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大学教师:一项学术性职业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学职能的成功发挥有赖于对大学教师职业属性的把握和理解.大学教师职业成长与变迁的历史与实践证明,大学教师是一项以知识传播和科学探索为内容的学术性职业,是一项与大学发展密切相关的学术性职业,是一项需要学术自由权利呵护的学术性职业.  相似文献   


This article is situated in the context of an intensified discourse within which academic developers are being asked to provide evidence of impact, and argues that theoretical models currently used are imprecise and fail to capture the variation in outcomes from professional development activities. Through reference to previous research on how teachers' thinking can be described in relation to various thinking-zones, and how teachers notice and respond to signs of student learning, we suggest a more fine-grained perspective. Furthermore, we argue that improved models for design and evaluation of professional development might prove crucial for academic development as a profession.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first offer an analytic perspective on the papers in this volume, framing our discussion within the context of academic development as a discipline and highlighting common lines that cut across the nine contributions. We then offer insights about the current state of research on the evaluation of academic development and suggest directions that are likely to advance our theoretical and empirical knowledge in this area and anchor us firmly in evidence-based practice. We suggest that clarifying the mechanisms of change when professional learning occurs and measuring the changes in student learning outcomes that are associated with professional learning are important avenues for future research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we sought to address the following research question: What knowledge and skills are needed by instructional designers in higher education to be successful in their roles? We interviewed eight instructional designers from across the United States, all working for institutions of higher education. Using the constant comparative method, we analyzed our data to identify relevant themes. Our results suggest that instructional designers in higher education must have a solid foundation in instructional design and learning theory, possess soft skills and technical skills, and have a willingness to learn on the job. Most instructional designers felt their academic backgrounds assisted them with their job roles, and, in particular, valued their professional experiences. Instructional designers in higher education must also keep abreast of multiple emerging information and communication technologies. We provide a discussion to synthesize our findings. The findings are relevant to professionals, professional academic programs, and professional associations.  相似文献   

随着大学与象牙塔之外的社会结合越来越紧密,作为高深知识的制度保障的学术自由也不得不面对社会环境对其产生的影响和监督。知识本身的发展和大学组织的变化,在一定程度上改变了大学和学术自由的原始意义,使得大学和学术自由在保留了其本质精华的基础上,又在内涵和外延的边界上不断发生着变化。本文分析了学术职业中的学术自由与社会责任、学术自律、学术规范的关系。认为,高深知识的发展使大学的学术自由与学术责任越来越相互交融。伴随着社会知识化与知识社会化的进程,学术自由越深入,它对学术职业的责任、伦理和自律的要求也就越高。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,学术职业流动呈现出市场化、国际化、多样化的特点。这给高等教育发展带来契机:促进了大学教育国际化;增强了学术职业的国际竞争力;消解大学的国家主义。但同时也带来了系列挑战,使大学学术职业队伍存在安全风险,更使学术职业面临价值两难和身份危机。  相似文献   

大学以学术为中心,大学教师以学术为其志业。高等教育各界主体所持的学术观是大学的根本。厘清学术的内涵,理解当下时代的学术观实为必要。虽然学术具有强时空性,但它仍拥有固定内涵。学术的结构包括知识、研究、交流和自主四个维度。学术的特性体现在复杂性、专业性、研究性、创新性等方面。学术的判定标准体现在理论和实践两个层面,但二者因为学术观的影响往往不能达成一致。当前,我们处于科学学术观时代。但已发生变异的科学主义的学术观对我国高等教育事业的健康发展带来了许多问题。而要致力于问题的解决,需要从根本上着手于学术观的变革。后现代知识型为我们提供了契机,而博耶的大学术观则是学术观变革的起点。  相似文献   

在人类社会"从身份到契约"的变化趋势中,学术职业先后赖以存在和发展的行会身份、宗教身份及政府公职身份备受挑战,以评聘协调、非升即走、聘任后评价、末位淘汰等为规程的契约化变革日渐盛行。对于学术职业而言,身份传统和契约化变革各有利弊,两者并不是依次替代的关系,而是互补关系,理应和而不同地共存。稳健、有效的学术职业改革,应坚持"身份传统+契约化变革"的整合型发展方式,而不宜作非此即彼的极端化选择。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the developmental challenges facing the academic profession in Europe and especially in some Western Balkan countries, Croatia and Slovenia. First, we look at how the higher education environment determines key changes to the academic profession: expectations to demonstrate professional expertise, internationalisation, segmentation, and precarity. While these processes are mainly considered from the above perspective, we also examine the work of academics from within. Second, we discuss aspects of academic tasks, challenges of synchronising academic work with performance measures, intensification of work and expansion of bureaucratic tasks. Building on these perspectives, we introduce a qualitative pilot study that tests how these general trends described in the literature may be applied to given situations in five countries of former Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia and Kosovo. Although these countries cover a relatively small geographical area, the differences among them with respect to the economy, society and politics are important. Our findings suggest that problems accumulating in academic work in Slovenia and Croatia were in almost all of the surveyed aspects less problematic than in the three other observed countries.  相似文献   

Student assessment should not be undertaken as an end in itself but as a means to educational and institutional improvement. The purpose of our study is to provide systematic empirical evidence of how postsecondary institutions support and promote the use of student assessment information in academic decision making. We use linear regression to determine which institutional variables are related to whether student assessment data is influential in academic decisions. Our conclusion is that student assessment data has only a marginal influence on academic decision making. Our data show there is slightly more influence on educationally related decisions than on faculty-related decisions, but in neither case is student assessment data very influential. Nonetheless, we did find several significant predictor variables in our model, including: the number of institutional studies relating students' performance to their interactions with the institution; conducting student assessment to improve internal institutional performance; involving student affairs personnel in student assessment; the extent of student assessment conducted; and the extent of professional development related to student assessment that is offered to faculty, staff, and administrators. These findings vary by institutional type.  相似文献   

美国大学正处于挑战与变革共存的时代,日益增加的外部压力和学术条件的恶化,使大学教师的职业生活发生了重要转变,大学教师职业变得更加多样化,其中与教师职业密切相关的教师职责、聘任方式、学术权力和教师权益方面的变革尤其令人瞩目且影响深远。美国大学教师职业的现代转型对我国大学学术职业变革具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, numerous articles, special features, symposia, and conferences have raised perceptive and often troubling questions about the present condition and future directions of the field. In the 1980s, the debates reached a crescendo with issues about specialization, fragmentation, professional versus academic, and what should comprise the academic core. Any profession should periodically evaluate itself; it is now time, however, to marshall our efforts and concentrate on what our collective strengths are—or should be. It is suggested herein that useful lessons might be gleaned from an overview of American medicine at the turn of the century and recent discussions concerning medical education. Medicine combines both clinical and academic/scientific studies and draws upon knowledge ranging from the molecular to the macro levels. American medicine and medical education struggled through uncertainties 100 years ago that are not unlike those that physical education has been involved in for the last 3 decades. To achieve first-class academic and professional respectability, however, more physical education faculty must become producers (rather than consumers) of scholarly and scientific knowledge. Moreover, our professional organization must devote greater attention to fostering research, the foundation upon which the respectability of a profession rests.  相似文献   

An analysis of the properties of university organization will tell us about important aspects of academic life, but only an analysis of the academic profession will give us the whole story of academic work. External and internal life in academia is a function of the interplay between academic organization and academic man(woman). It is vital to an understanding of academic life to recognize the distinction in perspective between the organization and the individual, because academic organization is mainly passive whereas academic man(woman) is active. The two entities—the university and the academic profession—are fundamentally dissimilar from an action perspective. What academic man(woman) is—rational, evaluative, coordinating, goal oriented—the university cannot be; and what the university as an organization amounts to—satisfying a "garbage-can" model's properties—would spell disaster for academic man(woman). What unites the university and the academic profession is that both entities have to act in an environment that is at the same time dynamic and heterogeneous. Both the university organization and the academic profession face an environment the distinctive trait of which is a constantly shifting heterogeneity. The university may attempt to define and erect stable input and output functions vis-à-vis its environment only to discover that plans have to be remade and decisions adjusted to the ongoing march of events, which the university can neither control nor even adequately predict. What creates a hazardous situation for the university as an organization is what academic man(woman) thrives on; since the perspective of the academic profession is the understanding of the environment and not the accomplishment of organizational goals, adaptation becomes that much easier; a stable and homogeneous environment would mean that the flow of stimuli for new knowledge would slow down and there would not be such a variety of needs for research. What separates the two entities—the university and the academic profession—is the basic difference in the conditions for action.  相似文献   

学术职业的专业化是学术职业在其发展过程中不断形成为一种专业的过程。本文从职业社会学的角度出发,认为学术职业的专业化程度可以从知识、权力、伦理和社会利益四个纬度来评价。  相似文献   

本文从美国研究型大学学术职业的萌芽与初期发展、学术职业的形成和确立、学术职业的巩固与繁荣、学术职业的困境与新发展等几个方面,对其历史沿革进行梳理分析,说明了美国研究型大学学术职业的特点。  相似文献   

Globalization and internationalization are terms growing in prevalence in the mental health professional field with increasing interactions between nations and cultures around the world. After a broad review, we define globalization as the continual process of interactions between cultures with the dominant culture influencing local cultures towards integration. Internationalization, on the other hand, we define as a partnership between cultures focused on mutual development and in which the local individuals and communities are empowered to make decisions about how best to meet their needs. In our analysis, we specifically examine the recently modernized country of Bhutan as a nation greatly influenced by both processes. More research is needed to further the knowledge within the internationalization literature and to ethically develop the mental health profession in Bhutan.  相似文献   

Early childhood education and care is currently experiencing unprecedented policy interest and expansion. This policy and practice landscape requires new forms of adaptive leadership, new spaces for production of the knowledge necessary for this changing context, and tools that can support the development of leadership qualities. This paper examines the potential of practitioner research to produce contextually relevant knowledge and to develop leadership capacity. Our findings show that collaborative practitioner research groups provide a relatively safe environment for the sharing of dilemmas and critical reflections. The practitioners who participated in this research wanted access to narratives of change in typically resourced early childhood contexts as well as in the more highly resourced settings that are more often reflected in academic research and literature. This suggests there is a need for much more of this work to be publicly available. These groups can generate the courage required to open practice based research to public critique. This, we argue is an important element of activist leadership. Collaborative practitioner research opens up the possibility for practitioners to position themselves as knowledge producers and to revitalize the knowledge base that informs teacher education in the academy. In supporting this move, academics need to position themselves as resource gathers and co-learners thus opening a third space for knowledge production. The challenges for the profession are how to fund and effectively disseminate collaborative practitioner research and how to draw it into dialogue with other forms of research.  相似文献   

当前,国内外学术界对于大学学术职业制度的系统研究还不多,已有的研究成果主要集中在三个方面:大学学术职业制度的比较研究;大学学术职业制度发展中的现实问题;大学学术职业制度的特征。现有研究中存在缺乏对大学学术职业制度内在构成的深入分析;缺乏对大学学术职业制度变迁历程进行研究等问题。  相似文献   

This article explores the use of consultation within educational psychology practice and suggests there is confusion and lack of clarity within the profession surrounding the term, how we use it and how inclusive or exclusive it is as a practice. Three ways of conceptualising consultation are suggested and examples of research and theoretical analysis are described in order to understand these areas of practice. The latter part of the article considers the role of consultation within new practices associated with multi‐agency working and integrated services. It is suggested that as a profession we need to pay more specific attention to the knowledge and skills involved in successful consultation within multi‐agency practice, through drawing upon research and practice from beyond our own somewhat narrow field.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国高等教育存在较为严重的"重学术轻技术"的价值取向,不利于高等教育的健康发展。探讨高等教育职业性,旨在引导全社会加深认识,促进其学术性与职业性的协调发展。高等教育职业性,要求传统高等教育在促进学术性发展的同时,兼顾职业性的基本诉求;同时,高职教育要在专业建设、课程开发、教材编写、教学改革等方面强化职业性,在人才培养方面突出应用性与技能性,适当兼顾理论基础与拓展知识。  相似文献   

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