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贵州省磷石膏渣对乌江汞排放的评估与环保对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在联合国环境规划署(UNEP)制定的国际《水俣公约》正式生效之前,本文对我国采用传统湿法工艺生产磷酸的废渣磷石膏对水环境污染的形势做了分析;实测了贵州磷石膏悬浊液中重金属含量,发现汞的含量很高。估算了贵州两大磷肥企业磷石膏渣堆向乌江排入悬浊液总量和汞与其它毒重金属的年排量。对全国汞排量最多的贵州省做了汞排结构分析,指出乌江干流水库遭磷石膏污染的严重危害,提出若干相应的环保对策。  相似文献   

文章结合DEA-Malmquist生产率指数法和环境污染综合指数法,将环境污染因素纳入三峡库区重庆段农业TFP评价中。研究结果显示:在考虑环境污染情形下2005-2014年三峡库区重庆段农业TFP年均变动值为1.013,技术进步指数为1.014,技术效率变化值为0.999;考虑环境污染情形下的农业TFP显著低于不考虑环境污染情形下的测算结果,表明三峡库区重庆段农业发展呈现出以破坏生态环境为代价的粗放型增长方式;技术进步是三峡库区重庆段各区县农业TFP增长的主要动力,也是造成各区县农业TFP差异的主要因素;在空间分布上,重庆主城-长寿-涪陵-江津、万州-开县-云阳-忠县两片区的农业TFP增长较快。  相似文献   

以丹江口水库临近三个省份的5个市的调查数据为依据,建立相关的污染物排放估算模型,采用参数计算、对比分析的研究方法,对污染物中所含化学物质(如氨、氮、COD)及其入河量进行估算.结果发现:入库污染总量中,面源污染占绝对优势;在空间分布上,以南阳盆地和十堰地区贡献占绝对优势,库区区间贡献率较小;在化学元素的形态特征上,对水体的影响主要是以溶解态为主的氮和以颗粒状为主的磷.从面源污染的源头来看,不合理的土地利用造成的土壤侵蚀,薄弱的生态环境所造成的污染物转移,都是造成面源污染步步加深的原因.针对以上对汉中、南阳等5个市之间面源污染总量差异的分析,因地制宜地提出未来丹江口水库农业面源污染治理的科学对策,为丹江口库区的环境保护提供科学依据和借鉴.  相似文献   

We investigated the patterns of phosphorus transport from purple-soil cropland of 5° and 10° slopes with bare and vegetated surfaces, respectively. Each type of land was tested under a simulated moderate rainfall of 0.33 mm/min, a downfall of 0.90 mm/min, and a rainstorm of 1.86 mm/min. Runoff dynamics and changes in the export amount of phosphorus are influenced by the rainfall intensity, the slope and surface conditions of cropland. The vegetation diverts rain water from the surface into soil and helps the formation of a subsurface runoff, but has little influence on runoff process at the same sloping degree. Vegetated soil has a smaller phosphorous loss, particularly much less in the particulate form. A heavier rainfall flushes away more phosphorous. Rainwater percolating soil carries more dissolved phosphorous than particulate phosphorous. Understanding the patterns of phosphorous transport under various conditions from purple soil in the middle of Sichuan basin is helpful for developing countermeasures against non-point-source pollution resulting in the eutrophication of water bodies in this region that could, if not controlled properly, deteriorate the water quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

We established a hydrodynamic model to simulate the pollutant transport and decay process in the case of a pollution incident in the sections of the Yangtze and the Jialing passing through the city area of Chongqing. The Boussinesq assumptions and the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluid were applied to setting up the pollutant diffusion equations and the equations for the decay process. E. coli was taken as the example pollutant, and chloride dosage, light, temperature and ultraviolet intensity were considered in the equations for bacterial decay process. The calculated values of the fluid velocities in the two rivers agree well with corresponding measured results, indicating an ideal accuracy of the model. In simulation, the concentration of E. coli in water was assumed to be zero before the accident. The upriver boundary velocity was ?1.35 m/s for the Jialing flow and 1.75 m/s for the Yangtze flow, and the downriver boundary was water depth set at 0. Simulation results show that the bacteria are transported downstream along the riverbank. A long and narrow pollutant belt develops at 12 h after the start of the accident ascribed to the quick longitudinal transfer. After the pollution sources are cut off, the pollutant concentration decreases slowly, mostly by advection and diffusion, suggesting inadequate self-purification ability of the rivers and the necessity of effective decontaminating measures in the case of a pollution incident. The model can be a useful tool for understanding the polluting situations of an improper discharge incident and evaluating the effects of decontaminating measures for the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

We established a hydrodynamic model to simulate the pollutant transport and decay process in the case of a pollution incident in the sections of the Yangtze and the Jialing passing through the city area of Chongqing. The Boussinesq assumptions and the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluid were applied to setting up the pollutant diffusion equations and the equations for the decay process. E. coli was taken as the example pollutant, and chloride dosage, light, temperature and ultraviolet intensity were considered in the equations for bacterial decay process. The calculated values of the fluid velocities in the two rivers agree well with corresponding measured results, indicating an ideal accuracy of the model. In simulation, the concentration of E. coli in water was assumed to be zero before the accident. The upriver boundary velocity was (1.35 m/s for the Jialing flow and 1.75 m/s for the Yangtze flow, and the downriver boundary was water depth set at 0. Simulation results show that the bacteria are transported downstream along the riverbank. A long and narrow pollutant belt develops at 12 h after the start of the accident ascribed to the quick longitudinal transfer. After the pollution sources are cut off, the pollutant concentration decreases slowly, mostly by advection and diffusion, suggesting inadequate self-purification ability of the rivers and the necessity of effective decontaminating measures in the case of a pollution incident. The model can be a useful tool for understanding the polluting situations of an improper discharge incident and evaluating the effects of decontaminating measures for the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

通过对农业用地土壤中镉、铜、铅等重金属的污染情况进行初步调查分析,了解到污染因素主要是饲养所用的畜禽饲料转化为粪便作为肥料施用所致。因此,应积极采取有效措施对饲养所用的畜禽饲料进行严格监控,以综合防治农业用地土壤的重金属污染。  相似文献   

盐业是中国历代中央政府十分重视的一个特殊行业,历来属于官营专卖业。乌江水道不仅是川盐入黔的主要运道,而且也是川盐进入湘西、鄂西及渝东南有关州县食盐的重要运道。清代的食盐管理制度有票盐制、盐引制、计口授盐制、官运商销制;民国时期的食盐管理制度有自由运销、官办运销、食盐专卖、监销及零售公卖。乌江水道食盐的运输路线众多,其里程各不相同。乌江水道主要采取水陆驿运配合方式,并形成了以木船和背篼等为主要运输工具。  相似文献   

在川渝至贵州之间,自古存在一条盐油古道。它以乌江航运为主,水陆并进,自川境涪陵(今属重庆)起运川盐,溯乌江经彭水、龚滩、沿河、新滩、潮砥,抵达思南、石阡,辐射铜仁、湘西等地,下载桐油等土特产品水运出黔。这条盐油古道涵盖川、渝、黔、湘,对贵州土家族地区经济文化发展,产生了深远影响,堪与滇藏之间的荼马古道媲美。  相似文献   

After the erecgtion of Three-Gorge Reservoir,The Water Environment in the reservoir area will be turned into water dobies like laker,and the self-clarification ability of water will also be moch slower than ever,Now,the quality of water in most segments in upper reaches of Yangtze River cannot meet the requiremets of I-II class Environment Quality Standard (GHZB1-1999),In Yangtze River,Jialing River and Wujiang River,the mian indexes such as colon bacillus,nonionic ammonia,chemical oxygen demand(COD),petroleum,phenol,total phosphorus(TP),heavy metal,etc.,have exceeded the standard limits.The water bodies of the reservoir area are facing serious risk of eutrophicatioinm.To solve that problem.A countermeasure of multi-spot diverted treatment and separate discharge is recommended,for doing this,lots of smallscale wastemwate treatment facilities employing updated activated sludge treatment technologies are to be set up.Up to now,a number of sewage treatment technologies to control eutrophication of water have been developed,which include processes of sequencing batch activated sludge(SBR),absorbing bio-degradation (AB),oxidation channel,package intermittent aeration system(PIAS),intermittent cylce extended aeration system(ICEAS),UNITANK and so on ,The Efective one to be applied in the reservoir area should convey the requirements of ecological agriculture,forestry and urban planning ,and be accompanied by legal support for appropriate exploitation of natural resources.  相似文献   

从东圳库区开山种果造成的水土流失、畜禽养殖业污染、农村生活污水和垃圾污染以及农业生产中使用的化肥、农药污染等四个方面论述了东圳水库饮用水源的污染成因。提出了加强小流域监测、提高防灾能力、建设生态果园等八项对策建议。  相似文献   

生态问题已经成为21世纪人类社会最重要的问题之一,如何在发展经济的同时保护好生态环境是当前许多国家面临的两难选择。作为生态脆弱的贫困地区——重庆市万州区而言,在发展社会经济的同时如何保护好生态环境更具有紧迫性和挑战性。万州区既是国家级贫困城市、重庆市"一圈两翼"中"渝东北翼"的中心城市,又是三峡库区的腹心城市,一方面,发展地区经济,摆脱贫困,实现区域经济的腾飞,是万州义不容辞的责任;另一方面,保护生态环境,特别是长江水资源环境和沿江水土资源、植物资源等,又是万州区必然的历史使命。用万州区2002—2011年的相关数据来分析万州社会经济发展与工业三废的关系,既能掌握和理解万州地区生产总值与工业三废之间的关系,又能找出它们之间的发展规律,为万州这样的生态脆弱型贫困地区的社会经济发展提供借鉴,也能进一步的检验环境库兹涅茨曲线在类似地区的具体表现。  相似文献   

渝东南土家族探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渝东南地区在殷、周时期居住着百濮之族。本不与蛇巴人接壤,蛇巴人被尧派羿屠于巴陵后,部分巴人向西部逃难,匿于石穴蜕变为白虎巴人,吞并土百濮,形成巴蜀对峙。旋楚子灭巴,秦灭楚。濮已灭亡,复不称巴人后裔,史称蛮,继称上,后世便以土家人自称。濮人不甘灭亡,百濮之一,板盾蛮专杀白虎,其民俗流传于渝东南及黔北、湘西、鄂西等古代百濮居住过的广大地区。许多方言流传至今,泄露了百濮人与巴人的关系。为追寻渝东南土家族源头提供了有力证据。有比较清晰历史线索可以考证的是鱼凫国,她发源于蜀,沿岷江而下,与百濮之族融合,生活于宜宾、重庆、涪陵。然后一支沿长江继续下行至今奉节,另一支溯乌江而上,至渝东南乃至“九溪十八洞”。  相似文献   

为做好保护洱海的工作,对洱海北部为洱海提供主要来水量的“两江一河”(永安江、罗时江和弥苴河)的水污染治理情况进行调研。针对其水污染严重的现实,在回顾以往治理工作的基础上,分析水污染治理中的制约因素、存在问题及导致水污染的原因,最后提出加强“两江一河”水污染治理的十条对策建议。  相似文献   

基于大布河的DEM、土地利用图及各集水区水质监测数据,以ARCINFO、SPSS为主要信息提取及分析工具,对北江上游典型小流域农业非点源污染的现状、时空特性及影响因素进行分析.研究表明,流域内存在一定程度的氮污染,采集的15个水样中含氮量在Ⅲ类水标准以下的水样占93.3%.磷污染较为轻微,含磷量在II类水标准以上的水样占水样总数的80%.氮素输出强度随无雨、雨前、雨后三个时段依次增大,而磷素输出强度随时间变化无明显规律,其输出强度与降雨密切相关.非点源污染的“源”地类对地表径流氮、磷输出强度具有重要影响,各集水区中农业用地、居民地所占的面积比重与三个采样时段TN/TP输出强度的相关系数依次为0.956,0.871,0.764/0.824,0.546,0.737,具有较好的正相关关系.同时,地类对非点源污染物的“源”、“汇”作用因空间而异,其扮演的“源”、“汇”角色取决于不同地类的空间布局.此外,地形因素对非点源污染具有一定影响,但地类对非点源污染的影响要大于地形对非点源污染的影响.  相似文献   

重庆土家族地区,其古代水陆交通促进了地方社会经济文化的发展.陆路交通依托纵横的古道联系四方,有大量的桥梁、关隘和汛塘;水路交通依靠长江、乌江、酉水和郁水等河流,由厚板船和蛇船等完成水上运输.研究其古代交通状况,对于今天建设社会主义新农村,构建和谐社会,抢救与保护非物质文化遗产提供深刻的启示.  相似文献   

渝东南地区的酉水和乌江流域现在已没有严格意义上的仡佬族,但在古代却是仡佬族生活的根据地与大本营,有很多保存至今的名胜古迹和风俗习惯可以作为证据。挖掘仡佬族文化因素,对于研究仡佬族的文化来源与迁移去向有重要的学术价值,对于保护与开发民族旅游文化也有重要意义。  相似文献   

以霍童溪蕉城段流域农村饮用水源地为研究对象,根据《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)对该研究区内饮用水的水质进行了分析。结果表明,饮用水源地的主要污染物是氨氮和总磷。同时,根据饮用水源地水质污染状况,分析了水污染的来源为农村的畜禽养殖废水、农田施肥、农村生活污水及生活垃圾,并提出了水源地的保护建议:全面治理畜禽养殖污染;加大农业面源污染防治;推进农村生活污水和生活垃圾处理装置的建设;加强农村饮用水源地的保护。  相似文献   

根据对梁滩河流域畜禽污染的调查,提出以下综合治理对策:建议在有关政府部门管理和监督下,采取集中养殖和宰杀、污染物集中处理,并实现污染物的资源化、无害化、生态化、减量化;处理畜禽粪采用生产饲料工艺、厌氧发酵生产沼气工艺、好氧发酵生产有机肥工艺和资源综合利用工程。  相似文献   

文章通过分析工程对汉江中游段襄樊市有利和不利影响,提出襄樊应把握机遇,迎接挑战,加强生态环境安全规划、管理,进行生态建设;狠抓水污染控制,加强生态环境保护;加大水土保持力度,发展生态农业、生态林业、生态旅游业;以使南水北调中线工程给襄樊市造成的影响降低到最低限度,保证襄樊市经济和社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

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