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洗胃灌肠对危重新生儿黄疸干预的临床效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚鲜红 《宜春学院学报》2009,31(4):70-70,88
目的:探讨洗胃灌肠对危重新生儿黄疸的疗效观察。方法:100例年龄≤48小时危重新生儿,随机分为对照组和观察组。用传统方法干预的为对照组,洗胃灌肠方法干预的为观察组,各50例。对照组血清总胆红素达干预推荐方案的标准时光疗。观察组在入院后生命体征平稳,立即予以洗胃灌肠,同时监测血清总胆红素达黄疸干预标准时光疗。结果:观察组首次排黄便时间、黄疸消退时间、蓝光照射时间、胆红素峰值、住院时间均明显低于对照组,经统计学分析,两组间比较有统计学意义,P〈0.01;观察组高胆红素血症明显低于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义,P〈0.05;死亡发生率比较无统计学意义;洗胃灌肠未发生副作用。结论:洗胃灌肠干预可以使危重新生儿黄疸持续时间缩短,胆红素峰值降低,降低高胆红素血症发生率,从而降低危险性,缩短住院时间,减轻患者痛苦及其家庭经济负担。  相似文献   

黄伟 《考试周刊》2010,(56):255-256
为探讨新生儿高胆红素血症的病因、治疗方法和干预措施,作者对206例新生儿高胆红素血症患儿的临床资料进行分析,认为应加强围产保健,减少围生期感染,合理进行母乳喂养.进行早期诊断、干预。  相似文献   

抚触配合中医穴位抚摩对新生儿黄疸的护理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生儿黄疽是胆红素在体内积聚而起,其原因复杂,特别是核黄疸可导致患儿的死亡或出现运动或智力障碍等严重后遗症。目前国内外预防和治疗新生儿黄疸多采用药物疗法、光照疗法、换血疗法。近年来国外内均有报道抚触有利于新生儿的生长发育,有减轻新生儿黄疸的作用。能否通过抚触配合中医穴位抚摩促进新生儿的排便,缩短胎便排出时间,降低新生儿黄疸指数和新生儿高胆红素血症的发生,笔者对此进行了研究,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨外周动静脉同步换血疗法治疗新生儿溶血症和高胆红素血症的效果和护理方法。方法联合采用输液泵及注射泵对16例新生儿溶血症和高胆红素血症进行同步外周动静脉换血疗法。结果16例患儿全部穿刺成功并顺利完成换血,除早期2例患儿因换血速度快出现短时间的心率增快、血压升高、烦躁、哭闹外,未出现并发症。换血结束后血清胆红素浓度下降均≥50%。结论新生儿外周动静脉同步换血疗法换血速度的快慢可影响患儿的生命体征和换血的进行;经外周动静脉穿刺成功率高、并发症少、治疗效果好,同时把握好确当的换血速度,是一项值得推广的护理技术。  相似文献   

目的:为探索使新生儿母乳性迁延性黄疸快速退黄的方法,比较两种不同护理方法对新生儿母乳性迁延性黄疸的退黄效果。方法:选择母乳性迁延性黄疸新生儿100例,随机分为抚触组(实验组)和常规护理组(对照组),对照组采用常规护理,实验组采用抚触护理同时配合常规护理。两组新生儿在治疗护理期间每隔24h测定血清胆红素一次,至直胆红素下降至119.17μmol/L以下,停止治疗护理。结果:两组间每日胆红素平均下降幅度、黄疸消退时间均有显著性差异。结论:抚触护理对新生儿母乳性迁延性黄疸具有一定退黄效果,是一种见效快、不需母婴分离、并且无创的护理方法。  相似文献   

中药退黄口服液加外洗液治疗新生儿迁延性黄疸临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨中药治疗新生儿迁延性黄疸的疗效,比较中、西药不同治疗方法治疗新生儿迁延性黄疸的疗效和反应。方法:选择母乳性迁延性黄疸新生儿100例,随机分为中药退黄口服液加外洗液治疗组(实验组)和常规西医治疗组(对照组),实验组用退黄口服液加外洗液;对照组采用常规治疗、蓝光照射、酶诱导剂、白蛋白等对症治疗。治疗期间每隔24 h测定血清胆红素一次,至直胆红素下降至119.17μmol/L以下,停止治疗。结果:两组间每日胆红素平均下降幅度、黄疸消退时间均有显著性差异。结论:中药退黄口服液加外洗液治疗新生儿迁延性黄疸是一种退黄效果好、见效快、不需母婴分离且副作用小的新方法。  相似文献   

梗阻性黄疸手术死亡率为 8%~ 2 0 % [1] 。主要原因是高胆红素血症可造成患者全身各器官损害 ,常导致感染、内毒素血症 ,长时间梗阻性黄疸对肝脏功能、造血机制、肾功能均有较大影响 ,可能发生术后致死性并发症。因而充分正确的术前准备是减少手术并发症降低死亡率的关键。1 梗阻性黄疸对机体的影响1.1 梗阻性黄疸的基本病变是胆道梗阻 ,其引起的病理生理改变多种多样[2 ] ,可导致水电解质酸硷失衡、高胆红素血症、内毒素血症、肝肾功能损害、凝血功能改变等。其中内毒素血症、肝肾功能损害、凝血功能改变是影响治疗效果及预后的几个重要…  相似文献   

为探讨农村婴儿佝偻病的早期预防方法,把研究对象随机分为实验组和对照组,对照组不加任何干预,对实验组婴儿采取“早期综合预防”干预技术进行佝偻病的预防。研究结果表明,“早期综合预防”干预技术可显著提高农村0~1岁婴儿母亲对佝偻病的认知水平,促进其采取预防佝偻病的行为,降低其佝偻病的发病率,可积极推广和应用。  相似文献   

正preface宝宝如果患了母乳性黄疸,需要停止给宝宝哺喂母乳吗?在"0~24月龄婴幼儿科学喂养研讨会"上,北京协和医院儿科主任医师丁国芳专门探讨了母乳喂养的拦路虎——母乳性黄疸。丁国芳教授说,现在母乳是婴儿的最佳营养品,这个观念逐渐成为人们的共识。母乳喂养的优势也越来越被母亲和家庭所接受,母乳喂养时间也在逐渐延长。可是,由于母乳性黄疸是发生在健康母乳喂养宝宝中的高胆红素血症的表现。一般说来,高胆红素血症,母乳喂养与人工喂养相比有更高的发生率,程  相似文献   

目的:探讨术后出现下肢深静脉血栓形成的预防及护理.方法:选择我院2012年3月至2014年5月收治的86例行外科手术患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组43例,观察组43例,对照组行常规护理,观察组行下肢深静脉血栓形成预防及护理干预,对两组患者护理干预后效果进行分析.结果:观察组深静脉血栓发生率为6.98%,对照组为27.91%,两组差异有统计学意义(P0.05);观察组护理干预后患者满意率为93.02%,对照组为74.42%,观察组显著优于对照组(P0.05).结论:对术后下肢深静脉血栓形成积极预防,可显著降低下肢深静脉血栓发生率,行有效的护理干预措施,可提高患者护理满意率,改善护患关系,减少护患纠纷,值得临床进一步推广使用.  相似文献   

The Insecure/Ambivalent Pattern of Attachment: Theory and Research   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Relatively little has been written about one group of infants identified with Ainsworth's "Strange Situation" assessment of infant-parent attachment, those classified insecure/ambivalent. Although virtually all samples contain some insecure/ambivalent infants, these infants are uncommon, comprising 7%–15% of most American samples. Recently developed assessments of attachment in children and adults have identified attachment groups of older individuals thought to parallel the insecure/ambivalent infant group. Empirical work in which insecure/ambivalent individuals are examined as a separate group is reviewed within the context of attachment theory, and a coherent picture emerges of the antecedents (relatively low or inconsistent maternal availability; biological vulnerability) and sequelae (limited exploratory competence) of this group. This picture is used as the basis for additional theoretical proposals, and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Objective: Infants comprise nearly one fourth of all entries to foster care. Linkage of administrative birth and placement data can provide information about these infants that may otherwise be unavailable or difficult to obtain.Method: Statewide birth records and foster care placement histories were linked via probability matching. Logit regression was used to compare 26,460 maltreated infants who entered foster care between 1989 and 1994 with a random sample of 68,401 other infants born during that time frame.Results: Infants in care were more than twice as likely to have single parents and be born with low birthweight, and twice as likely to have been born with a birth abnormality as other infants, controlling for other factors. The largest difference was in the eightfold increased likelihood for mothers of infants in care to have had no prenatal care. Infants in care were nearly three times as likely to be born into larger families (third or greater live births to the mother). Mothers of infants in care were more than twice as likely to be African American compared to White than mothers of other infants, while Hispanic and Other ethnic groups were underrepresented in the group of infants in care. Foreign born mothers, especially Hispanic women, were much less likely to have infants in care than they were to have children in the other group.Conclusions: Administrative datasets, while often limited in the number of variables they include and scope of their information, can be a valuable tool when used to understand demographics and frame questions for future research. Infants who enter foster care differ in substantial ways from other children. These findings have important implications for future research aimed toward targeting of child welfare services and supports.  相似文献   

Stimulation has been given to young infants to prevent the development disabilities often associated with prematurity. A review of these experimental programs reveals a lack of knowledge as to the ecology of the premature infant. This is indicated in the assumption that premature infants are sensorily deprived and by the arbitrary differences in the nature of stimulation techniques. Despite various problems in methodological and outcome assessment, stimulated infants tend to perform at higher levels than control-group infants on measures of sensorimotor and development. It is suggested that future research should be directed toward specifying the environment and processing capacities of the premature infant, and that intervention studies should make use of the 4-group design proposed by Solomon and Lessac (1968).  相似文献   

Social-communication differences are a robust and defining feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but identifying early points of divergence in infancy has been a challenge. The current study examines social communication in 9- to 12-month-old infants who develop ASD (N = 30; 23% female; 70% white) compared to typically developing (TD) infants (N = 94, 38% female; 88% white). Results demonstrate that infants later diagnosed with ASD were already exhibiting fewer social-communication skills using eye gaze, facial expression, gestures, and sounds at 9 months (effect size: 0.42–0.89). Moreover, three unique patterns of change across distinct social-communication skills were observed within the ASD group. This study documents that observable social-communication differences for infants with ASD are unfolding by 9 months, pointing to a critical window for targeted intervention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare baseline characteristics, service provision, and child placement for infants exposed to cocaine in utero based on postnatal screening results. METHODS: We studied a retrospective cohort of 40 consecutive drug-exposed, but seemingly healthy term infants who underwent urine drug screening in the newborn nursery of a community hospital. Using clinical and service agency data, two cocaine-exposed cohorts were compared (a) screen-positive at birth (n = 22) versus (b) screen-negative at birth (n = 18). RESULTS: Both cocaine-exposed groups had similar infant birth weights, levels of paternal involvement, maternal ages, gravidity, parity, and lengths of gestation. Mothers in both groups had similar histories of prostitution, poor home environment, drug use, and prenatal drug rehabilitation. Mothers of screen-positive infants were more likely than mothers of screen-negative infants to have other children in foster care (27% vs. 6%, p = .07), to have experienced previous interventions by child protective services (CPS) (55% vs. 17%, p < .01), to have had no prenatal care (32% vs. 6%, p = .09), and fewer prenatal visits (4.7 vs. 8.6, p = .02). Compared to screen-negative infants, more screen-positive infants were referred to a high-risk infant tracking program (91% vs. 6%), referred to CPS (100% vs. 33%), placed outside the mother's home (50% vs. 22%), and had their mothers referred to drug rehabilitation (36% vs. 11%), (p < .01 for each). By 1 year of age, support services differed little between exposed cohorts. However, 6 of 22 screen-positive infants were in foster care and 3 were placed for adoption, while only 1 of the 18 screen-negative infants was in foster care and only 1 had been placed for adoption. There were no services available in this community to provide coordinated or comprehensive services or drug treatment specific to the needs of drug using mothers and drug exposed infants. CONCLUSIONS: Despite similarities between cocaine-exposed infants cared for in a normal newborn setting (with and without positive urine drug screens at birth), differences in referral services were noted. More striking than these differences was that services for families with drug-exposed infants are inadequate to even meet the needs of those families in our setting deemed to be at highest risk. Neonatal drug screening needs to be paired with effective services.  相似文献   

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently removed nicotine from the category of drugs contraindicated during breastfeeding. Little evidence demonstrates that infants exposed to nicotine through breastfeeding experience increased health risks beyond the airborne risks associated with passive smoking. The purpose of this longitudinal, five-week, quasi-experimental pilot study was to determine whether "smoking hygiene," an educational intervention, reduces the frequency of respiratory symptoms experienced by infants whose mothers both smoke and breastfeed. Twenty-nine mother-infant pairs entered the study with 28% dropping out. Of the 21 mother-infant pairs who completed the study, 66% of the nine infants in the control group experienced respiratory illness, compared to 42% of the 12 infants in the intervention group (x2 = .814; p > .05). Thus, the difference was statistically nonsignificant in this small sample, but the trend worsened the anticipated direction. The study demonstrates some of the difficulties of intervening with this group of mothers.  相似文献   

Studies of adults and infants indicate that the left frontal brain region is specialized for approach emotions, such as joy, whereas the right frontal region is specialized for withdrawal emotions, such as distress. Furthermore, depressed adults have been found to show reduced brain activity in the left frontal region. In this study, frontal and parietal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity was recorded from 27 infants aged 11-17 months (13 of whose mothers reported elevated depressive symptoms) during baseline and emotion-eliciting conditions. Compared with infants of nonsymptomatic mothers, infants of symptomatic mothers exhibited reduced left frontal brain activity during playful interactions with their mothers and failed to exhibit the typical pattern of greater right frontal activity during a condition designed to elicit distress (maternal separation). Infants of symptomatic mothers also showed less distress during maternal separation; however, no group differences in behavior were found during the playful condition. Group differences were evident in the frontal region, but not in parietal brain activity.  相似文献   

Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, born weighing less than 1,500 g, are at risk for several developmental problems. Consequently, there has been interest in developing intervention programs to prevent such problems. This article describes the empirical evidence that guided the development of an innovative, multicomponent intervention program for mothers of VLBW infants, as well as the program content and features. Based on the evidence, the program was designed to include six sessions and commence shortly after birth to reduce maternal psychological distress during the infant's hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit and to promote sensitive mother-infant interaction. The program incorporates various learning activities, including written materials, observational exercises, discussion, and video feedback.  相似文献   

Skeletal surveys (SSs) have been identified as a key component of the evaluation for suspected abuse in young children, but variability in SS utilization has been reported. Thus, we aimed to describe the utilization patterns, yield, and risks of obtaining SS in young children through a systematic literature review. We searched PubMed/MEDLINE and CINAHL databases for articles published between 1990 and 2016 on SS. We calculated study-specific percentages of SS utilization and detection of occult fractures and examined the likelihoods that patient characteristics predict SS utilization and detection of occult fractures. Data from 32 articles represents 64,983 children <60 months old. SS utilization was high (85%-100%) in studies of infants evaluated by a child protection team for suspected abuse and/or diagnosed with abuse except in one study of primarily non-pediatric hospitals. Greater variability in SS utilization was observed across studies that included all infants with specific injuries, such as femur fractures (0%–77%), significant head injury (51%–82%), and skull fractures (41%–86%). Minority children and children without private insurance were evaluated with SS more often than white children and children with private insurance despite lack of evidence to support this practice. Among children undergoing SS, occult fractures were frequently detected among infants with significant head injury (23%–34%) and long bone fractures (30%) but were less common in infants with skull fractures (1%–6%). These findings underscore the need for interventions to decrease disparities in SS utilization and standardize SS utilization in infants at high risk of having occult fractures.  相似文献   

目的 :分析及探讨住院儿童死亡原因 ,以提高儿科临床工作质量 ,降低儿童死亡率。方法 :对 188例住院患儿死亡病例进行回顾分析。结果 :住院患儿的病死率为 2 .0 %。新生儿死亡数占总死亡数的 2 3.4 % ,1岁占 38.8% ,故 1岁以内死亡数占总死亡数的 6 2 .2 %。导致住院儿童死亡的前十位疾病是肺炎、病毒性脑炎、白血病、新生儿窒息、婴幼儿腹泻、败血症、结核病、先天性心脏病、新生儿硬肿症和中毒意外。新生儿、婴幼儿、学龄前及学龄儿的首位死因分别是新生儿窒息、肺炎和白血病。结论 :加强围生期保健 ,预防窒息 ,重视肺炎、白血病的防治对降低儿科住院病死率有重要意义。  相似文献   

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