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操作语义通过规定程序设计语言在抽象机器上的执行过程来描述程序设计语言的含义.本文通过实例,运用操作语义对程序设计语言中的while循环结构进行分析解读,帮助学生理解while循环的执行步骤和变量的变化过程,提高了教学效果.  相似文献   

为了克服自然语言表达形式的多样性和文本分类的粗略性,将潜在语义分析和谱聚类方法结合起来对语料库进行处理,构造一个语义空间,最终使用向量空间模型对文本进行相似性计算。实验证明,该方法可有效提高语义相似性计算的准确度。  相似文献   

为了对异质异构数据资源进行语义集成并提供统一的智能访问接口, 利用语义Web技术发布机器可理解的数据资源及其之间的关系, 以支持智能搜索等功能. 介绍了中医药智能搜索引擎TCMSearch, 该搜索引擎的核心为一个集成语义知识库, 该知识库利用领域本体来表示中医药领域的实例及其之间的关系. 首先, 针对普通文本, 系统采用了机器学习的方法对其进行语义标注; 对于关系型数据库数据, 则采用了语义映射的方法统一其语义信息. 然后, 系统为集成的数据资源构建了一个语义索引, 该索引采用本体语言RDF/OWL进行表示, 从而支持一些强大的推理功能, 如类层次关系推理和实例关系推理. 最后,通过利用该语义索引以及其支持的推理功能, 系统能够在集成知识库的基础上提供智能化搜索, 如关联搜索、语义图浏览以及实例推荐等新功能.  相似文献   

一种小波域K-Means遥感图像分类标注算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于合成孔径雷达图像(遥感)的相干斑噪声数据丰富,导致传统的遥感图像分割方法分割效果不佳,采用学习理论和神经网络改善图像处理性能。根据图像统计特征,采取神经网络语义提出一种高效的图像纹理特征分割方法。首先,利用K-means聚类提取遥感图像的纹理特征,然后根据遥感图像在小波域中的分布特征对其进行滤波,最后利用语义对滤波后的遥感图像纹理特征和灰度组成的矢量进行分割归类,在遥感图像分割中快速标注分类以便于视觉分析。利用区域一致性分割分类,由聚类样本特征匹配进行图像分类标注,对变化检测进行统计分析,过分割或欠分割误差聚类样本不做标注,选取最佳样本聚类k值标注分类结果。  相似文献   

针对建筑施工企业信用的实际情况构建信用评价指标体系,采用灰色聚类和二元语义相结合的方法评价建筑施工企业信用,利用灰色聚类处理定量数据并将其转化为二元语义形式,同时利用二元语义处理定性评价信息,并通过算例验证模型的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

文本相似度计算是文本分类、文本聚类、自动文摘、信息抽取的基础.文本相似度计算性能直接影响到文本分类、文本聚类、自动文摘的质量.另外文本相似度还应用于诸多自然语言处理任务中,本文对文本相似度计算问题进行了深入的研究,并根据自然语言的特点提出了通过比较两个文本关键语义对来计算文本的语义相似度.  相似文献   

随着SOA迅猛发展和互联网上服务数量俱增,服务发现成为极具挑战性的工作。传统的服务发现方法在语义稀疏情境下精准度不高,主要是缺乏有效信息对发现工作的支持,无法对服务进行准确的类别划分。针对此问题,提出一种基于BTM面向Web服务短文本描述的服务聚类方法S3C,该方法的主要思想是利用BTM在短文本聚类过程中使用Biterm(词对)优势对服务描述进行潜在特征表示,基于服务潜在特征使用Kmeans聚类方法进行服务聚类。BTM采用词对的主题建模方式,能够极大程度地扩展文本信息,解决短文本中的关键词稀疏问题。采用PWeb数据集进行大量对比实验可知,该方法与经典聚类方法相比,类簇的平均纯度提高30%,平均熵降低近50%。  相似文献   

使用语义非语义启动技术,研究语言学能对英语心理词汇表征影响,结果表明,在关于英语词汇属性判断任务中,语音编码能力、语言归纳能力、语法敏感性和机械记忆能力对词汇的心理表征不存在独立的影响,但是这些个体因素相互间通过词频和启动类型影响英语词汇的心理表征.语法敏感性和机械记忆能力对心理词汇的表征两种能力互相弥补,表现为低语法敏感性者得到高机械记忆能力弥补,低机械记忆能力得到高语法敏感性弥补,从而有利于心理词汇表征;低语法敏感性者偏好于语音类、语义类词汇心理表征,在对字形类词汇进行表征时,语法敏感性和语言归纳能力相互弥补;语法敏感性和语言归纳能力都低的学习者,偏好于语音类和语义类词汇的心理表征.  相似文献   

利用CNKI中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,以教育技术学专业为例,利用其中3465篇教育技术学硕士学位论文的6593个关键词为研究对象,对词频g指数和齐普夫第二定律选取的高频词进行共词聚类比较,基于词频g指数选取的关键词得到了良好的聚类结果,为以后共词聚类的关键词选取研究提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

语义成分是最小的意义单位,语义成分分析是当代语义学研究中的重要方法。本文对成分分析的程序进行了描述,并探讨了语义成分分析法在语言学及语义研究中的重要价值,同时也指出了该方法所具有的局限性。  相似文献   


A cluster randomized trial estimated the effects of a supplemental vocabulary program, Elements of Reading®: vocabulary on student vocabulary and passage comprehension in moderate- to high-poverty elementary schools. Forty-four schools participated over a period spanning 2 consecutive school years. At baseline, 1,057 teachers and 16,471 students from kindergarten, first, third, and fourth grade participated. The schools were randomly assigned to either the primary or intermediate grade treatment group. In each group, the nontreatment classrooms provided the control condition. Treatment classrooms used the intervention to supplement their core reading program, whereas control classrooms taught vocabulary business-as-usual. The intervention includes structured, weekly lesson plans for 6 to 8 literary words and aural/oral and written language activities providing multiple exposures and opportunity for use. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to estimate both proximal (Year 1) and distal (Year 2) effects on vocabulary and passage comprehension. The intervention had positive and statistically significant proximal effects but no statistically significant distal effects. The results indicate that the intervention can improve targeted vocabulary and local passage comprehension, but expecting global effects may be overly optimistic.  相似文献   

自然语言理解研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自然语言理解是人工智能最活跃的研究领域之一,机器自然语言理解的本质是在形式化的自然语言基础上,用形式化的逻辑工具和形式化的知识去输入文本进行释义和推理。如何提高计算机对自然语言的理解对人工智能的发展有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

Developing the ability to read is a complex process involving a variety of skills, including both basic language skills and language comprehension skills. Although a balanced reading program would include the development of basic language and comprehension skills, comprehension has often been overlooked in early reading instruction. In this article, we examine recent research findings on how comprehension skills develop in young children and discuss the implications of those findings for comprehension assessment and interventions.  相似文献   

汇编程序设计语言在数据表示和数据访问方面与所有高级程序设计语言相比有许多短处,而所有的汇编程序语言设计的教科书均是从汇编程序语言的角度讲述汇编程序语言的设计技术,本文从易懂的高级程序语言的角度对比分析汇编程序语言设计的问题。  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to develop and test the efficacy of a research-based early reading program that provided integrated reading instruction in kindergarten through 2nd grade. The Reading and Integrated Literacy Strategies (RAILS) program provided integrated instruction in word reading, vocabulary development, and comprehension to students in regular and self-contained special education classes in 2 schools serving low-income populations. Teachers provided explicit instruction in the alphabetic principle, phonemic analysis, word reading, vocabulary development, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. Classes were organized so students received 2 periods of reading instruction daily, a longer morning period of instruction and a shorter afternoon review of instruction. The students in the RAILS program had significantly higher performance on standardized reading and language achievement tests, as well as on individually administered tests of phonemic awareness and reading fluency. The implications for research-based instructional practice that integrates instruction in word reading, vocabulary, and comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and effects of a story-reading program (STaR) on the language and comprehension of disadvantaged prekindergarten and kindergarten students. The story-reading program was developed as a part of a school restructuring effort, Success for All. STaR contains materials (sequence cards, flannel board materials), and methods (retelling, dramatization) to facilitate the effective use of stones in classrooms. Individual students from a matched control school were matched with experimental students in the pro- gram assessment. The Merrill Language Screening Test and the TOLD were individually administered to 206 prekindergarten (43 matched pairs) and kindergarten students (60 matched pairs) to measure program effects on language. Positive effects for program ranged from .24 to 3.75.  相似文献   

讨论了汇编语言程序设计中有关模块化程序设计的实现方法,研究了在调用各子模块时入口参数的传递、子模块将结果回传以及子模块之间相互作为入口参数的调用问题,通过实例编程解决了结构化程序设计中的一个关键难题。  相似文献   

It is believed that language is an innate ability and, therefore, spoken language is acquired naturally and informally. In contrast, written language is thought to be an invention and, therefore, has to be learned through formal instruction. An alternate view, however, is that spoken language and written language are two forms of manifestations of the same inner language and that under certain circumstances, they both are acquired the same way. Nevertheless, in reality, the motor mechanisms for speech mature earlier than the ones needed for reading and writing, and, therefore, spoken language gains precedence and is acquired earlier than the written language. Based on this rationale, it is hypothesized that if the option to communicate through oral language is restricted, and children are made to communicate only through written language, we can expect written language skill to emerge with greater force. This hypothesis was put to test by conducting a pilot study in which children’s option to communicate with each other in the classroom was limited to written language for brief periods. One group of fourth graders were allowed to communicate with each other for half an hour a day, 4 days a week, for a period of one semester only through written language. No talking was allowed during this period. A comparison group of children were not restricted in this way. We labeled this project “Drop Everything and Write” (DEAW). Both the groups were administered pre- and post-tests of reading and spelling. After one semester of this program, children in the DEAW program achieved significantly higher scores on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and spelling than the comparison group. The DEAW group also improved greatly in written language use. The results are interpreted to support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to create a middle school literacy program that was more responsive to the needs and abilities of early adolescents in urban middle schools. The program components included: (a) cooperative learning classroom processes; (b) a literature anthology for high interest reading material; (c) explicit instruction in reading comprehension; (e) integrated reading, writing, and language arts instruction; and (f) a writing process approach to language arts. The study was conducted in 5 schools in a large urban school district, 2 implementing Student Team Reading and Writing (STRW) and 3 comparison schools. The results indicated that the students in STRW had significantly higher achievement in reading vocabulary, reading comprehension, and language expression. The results suggest that a multifaceted approach to restructuring can effectively improve the achievement of students in urban middle schools.  相似文献   

逻辑和语言的研究分为句法、语义和语用几个领域。在语义领域,其主要理论有蒙太格语法、广义量词理论、话语表述理论、情境语义学和类型逻辑语法。这些理论自上世纪下半叶诞生起就呈现出逻辑和语言研究的交叉互动:尽管在形式语义学框架内逻辑始终强势影响着自然语言的研究,但自然语言的丰富性通过形式语义学的研究也一直作用于逻辑工具的创新。  相似文献   

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