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大学内部治理模式中,“教授治校”和“教授治学”在历史渊源、内涵界定、权力侧重以及价值诉求等方面都存在差异,既呈现理论上的分野,也有着制度上的耦合。实现“教授治校”与“教授治学”的制度耦合,是当代中国大学内部治理改革的基本逻辑和必然发展,也是立足国情、化繁为简、平复争议的有效路径和可行方案。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的整体设计上,不但要保持两种模式灵活转化的张力,也要在维护教授权力的基础上避免行政化管理惯性,促进学术的民主与自由。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的路径策略上,可以从完善行政管理体制和改革学术管理组织出发,整合学校教授群体的资源,构筑教授权力的实现平台,建立教授主体参与的保障机制,以增强教授治校和教授治学制度耦合的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

教授治校:源流、模式与评析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教授治校是西方大学理念的精髓,亦是西方大学管理的基本模式。通过对教授治校历史源流的追溯,阐述教授治校的两大基本模式——欧陆模式与英美模式,并从合法性、合理性和局限性的视角对教授治校进行评析。  相似文献   

In 1988 California adopted Assembly Bill 1725, which mandated shared governance for the state's 107 community colleges. This study is the first large‐scale review of the colleges’ reaction to the legislation, as reported by college, academic senate, and faculty union presidents, plus selected faculty members. Although much progress has been made, full implementation has yet to be achieved.  相似文献   

Online education is used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are improving one's performance over time and understanding one's professional development in the context of online teaching and learning. Relying on data from online staff development courses delivered in five Spanish universities, this article explores online faculty learning through the lens of staff development theory. This theoretical perspective emphasizes the universities' quality assurance contexts and offers an empirical examination of the ways in which faculty members learn curriculum and teaching competencies (CTCs) in online staff development programmes. At the core of this analysis is the contention that faculty members understand and respond to quality teaching lessons and activities. Finally, this study highlights the points deemed important when designing, implementing, and evaluating Internet CTC training courses.  相似文献   

美国主要研究型大学教师队伍管理的特点及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文对美国主要研究型大学教师队伍管理的特点进行了归纳,主要包括以下四个方面:(1)严格招聘、广纳英才;(2)注重参与、自主管理;(3)学术优先、质量第一;(4)注重激励、以人为本.这些特点对于我国建设研究型大学和世界一流大学具有重要启示.  相似文献   

大学共享治理机制设计进入运行层面需要解决的首要问题是大学内部各权力主体之间学术管辖权的界定与划分。共享治理不是简单的分权或者授权,而是董事会、大学管理层、教师治理系统享有不同性质的管辖权。董事会享有对大学的治理权,管理层享有对大学内部事物的管理权,而大学教师治理系统则享有对专业性学术事物的控制权。文章研究共同治理模式下美国学术治理管辖权的划分的理论与实际运作,以期为我国大学治理的机制改革提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

大学"共治"是20世纪60年代以来指导美国大学内部权力分配的重要理念与实践原则,但近年来大学"共治"对不断产生的新问题的回应不力而受到各方的质疑与责难。对此,美国联邦政府、各州政府和大学采取了促进政府与大学融合、通过立法确定大学的多重使命、建立大学与州政府的伙伴关系、重视大学的市场性行为、组建大学生组织以扩大大学"共治"的参与面等应对措施。因此,美国大学"共治"呈现出以下趋势:政府管制逐渐弱化,形式更加多样,外部影响因素不断增加,教职参与性不断降低,参与人员各司其职等。  相似文献   

"教授治校"的权力主体当然是"教授","教授"是大学权力主体的表征。"教授治校"制度是对大学学术机构本质的认同,"教授治校"存在的合法性与合理性在于它客观地反映了大学作为特殊学术机构的性质和特点。"教授治校"是大学管理权力主体的归位,中国大学内部治理结构变革应当充分借鉴西方大学普遍实施的"教授治校"的管理模式,真正赋予教师在大学管理中的权力和地位。  相似文献   

Faculty at a Midwestern university were classified as either locals or nonlocals on the basis of the institution that awarded their degrees. Nonlocals had earned all of their degrees from universities outside the state; locals received at least one of their degrees at an in-state university. Locals participated most often in the governance system and received significantly higher salaries despite slightly lower research-creativity productivity than nonlocals. Women faculty reversed this pattern for governance with nonlocals participating most often.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the power landscapes within Chinese universities, against the larger backdrop of China’s attempt to build modern university governance systems for developing world-class universities. Drawing upon Fairclough’s three-dimensional conceptions of discourse and informed by Pierre Bourdieu’s key conceptual notions of field and capital, the paper provides a critical discourse analysis of statutes of 10 top Chinese universities in terms of their texts, discursive practices and social practices and thus analyses existing power relations. The statute texts construct a hierarchical field of power by wording the ‘core’ stakeholder Party Committee as the leadership, using content sequence as a measure of power ranking, and including only limited stakeholders in the joint governance mechanism. Regarding discursive practices, faculty members’ participation in the formulation and distribution of university statutes is insufficient. The social practices identify with statute texts in terms of power relationships between Party Committee members, administrators and academics.  相似文献   

The author addresses the growing concern with part‐time employment within the academy and argues that reliance on part‐time faculty in universities is morally wrong because this practice violates Kant's respect for persons principle. Further, because universities benefit from the employment of part‐timers, the latter are exploited for gains in the universities' end, which undermines the very moral nature of education as a business practice between and among persons. To maintain morality in higher education, universities have a duty to provide a living wage and meaningful work for their employees.  相似文献   

职业院校升格为职业大学是我国探索发展本科层次职业教育的新路径。新升格职业大学有效治理面临定位新、基础弱、易漂移的挑战。理念层面,新升格职业大学应树立层次要求与类型特征相融的目标,打造外部治理与内部治理互促的格局,权力分配坚持自治性与开放性并存,建构多维度制度要素互补的组织场域。实践层面,外部治理注重形成政府、行业组织、同行联盟、合作企业及社会文化共治互动,内部治理注重决策机制、基层组织及师资队伍变革创新。  相似文献   

制度主义中的制度同形与路径依赖理论是理解高等教育变革的有力工具。进入20世纪70年代以来,德国高等教育环境发生了巨大的改变,主要体现在高等教育系统扩张,高等教育日益国际化,民众对政府管理方式的质疑以及市场化办学意识盛行。为了面对新的高等教育环境,德国大学引入了新的治理手段,如签订目标协定、引入绩效拨款、加强大学校长权力、设立大学理事会等。综观德国大学治理制度改革,其存在着向新公共管理制度靠近的趋向,也存在着明显的改革路径依赖,即沿着传统的洪堡大学模式在缓慢前进,国家和教授的权力依旧在大学治理中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a discussion of how globalization is affecting women faculty in different countries around the world. It reports on a collaborative, international research project designed to understand the participation of women faculty members in Chinese universities, sketching the historical context necessary for understanding women's place in universities in China, describing the process of surveying university faculty on gender issues and reporting the findings of the survey for universities that prepare secondary school teachers. The paper concludes that in China, ‘gender consciousness’ is a major barrier preventing women's full participation as faculty. As a result, women are likely to increase their disadvantage in the next few years as Chinese universities expand, diversify, emphasize research and broaden their links with the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Presidents of AGHE‐affiliated colleges and universities expressed a predominantly negative assessment of their elderly faculty members in response to a national survey (Kastenbaum & Schulte, 1988). They anticipated that the abolishment of mandatory retirement (scheduled for 1994) would lead to deterioration of instructional quality and scholarly productivity as well as a negative economic impact at their own academic institutions. However, very few of the responding institutions reported having completed studies relevant to this assumption. The present study is a follow‐up survey addressed not to the presidents but to the directors of all gerontology centers in the same academic institutions. The respondents were asked if their own administration had asked their assistance in matters concerned with the status and potential of elderly faculty. This study of gerontology on the “home front” finds that gerontological expertise is rarely sought by administrators on such topics as developing a plan for continued growth of older faculty members, new ways to utilize older faculty members, or personnel policies affecting older faculty members. The range of utilization across five items was between 3.26% and 7.09% of the 172 responding programs. Gerontology programs were somewhat more likely to initiate their own activities in these areas, ranging from 8.66% to 14.17%. Within the limits of this study, it appears that an academic institution's membership in AGHE does not necessarily signify a readiness to call upon its resident gerontologists with regard to age‐related issues on campus. The pattern of data from both surveys also suggests that (a) there ir a nationwide emphasis on encouraging older faculty to take early r irement, (b) accompanied by a prevailing assumption that older faculty perform less adequately, although (c) little effort has been made to obtain and review data on the actual performance and potential of older faculty.  相似文献   

遍布全球的一流大学建设项目,催生了高等教育竞争的新样态:竞争不再局限于个人和国家间,研究型大学成为主要竞争对象,呈现出“个人-团体-机构-国家-国际”多层次且以质量为中心的竞争样态;竞争采用大数据等评判工具,不再仅凭个人主观判断,愈发体现制度化、规范化;竞争标志着政府由“管理”走向“治理”执政方式的重大转变,按照市场规则配置资源的趋势更加明显;竞争影响范围广,从高等教育结构到机构内部各要素都受其影响。然而,新的竞争样态也导致了诸多问题。因此,应该进一步增强政府及高校内部治理能力,在竞争的同时,增进高等教育机构间合作,从而以“一流大学建设”项目带动高等教育系统的整体提升。  相似文献   

The contribution of Arab universities to the public good is being greatly compromised by the political and economic instability of the Arab Spring. To understand the role Arabian universities are playing in the public sphere and their ability to contribute to the public good, we interviewed 74 professors from 14 countries. Analysis of the faculty interviews yielded four major challenges: motivation and rewards for conducting research, security and safety issues, lack of a research infrastructure, and the challenges of international recognition. Our findings suggest universities should focus on the two most critical issues over which they have some control: securing safety for the faculty and creating an effective research infrastructure.  相似文献   

从精英阶段、大众化阶段到普及化阶段,研究型大学的治理发生了较大变化,主要特征是从学者治理发展为学校治理再发展到学术治理。治理变迁与研究型大学的内外部动力机制变化密切相关:单一外部机制和静态内部机制造就学者治理,多重外部机制和稳态内部机制要求学校治理,多重外部机制和动态内部机制催生学术治理。当前研究型大学的治理普遍面临内部自由探索与外部问责张力加强、全球规范机制与本国实践矛盾加深这两大时代挑战,中国研究型大学要回应好普及化时代的挑战,先要涵育理性、自主的现代品质。  相似文献   

Three focus groups consisting of board of trustee members, community college presidents, senior administrators, administrators, and faculty members developed critical issues facing community colleges with respect to instructional planning and services; planning, governance, and finance; and workforce development. Thereafter, the delegation of more than 200 voted on various aspects of the most critical issue divulged in the 2008 Community College Futures Assembly: general education assessment is coming. The findings, including opportunities and challenges, potential implications for community college administrators, and future research topics are also discussed, mostly in the context of workforce development opportunities.  相似文献   

教授治校源于欧洲,是欧洲一些国家大学保证学术权力行使的重要制度。在我国近代大学创立之初,教育家们也对教授治校进行过探索。教授治学是现代大学内部事务的一种管理模式,是指教授更多参与学术事务的管理和决策,调解与学术相关的资源。校长治校意味着校长在高校管理中拥有相应的决策权,处于领导地位。事实上,在大学这个系统内部,要实现有效治理和优化治理,更重要的是通过组织设计,实现学术权力与行政权力的协同运行。  相似文献   

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