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"十一五"中学校长培训的背景分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“十一五”中学校长培训是在价值取向趋于理性、学校自主权扩大、校长专业化、培训市场化、培训精细化等背景下开展的培训。对这些背景的准确把捉,对于培训学校确定培训的目标、内容和方式至关重要。  相似文献   

“名校长”培养模式蕴含着区域校长培训的价值取向,决定了多指向的培养程序和基于团队与网络的多元实施策略,决定了培训的评估指向。同时,其存在的问题也促使校长培训在“十二五”期间沿着“选对人”“寻规律”“研方法”轨道进行深入的思考。  相似文献   

福建教育学院举办的“十一五”中学骨干校长培训班采用“实景教学”,是有效培训的新探索、新模式。它改变的不仅是培训的模式,更是改变了培训的行为方式和价值取向。实践证明,采用这种培训模式,能使参训校长的积极性更高、培训的针对性更强、理论与实践的联系更实、培训的课程资源更多、校长的思维方式更新。  相似文献   

校长培训模式体现了校长培训价值取向与操作方式相统一,具有层次性、多元性、可迁移性等不同于普通成人培训模式的特点。应在理清培训的价值取向的基础上,高度关注区域校长培训标准的制定与执行,通过建立分类分层教育管理课程体系,构建以系统思考为指向的培训模式。  相似文献   

在校长培训中,评估是必不可少的一个工作环节。为达成其促进培训价值的增值目的,组织校长培训评估工作必须以先行的评估研究为基础,而且,研究取向为研究之魂。从近年我国中小学校长培训评估工作的现状分析,培训评估研究取向对培训评估价值实现的影响主要表现在三方面:研究取向含混而随意,评估价值虚无;研究取向单一而极端,评估价值受损;清晰多元的研究取向有利于评估价值的充分实现。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期,英国中央政府全面实施中小学校长培训工作以来,在培训理念与价值、培训计划与实施、培训内容与方法、培训机制与评估等方面的专业化取向已经越发明显。本文基于对英国中小学校长培训专业化发展取向特点的探析,旨在为我国中小学校长培训更为专业化的开展提供一定借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

从论题取向、论点剖析和论据来源三个方面梳理分析“十五”期间小学校长提高培训的课题论文,透视出《基础教育课程改革纲要》实施以来,诸如课程改革、教师教育、校本特色等新生课题已经备受关注。从而使我们能够洞察现阶段校长们的心理取向,理性思考“十一五”期间校长培训在课程设置、校本系统支持和课题研究等方面的对策。  相似文献   

抓好中小学校长队伍的建设和培训,是提高中小学校长素质的关键所在。中小学校长培训存在的主要问题是培训的内容、培训的方式、培训的资源等不能满足校长这一职业成长的需求,校长对培训的质量和要求明显提高,解决问题、提升能力已成为中小学校长培训的价值取向。在新一轮校长培训中,必须增强培训的实践性,并在培训内容的选择、方式的运行、资源的挖掘等方面进行大胆的改革和创新。  相似文献   

中小学校长培训模式的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模式是理论与实践操作的中介,它既是简化的理论,又是具有结构、程序与方法的特性。因此,本文研究首先从理性思考入手,以“十五”期间校长培训发展方向为主题,探索几个不同层次,不同阶段的培训模式的构建问题。   一、校长培训模式的理性思考   1关于培训目标的价值取向   校长培训目标的确定,必须站在时代的高度、学校发展方向和校长的自身发展角度来认识,其目标的取向应具有时代性、主体性、发展性和实效性。现代教育理念是贯穿培训全过程的红线,以学促变,强调发展,重视未来应成为目标构建的主体精神。   培训的目标…  相似文献   

从实践——历史沿革与理论——文献研究两个视角入手研究中小学校长培训课程。与校长培训本身的发展历程一样,校长培训课程设置经过了一个从规范化、制度化到科学化、专业化的过程。课程设计的价值取向从知识本位过渡到能力本位。关于课程设置方面的研究正在日益深化,研究者们在寻求校长培训课程设置的理论基础、探索培训课程设置的基本框架等方面取得了很大的进展,并对培训课程设置的基本要素进行了思考与分析,探索了校长培训课程设置的发展方向和趋势。  相似文献   

世纪之交的中国电视呈现出许多大众文化的征候 ,面向大众的形式拉近了电视和观众的距离 ,但艺术文化的失落和庸俗的盛行导致创造力的衰减。由透过主持人大赛、谈话节目、电视期货三种现象的分析 ,可以探知艺术文化价值的确立是新世纪中国电视的当务之急 ,戒除浮躁、摈弃模仿、把握内涵是电视创造力的条件。  相似文献   

Character and values are the essential driving forces that serve as general guides or points of reference for individuals to support decision-making and to act responsibly about global socioscientific issues (SSIs). Based on this assumption, we investigated to what extent pre-service science teachers (PSTs) of South Korea possess character and values as global citizens; these values include ecological worldview, socioscientific accountability, and social and moral compassion. Eighteen PSTs participated in the SSI programs focusing on developing character and values through dialogical and reflective processes. SSIs were centered on the use of nuclear power generation, climate change, and embryonic stem cell research. The results indicated that PSTs showed three key elements of character and values, but failed to apply consistent moral principles on the issues and demonstrated limited global perspectives. While they tended to approach the issues with emotion and sympathy, they nonetheless failed to perceive themselves as major moral agents who are able to actively resolve large-scale societal issues. This study also suggests that the SSI programs can facilitate socioscientific reasoning to include abilities such as recognition of the complexity of SSIs, examine issues from multiple perspectives, and exhibit skepticism about information.  相似文献   

Social work education programs rely heavily on adjunct instructors, as do most academic institutions. This article adds to existing literature on adjuncts by focusing on the unique issues in social work education, using social work values and ethics as a focus. The benefits and detriments for adjuncts, programs, and students in schools of social work are reviewed. Social justice issues are explored with respect to adjuncts and nontraditional students. The author recommends supporting adjuncts by offering an orientation and a mentor, providing health benefits, distributing course times more evenly, and providing more advance notice of course offerings.  相似文献   

Summary Measurement of effectiveness and the extent of use are the two principal means of assessing television utilization. Television programs are generally as effective or slightly more effective than regular instruction. The value of increased utilization of television programs has been difficult to assess because of the difficulties of measuring audiences and giving meaning to the values obtained. A proposed audience measurement technique was developed and applied to television installations in New York State. On December 7, 1960, all schools in the State reported on the television programs that they watched on that date. Tables in this article presented utilization figures for all television broadcast programs and closed-circuit installations and for one kinescope utilization activity.  相似文献   

Early childhood family literacy programs have great potential to positively influence children and families. This article presents the core values and key components of high quality early childhood family literacy programs. The benefits and cost effectiveness of these programs are also discussed.  相似文献   


The values that begin to solidify during adolescence can be steered by experiential education programs designed to inculcate a set of attitudes and behaviors in their participants. One such program, Jewish Youth Philanthropy, socializes adolescents into recognizing the importance of donating both to Jewish causes and within a Jewish framework. This paper examines the relationship between these programs and the development of Jewish and donor identities during adolescence. It suggests that surveyed Jewish youth philanthropy participants are more likely than non-participants to perceive themselves as donors, but that their Jewish identities are viewed as justifications for prosocial behavior, not drivers of it.  相似文献   

Despite the seeming conviction that sport promotes ethical values, many paradoxes in sport ethics exist. To overcome some of these problems, attempts need to be made to activate some catalysts that might lead to an ethical mobilization in sport. Extensive inquiry into the concerns of ethics, professional preparation programs for coaches, school education programs, national governance, media coverage, and mobilization of professional forces are suggested as possible approaches for achieving ethics in sport.  相似文献   

Quality is a value-laden and context-bound concept. Drawing on cultural psychology, this study examines the nature of cultural values underlying definitions of quality in American early childhood programs. From semi-structured interviews with 15 teachers and 15 administrators in center-based early childhood programs, three themes emerged: (a) safety and health first, (b) raising independent children, and (c) developmental appropriateness. Although participants' definitions of quality wove together diverse beliefs about childhood and learning, the view that young children learn best by self-exploration of their world was salient. The ability to explore was believed to become more elaborate as children move through developmental stages. We analyze practitioners' views of young children's abilities and of their learning and development by examining how they are shaped by Western values of independence and individualism. We suggest that these values restrict educators' vision of how to scaffold children's learning in the social and cultural milieu.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a conference at which participants reviewed indepth the literature on child abuse prevention and child development, as it pertains to different cultural and ethnic population groups, and identifies alternative prevention strategies for these different groups. The efficacy of the following interventions are analyzed: perinatal support programs, education for parents, treatment for abused children, early and periodic childhood screening and treatment programs: social skills training for children and young adults; mutual aid programs and neighborhood support groups; family support services such as crisis care; public information about child abuse and community development activities such as employment assistance. The paper concludes that although treatment services for different groups may be quite similar, prevention strategies must take account of the individual and unique values, norms and socialization patterns of different groups.  相似文献   

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