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王晓军  李捷 《体育科研》2009,30(1):89-91
了解不同水平射击运动员的脑电α波特点,为射击运动员的科学选材和训练控制提供一定的参考依据。方法:采用高级运动训练状态监控仪采集、分析了19名国家射击队运动员和19名广东省射击运动员不同训练阶段的152个样本的脑电α波信号。结果:不同水平射击运动员的脑α波类型无显著性差异,但高水平运动员表现出了较高的协同趋势和稳定度;不同水平运动员的熵值及脑α波各类型主频熵值均无显著性差异,但奥运冠军与国家队、广东省队协同稳定度高的被试的熵值存在显著性差异。 国家队认知型和优化型运动员的脑电α波主频与熵值呈显著性负相关。结论:不同水平射击队员的脑电α类型仿向认知型,认识型可作为射击运动员选材的参考指标;高水平射击运动员的训练适应状态和竞技水平的稳定程度均优于低水平运动员;熵值可作为监控优秀射击运动员训练适应状态的参考指标。  相似文献   

目的:研究在同一比赛情况下不同运动水平射击运动员脑α波各阶段熵值、中枢疲劳指数、中枢紧张度等相应的变化规律。方法:采用高级训练状态监控仪,对不同运动水平射击运动员脑α波各阶段熵值、中枢疲劳指数及中枢紧张度进行比较研究。结果:(1)熵值是反映射击运动员竞技能力状态的一个重要指标,它是一个动态的变化过程,运动水平更高的健将级运动员熵值更为稳定,不同运动水平运动员均值不存在差异性;(2)不同级别射击运动员中枢疲劳指数准备阶段、赛前阶段、赛后阶段呈现递增的趋势;(3)运动水平较低运动员赛前阶段中枢紧张度最高。  相似文献   

优秀射箭运动员大赛前脑机能特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对3场国际比赛前射箭运动员脑电监测结果的对比分析,发现国家射箭队运动员表象和过度换气状态时具有良好的适应力和调节能力。专项训练对运动员大脑的刺激有特异性。射箭项目运动员最佳竞技状态脑电功率谱比值低于射击,而α波抑制程度高于射击运动员,说明在诊断运动员竞技状态时要科学地借鉴其他项目的评价标准,但不可盲目使用。射箭运动员赛前脑机能的水平对射箭比赛成绩有一定影响,但存在个体差异。一味提高射箭运动员赛前α波抑制程度、功率谱比值并不能有效地提高比赛成绩。应加强每一个运动员临界水平的监测,科学确定每一个运动员的临界值,特别是老运动员应在训练中区别对待。在奥运会上射出660环以上成绩的优秀运动员表象状态时心理能量基本趋于稳定、动作协调、时间空间感觉均衡、注意力集中。赛前脑电指标值可作为她们(国家射箭女队重点运动员)备战北京奥运会的评定标准,也可作为其他运动员的赛前参考值。  相似文献   

射击运动员情绪对比赛的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究分析了情绪对射击运动员成绩的影响,以及在射击比赛中的最佳情绪状态,指出如何克服不良情绪状态等心理方面的问题,从而提高运动员心理调控水平和训练手段.  相似文献   

本课题是用《DSG—6动作神经过程测试仪》来研究优秀射手的几项心理素质,目的是制定《DSG—6仪》的射击选材标准,为射击运动员的心理选材提供依据。因为对射击运动员心理素质和选材的心理研究在我国刚刚起步,用仪器进行心理选材至今仍是空白。多年来,直观选材的局限性,使教练员深感借助仪器选材的重要性。因此,不少射出队已经购置了《DSG—6仪》。这样,制定该仪器的选材标准的课题就迫切地提到日程上来了。研究的对象国家队、各省市优秀运动队业余体校15岁以上的射手为研究对象,共298名。其中包括许  相似文献   

1、射击运动员的心理调控 射击运动员最佳竞技状态的调控,是一个多因素的有机的系统,就其调控的方法、手段而论,必须根据运动员的不同个性特征、不同的心理反应、制订出长期的、系统的心理训练计划,结合赛前的任务、对象开展短期的心理训练,使运动员学会控制和调节自己的心理状态.提高大脑对内脏器官活动和思维过程的调节支配能力。加强情绪的稳定性,尤其是要加强运动员在比赛前过程中的自我控制能力。  相似文献   

以24名气手枪运动员无负荷安静状态与有负荷实弹射击状态之间特定脑区脑电复杂度参数为研究对象,将2种状态下以及优劣成绩环值下 运动员顶、枕区大脑生理状态出现的差异进行对比研究,探讨优秀气手枪运动员负荷状态下作为躯体感觉中枢与视觉中枢的大脑顶、枕区机能变化 特点。研究表明:(1)气手枪运动员特定脑区脑电复杂度在不同状态下并不存在性别差异,而长期的专项训练使得高水平运动员大脑中枢神经已产 生一定的适应性,对视觉的依赖性少于普通运动员;(2)不同运动等级运动员在射击过程中的瞄准击发阶段与两弹间歇阶段顶枕区脑电复杂度变化 趋势是不同的,这有可能与运动员的训练水平以及对外界刺激的抗干扰能力相关;(3)在实弹射击环境下,气手枪运动员高环值与远弹之间特定脑 区脑电复杂度存在显著差异,这种差异的存在一方面是由于视觉信息加工参与产生的负向作用,另一方面也说明,运动员大脑顶区(手指在大脑皮 层的投射区)的脑电复杂度在击发阶段显著降低与射击成绩的好坏具有一定程度的关联。  相似文献   

韦飞智 《体育科技》2012,33(1):76-79
情绪是心态的核心,积极的情绪是稳定心态、控制射击过程稳定的前提。射击运动是一项技术心理能力要求极高,受情绪因素影响较大的运动项目,时下,在体育竞赛异常激烈,关于情绪控制的较量已成为射击运动员竞赛的重要制胜因素,是射手比赛发挥技术创造优异成绩的关键。强化对运动员的情绪调控,努力提高他们适应环境的能力,培养良好的心理品质,对提高运动员的情绪控制能力具有重要意义。对射击运动员情绪调控的重要性进行分析研究,旨在为射击运动员及教练员日后的训练和比赛提供指导。  相似文献   

射击作为技心能为主的项目,在基本技术动作过硬的基础上,十分要求心理状态的稳定性,尤其是在新规则的实施后,更短的竞赛时间,特别是决赛阶段,可以说不允许队员有丝毫的精力分散。但是,作为"单兵作战"的运动项目,因赛程长、弹数多、发与发(或组与组)之间存在时间间隔,总会因为运动员的认知和情绪的变化波及后续比赛行为进而影响成绩的发挥。为了解决这一问题,射击运动员的心理技能训练被提上了日程。主要从有关射击运动员核心心理技能,即注意力控制训练出发,并始终贯穿心理咨询工作,探讨心理技能训练对射击运动员的作用与影响,结果显示通过一定的心理干预在一定程度上提高了射击运动员的竞技能力。  相似文献   

射击运动员赛前焦虑的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究的目的在于调查31名射击运动员赛前焦虑与性别、状态自信心及运动技能水平之间的关系。所有的被试要求在比赛前测试竞赛状态焦虑量表(简称CSAI-2)。结果表明,比赛发挥好的运动员表现出最低的认知状态焦虑、躯体状态焦虑和最高的状态自信心;状态自信心是区分优秀射击运动员与一般射击运动员的良好指标,性别影响着运动员赛前的躯体状态焦虑,射击运动员的最好成绩与高自信心和低焦虑水平相联系。  相似文献   

训练实践中,主要采用“技术投”、“心理投”、“意识投”的方法。比赛效果显示,上述训练方法能使男篮运动员较快地成为优秀远投手。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、实践法,结合笔者长期在一线射击训练的教学经验,提出了青少年手枪慢射的击发动作训练的目的、要点、具体方法等,并结合训练实践进行了效果验证。结果表明,青少年有其自身的特点,针对青少年慢射射手的特点进行重点击发动作训练可以切实地提高射手的运动成绩。  相似文献   

射击是一项对精确性和稳定性要求很高的运动项目,稳定性对于射击运动员而言具有特殊的重要意义,通常稳定性包括两个方面:生理稳定性和心理稳定性。在查阅文献的基础上,从生理和心理两方面分析射击运动项目的稳定性,提出了一些提高稳定性的训练方法。并对与稳定性相关的射击运动专项选材也进行了简单的探讨。  相似文献   

射击运动员肤纹特征及计算机选材模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对626名不同项目、不同等级射击运动员肤纹特征的比较研究,揭示了不同项目优秀射击运动员的肤纹特征,并首次发现掌中褶指标与射击运动员的竞技能力关系密切,同时还根据差别函数建立了射击运动员肤纹选材的计算机模型。  相似文献   


In this study we examined the timing of optical information pick-up in basketball jump shooting using an intermittent viewing technique. We expected shooters to prefer to look at the basket as late as possible under the shooting style used. Seven experts with a high shooting style and five experts with a low shooting style took 50 jump shots while wearing liquid-crystal glasses that opened and closed at pre-set intervals. In principle, under this constraint, the participants could control when they saw the basket by actively modulating the timing of their movements. Analyses of the phasing of the movements relative to the events defined on the glasses revealed that low-style shooters preferred to see the basket just before the ball passed their line of sight, whereas high-style shooters tended to view the basket from underneath the ball after it passed their line of sight. Thus, most shooters preferred to pick up optical information as late as possible given the adopted shooting style. We conclude that, in dynamic far aiming tasks such as basketball jump shooting, late pick-up of optical information is critical for the successful guidance of movements.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the timing of optical information pick-up in basketball jump shooting using an intermittent viewing technique. We expected shooters to prefer to look at the basket as late as possible under the shooting style used. Seven experts with a high shooting style and five experts with a low shooting style took 50 jump shots while wearing liquid-crystal glasses that opened and closed at pre-set intervals. In principle, under this constraint, the participants could control when they saw the basket by actively modulating the timing of their movements. Analyses of the phasing of the movements relative to the events defined on the glasses revealed that low-style shooters preferred to see the basket just before the ball passed their line of sight, whereas high-style shooters tended to view the basket from underneath the ball after it passed their line of sight. Thus, most shooters preferred to pick up optical information as late as possible given the adopted shooting style. We conclude that, in dynamic far aiming tasks such as basketball jump shooting, late pick-up of optical information is critical for the successful guidance of movements.  相似文献   

论述了射击运动的特点和运动员心理训练的重要性,分析了技术、心理同步训练的必要性和可行性.并就同步训练的具体方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Despite the importance of the Combined Event to the modern pentathlon competition, little is known about performance in the event. This study aimed to (i) identify the key variables affecting Combined Event shooting performance, and the extent to which these corresponded with those identified for precision shooting and (ii) investigate the impact of changing shooting format, and whether more successful precision shooters were also more successful in the Combined Event. Seven modern pentathletes and three pistol shooters completed precision and Combined Event trials. An opto-electronic shooting system recorded score and pistol movements, whilst force platforms recorded centre of pressure movements 1 s prior to every shot. Intra-individual analysis revealed that the extent of associations between variables was participant-specific, highlighting the need for individual analysis of performance. No participants displayed matching associations between variables for precision and Combined Event shooting, emphasising the difference between performances in the two events. Both groups experienced significantly reduced scores, and increased pistol and body movements for Combined Event shooting (P < 0.05). Despite the pistol shooters’ greater precision shooting ability, no significant differences were evident between the groups’ Combined Event performances (P > 0.05). This implies that experience in one event does not guarantee success in the other, indicating the importance of event specific training.  相似文献   

Postural tremor and control of the upper limb in air pistol shooters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A postural tremor appears whenever someone attempts to maintain a steady position against gravity. We examined the postural tremor that occurred while air pistol shooters were taking aim so as to compare the coordinative control of the shooters and to identify the features critical to successful shooting. Ten elite and ten pre-elite athletes participated in pistol shooting at 10 m, and the postural tremors in the pistol and upper limb were recorded with lightweight accelerometers. Exploratory analysis showed that the elite shooters had smaller tremor amplitudes than the pre-elite shooters in the pistol and distal arm segments. Compared with the pre-elite shooters, the elite shooters had a smaller tremor amplitude in the lateral direction relative to that in the vertical direction, together with weaker tremor coupling in the lateral direction and stronger vertical coupling of the pistol-hand complex. The resulting shot performance was inversely related to the amplitude of the tremor and to the 8-12 Hz spectral peak of the lateral tremor in the pistol-hand complex. We conclude that the postural tremors of air pistol shooters are associated with the skill of the shooters, and that the elite shooters could optimize the control of the pistol-hand complex, which strongly determined success in shooting.  相似文献   

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