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Einstein, who had already developed the light-quantum theory, knew the inadequacy of Maxwell’s theory in the microscopic sphere. Therefore, in writing his paper on special relativity, he had to set up the light-velocity postulate independently of the relativity postulate in order to make the electromagnetic foundation of physics compatible with Planck’s radiation formula. This constitutes the essential difference between the theories of Lorentz-Poincaré and Einstein. The reason that students of the history of special relativity hitherto overlooked this fact lies in a crucial error contained in Einstein’s ‘Autobiographical Notes’. The correction, introduced first in the German edition of 1955, revealed that the first core ingredient of Einstein’s research program was ‘thermodynamics’. Einstein’s theory survived the quantum revolution, while Lorentz-Poincaré’s did not. Some educational implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

对于广义相对论的验证,在太阳系已得到了观测数据的支持,于是在宇宙学尺度上对其进行检验就成了下一个目标.在文中,关注的是宇宙学中的一致性关系,这个一致性关系检验了宇宙学中的常规理论框架:暗能量下的广义相对论模型从理论上来说,通过不同表达式之间的比较可以得到所需要的一致性关系.通过距离-红移关系和密度扰动这两种途径都可以得到宇宙的膨胀率H(z),使它们相比较便可从理论上得到一个一致性关系表达式.采用同样的方法,进一步检验宇宙学常数Ωm的一致性,即宇宙学常数的零检验.之后,将引入另外一个引力理论Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati(DGP)模型.在该模型内,同样进行宇宙膨胀率H(z)的一致性检验,可以检验该模型本身的自洽性.最后将GR与DGP模型中的H(z)进行比较,可以看出两种模型在宇宙学尺度上的差别.  相似文献   

麦克斯韦方程组的协变形式与两个相对论不变量是狭义相对论和电动力学中非常重要的内容,一般文献和教材中对于这两个问题的处理要么强调数学推导,要么注重理论解释.尝试从物理概念到数学结构的理念出发得到这两个结论.这无疑对狭义相对论的理解有一定的帮助,也是学习量子场论、粒子物理学必须具有的基本知识和推证能力.  相似文献   

This work investigates the presence of Thought Experiments (TEs) which refer to the theory of relativity and to quantum mechanics in physics textbooks and in books popularizing physics theories. A further point of investigation is whether TEs – as presented in popular physics books – can be used as an introduction to familiarize secondary school students with physics theories of the 20th century. The study of textbooks and popular physics books showed that authors of both types of books consider TEs as an important tool when presenting the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Furthermore, a qualitative research conducted in secondary education revealed that the historical TEs which were transformed into forms accessible to the public could trigger students’ interest and act as educational material to familiarize them with concepts and principles of the 20th century physics.  相似文献   

爱因斯坦是一位对科学发展有杰出贡献的伟大物理学家 .他所创立的相对论和对量子理论所做出的贡献奠定了现代物理学发展的理论基础 .同时他又是一位富有哲学探索精神和有强烈社会责任感的思想家 ,在人类科学史和思想史上产生了极其深远的影响 .  相似文献   

In March of 1860 the eminent Harvard Botanist and orthodox Christian Asa Gray began promoting the Origin of Species in hopes of securing a fair examination of Darwin??s evolutionary theory among theistic naturalists. To this end, Gray sought to demonstrate that Darwin had not written atheistically and that his theory of evolution by natural selection had not presented any new scientific or theological difficulties for traditional Christian belief. From his personal correspondence with the author of the Origin, Gray well knew that Darwin did not affirm God??s ??particular?? design of nature but conceded to the possibility that evolution proceeded according to ??designed laws.?? From this concession, Gray attempted to develop a post-Darwinian natural theology which encouraged theistic naturalists to view God??s design of nature through the evolutionary process in a manner similar to the way in which they viewed God??s Providential interaction with human history. Indeed, securing a fair reading of the Origin was not Gray??s sole aim as a promoter of Darwinian ideas. In Darwin??s theory of natural selection, Gray believed he had discovered the means by which a more robust natural theological conception of the living and evolving natural world could be developed. In this paper I outline Gray??s efforts to produce and popularize a theistic interpretation of Darwinian theory in order to correct various misconceptions concerning Gray??s natural theological views and their role in the Darwinian Revolution.  相似文献   

爱因斯坦是一位对科学发展有杰出贡献的伟大物理学家,他一生的贡献是多方面的.他深入地研究了布朗运动;提出光量子概念,创立了光辐射量子理论,成功地解释了光电效应;创立了狭义相对论和广义相对论等等.所做出的贡献使他成为现代物理学的奠基者之一.  相似文献   

A brief account of developments in the experimental and theoretical investigations of Brownian motion is presented. Interestingly, Einstein who did not like God’s game of playing dice for electrons in an atom himself put forward a theory of Brownian movement allowing God to play the dice. The vital role played by his random walk model in the evolution of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and multitude of its applications is highlighted. Also included are the basics of Langevin’s theory for Brownian motion. Shama Sharma is currently working as lecturer at DAV College, Punjab. She is working on some problems in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Vishwamittar is professor in physics at Panjab University, Chandigarh and his present research activities are in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. He has written articles on teaching of physics, history and philosophy of physics.  相似文献   

根据法拉第电磁感应定律,说明对感应电动势两种表述的理解和这两种表述的地位,证明并讨论了感应电动势两种表述的等价性和相对性问题,指出感生电动势与动生电动势不同的物理实质.  相似文献   

电子气体磁化是热力学与统计物理等学科教学中经常采用的理论应用方面的范例。就广义电子气体的磁化展开讨论,涵盖了从经典到量子、从简并到非简并、从非相对论到相对论、从弱场到强场等的许多范围,对学生掌握概念、体会物理理论的使用范围等方面具有很好的示范作用。其中相对论电子气体磁化的结果来自作者的科研成果,没有详细论述,可参阅文中所列举的参考文献进行了解。另外,文中所包含的磁相变内容也是教学中讨论各种相变的实例之一。  相似文献   

陈颖 《培训与研究》2006,23(1):8-10
自然诗通过描写美丽的自然风景来礼赞大自然,表现人们走向自然的愉悦之情。西方自然诗虽也不例外,但却透露出明显的爱情倾向和强烈的宗教色彩,赞美自然是为了渲染爱情的氛围,歌颂自然是为了证明上帝的伟大。自然诗在西方文学史上因居于次要地位而沿袭其它题材文学的内容,爱情构成西方文化生活的重要方面,以及西方因神学的长期统治而形成的普遍性的上帝崇拜,是造成上述现象的重要原因。  相似文献   

“孪生子佯谬”教学析疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对物理教学中的问题 ,提出如何用狭义相对论、广义相对论讨论“孪生子佯谬”。  相似文献   

在狭义相对论意义下,运动的物体的测量形象和视觉形象是不同的.根据狭义相对论关于空间的测量理论,对高速运动的点、线以及几种特殊的二维或三维图形进行分析;研究高速运动的物体在某些特殊情况下,其测量形象与视觉形象所发生的畸变程度及其异同点.  相似文献   

袁宏历史观的显著特点,是与其易学见解紧密联系在一起的,其对易理的阐释是其史学见解的哲理基础.他根据<易>的阴阳之义来论证天人相通,从而推论出名教的起源;他根据<易>之三义:简易、变易、不易,对历史运动过程作出了变中有不变的解释;他根据<易>含天道、地道、人道,将历史变化和天人所助结合起来.  相似文献   

High school physics curricula are designed to meet a number of goals, all of which compete for classroom and homework time. The process-oriented goals include the development of skills in problem solving, measurement, analyzing data, and research, particularly in this world of internet based, unfiltered information. Content goals, on the other hand, insist on mastery or, at least, exposure to kinematics, dynamics, geometrical and physical optics, fluid dynamics, electric and magnetic fields, circuits, electromagnetism, nuclear physics, relativity, and quantum mechanics. Infusing history and nature of science topics into this already packed agenda is a challenge for even the most gifted of teachers.  相似文献   

计算物理是在传统的理论物理和实验物理之外,新发展的边缘科学,是现代计算机技术、数学和物理学紧密结合的新兴学科,本文通过对计算物理两类典型应用——数字相对论和强子对撞机数据网格DataGrid项目的讨论,浅述计算物理对自然科学认识观的影响.  相似文献   

修昔底德的人性说及其历史观   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
修昔底德的《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》中人性一词有较为广泛的涵义,包括天生的、自然而来的个体的人、群体的人以及人类所共有的品性、能力、生理特征等等。修氏特别关注的是与重大历史事件有关的人类所共有的本性,即人追求权力、财富和荣誉的欲望、好斗性以及人的情绪等等。欲望、好斗性和情绪等人类非理性的本性是永恒不变的,然而它们又通过具体变化着的人的行为表现出来,以不同的方式表现出结合或冲突,从而形成为人类的活动。修氏以人性说为基础建构自已的历史观。他揭示了客观历史自身存在的理性:历史以社会经济发展和人类联系不断加强的方式表现其发展的理路。人性是推动历史发展的动因。历史的本质就是人性。历史理性与自然理性无关,与道德理性背离。修氏的历史观反映了希罗多德之后古希腊史学观念的重大变化。对古希腊史学观念的发展产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

生灭论的哲学思想及其初步结论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种建立在古印度刹那生灭学说基础之上的新的物理理论,指出该理论有可能是一种能够把狭义相对论和量子论统一于其中的解释性的理论.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the way thought experiments (TEs) can be used as didactical tools in teaching physics to upper secondary-level students. A qualitative study was designed to investigate to what extent the TEs called ‘Einstein's elevator’ and ‘Einstein's train’ can function as tools in teaching basic concepts of the theory of relativity to upper secondary-level students. The above TEs were used in the form they are presented by Einstein himself and by Landau and Rumer in books that popularize theories of physics. The research sample consisted of 40 Greek students, divided into 11 groups of three to four students each. The findings of this study reveal that the use of TEs in teaching the theory of relativity can help students realize situations which refer to a world beyond their everyday experience and develop syllogisms according to the theory. In this way, students can grasp physics laws and principles which demand a high degree of abstract thinking, such as the principle of equivalence and the consequences of the constancy of the speed of light to concepts of time and space.  相似文献   

The background of the study is the theory of basis models of teaching and learning, a comprehensive set of models of learning processes which includes, for example, learning through experience and problem‐solving. The combined use of different models of learning processes has not been fully investigated and it is frequently not clear under what circumstances a particular model should be used by teachers. In contrast, the theory under investigation here gives guidelines for choosing a particular model and provides instructional sequences for each model. The aim is to investigate the implementation of the theory applied to physics instruction and to show if possible effects for the students may be attributed to the use of the theory. Therefore, a theory‐oriented education programme for 18 physics teachers was developed and implemented in the 2005/06 school year. The main features of the intervention consisted of coaching physics lessons and video analysis according to the theory. The study follows a pre‐treatment‐post design with non‐equivalent control group. Findings of repeated‐measures ANOVAs show large effects for teachers' subjective beliefs, large effects for classroom actions, and small to medium effects for student outcomes such as perceived instructional quality and student emotions. The teachers/classes that applied the theory especially well according to video analysis showed the larger effects. The results showed that differentiating between different models of learning processes improves physics instruction. Effects can be followed through to student outcomes. The education programme effect was clearer for classroom actions and students' outcomes than for teachers' beliefs.  相似文献   

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