出其主要研究领域是图书馆领域、信息服务领域、信息交流与社会网络、知识管理和用户行为等.  相似文献   

Rocchio relevance feedback and latent semantic indexing (LSI) are well-known extensions of the vector space model for information retrieval (IR). This paper analyzes the statistical relationship between these extensions. The analysis focuses on each method’s basis in least-squares optimization. Noting that LSI and Rocchio relevance feedback both alter the vector space model in a way that is in some sense least-squares optimal, we ask: what is the relationship between LSI’s and Rocchio’s notions of optimality? What does this relationship imply for IR? Using an analytical approach, we argue that Rocchio relevance feedback is optimal if we understand retrieval as a simplified classification problem. On the other hand, LSI’s motivation comes to the fore if we understand it as a biased regression technique, where projection onto a low-dimensional orthogonal subspace of the documents reduces model variance.  相似文献   

The Getty Online Searching Project studied the end-user searching behavior of 27 humanities scholars over a 2-year period. Surprising results were that a number of scholars anticipated—and found—that they were already familiar with a very high percentage of the records their searches retrieved. Previous familiarity with documents has been mentioned in discussion of relevance and information retrieval (IR) theory, but it has generally not been considered a significant factor. However, these experiences indicate that high document familiarity can be a significant factor in searching. Some implications are drawn regarding the impact of high document familiarity on relevance and IR theory. Finally, some speculations are made regarding high document familiarity and Bradford's Law.  相似文献   

Refugee experience of resettlement into a third country is problematised by posing the question, what happens when an established information landscape fractures? Themes of disjuncture, intensification and liminality that have emerged from the author's research are described, using social theories as the analytical lens to shape the contours of fracture. Two other questions are posed How is digital space implicated in rebuilding information landscapes that have become fractured? and; What is the role of technology in enabling or constraining the conditions for remaking place?  相似文献   

It is traditionally assumed that requirements specification, as a product of requirements engineering, has a high impact on the ensuing software development stages. Therefore, the knowledge management used to construct the requirements specification should be performed in a structured manner to discover, analyze and understand the data–information–knowledge chain, both tacit and explicit, that the interested parties possess. In this article, the results of a literature review are presented, seeking to answer the following questions: (1) What is the meaning of knowledge in requirements engineering? (2) What approaches are proposed to manage knowledge in requirements engineering? (3) Can the efficiency and the efficacy of knowledge management models be evidenced in requirements engineering? Thirty-six works were chosen for analysis out of a total 83 found in our search. The analysis showed that (1) knowledge has a central significance at this stage, but the authors have yet to agree on the best methods to impart and apply that knowledge; (2) no general framework has emerged as a validated approach to manage knowledge for requirements engineering; and (3) the evaluation marks for model efficiency and efficacy are low, consisting mostly of personal interpretations.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is an important idea in information-retrieval (IR) research, but the concept has yet to be fully elaborated and explored. Common assumptions about uncertainty are (a) that it is a negative (anxiety-producing) state and (b) that it will be reduced through information search and retrieval. Research in the domain of uncertainty in illness, however, has demonstrated that uncertainty is a complex phenomenon that shares a complicated relationship with information. Past research on people living with HIV and individuals who have tested positive for genetic risk for different illnesses has revealed that information and the reduction of uncertainty can, in fact, produce anxiety, and that maintaining uncertainty can be associated with optimism and hope. We review the theory of communication and uncertainty management and offer nine principles based on that theoretical work that can be used to influence IR system design. The principles reflect a view of uncertainty as a multi-faceted and dynamic experience, one subject to ongoing appraisal and management efforts that include interaction with and use of information in a variety of forms.  相似文献   

Task-based evaluation of text summarization using Relevance Prediction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article introduces a new task-based evaluation measure called Relevance Prediction that is a more intuitive measure of an individual’s performance on a real-world task than interannotator agreement. Relevance Prediction parallels what a user does in the real world task of browsing a set of documents using standard search tools, i.e., the user judges relevance based on a short summary and then that same user—not an independent user—decides whether to open (and judge) the corresponding document. This measure is shown to be a more reliable measure of task performance than LDC Agreement, a current gold-standard based measure used in the summarization evaluation community. Our goal is to provide a stable framework within which developers of new automatic measures may make stronger statistical statements about the effectiveness of their measures in predicting summary usefulness. We demonstrate—as a proof-of-concept methodology for automatic metric developers—that a current automatic evaluation measure has a better correlation with Relevance Prediction than with LDC Agreement and that the significance level for detected differences is higher for the former than for the latter.  相似文献   

李健  潘镇  陈景仁 《科研管理》2018,39(6):122-130
在制造业企业创新驱动时代背景下,本文基于组织行为理论,探索了制造业企业期望绩效反馈效果对企业技术创新效果的影响,并在此基础上结合公司发展理论和产品市场理论探讨了公司发展方式与产品市场竞争的情境效应以及二者的联合情境效应。以制造业A股2001-2014年的面板数据对理论假设进行检验,结果显示:企业期望绩效反馈效果对企业技术创新效果产生正向影响;相比于外延型的发展方式而言,企业选择内涵型的发展方式更有利于推动企业的技术创新活动;而产品市场竞争在一定程度上也能够增强这种正向影响;最后,公司内涵型发展方式与产品市场竞争的联合情境效应对企业技术创新效果同样具有正向的调节作用。  相似文献   

When accessing an information retrieval system, it has long been said that undergraduates who are in an exploratory stage of researching their essay topic should use a high recall search strategy; what prevents them from doing so is the information overload factor associated with showing the undergraduate a long list of citations. One method of overcoming information overload is summarizing and visualizing the citation list. This paper examines five summarization and visualization schemes for presenting information retrieval (IR) citation output, then discusses whether these schemes are appropriate for undergraduates and other domain novice users. We ask and answer four questions: (1) What is the message these schemes try to communicate and (2) is this message appropriate for domain novice users like undergraduates? (3) How do these schemes communicate their message and (4) is how they communicate the message appropriate for a domain novice? We conclude that (i) the most appropriate message for information space visualizations for domain novice users is associative thinking, and (ii) the message should be communicated with a standardized look that remains relatively constant over time so that the shape and form of the visualization can become familiar and thus useful to students as they navigate their way through the information space produced by a high recall search strategy.  相似文献   

Don Lamberton’s research interests were broad. They centred on information and innovation, those elusive drivers of growth and change in the economy, as well as life. Information and innovation require some degree of receptiveness – openness – and Don was always open. His openness permitted me to become his student, as a mid-career practitioner in the film industry. It was, in a sense, his principal teaching. Under his tutelage, I began a reading program that led me a long way from my starting point, and taught me to question views that had seemed settled. Openness, of course, is a fundamental issue in information policy. To what extent should information be proprietary? And when should it be free? These questions were central to my research, which was about copyright and its consequences for authors. The policy tensions in copyright turn exactly on this question of degree of openness. As I studied the question, Don’s example came to matter. I mean the way he personally modelled scholarship: his willingness to listen, his constant sifting, his mode of freely sharing books, data and connections. This was scholarship as openness, and it was persuasive.  相似文献   

With the noted popularity of social networking sites, people increasingly rely on these social networks to address their information needs. Although social question and answering is potentially an important venue seeking information online, it, unfortunately, suffers from a problem of low response rate, with the majority of questions receiving no response. To understand why the response rate of social question and answering is low and hopefully to increase it in the future, this research analyzes extrinsic factors that may influence the response probability of questions posted on Sina Weibo. We propose 17 influential factors from 2 different perspectives: the content of the question, and the characteristics of the questioner. We also train a prediction model to forecast a question's likelihood of being responded based on the proposed features We test our predictive model on more than 60,000 real-world questions posted on Weibo, which generate more than 600,000 responses. Findings show that a Weibo's question answerability is primarily contingent on the questioner versus the question. Our findings indicate that using appreciation emojis can increase a question's response probability, whereas the use of hashtags negatively influences the chances of receiving answers. Our contribution is in providing insights for the design and development of future social question and answering tools, as well as for enhancing social network users’ collaboration in supporting social information seeking activities.  相似文献   

The heydays of the central R&D laboratory as the ‘dominant design’ of corporate R&D in large technology-intensive companies is over. The last decades have witnessed not only downsizing of central R&D, but also ongoing experimentation and restructuring of the modes of managing corporate R&D. What is the logic behind these ongoing restructurings? The paper argues that different kinds of organizational incongruities constitute critical sources of change in the organization of R&D. The paper seeks to align a contingency and an evolutionary perspective in analyzing two Danish technology-intensive companies characterized by highly different organizational trajectories.  相似文献   

This paper examines the existing literature on new technology-based firms in an attempt to understand how such companies contribute to the vitality of an economy and to see which variables are critical in enabling them to do so. From recent research efforts, we have drawn together a set of hypotheses and organized them around four central questions: (1) What do new firms contribute to the economy? (2) What factors contribute to the success of such enterprises? (3) In what cultural contexts do new businesses succeed? and (4) Which government policies are effective in stimulating and supporting new companies? We found that existing studies suggest (1) that new technology-based firms contribute significantly to an economy in terms of exports, employment, taxes paid, research and development, and innovations; (2) that the founders of these new businesses tend to have a strong entrepreneurial heritage, a development- rather research-oriented background, and a high need to achieve and are young and highly educated; (3) that sector differences may be a more important influence on company location than are regional policies; and (4) that no one government program has proven itself to be more than marginally successful in stimulating industrial innovation.  相似文献   

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