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Today’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are tomorrow’s new faculty members; but these junior academicians often receive limited pedagogical training. We describe four iterations of an entry-level program with a low time commitment, Mentored Discussions of Teaching (MDT). The program is designed to introduce participants to pedagogical issues and literature in STEM disciplines and foster related discussions. It consists of group meetings, classroom observations, and discussions with faculty members. Program components were generally highly rated and valuable, even for those with prior teaching experience. We have found that this program is also an effective way to engage faculty members in the teaching aspects of students’ professional development.  相似文献   

Modem technology offers powerful professional programs that were originally designed for scientific and practical engineering purposes. These programs are now easily operated by simple graphic interfaces. Even if they offer much more than we may need for instructional purposes, these tools can still be very useful as a support for teaching and learning both the subject matter domain and additional general skills from relatively early stages of scientific and technological education. This article describes the instructional approaches developed for using a professional electronic circuit analyzer program as a learning environment for students in basic electronics courses and discusses the general implications of using such programs for instruction.  相似文献   

针对非数学专业学生在大学数学的学习过程中存在的制约学生专业体系发展的重点问题,在日常的教学过程中探索了"专业引导、知识融合、注重应用"的大学数学教学模式,根据不同的专业要求和人才培养方案,制定和实施了"数学融入专业,专业渗透数学"教学方略,实现了数学教学对我校理工类和经管类的专业的有力支撑,对大学数学的教学改革和学生的创新发展,提供了现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Doctoral granting institutions prepare future faculty members for academic positions at institutions of higher education across the nation. Growing concerns about whether these institutions are adequately preparing students to meet the demands of a changing academic environment have prompted several reform efforts. We describe a professional development model designed to prepare the future faculty to integrate the multiple components of academic careers. The program emphasizes the study and application of effective teaching practices centered on student learning and assessment and expectations for faculty careers. We describe the impact of the program on its participants.  相似文献   

岳德虎 《高教论坛》2012,(1):116-118
高职语文"以就业为导向"的教学设计,以专业需求与通识教育教学内容,突出励志、敬业、起疑为三个教学重点,构建以适合专业需求、就业素质教育、人才培养可持续发展为一体的课程教学过程,确保切实发挥高职语文的基础性作用,使高职学生的语文教学能够真正体现高职教育的特色,满足高职学生的真实需要。  相似文献   

Student feedback collected through program evaluation of secondary education licensure and Master’s program clinical experiences prompted us to conduct a collective self-study. We used a reflective framework for analysis and discussion of the shifts students in our courses made as they progressed from observers to practicing teachers. Along with our graduate students, we collected and shared data and analysis from two courses – an introductory mathematics course for pre-service teachers and a capstone self-study teacher research course for in-service teachers. Data included students’ reflective accounts of their clinical experiences, dialogue with peers in response memos and focus groups, and our meta-conversation about and interpretations of data captured in meeting notes, audio recordings of meetings, email exchanges, and video conferencing over a two-month period. Analysis resulted in reframed thinking about our teaching and implications for program coherence, including provision of meaningful participant observations in diverse settings, design of dialogic platforms for students to make connections, and support of a critical level of reflection to inform teacher professional practice. The results are informative to teacher educators and programs seeking to better understand their roles in designing dialogic spaces for students to think deeply about the connections of their courses to clinical experiences and in supporting ongoing teacher professional development. The study highlights the benefits of faculty collective self-studies and contributes to the literature on self-study for program development.  相似文献   

为改变当前农村幼儿园园本教研存在的问题,教研部门应坚持"自下而上与自上而下相结合"的原则,充分发挥农村教师的教研主动性,科学设置"教研发展项目",分层分类有效推进教学研究,最大限度地提高园本教研的实效性和参研教师的专业化发展水平。  相似文献   

本文采用剀利方格法调查师范院校在中学实习的毕业生的教学信念,从学生信念和以前语言学习经历的关系、学生信念和课堂实践的关系、学生信念和教师发展三方面进行了分析和探讨,结果表明实习学生的教学实践仍然深受自己以前英语学习方法的影响,自己的教学信念往往很难在课堂实践中进行操作,也很难进行教师的自我发展。  相似文献   


This study investigated the teaching of gifted children in a Montessori school, with particular reference to gifted students with learning difficulties in writing. Within an action research context, the teachers participated in professional development in the education of gifted children and were provided with ongoing curriculum and resources support. The teachers made modifications to their gifted students’ programs after this professional development. Positive outcomes in aspects of writing, such as punctuation, spelling, sentence control and text organisation, as well as improved social outcomes, were achieved by the gifted students with writing difficulties.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown a growing interest in science teachers’ professional knowledge in recent decades. The article focuses on how chemistry teachers impart chemical bonding, one of the most important topics covered in upper secondary school chemistry courses. Chemical bonding is primarily taught using models, which are key for understanding science. However, many studies have determined that the use of models in science education can contribute to students’ difficulties understanding the topic, and that students generally find chemical bonding a challenging topic. The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ knowledge of teaching chemical bonding. The study focuses on three essential components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): (1) the students’ understanding, (2) representations, and (3) instructional strategies. We analyzed lesson plans about chemical bonding generated by 10 chemistry teachers with whom we also conducted semi-structured interviews about their teaching. Our results revealed that the teachers were generally unaware of how the representations of models they used affected student comprehension. The teachers had trouble specifying students’ difficulties in understanding. Moreover, most of the instructional strategies described were generic and insufficient for promoting student understanding. Additionally, the teachers’ rationale for choosing a specific representation or activity was seldom directed at addressing students’ understanding. Our results indicate that both PCK components require improvement, and suggest that the two components should be connected. Implications for the professional development of pre-service and in-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

熟练的教学技能是当前师范生顺利就业的重要法码,也是其职后专业发展的重要基础。然而,目前高师毕业的师范生教学技能普遍较差,为此,应从学校、教师、师范生三个主体方面探索其形成原因,并采取更新教师教育理念、优化课程设置、加强师资队伍建设、培养师范生的教师职业认同感等对策提升师范生的教学技能。  相似文献   

随着高校的扩招,毕业生迅速增加,高职学生就业面临着机遇和挑战.高等职业教育的人才培养素质和职业岗位要求的特殊性、规定性,导致高职学生必须结合自身的实际特点来制定符合高职学生特色的职业生涯规划,必须充分认识高职学生职业生涯规划设计的意义和必要性,同时在职业生涯设计时应注意职业定位、发挥主观能动性、明确阶段目标、构建合理的知识结构、培养职业能力、积极开展职业训练等方面问题.将有助于高职学生的就业、择业、事业的成功.  相似文献   

三大构成是步人艺术设计殿堂的关键基础,而培养动手能力强的应用型人才是艺术教育的最终目标。为了实现这一目标,艺术类教师必须在动画、数媒、广告专业教学中进行教学改革,改变教学思路与方法。对于各个专业的学生教师要因材施教,做到学以致用。在动画专业教学中,应以雕塑代替立体构成,在广告、数媒专业教学中,应结合专业特点来进行教学和布置作业。通过三大构成课教学改革,使学生和教师对于三大构成课有一个全新的认识,使学生得到全面发展。  相似文献   

教学风格主要源于时代思想上的审美主义倾向,以及学校教育中教学艺术化追求。教师教学风格的形成与发展,不仅有利于教育教学质量的提高,更有利于学生在教学过程中获得审美感受,实现身心和谐发展。教学风格是指教师在师生关系、情理取向等维度上因不同赋值而使教学过程呈现出的总体特征,是教师个性在教学过程中的体现。教学风格在教师专业自我观照下形成发展,是教师专业成长的显著标志。长于反思、善于创造和止于欢乐是教师教学风格形成与发展的基本依据。  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association’s Learner-Centered Principles provide empirically-based approaches to improving teaching and learning. However, in order to facilitate learner-centered, technology-rich instruction to K-12 students, teachers must be afforded opportunities to develop key understandings and skills, rarely evident in most professional development programs. In this paper, we synthesize empirically-based studies and recommendations for teacher learning and propose a learner-centered professional development (LCPD) framework to guide both professional development and empirical work on teacher learning. We describe LCPD components, discuss ways that technology can support LCPD, and highlight implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

基于环境监测的特点,在环境监测课程实验教学过程中改变仅仅以污染指标检测为主的教学模式,从整体性和开放性出发对环境监测课程的实验教学环节进行优化,将监测方案的制定过程纳入环境监测实验教学体系,同时在实验教学过程中根据学生的学习兴趣采取开放式的教学模式,将课程实验和大学生创新性实验相结合。结合西南石油大学石油天然气相关专业特色,与相关石油、石化企业相结合,开展油气田开发和油气加工过程环境监测实验教学,通过对环境监测课程实验教学环节的优化有效地提高学生的动手能力和专业水平。  相似文献   

高职学生在专业课学习过程中,普遍存在畏难心理,而且缺少一些行之有效的学习方法,这些都影响到专业知识和专业技能的掌握,本文对如何在教学过程中解决这些问题提出了一些想法。  相似文献   

日常教学生活中的教师专业成长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
丁钢 《教育科学》2006,22(6):52-55
本文主要关注教师在日常教学生活中的专业态度及其表现,从教师的专业素养、自我反思的专业精神和专业发展与团队合作等三个方面,认为在学校教育中,教师教学创新的源动力是来自于教师自身专业发展的内在需求。而研究教学最好的方式莫过于研究我们教师和学生自身教与学的现状和经验,从而寻找教师在日常教学实践中的专业发展路向。本文强调,教师在学科教学中的教学效能关注、在教学过程中的自我反思,以及教师之间专业团队合作是教师专业发展的三个重要途径。  相似文献   

免费师范生教学能力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师的教学能力直接影响着教学的实效性,师范教育阶段是教学能力生成的基础性阶段,期间构建与生成的教学能力决定着初入职阶段教学工作的起点,影响着教师专业发展的方向与空间。本研究运用自编问卷对两所部属师范大学的1368名首届免费师范生的教学能力进行研究。研究发现,师范生在教学设计能力、实施能力以及反思与矫正能力三个维度的水平存在差异,性别、曾就读重点高中类型、高师专业排名、专业以及实习的区域因素影响师范生的教学能力。提升师范生教学能力最主要通过拓展教育实践课程内容、课程实施中重师范生个体群体差异,培育师范生的学习共同体以及加强教育教学实习指导三个方面展开。  相似文献   

台州学院土木工程实施“三明治”教学模式,交通土建作为大土木的专业方向,存在学生专业学习时间过短的问题。为了发挥“三明治”教学模式的优势和促进学生专业学习,以加强专业教学和培养学生专业技能为目的,制定并实施了“专业导师制”教学方案,同时形成了一整套评价体系,通过效果评价表明“专业导师制”实施,使交通土建学生专业学习得到有效的加强,保证了三明治教学有效实施。  相似文献   

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