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Notions of culture, ethnicity and identity are highly political (and also personally meaningful) issues within diasporic communities. Complementary schools are particularly interesting sites in this respect, as they are often set up with an explicit cultural agenda of ‘preserving’ or ‘maintaining’ ‘traditional’ culture and language within diasporic communities. In this paper, we draw on qualitative data from an ESRC funded study conducted in six Chinese complementary schools to consider how pupils (n=60), parents (n=24) and teachers (n=21) in these schools construct and negotiate issues of culture and identity. We consider the ways in which the cultural agenda of the schools is constructed and experienced, teasing out the ways in which cultural discourses and pupil identities are deployed (and resisted, reworked) within the space of Chinese schools. Finally we consider the extent to which the schools are perceived by the young people to be ‘successful’ (or not) in their efforts to make pupils feel ‘more Chinese’.  相似文献   

中国思想似乎从来没有发展出对于身体的纯粹的科学主义的兴趣,中国人对身体从来就是用文化的态度、政治的态度来审视的。这个思路在五四思想者那里也是一样的,他们认为人的身体疾病不是一个生物学问题:中国人的身体疾病不可能通过医学来铲除,而必须通过一场彻底的政治革命来铲除。“头发”对于五四思想者来说是身体政治的一个标记物;“人性论”在他们看来是身体政治概念;“病重的中国”,是政治隐喻,也是文化诊断。  相似文献   

In this article I focus on the black woman's body and its use as a political and cultural signifier and as a site where the politics of gender power is enacted. I argue that two first novels of two contemporary Caribbean women writers, Zee Edgell and Brenda Flanagan, intervene in a history of fictional representation which uses the figure of the ‘native’ woman to signify territorial, economic and sexual conquest and exploitation. The black woman, in early twentieth‐century Caribbean anti‐colonial fiction, silently concedes to her aggressor, whose actions ultimately end in her destruction. The novels of these writers revise the themes and forms of representation that characterise these earlier, predominantly male‐authored texts: in its focus on resistance to both colonial and patriarchal dominance, their work presents an alternative to either victimhood or to the suggestion that, for the poor, working‐class black woman, her body is her only capital.  相似文献   

This article highlights how a community-organized language school that teaches Persian serves as a site of diasporic cultural production. Specifically, I examine how the school serves as a site to teach the Persian language, delimit cultural meanings, and facilitate a sense of belonging and community membership among a diverse group of parents and children. This study also endeavors to situate the views of parents, teachers, and students in this exploratory case study within a larger history of diasporic Iranian experience in the United States. In doing so, the analysis shows that community education efforts remain vital to the understanding and exploration of notions of identity and culture that may be socially contested and produced within diasporic communities.  相似文献   

后殖民主义语境背景下发展起来的流散意识和流散文学,深刻地反映了后殖民时代第三世界知识分子精神家园游离失所的状态。将印度裔诺贝尔文学奖得主奈保尔作为个案研究对象,可对流散现象进行更深入的本质认识。游走在边缘的流散学者的发展趋势,必将在同样的深度上拥抱和理解其母国文化和相对的他者文化,超越二者的差异和歧见,在相互碰撞的文化和价值中找到共性,这正是全球化和人类文明的发展趋势。  相似文献   

作为我国社会主义民主政治建设重要内容,科学的、民主的政治决策制度建设对我们有重要意义。政治决策制度受政治文化的影响。我国正处于社会转型时期,存在不同性质的政治文化。这些不同形态的政治文化势必会对我国政治决策制度产生不同的影响。研究政治文化对政治决策制度的影响不无裨益。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of Caribbean cultural under‐representation in school art departments. It argues that diasporic subjects are not seen and their cultures not recognised precisely because their contributions to the way we live are indivisible from the mainstream. This in contradistinction to some groups whose cultures and heritages are relatively distinct and separate from Western mores. Our ways of understanding culture do not take this into account. Yet diasporic contributions to the way we live have buttressed Western lifestyles since the beginning of the slave trade. The article argues that this relationship, characterised by multiple entanglements, must be recognised if Caribbean cultural identities are to be seen and valued. In doing so it challenges the way we construct notions of cultural heritage and belonging, and promotes the adoption of more risk‐taking pedagogies possibly based on contemporary practices.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):148-168

Transformation of South Africa's HWIs is evidenced by a diversification of their student and staff populations. The transition from exclusion to inclusion of black minority student populations and their cultures on to these university campuses has not been without challenge for those accessing these institutions. This article reports on a study that was conducted at Stellenbosch University about the experiences of five black women undergraduate students at this still predominantly white Afrikaans university. The findings show that despite legislated pressure and institutional policy initiatives to transform, these “Coloured” undergraduate students do not experience the university environment as inclusive. What emerged were a prevailing awareness of otherness and an acute awareness of their minority status. The small numbers of minority students, together with a lack of symbols or icons that reflect and acknowledge the presence of diverse cultures exacerbate the feeling of being in the minority or a ‘tolerated otherness”. They experience SU as a university typified by a culture and practices that cling to traditions that are not always sensitive to the impact of history or diversity. This type of organisational culture in which covert and overt resistance to transformation is the norm, hampers the political will to move from policy to practice, and entrench the experience of marginalization.  相似文献   

从霍米·巴巴杂合理论的视角,从语言、文化、文学三方面分析林太乙女士《镜花缘》英译本中的杂合现象,可发现:其译本中的杂合是作为族裔散居者的译者诠释母国文化的重要手段,译者自身与其所代表的华裔族群在杂合形成的第三空间中得以显身,进而在译文中实现了源语文化与目的语文化间的平等对话与交流。  相似文献   

思想政治教育的开放性以及现在不同学科之间的相互融合、借鉴,为新时期的思想政治教育提供了新的视角。书法艺术作为中国传统文化的精华,蕴含着丰富的思想政治教育价值,为思想政治教育的有效进行提供了新的突破点。书法教育在大学生思想政治教育中的价值主要体现在理论和实践两个方面,具体而言,书法教育体现了思想政治教育的主体原则、隐性教育方法和显性教育方法的和谐统一,弘扬和培育民族精神、激发爱国情怀,提升受教育者的精神境界、树立崇高的理想和信念,提高审美能力、培养高尚道德情操,促进大学生身心健康发展、成就健全人格。文章还探究了其价值实现的路径,以便更好地推进新时期的思想政治教育工作。  相似文献   

The objective of the article is to examine what is ‘taken for granted’ in the policies designed to combat Early School Leaving (ESL) in Catalonia, identifying their implicit ontologies, causal assumptions and logics of action. In order to do so, the realist evaluation is applied. Specifically, this methodology has been applied to compare the discourses, priorities and policies of two key agents in defining and implementing policies to combat ESL in Catalonia: the Catalan Department for Education (Regional Government body) and the Barcelona Education Consortium (Local Government body). In each case, systematic documentary analysis has been conducted as well as in-depth interviews with educational experts and policymakers. The results of the analysis allows opening up the black box of the political priorities defined by this two political agents, identifying two highly controversial logics to understand educational success and to consequently address ESL  相似文献   

政治文化建设是发展我国民主政治和先进文化的着力点和关键。当前我国正处于全面建设小康社会的新的历史时期,加强政治文化建设,对于全面建设小康社会目标的实现具有重要意义,我们要不断加强社会主义物质文明、精神文明、政治文明建设,正确对待中国传统政治文化和西方政治文化,加强思想政治工作,为全面小康社会下的政治文化构建创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

“身体”作为文学表现的对象,在关涉“文革”叙事的新时期小说中,借助于语言媒介而获得了足够的呈示空间。本文通过对身体与语言的相互“糅合”的分析,努力探寻隐藏在身体与语言背后的政治伦理和民族文化思维。  相似文献   

公安院校校园文化软实力初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校园文化建设是新时期公安院校思想政治教育工作的重要环节,提升公安院校校园文化软实力有助于校园文化的多元化健康发展。以湖南警察学院为例,针对培养对象不同的年龄阶段、知识结构、学历水平及家庭环境,思政工作者根据不同对象制定相应的思想政治教育方案,因材施教,创造多元发展的文化氛围,切实提升校园文化软实力水平,为社会培养出更多合格的预备警官和优秀人才。  相似文献   

The paper reviews school practice in Spain through the long historic period of the dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco between the 1936 Civil War and Franco’s death in 1975. For this purpose, an analysis is made of the most relevant documents (school materials, reports, direct testimonies by practising teachers, scientific papers on education and education legislation) of each period of Franco’s Regime. Those different types of documents objectify, in accordance with Agustin Escolano’s terminology, three distinct modalities of school culture: the practical, experience‐based culture which is shaped and transmitted by teachers while practising their profession; the scientific culture, which is organized around the knowledge acquired from teaching speculation and research; and the political culture, which comprises political‐institutional discourses and practices that are translated into regulatory provisions supporting the formal organization of education. These three different cultures were supported by three different logics, which proved to be autonomous and at the same time interdependent during the long Franco period. The result will be a presentation of the different importance attached in school practice to tradition, teaching innovations, professional routines and changes.  相似文献   

This essay offers a reading of President Bill Clinton's address on August 28, 1998 in which he commemorates the 35th anniversary of the March on Washington. Specifically, Clinton's August 28th address reveals how the presidency has become a hermeneutic site for the formation of collective memory and political nostalgia. This analysis discusses the uses of political nostalgia for the purposes of political image (re)construction as evidenced by Clinton's exploitation of the civil rights movement to explain and excuse his personal failings and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. We also present a divergent version of Clinton's rhetoric, giving specific attention to how his particular use of nostalgia in this address works to articulate and confront many of the powerful dichotomies (masculine/feminine; war/peace; black/white; private/public) that define his presidency, his public persona, and the larger political culture in postmodern America.  相似文献   

校园文化对于高校的整体思想政治教育来说其作用是不可替代的,特别是在新时期全新的教育背景下,通过丰富多彩的校园文化建设则能够进一步拓展思想政治教育的内容,弥补高校思想政治教育的不足。时至今日,高校校园文化已经成为当前我国高校思想政治教育的重要阵地。本文尝试从校园文化的具体思想政治教育的功能以及强化校园文化思想政治教育的具体措施两方面内容进行简要的论述。  相似文献   

新时期"广东精神"是广东人民历史沉淀形成的重要精神财富。作为一种区域文化,它是地方高职学生生活学习的文化背景,也是他们德育认知的载体、情感认同的依托、行为塑造的关键。新时期"广东精神"融入高职德育是实现"幸福广东"愿景的需要,也是彰显高职院校的办学特色、增强学校核心竞争力的需要,对当前广东高校思想政治教育具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在传统和现代多种政治文化因子共存、杂糅、碰撞的影响下,农村青年的政治价值观发生了激烈的嬗变,呈现出传统色彩与现代理念共存的双重特性。有效促进农村青年政治价值观的现代转型,关键在于构建反映当代农村青年政治价值取向的"四型"自治文化模式,即通过构建民主型、参与型、契约型、法治型的自治文化,培养农村青年的民主观、政治参与观、契约观和法治观。  相似文献   

During the last two decades counselling in a multicultural context has been on the increase with more and more training programmes now including issues of race, culture and ethnicity. This has led to numerous approaches, for example transcultural, inter-cultural, cross-cultural, multicultural, Afro-centric, anti-racist and black feminist, which define counselling with minority groups. Although many of these approaches have a sound theoretical base, they nevertheless remain marginal in terms of convincing the minority communities of their value and effectiveness. This is clearly seen in the pre-mature termination and lack of participation by minorities in counselling and therapy. The chief criticism against counselling throughout this period is that, it has remained essentially, Eurocentric, ethnocentric and individualistic. Culture-sensitive counsellors and counselling within a "culture fit" model have been suggested as a way of making the process more appropriate to a diversity of cultures. Furthermore, this has led to some practitioners strongly advocating the inclusion of socio-economic and political constructs as part of a broader definition of multicultural counselling. For example, the issues of power and influence, cultural hegemony, racism and masculinities are becoming key schemas in cross cultural counselling practices. The challenge for multicultural counselling, in the next decade, would be to include traditional healing practices as part of its discourse, if it is to encourage the active participation of ethnicminorities. This paper is an attempt to explore some of these challenges and highlight some of the transformations that are taking place within multicultural counselling. Finally, through a discussion of a case vignette, the paper illustrates the need to accommodate traditional healing methods in counselling the culturally diverse client.  相似文献   

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