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现代汉语同义词类型的划分有多种方法,标准不同得出的结论也不一样。我们认为现代汉语同义词类型可以按同一标准和多标准划分,前又可以再分为以意义分类、以音节和词素的构成分类、以词的差异分类、以语境分类四种情况;后又可以从单一多标准和复合多标准两个方面划分。这种概括是符合现代汉语同义词类型研究的实际的。  相似文献   

“以生为本”的作文评价标准指教师尊重学生作文的个性化情感、个性化生活体验、个性化思想,关注每个学生的作文成长过程,而不以传统“应试作文”模式化标准来束缚学生作文表达真情。基础性标准、真实性标准、创意性标准、激励性标准、过程性标准、差异性标准,体现了生本作文评改理念,具有较强实践性、操作性。  相似文献   

目前我国幼儿园教师资格标准存在不是专门标准、标准过低、缺乏可操作性等问题。为了保证幼儿园教师的质量,有必要从以下两方面作出新的探索:第一,整合幼儿园教师资格标准与专业标准;第二,整合幼儿园教师资格标准与幼儿园教师教育标准。  相似文献   

澳大利亚教学专业标准及其质量保证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对教师教育改革问题,澳大利亚不断完善专业标准,持续推进教师专业发展。文章重点说明澳大利亚标准导向的专业教学体制,并在教学标准、绩效评价与教师学习之间建立了有机联系,诸如,教学标准的定义、专业原则、内容标准、发展的水平标准及澳大利亚寻求教学专业质量的保证措施。  相似文献   

The introduction of standards into the education system poses numerous challenges and difficulties. As with any change, plans should be made for teachers to understand and implement the standards. This study examined science teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the standards for teaching and learning, and the extent and ease/difficulty of implementing science standards in different grades. The research used a mixed methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research tools were questionnaires that were administered to elementary school science teachers. The majority of the teachers perceived the standards in science as effective for teaching and learning and only a small minority viewed them as restricting their pedagogical autonomy. Differences were found in the extent of implementation of the different standards and between different grades. The teachers perceived a different degree of difficulty in the implementation of the different standards. The standards experienced as easiest to implement were in the field of biology and materials, whereas the standards in earth sciences and the universe and technology were most difficult to implement, and are also those evaluated by the teachers as being implemented to the least extent. Exposure of teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of standards and the implementation of the standards may aid policymakers in future planning of teachers’ professional development for the implementation of standards.  相似文献   

课程标准的实施:我们需要检测些什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程标准是驱动教育变革的重要力量,它的实施过程需要多方面的检测:检测教学与标准的一致性程度;检测课程标准中关键革新点的实施程度;检测教师接受课程标准的程度。这些多角度的数据将为分析并促进我国课程标准的深入实施提供支撑。  相似文献   

中国古代教育家理想中的教师标准探究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
尊师重道是中华民族的优良传统,古人对教师提出了许多条件,可称为早期的教师标准。中国古代的教师标准,实际上有两个体系,一是教育家笔下理想的教师形象与标准,二是统治者选拔“学官”的具体标准。本文主要对前者进行梳理与分析,包括教师的道德标准、教师的职业形象、知识标准、教育能力标准以及社会服务等五个方面,并在此基础上总结其合理的成分,以期对现代教师标准体系的构建提供历史借鉴,以全面提高我国教师培养培训的质量。  相似文献   

In many countries, there are no professional standards determining attributes, praxis, effectiveness and evaluation for teachers of relationships and sexuality education in schools. However, in the USA, a new set of pre-service teacher preparation standards has been developed for sexuality education and health. Australia has a set of generic teacher professional standards, but none specifically designed for teachers of relationships and sexuality education. This study aims to explore the possible development of such specific education professional standards for Australian teachers, by comparing and contrasting the knowledge, skills, and competencies exemplified in the prospective USA preparation standards with those in existing generic Australian teacher standards at graduate level. The analysis points to common areas of suitability, competencies, and effectiveness that could help pre-service/initial teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators find appropriate and relevant benchmarks for the teaching of timely and comprehensive relationships and sexuality education. The findings show structural similarities, content consistencies, and helpful commonalities in both standards’ sets, comprising seven USA teacher preparation standards, and seven Australian teacher professional standards. Such information may be useful for teachers and educators wishing to generate professional standards for the teaching of relationships and sexuality education in Australia.  相似文献   

澳大利亚近些年来在教师专业发展标准的制订方面进行了不少有益的探究。既有全国性教师专业发展标准的推行,也有地方自订教师专业发展标准的颁布。这些标准各具特色,也有共性,如重视教师的道德素养、强调合作意识与能力等,对于我国制订合理的教师职业发展标准以促进教师专业发展,不无借鉴意义。  相似文献   

传统的教师人事制度并不提供对教师专业化的制度支持。通过结合学校运行目标,将教师专业标准转化为教师职位标准,教师专业化和人事管理可以有机地统一起来。这种统一的桥梁在于知识差别可以涵盖职位差别和教师专业发展程度的差别。  相似文献   

高校党建信息化建设需要合理有效地实现党建信息资源的优化配置.要实现对信息资源的优化配置,就必须在相关理论科学的原则指导下,实现信息平台的体系化和评价标准化建设.党建信息化评价标准包括应用标准、技术标准、网络基础设置标准、信息安全标准以及管理标准.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between biology teachers' evolution teaching practices and their regard and use of Indiana state evolution standards. A survey developed by the authors contained five subscales: use of standards; attitude toward standards; attitude toward evolution standards; evolution teaching practices; and demographic information. This survey was administered to 229 Indiana biology teachers. Data were analyzed using the Rasch model to convert Likert rating scale data into ratio data used for parametric analyses. Correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between use of standards and attitude toward standards, attitude toward standards and evolution teaching practices, and attitude toward evolution standards and days teaching evolution. These findings suggest practical relationships between standards use, teachers' regard of standards, and evolution teaching practices. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 236–257, 2007  相似文献   

基于标准提升教育质量是美国基础教育改革的必然趋势,"结果导向"的绩效问责是美国运行质量标准的实践策略。结合美国教育质量标准实施情况,其质量标准的问责体系可简化为三个要素:标准、监测、问责,即基于课程的学业标准;专业的管理和监测体系;绩效为本的激励机制。美国在构建及运行教育质量国家标准的经验值得我们参考借鉴。  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑界对采稿标准的研究相对较多,但一般都关注理论、制度层面的标准,很少关注实际操作层面的标准。文章基于采稿工作是一个工作过程的认识,从责任编辑视角指出采稿工作在遵循理论标准和制度标准的同时,更应注重操作层面的标准。不同的文稿有不同的处理标准,理论、制度标准最终体现在采稿工作实际中。  相似文献   

从我国教育质量标准的理论研究入手,梳理我国理论界关于教育质量内涵、建立分类教育质量标准、将国际标准质量管理体系引入教育领域的研究等;分析我国对于教育质量标准的实践探索,包括培养标准定位、教师资格标准、教学内容标准、教学评价标准等;立足我国教育质量标准的理论与实践状况,提出建立国家教育质量标准的必要性。  相似文献   

Editors of archival psychological and educational journals were asked to rate the importance of 38 potential standards that can be used to judge publishability of a paper. The standards included classic internal and external validity standards as well as writing standards and criteria pertaining to the visibility of issues in the paper and the author of the paper. The editors rated most of the standards as at least somewhat important, although some were rated as very important to absolutely essential. There was a significant correlation between editor's ratings of criterial importance and the likelihood of standards being met in published studies. Some potential publication standards are more critical than others in determining publishability, with the ratings generated here providing some guidance about which standards are especially important to meet in preparing a paper for publication consideration.  相似文献   

美国课程标准之评价标准的比较、评价与借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
90年代以来,美国掀起了席卷全国的以标准为基础的教育改革运动.各州相应制定自己的学科课程标准.然而各州标准优劣参半,不一而同.为了促进所有州课程标准的提高,许多组织机构提出了他们的评价标准,开展了评价各州课程标准的运动.本文遴选影响较大的三个组织的评价标准,进行对比,予以评价.最后在合理借鉴的基础上,尝试提出我国新课程标准之评价标准.  相似文献   

2006年2月15日,财政部新闻发布会发布了39个会计准则,其中包括:1项基本准则、38项具体准则。在38条具体会计准则当中,除了对原有的16项准则进行修订之外,其余22条准则均为此次新增。过去的16条具体准则偏重工商企业,新准则扩展到横跨金融、保险、农业等众多领域,覆盖了各类企业的各项经济业务。本文从我国会计改革及规范进程入手,对此次新会计制度的主要变化进行了分析。  相似文献   

教师的质量和标准问题是关乎教师队伍建设的根本性问题,一直是人们研究与关注的重点,我国古代教育论著《学记》中对此有精彩论述。《学记》主要论述了教育素养标准与学科知识标准,其中教育素养标准包括教育理论素养标准和教育能力素养标准两个方面,指出教师应该遵循教育基本规律,善于启发和诱导;学科知识标准则指出扎实的学科知识是教师不可或缺的。  相似文献   

从历史科国家课程标准中,可以清楚地在整体上了解并认识一个国家的历史课程及其教育。中国中学历史科国家课程标准的制定已有90年的历史了,大致经历了从课程标准——教学大纲——课程标准的发展过程。1991年英国颁布了该国教育史上第一个历史科国家课程标准,1995年、1999年和2007年又先后修订了历史科国家课程标准。比较分析,中英两国的历史科国家课程标准,都有一个发展历程;两国的历史科国家课程标准,都十分关注学生的历史学习能力的发展;课程标准都提出了学生的学业要求,以及与之相适应的历史知识体系,课程标准都是以这两部分为主要内容的。当然,两国的历史科国家课程标准也都有各自的特点。  相似文献   

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