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当今社会,知识不断膨胀.交际日益频繁.英语的使用频率也越来越高。为此,英语学习者必须具备综合语言运用能力,其中英语阅读就显得尤为重要。要想提高阅读能力,就必须注重语言能力的培养和阅读技巧的掌握。十多年来,笔者一直致力于课堂教学改革的探索和实践。特别是在如何增强学生阅读理解方面作了有益的尝试,得到了一些经验和体会。  相似文献   

猜测生词词义是高考英语阅读理解中的一个重要考点,要想做好阅读理解猜测词义题,就必须要掌握一些猜词方法,具备一定的猜词能力。下面以2005 年高考试题为例,介绍几种行之有效的猜测生词词义的方法。  相似文献   

阅读能力是学习科学文化知识、掌握专业理论与技能的必要条件。如果读一篇文章,似懂非懂,抓不住要领,那就很难提高科学文化知识水平,要想掌握专业理论与技能,更是空谈。阅读能力同写作能力密切相关。阅读是写作的基础。这种基础越牢固、  相似文献   

阅读能够开阔眼界,增加知识,甚至改变人生。所以在初中语文的阅读教学过程当中,教师要着重培养学生的语文阅读素养和综合能力,这才是新课程改革的关键所在。要想提高学生的阅读能力,就要从基础知识抓起,并且要让学生掌握阅读理论。  相似文献   

阅读能力是学生应该具备的语文素养。在课堂教学中,教师要让学生动嘴读、动手画、动脑想、动手写,使学生领会课文语意、感悟课文意境、把握课文思想、掌握阅读的方法、形成阅读的习惯,从而有效提高学生的阅读能力。  相似文献   

阅读是学习英语的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阅读能力是最重要的语言交际能力,在当今的信息时代,阅读已成为人类获取知识的有效手段。阅读可以培养语感,扩展词汇量,促进英语写作。英语学习要想提高自身的阅读能力,首先要具备一定的英语国家化背景的相关知识,广泛阅读积累和存储词汇,培养正确有效的阅读方法,养成良好的阅读习惯。由此,阅读能力的提高将指日可待。  相似文献   

阅读理解是高中英语教学的重要组成部分。要提高阅读效率和学生的阅读能力,需要有针对性地让学生掌握一些阅读技巧,对学生进行系统的阅读训练,学生只有具备了扎实过硬的阅读基本功,才能更顺利地去开展阅读,从而提高自身的阅读能力。  相似文献   

黄威 《教师》2013,(19):68-70
2005年湖南省高考英语科目首次采用阅读填空题。阅读填空题属于主观题范畴,其目的就是要考查考生捕捉信息、组织信息和综合表达信息的能力。这种新题型对考生语言运用能力的要求有所提高。由于平常联系较少,考生也许不太适应,再加上一些跨学科知识的不足或是对科学表达法的不熟悉,要想拿高分也不太容易。一般来说高三学生已经具备了一定的阅读理解能力,获得直接信息的能力也不会太差,但如果想要拿高分的话则需要掌握一定的答题技巧。  相似文献   

作为一名英语学习者,必须具备较强的阅读能力,才能在短时间内获取大量的信息,并对其进行筛选。要具备较强的英语阅读能力,必须掌握一定的阅读技巧,以此来提高阅读速度和阅读效率。作者在本文简要地介绍一些快速阅读技巧,指出影响快速阅读的障碍。  相似文献   

阅读是获得语言知识的重要途径,掌握英语的阅读能力是学习者必须具备的基本技能,提高学生的英语阅读能力重在语言知识和文化背景的学习.  相似文献   

Children learning English as an additional language (EAL) often experience difficulties with reading comprehension relative to their monolingual peers. While low levels of vocabulary appear to be one factor underlying these difficulties, other factors such as a relative lack of appropriate background knowledge may also contribute. Sixteen children learning EAL and 16 of their monolingual peers, matched for word reading accuracy, were assessed using a standard measure of reading comprehension and an experimental measure of reading comprehension for which relevant background knowledge was taught before assessing understanding. Tests of receptive and expressive vocabulary were also completed. Results confirmed lower levels of reading comprehension for children learning EAL for both standard and ‘background’ controlled measures. Analysis of comprehension by question type on the experimental measure showed that while both groups made use of taught knowledge to answer inferential questions, children learning EAL had specific difficulties with both literal questions and questions requiring the interpretation of a simile. It is suggested that relevant background information should be used to facilitate children's text comprehension. Furthermore, several factors, especially vocabulary differences, but also text search strategies, context use and comprehension monitoring skills, may contribute to the comprehension difficulties experienced by children learning EAL.  相似文献   

通过调查分析发现,影响大学英语四级考试选词填空阅读理解有多种因素。其中词汇知识和语法知识是两大重要因素,语篇知识、母语负迁移、阅读理解监控能力与情感因素也在不同程度上制约着学生对篇章的理解程度。  相似文献   

The present study investigated proximal and distal predictors of reading comprehension by including latent factors such as alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, semantic knowledge, word reading, oral reading fluency, and reading comprehension. The sample consisted of 79 five-year-old Korean-monolingual children who were assessed at the end of the school year. The results showed that alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and semantic knowledge latent variables were all positively and highly related to word-reading skills, but phonological awareness made a unique contribution above and beyond alphabet knowledge and semantic knowledge. Word reading was highly related to oral reading fluency and directly related to reading comprehension. Oral reading fluency, although a separate construct from word reading accuracy, was not uniquely related to reading comprehension after accounting for the effects of word reading and semantic knowledge. Semantic knowledge was fairly strongly and uniquely related to reading comprehension.  相似文献   

Although research on reading and comprehension indicates that subjects’ prior knowledge plays an important role in learning new information from text, several methodological (as the diversity of methods to consider subjects’ prior knowledge) and theoretical (as lack of model of knowledge representation) difficulties make hard to understand the outcomes of the studies in this area. Some researches show that prior knowledge have no effect on reading comprehension. However, most of the studies show that prior knowledge have impact on reading performances. If they can act to distord text, interfering with new information to align it with reader’s previous ideas, they have also positive impact. Often, a modification of reading time is observed when subjects have high knowledge about the topic of the text. We think that these results suggest that prior knowledge can facilitate the reader’s knowledge base activation, his inference activity and his perceptions of the importance of information. To have a complete portrait about this question, we have to examine the relationships between prior knowledge and some other related subjects as, other kinds of knowledge, text- and other reader-based factors, etc.  相似文献   

阅读是学生获取信息的重要手段,阅读理解能力是英语综合运用能力的重要方面。教学中可以从抓好词汇教学,运用语法知识,介绍背景知识,运用阅读技巧等方面培养和提高学生的阅读能力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate which cognitive and reading-related linguistic skills contribute to reading comprehension of narrative and expository texts. The study examined an Israeli national database of Hebrew-speaking readers in fourth grade, from which a subsample of 190 readers with a reading disability (RD) and 190 readers with no reading disability (NRD) was selected. IQ, text reading, reading comprehension, and various linguistic and cognitive skills were assessed. Structural equation modeling results suggested that both groups rely on lower level processes such as text reading accuracy and orthographic knowledge for reading comprehension of both genres. However, RD readers depend more heavily upon these lower level processes compared with NRD for whom higher level processes contribute more to reading comprehension. The various variables accounted for only 25-34% of reading comprehension variance, and possible explanations are discussed. Taken together, these findings highlight the variety of factors influencing reading comprehension and its multidimensional nature.  相似文献   

阅读理解是一个复杂的心理过程。影响理解的因素涉及到读者的知识经验和阅读技巧,这是一个包括词义、语境、生成语义,文章意义建模和图表化等一系列认知成分在内的加工过程。本文从阅读的心理过程模式分析读者与英语阅读文字之间的相互作用和相互交流,提出阅读者的背景知识对阅读文章的理解具有正确的引导作用,并且通过阅读文字给读者清晰的词义提示。  相似文献   

成功的英语阅读理解依赖于词汇、语法和句义这3个要素,其中词汇是最重要,也是最基本的要素。阅读理解的速度以及正确率都与词汇的多少有关。如何处理好阅读中困扰读者的生词便成了阅读理解的关键。掌握同住猜词、定义猜词、重述猜词、一般常识猜词、相关信息猜词、对比猜词、示例猜词、比喻猜词、标点符号猜词、词形分析猜词等10种技巧可有效地提高读者的阅读和理解水平。  相似文献   

There are few research studies on the effects of teaching comprehension strategies to young children in the primary grades. Using a Dominant–Less Dominant Mixed Model design employing both qualitative and quantitative data collection, we evaluated two approaches for teaching comprehension strategies to 7- and 8-year-old children in four second-grade classrooms using science information texts. The first approach focused upon explicitly teaching a series of single comprehension strategies, one-at-a-time (SSI). The second approach focused on teaching a “set” or “family” of transacted comprehension strategies within a collaborative, interactive and engaging routine (TSI). Results showed no difference between teaching young children a “set” of comprehension strategies and teaching comprehension strategies explicitly, one-at-a-time on their reading comprehension performance as measured by a standardized test of reading comprehension, recall of main ideas from reading two 200 word passages from information texts, a reading motivation survey and a strategy use survey. Results showed significant differences between students taught a set of comprehension strategies on measures of elaborated knowledge acquisition from reading science books (detail idea units recalled), retention of science content knowledge, and significantly improved criterion or curriculum-based reading comprehension test scores. These benefits favoring TSI over SSI are important because the learning curve is relatively steep for teachers to develop the ability to teach and for young children to develop the ability to coordinate a “set” of transacted comprehension strategies.  相似文献   

英语阅读教学模式决定了阅读的效率。本文从心理学的视角阐述了英语阅读理解过程的复杂性,对阅读理解的心理过程(包括初级感知阶段、句子结构分析与释义阶段、语篇理解阶段和信息存储与提取等阶段)进行了分析,指出阅读理解依赖于背景知识概念能力和处理策略的相互作用,并提出了基于心理语言学理论的新的大学英语阅读教学模式。  相似文献   

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