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从1950年教育部颁布的第一个《音乐教学大纲》起,到2001年基础教育课程改革产生的《音乐课程标准》止,建国后我国在不同时期先后颁布了13部中小学音乐教学大纲和课程标准。这些文件不仅在各时期音乐学科教学中具有重要指导意义,而且从一个侧面反映了我国中小学音乐教育的发展脉络。因此,本文拟对建国六十年来我国音乐课标的发展轨迹和走向进行回顾和反思,并从中探寻中国学校音乐教育的发展历程。  相似文献   

音乐教育是素质教育的有机组成部分,也是实施素质教育中的一个重要环节。中学音乐教育处于整个音乐教育的重要阶段,在其教学中应摆脱传统思想的束缚。在新课程改革背景下更新教学理念,探索新的教学模式,最大限度的发挥学生的创造性和能动性,达到最好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This research compared how the scientific literacy-related goals of the current Chinese and Finnish national science curricula at primary school level are actualised using a revised Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) scientific literacy framework in the content analysis of the curricula. The content of the curricula focuses principally on knowledge, followed by competencies and attitudes, respectively. The learning context was seen to be thoroughly integrated with the content in both countries. However, the curricula are written in different ways. Generally, the literacy objectives for both curricula are based on scientific knowledge (Vision I) and the application of knowledge-based skills in situations (Vision II). However, they are characterised by implicit views that derive from the pursuit of the value-driven transformation of individuals and society achieved through science education (Vision III). The Chinese curriculum appears to favour the Anglo-American curriculum tradition, whereas the Finnish curriculum appears to be more attached to the Bildung-Didaktik tradition in terms of core tasks and the specification of objectives. The recommendation is that Vision III should be included in the science curricula, and should explicitly relate to social and scientific topics with a view to furthering a scientifically literate public.  相似文献   

1997年,挪威政府对义务教育课程进行了一系列改革和调整,并于1999年由挪威国家教育部重新制定并实施了新的国家课程标准——《挪威10年义务教育课程标准》。音乐课程是挪威10年义务教育核心课程的一个组成部分,对其音乐课程的目标、内容及途径的分析和评价,将为我国基础教育音乐课程改革提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the National Plan for Music Education there have been significant changes in music education within England. Whilst some celebrate figures that report increased access and engagement, many teachers and others continue to have legitimate concerns regarding the quality of the music education on offer in schools and Music Education Hubs. There are concerns that the provision of music education is incoherent and patchy across the country. Many would argue that the opportunity to access high-quality music education has become a ‘postcode lottery’. There is a sense that the fragmentation of music education as a result of curriculum reforms and the diversity of approaches taken by Music Education Hubs and other bodies has significantly enhanced this incoherence. This article seeks to review the policy and practice of music education in England over the last 10 years. It draws on recent research from various sources and maintains a particular focus on government policy and the consequences of this for the field as a whole. It reflects on how things could be improved in the future. It argues for a clearer focus on a practitioner-led approach to research and advocacy, in particular one led by the notion of ‘policy as practice’ rather than continuing with the current approach and its intrinsic failings.  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》为我们展示了中小学音乐教育一系列崭新的价值观念和教育理念。高师音乐教育专业是培养未来中小学音乐教师的工作母机,教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等与中小学音乐教育改革的成败休戚相关。在中小学音乐教育正在发生重大变革的关键时刻,高师音乐教育专业应以中小学音乐教育为立足点,以《标准》为依据,在教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等方面进行调整,以适应新时期中小学音乐教育的需要。  相似文献   

Inherent in most school curricula is some sort of curriculum hierarchy—that is, an assumption that some school subjects are more valuable than others. This paper examines the epistemological assumptions that underpin one such curriculum hierarchy, which I refer to as ‘the traditional curriculum hierarchy’. It is a pervasive and problematic idea which maintains that supposedly abstract school subjects, like mathematics and physics, are more valuable than subjects associated with concrete experience, practicality and the body, such as physical education and vocational subjects. Drawing on Dewey, an alternative, non-hierarchical theory of curriculum will be proposed. Contrary to common misinterpretations of his ideas, it is argued that Dewey did not prioritise student interests over disciplinary content. Dewey proposed a curriculum grounded in authentic social problems that required students to draw simultaneously on knowledge and methods from multiple disciplines in an interconnected manner in order to work through such problems. Current policies and initiatives, especially the Australian national curriculum and the English Baccalaureate, are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the publication of A Nation at Risk, some scholars have argued that a national curriculum and national testing are necessary to hold school personnel accountable for student achievement and, ultimately, to raise educational standards. The idea of developing a nationwide curriculum has been widely debated in the United States, where the traditions of local control and state responsibility are dominant. Thus, this article examines the relevance and feasibility of a uniform curriculum in physical education. A core curriculum for physical education has the potential to provide clear goals, coherent instructional guidelines, and relevant assessments aligned with designated program outcomes. A more advanced curricula framework with clear guidance for P-12 curricula and pedagogical practices could promote system-wide changes in school-based physical education. In contrast, the adoption of an overly rigid national curriculum would create a stifling educational context where cultural differences and local flexibility are not allowed.  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的深入和发展,义务教育阶段音乐新课标的推行和实施也历经了十年的实践和检验。其实施效果如何,各界对它的评价和反馈又如何,对这些问题进行梳理和反思,将有利于我们明确音乐新课标修订的着手点,认清课改的方向,进一步推进音乐新课改和中小学音乐教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

校外音乐课程资源是音乐课程资源的重要组成部分。开发利用校外音乐课程资源必须坚持地域性原则、针对性原则、适度性原则和"走出去,请进来"的方式,必须对校外音乐课程资源进行科学的开发利用,发挥校外音乐课程资源促进学校音乐教育健康发展的作用。  相似文献   

Many countries, including Australia, China, the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, have included art subjects in their core curriculum. Using the theory of governmentality as a critical lens to investigate the intricate power–knowledge system in relation to curriculum, arts and pedagogy, this paper makes a comparative document analysis of two contemporary arts curricula for children aged 5–6 years—the Beijing Kindergarten Happiness and Development Curriculum in the arts learning area (upper class in kindergarten), and the Australian Curriculum: The Arts (Foundation level). Curriculum is best understood as a multi-faceted phenomenon and this paper draws from research which categorized curriculum into three phases: the intended (or planned) curriculum, the enacted (or implemented) curriculum and the experienced (the learner experience) curriculum. By focusing on the first phase: the intended curriculum, this paper compares the documents that comprise the planned curriculum from two very different contexts, and thus makes a contribution to cross-cultural understanding of early childhood arts curriculum in ways that may lead to social change.  相似文献   

《音乐课程标准》与高师音乐课程改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师音乐课程改革应领会《音乐课程标准》的价值观念,以服务于中小学音乐教育为基本点,充分认识音乐学科的性质以及中小学音乐教师应必备的能力,拓宽思路,构建高师音乐教育专业课程的“四大模块”,从而推动音乐教学的改革。  相似文献   

地方高校培养的音乐类师资力量,在很大程度上影响着我国基础音乐教育事业的发展,所以新课程背景下地方高校音乐学专业课程改革势在必行。在课程设置中,要正确把握技能与教育教学的关系,充分体现现代教育技术、心理学、关学及人类学等多方面因素,同时把新课程教学的理念渗透到每一个教学环节。  相似文献   

基础音乐教育课程改革轰轰烈烈,成绩卓著。各类音乐师范院(系)在积极的宣传、研究音乐新课程改革的同时,也将音乐新课程标准及其培训纳入了教学工作之中;许多教师还参加了国家、省(市)的音乐新课程的研究、培训,并出了不少成果;而且办学规模不断扩大、办学层次不断提高以及音乐教育研究生教育工作等,都无不显示出高等师范教育对基础音乐教育课程改革的关注。各高等艺术师范(院)系虽然积极参与基础教育改革,但是对自身的改革还显得被动和保守。因而转变观念,调整课程结构,为音乐基础教育培养合格师资乃当务之急。  相似文献   

论学校课程范式及其转型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
傅敏 《教育研究》2005,26(7):38-43
库恩的“范式”概念是建立在复杂性思维基础上的,它有助于我们认识课程范式的不同层面。当前学校课程的范式包括学科课程范式和经验课程范式,它们无法独自解决学习主体与内容客体相互对立的问题,将逐渐被在课程信念、课程价值、课程技术等方面完全不同的新型学校课程范式,即整体课程范式所取代。促进学校课程范式转型是当前基础教育课程改革的重要工作。  相似文献   

高等师范音乐教育是培养中小学音乐教师的摇篮,当高师毕业生走出校门跨入中小学教师队列的时候,同时也是对高师教育教学质量的检验。新的《音乐课程标准》对中小学音乐教师提出了更高的要求,面对音乐新课程新标准的启用,高师音乐教育教学的改革迫在眉睫。本文从高师音乐教学的培养目标、课程设置、课堂模式、考核评估几方面提出了改革的构思和建议,以达到为基础教育培养合格音乐师资的目的。  相似文献   

Taiwanese textbooks play a central role in Taiwanese education. In the wake of the political reform and social protest movements of the 1970s and 1980s that prompted Taiwanese educational reform, critics have charged that traditional curricula tend to reinforce the dominant national Chinese cultural identity. The purpose of this article is to review recent research on the complex ideological processes in Taiwan’s school curriculum. The article begins with an overview of the political and social impact on social studies curricula in Taiwan from 1949 to the present, followed by a theoretical discussion of the interrelationship between school curriculum and political ideology using an analysis of Taiwanese textbooks as evidence. The article then suggests a number of classroom practices and methodologies for elementary and secondary school teachers in social studies classes.  相似文献   

高师音乐教育专业课程设置的问题与改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高师音乐教育专业课程设置的改革是一项复杂的系统工程。课程设置有其内在的规律性,即设置什么课程,哪些课程是主干课程,哪些课程是基础课程,各类课程之间的关系,以及课时分配、比例等,都不是随意的,有其内在规律性。本文对高师音乐教育专业课程设置进行了研究,为课程改革提供了理论依据和改革措施,并有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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