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地方志以档案为基础,是一种以记载区域性地情信息资料为核心的重要载体,具有独特历史文化学术价值。我国官修方志由来已久,尤其是明清两代,在中央和地方政府出台的一系列政令、法规的积极推动下,辽宁地区的官修方志事业取得了很大的成绩,充分证明依法治志是中国历代官修方志工作模式在新的社会环境中发展出来的更好实现形式,突出反映了地方志立法的重要性。  相似文献   

《中国地方志联合目录》收录现存历代湖北地方志336种,《中国古籍总目》略同。2012年出版的《湖北省历代旧方志目录》将这一数字改为514种,增补甚多。但稍加分析不难发现,该目录除了扩大收录范围,还有违体例收录了不少不当收之书。若将此类加以剔除,该目所收与《中国地方志联合目录》等出入不大。  相似文献   

进士登科录是研究古代科举制度及历史人物的重要原始文献。历代进士登科录是方志《进士题名》最直接的渊源之一,用《进士登科录》与之校勘,可发现方志中存在的一些错误。同时,方志对进士登科录也能起到一定的补充作用。二者优势互补,各有短长。我们在利用过程中应当扬长避短,各得其用。  相似文献   

<中国地方志联合目录>共收录1949年以前编修的历代地方志8200多种,是国内外收录最全的一部中国地方志综合性目录.自该书1985年1月出版10多年来,我们在整理研究旧方志和编纂社会主义新方志的过程中,陆续发现了<中国地方志联合目录>未收的山东省的旧方志30种.今条述于后,以供研究者使用和<联合目录>再版增补时参考.  相似文献   

齐心 《兰台世界》2011,(11):70-71
家谱是同宗共祖的血亲集团记载本族世系和相关事迹、反映本家族繁衍发展过程的历史图籍,其与正史、方志构成中华历史的三大柱石。本文对我国家谱的产生及其发展历史进行了概述,旨在挖掘家谱研究在历代及当前社会的意义。  相似文献   

徽州有着非常辉煌灿烂的文化,中国的三大地方学,指的就是徽学、藏学、敦煌学。徽州以传世文化典籍极为丰富而吸引着国内外学者,形成了一股国际性的"徽学"热。作者通过考订,对历代编纂徽州方志有据可查者进行了汇总。  相似文献   

家谱是同宗共祖的血亲集团记载本族世系和相关事迹、反映本家族繁衍发展过程的历史图籍,其与正史、方志构成中华历史的三大柱石.本文对我国家谱的产生及其发展历史进行了概述,旨在挖掘家谱研究在历代及当前社会的意义.  相似文献   

以嘉禾(嘉兴)地域为例,试探历代古籍和地方文献中有关竹枝词、棹歌体诗的史料价值:岁时风俗、民间艺术、船渔文化、稻作文化、传统农桑、历史陈迹、文化交流。可补方志所未备者。  相似文献   

《南阳历代郡守知府》出版本刊讯由李陈广、张晓刚、刘绍明编著的《南阳历代郡守知府》一书,近日由三秦出版社出版。河南南阳历史悠久,自古为冲要通衢之地,公元前272年秦昭王于此置南阳郡,其后或称郡,或称府;是郡地级政权所在地,号称大郡名府。该书约26万字,编者遍查正史、方志  相似文献   

广西临桂人胡德琳在山东为官二十余年,历任济阳、历城、济宁州、东昌府,在众多文人的帮助下,编纂了多部方志,刊刻了部分山东人著述,并积极采办山东遗书,为清代的山东文化建设做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

主要学术光盘数据库结构之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨海平 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(2):41-42,54
比较分析了我国几种主要学术光盘数据库的性能,如数据质量,数据内涵,用户界面,检索途径及策略,文献的输出格式等等,从中了解我国光盘数据库的现状及问题,并提出一些初步设想和建议。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):125-149
The current study was conducted to investigate the thoughts romantic partners had as they discussed a topic of conflict in their relationship. A modified version of protocol analysis was employed to access couples' cognitions. Specifically, partners voiced their thoughts aloud as they engaged in a computer-mediated interaction. The findings yielded associations between individuals' cognitions and their relational satisfaction as well as differences between the cognitions of men and women. Individuals' vocalized thoughts also were associated with their partner's satisfaction. The results provide an interesting portrayal of various associations between the way partners feel about their relationship and the unspoken thoughts they have during the course of interaction. Possible theoretical and methodological implications for the literature on couples' cognitions and relational satisfaction are discussed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):290-317
A model was constructed to test the argument that when the topic of the parents’ relationship is introduced in conversations between parents and ‘adolescents, adolescents from divorced families may be especially likely to feel caught between their parents due to a need for protection (of themselves, their parent, and their relationship), which should make them anxious (i.e., self-reported anxiety) and physiologically aroused (i.e., changes in skin conductance levels or SCL). When adolescents feel aroused, we argued that they should attempt to avoid talking about their parents’ relationship with their parent. Self-report and observational data, as well as physiological data, were collected from 112 parent-adolescents dyads. The results revealed that divorce predicted adolescents’ feelings of being caught, which influenced their need for protection. This need for protection, in turn, predicted adolescents’ self-reported anxiety and changes in SCL. Unlike what was hypothesized, SCL was not associated with adolescents’ avoidance tendencies. Nevertheless, self-reported anxiety was associated with adolescents’ self-reported topic avoidance. The implications of these results, and a new observational coding scheme for avoidance, are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对传统和新兴信息资源组织方法在Web2.0环境下的协作与融合问题,选择专家分类法、大众分类法和本体作为代表探寻三者的融合架构和演进策略。[方法/过程] 首先分析三者融合所处的阶段及主要瓶颈,再利用优劣互补的思想剖析三者融合的机理,进而以形式概念作为三者深度融合枢纽,搭建基于概念格的T-F-O融合框架。[结果/结论] 梳理了三者融合的方向和实现途径,并在动态发展的视角下探讨三者的环向演进策略。  相似文献   

The study sought to (1) investigate whether international students differ from domestic students in their information needs and barriers encountered, and (2) test the relative importance of students' domestic/international status against their gender and level of study. A survey was used to collect data from international and domestic undergraduate and graduate students in a US public university. The study collected 1259 responses. Regression analysis was used for analyzing the data. International and domestic students were found to be similar in their top-ranked needs (e.g., career information) and barriers (e.g., irrelevant and non-credible information). Compared to their gender and level of study, students' domestic/international status resulted in fewer significant differences in their needs and barriers. However, for the areas where domestic/international status was significant, its effect size was often prominent. Differences between domestic and international students are more notable in the barriers than in the information needs. Based on the findings, six propositions were developed. The implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):357-385
Family members create a social environment that varies in terms of the degree to which it evokes hurt. Two studies were conducted to examine the nature of hurtful family environments and to assess whether the association between people's experience of their family environment as hurtful and their perceptions of hurtful family interactions could be described by a sensitization or a habituation model. The results indicated that hurtful family environments are characterized by aggression, a lack of affection, neglect, and violence. Individuals’ views of their family environment as aggressive were negatively associated with their own verbal hostility and their self-esteem, but positively linked to their anxiety and to their tendency to see a family member's hurtful behavior as intentional. People's tendency to note their family displayed a lack of affection was positively linked to their own verbal hostility and negatively associated with their self-esteem. The findings also offered partial support for a habituation model: Those who said their family environment was characterized by a lack of affection rated hurtful family interactions as less emotionally painful than did others. Together, the results provide a rationale for examining the emotional contexts created by family members as well as the implications of those contexts for individuals and their family relationships.  相似文献   

While sitting in their comptoir (office), merchants in early modern Holland were able to manage their plantations in the West Indies or, nearby, their seigniories in the Netherlands because they could make use of records spanning space and time. The merchants knew that information was not only instrumental in running their own business, but was also effective on a larger scale in exercising knowledge, control, and power. The performative power of records—that they may make, and in fact do make a difference in status before and after—was used in the management at a distance. From the seventeenth century, women became involved in business. They got access to the office where records supported business outside the home, but as part of everyday life.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between self‐disclosure and perceived understanding in the sibling relationship. Participants (N = 227.) completed a questionnaire based on their communication with their siblings. Participants reported on their self‐disclosure(intentionality, amount, positiveness, depth, and honesty) and their feelings of being understood by their siblings. The results showed that self‐disclosure was positively related to perceived understanding. This was especially true for the relationship between honesty of self‐disclosure and perceived understanding. Analyses involving sex of the individuals in the sibling dyad showed several differences. For men, besides honesty, the only other significant results were intentionality of self‐disclosure for brothers communicating with their sisters and positiveness of self‐disclosure for brothers communicating with their brothers. In contrast, intentionality, amount, positiveness, and honesty of self‐disclosure were all significantly related for women communicating with their brothers and their sisters.  相似文献   

通过对拉扎勒斯的压力交互作用理论中“压力”一词的解读,对女性图书馆员面对来自社会、个人、职业发展、管理体制和自身知识水平等压力源进行了分析,提出女性馆员应从树立良好的人生观、价值观,构建和谐的人际关系。营造公平的氛国与环境以及关注馆员的心理需求,增加图书馆员培训机会,实行有计划岗位轮换制等方面进行调试,以减轻女性图书馆员的心理压力,提高工作效能。  相似文献   

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