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媒介恐慌论与媒介恐怖论的兴起、演变及理性抉择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
媒介恐慌论和媒介恐怖论源于世界恐怖主义日益膨胀的威胁和媒介世界浓厚的暴力氛围.媒介恐慌论作为一种研究恐怖报道与恐慌心理关系的媒介理论,虽然可以在中国文字诞生时发现它的起源,在魔弹效果论中看到它的发展,但却是随着"9·11"事件的暴发才成为真正的学术话题的.媒介渴望发生大新闻的心理和对突发事件的大规模报道,极易引发社会恐慌,形成"恐慌文化"和非理性的直觉式的反应.鉴于恐怖主义和媒介之间经常具有一种相互提供养分的倾向,恐怖主义已演变为一种弱者反抗强者的非对称的对抗性手段,一种象征性的发言权和传播方式.媒介要确保不被恐怖组织利用,就必须以国家安全和社会稳定为首要考量,坚守社会责任、专业精神和职业道德,自愿遵守面临恐慌或恐怖事件时的报道原则,愿意以相互体认、相互理解的态度与危机处理者合作互动,以向公众提供全面、真实、安全、平衡的信息.  相似文献   

许莹 《东南传播》2012,(7):39-41
早在2006年"彭宇案"之后,"扶老人"事件即持续成为媒介报道热点,但其中所包含的矛盾并未随报道增多而愈辨愈明,一方面,因"扶老人"而"惹麻烦"的事件不断出现,另一方面,跌倒老人因无人扶助而出现生命危险的事件也越来越多。在此事件高潮回落之后,本文通过对近年来"扶老人"事件媒介报道情况的分析,认为这种现象出于新闻报道对公众行为的无形引导,以及对公众态度的偏向调节,提出以多维度报道来多角度呈现事实才是引导公众行为与调节公众态度的有效方式。  相似文献   

恐怖主义与西方媒介的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵志择 《新闻记者》2006,14(5):54-56
大众媒介具有放大事件效果的功能,这一点是恐怖组织所熟知的。他们所实施的恐怖袭击主要目的是制造出媒介事件,然后借助西方媒介的报道引起世界的关注。通过这种方式实现他们的政治目的。西方的大众媒介是被利用的工具,是恐怖主义媒介逻辑的真正执行者。  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件对人民群众的生命安全和社会经济整体发展构成威胁,已成为公众关注的敏感话题。媒介是社会的守望者,在突发公共卫生事件中起着不容忽视的作用。但在实际的报道中媒介却出现一些负向作用。本文力图探讨媒介在突发公共卫生事件中的责任与担当,以期媒介能够积极引导舆论、彰显人文关怀,有效发挥媒介正向作用。  相似文献   

灾难性事件因其自身的难以预见性和影响广泛等特点,对社会稳定性和行为框架构成了严重威胁。在现代社会,电视媒体作为公众媒体了解国内外重大新闻的信息平台,在紧急突发性灾难事件的报道工作中扮演着重要角色。本文就电视媒体如何做好灾难性事件报道提出相应的策略。  相似文献   

邵静在2008年第10期《新闻实践》中撰文说,随着突发公共事件增多,报道失度往往带给公众一种媒介恐慌。媒介要在满足公众知情权和消除媒介恐惧中取得平衡。新闻“把度”是消除媒介恐慌的良药。  相似文献   

媒体已经成为当今社会生活中最为重要的“塑型力量”。本文结合重大突发性事件报道的特点和媒介的职能,简要阐述了地方电视媒体在重大突发性事件报道中应承担的社会责任。  相似文献   

新闻界对突发事件的报道,满足了公众对未知信息的知情权,但与此同时也扩大了公众的恐慌。自2001年美国“9·11”恐怖袭击事件发生以来,不当报道造成的“媒介恐慌”成为世界新闻传播学界和业界共同探讨的话题。社会恐慌是媒介制造的,而媒介之所以能够制造恐慌,是由于媒介安全功能失灵和失控。①传统媒介如何在突发事件报道中既做到信息公开,又发挥媒介的安全作用?本文以钱江晚报杭州“7·5”公交车燃烧事件报道为例进行分析。  相似文献   

"9·11"事件以来,暴力恐怖风险在全球范围内广泛蔓延。世界风险社会语境下,媒介是现代风险的主要建构场域,也是公众获取风险信息的主要来源,对于形塑公众风险感知、推进社会风险治理具有十分重要的作用。本文基于风险社会理论和框架理论,对《人民日报》15年来关于暴力恐怖事件的报道进行内容分析,研究主流媒介如何报道暴恐事件以及建构暴恐风险景观。  相似文献   

本文从媒体这一行动主体出发,以北京食品安全事件的"媒介呈现"作为切入口,对2008-2015年间的北京食品安全事件的媒体首发报道开展研究;侧重从报道的地方特点、传统媒体与新媒体的议程互动及社交媒体平台会话等方面进行分析。研究发现,传统纸媒和电视媒体仍然是北京近年来食品安全事件爆料的主要平台,消息来源以公众和媒体曝光为主;新媒体在传统纸媒、电视报道的食品安全事件持续发酵之后,承担了延续公共讨论的作用,部分社交媒体中的公众讨论呈现了扭转主流媒体话语权的倾向。公众的话语在社交媒体平台中成为主导议程的主体,通过质疑、反对等方式,扭转了主流媒体对部分报道的议程;对主流媒体的话语权进行争夺。  相似文献   

The emergence of media-oriented terrorism led several scholarsof modern terrorism to reconceptualize the phenomenon of terrorwithin the framework of symbolic communication theory. However,the success of media-minded terrorists has been studied mainlyby measures of amount of coverage given to terrorist acts andnot by examining the impact of this coverage on public opinion.The present study sets out to examine the effects of media coverageof two terrorist events on the public's attitudes and perceptions.By means of an experimental design, the impact of press andtelevision reports of two terrorist incidents was studied. Thefindings highlight the ‘redefinition of image’ causedby exposure to media reports and relate media functions suchas status-conferral and agenda setting to the specific caseof mass-mediated terrorism.  相似文献   

An agenda-building model was examined for the question of Africaand terrorism. A path analysis compared real-world events (deathsand attacks attributed to terrorism), presidential emphasis,media coverage, and foreign aid for 20 African nations. Resultsshow a clear agenda-building trend—when nations were emphasizedwith a terrorism frame. Presidential emphasis of nations’involvement in terrorism influenced media coverage and the policyagenda. The findings also suggest that deaths attributed toterrorism influenced the news and policy agendas. Media coverageof nations with a terrorism frame influenced the policy agenda.Only one significant path coefficient was found in the analysisof agenda setting without terrorism framing: The more PresidentBush mentioned a nation in his public statements, the more TheNew York Times covered the country. Received for publication September 29, 2006. Accepted for publication March 27, 2007.  相似文献   

A slew of gruesome executions by terrorist groups in 2014–2015 renewed interest in the public relations strategies of terrorists. As a case in point, the Islamic State group’s escalating brutality reflects their efforts as a relatively nascent extremist group to ensure a high and sustained volume of media coverage, especially among Western outlets. But what characteristics of events actually prompt coverage from major U.S. news media? Using a rich data set of terrorist incidents and coverage from six major broadcast and cable U.S. networks, we model coverage of terrorist incidents as a function of event proximity from U.S. soil, target country affinity with the United States, number of total and U.S. casualties, and the characteristics of the terrorist group. Our findings largely corroborate expectations set forth by the literature on norms and routines of journalism and economics of news. When it comes to terrorism, coverage by U.S. major media outlets is largely dependent on proximity to and affinity with the United States, weapons of mass destruction, and the number of global and U.S. casualties.  相似文献   

There has been a long-standing debate among scholars, policy-makers, politicians and journalists about the relationship between terrorism and the news media for whom terrorism is usually a newsworthy story. A primary focus of the debate is to investigate the media–terrorism symbiotic relationship. This paper explores this relationship through a qualitative, thematic analysis of how British TV news channels covered a major terrorist incident after the 9/11 – Mumbai attacks 2008. It examines the interpretive theme of ‘awe, terror and chaos’, and how it is selected, prioritized and developed in the presentation of the events which spread over a period of more than 72 hours. Additionally, it considers the kind of political and organizational factors that might shape or modify the editorial decision-making processes and ideological assumptions that may lie behind such coverage. Ultimately, the study maintains that British TV news outlets play an important role in mediating terrorist messages and focus primarily on images of terror and violence during the coverage of Mumbai attacks. While there are key differences between public and commercial TV news in the style and presentation of coverage, with the former being more careful in approach, the news channels concentrate on televising death and injury and the propagation of chaos and confusion in the affected city.  相似文献   

This study examines the coverage of terrorism in two leading Arab news websites, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya from 11 September 2009 to 10 September 2010. It finds that the stereotype that ‘the terrorist is a Muslim’ continues in terrorism coverage, despite the fact that some terrorists are non-Muslims. However, the two sites manage to send out the message that ‘the majority of terrorism victims are Muslims.’ In addition, the findings reveal that too much media focus is placed on disseminating and supporting official positions and decisions, and humanitarian sufferings from terrorism are seldom brought to the attention of the public.  相似文献   

The media-terrorism nexus needs further exploration. This article is a qualitative analysis of the coverage of London Attacks, 2005 by the British TV news channels. It aims to investigate and to empirically ascertain the veracity of the media-terrorism-symbiotic-relationship notion. The research draws a comparison with a similar study of the coverage of Mumbai attacks, 2008 and maintains that when the terrorist event happens on British soil, the symbiotic relationship theory is not verified completely. It concludes that British TV news channels, while reporting the home event of terrorism, do not overly focus on the theme of awe and terror. Instead, they are more responsible, careful, and nationalistic while covering the events of terrorism.  相似文献   

In media effects research a fundamental choice is often made between (field) experiments or observational studies that rely on survey data in combination with data about the information environment or media coverage. Such studies linking survey data and media content data are often dubbed “linkage studies.” On the one hand, such designs are the state of the art in our field and on the other hand, they come with a long list of challenges and choices. This article reviews the rationales for linkage studies, outlines different types of linkage studies, reviews the state-of-the-art in this area, discusses which survey and content items to use in an analysis, reviews different types of analyses, outlines considerations for alternative specifications, and provides a step-by-step example.  相似文献   

美军在伊拉克的虐囚丑闻,受到了美国国内媒体的密切关注。本文通过 对《国际先驱论坛报》相关报道的分析,探求美国媒体对该事件的主要报道框架。从中 发现,美国媒体一方面严厉批评政府的管理混乱,显示出其监督政府的强大力量;另一 方面,这种指责又仅仅停留在对政府具体政策的批评层面上,并未触及美国基本价值观 乃至制度,显示出其新闻自由的局促性。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):414-428
This paper examines how journalists in India and Sri Lanka define social responsibility and whether they consider their news media to be socially responsible when covering terrorism. Interviews with 68 Indian and Sri Lankan journalists suggest that they do not consider their media to be socially responsible. They identify several problems including: government manipulation of news, pressures to pander to the marketplace, pressure to please a public indoctrinated with governmental and corporate definitions of “patriotism,” fear of physical reprisals, and lack of professional training as main reasons that journalists in these two countries cannot act in a socially responsible manner whenever they are writing and reporting about terrorism.  相似文献   

For several years, child welfare advocates have claimed that the U.S. news media misrepresent child abuse and fail to highlight its societal dimensions. To investigate the accuracy of this diagnosis, the following study examines findings of a content analysis of child abuse coverage in major national and urban U.S. newspapers from 2000 to 2008. First, we determine how frequently newspapers covered the different types of child abuse. Second, we analyze whether child abuse has been framed as either an isolated phenomenon (episodic and individual frames) or a broadly systemic and public problem (thematic and societal frames). Third, we look for changes in coverage frequency and media frames over time. Findings are mixed: On one hand, different types of child abuse receive varying degrees of coverage, with sexual abuse receiving a disproportionately large amount; on the other hand, the topic of child abuse in general has predominantly been framed thematically as a problem that has societal causes and solutions. However, there was no clear pattern in the way these causes and solutions have been framed over the years. Based on these findings, we suggest that child welfare advocates should focus on communication goals other than influencing media frames.  相似文献   

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