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经济合作与发展组织2002年高等教育学术研讨会主要集中讨论5个问题:(1)以人为本:全球对高等教育系统关注重点的变迁与发展;(2)胡罗卜与大棒:国家政策与院校行为互动的发展趋势;(3)大学跨国化与学术理想:国际教育市.场的激励与合作;(4)人力资源的个体开发:大学职业路径与激励机制;(5)院校个性:今天我们如何管理大学。  相似文献   

高校定位也许可以通过制定首都高等教育整体规划来进行。这一思想受20世纪60年代制定的美国加州高等教育整体规划(A Master Plan of California Higher Education)的启发。该规划以法律的形式明确了加州大学、加州州立大学和加州初级学院三个部门的功能定位,使政府与高校的关系得到有效改善,满足了平等与追求卓越的关系。加州伯克利大学教授尼尔·斯梅尔策(Neil Smelser)认为该规划是“20世纪最重要、最有影响的两三个高等教育改革之一”;斯坦福大学校长约翰·亨尼西(John L.Hennessy)认为,由于该规划而使加州“建立了让全世界都羡慕的教育制度”。当时美国高校存在的问题和挑战与我国目前的情况有许多相似之处,如高等教育规模迅速扩大、高校功能定位不清、院校之间无序竞争、高等教育财政紧张等。目前,北京高等教育面临的问题可能更特别、更困难,如存在部委院校和市属市管院校这种二元管理结构,高层次、学术型院校密集而职业技术院校和短期高等教育相对薄弱,高校地域分布不平衡,等等。但在一个有着多元利益格局和大学自治传统的西方社会尚且能制定出地区性的高等教育整体规划,我们就更没有理由对制定类似的规划失去信心。  相似文献   

施小平 《高教论坛》2006,(4):159-161,222
高等教育管理模式是涉及到政府与高校的关系以及高校内部管理的问题。本文从政府与高校的关系分析了高等教育管理的主要模式,论述了香港高教管理模式:1.政府通过法律管理院校;2.政府通过缓冲组织调控院校;3.政府通过校外学术监督机构控制院校。以期对中国大陆深化高教管理模式改革、建立现代大学制度有所借鉴。  相似文献   

一种构想:高等教育对应四种文凭傅先庆(福建省高教研究室)为学术讨论提供一种构想:把全社会的高等教育(普通高校、职业大学、成人高校等)归并为一个分类体系、一个管理体系、一个质量标准体系、一个文凭体系。即划分为国立高校、省(部)立高校、一般院校与社会考试...  相似文献   

由于传统高等教育体制的行政“惯性”以及评估制度本身还很不完善.高等教育评估制度在实践中常常表现为与现代大学制度的背离与冲突,高等教育评估制度既不能有效维护高校应有的自主权与学术自由,也不能有效引导高校自律和承担责任,评估只是政府基于自身需求关切的评估.而忽视了对高等教育多元主体利益的诉求。(1)高等教育评估的行政性干预了高校应有的学术自由;  相似文献   

全球视野中的高等教育国际化评价研究--基于文献的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年联合国经济合作发展组织(OECD)与学术合作协会(ACA)推出了国际化质量评估程序(IQPR)。2000年美国教育理事会(ACE)针对社区学院、文理学院、综合性大学以及研究型大学分别构建了教育国际化指标体系,美国《新闻周刊》和一些学者也对高等教育国际化指标体系开展讨论。日本在2000年后相继发展出3种不同的大学国际化指标,其中以大阪大学的指标较为完整。2009年欧洲国际教育协会(EAIE)发布报告《高等教育国际化成果评估》,系统梳理了高等教育国际化评估的维度、方法与模型。近几年来国内学者纷纷建构高等教育国际化评价体系。比较国内外15种评价指标,其各自的指标与权重有差异、有相似,国内的指标应借鉴并开始关注不同类型的高等教育院校,开展指标细分,现阶段尚处于文本阶段的评价指标有望在未来付诸实践并加以改进。  相似文献   

高等教育功利化倾向矫治是一个系统工程,需要从四个方面做起:一要坚定教育目的,把握"育人"主线,消除办学思想上的短视行为;二要深化高等教育改革,构建科学的高等教育体系,减少多科类学校,发展专门学科类学校;减少学术型院校,发展职业型院校;三要转变管理理念,政府要变管家型管理为监督型管理,高校要确立学术治校理念,建立科学的评价机制,营造公平的环境氛围;四要加强文化教育、道德教育和理想教育,重塑大学的人文精神,提振大学的精神追求。  相似文献   

国家承认学历的成人高等教育有哪些面向成人(在职从业人员、待业人员或离退休人员等)招生的成人高等教育发展很快,学校类型十分复杂,其中成人高等学历教育也很多。目前,国家承认学历的成人高等教育主要有三类:其一,由国家教委备案批准的成人高等教育院校和普通大学...  相似文献   

市场协调是高等教育系统的基本运行机制。随着高等教育的消费者市场、学术劳动力市场及院校市场的快速成长,中国高等教育系统日益呼唤市场协调机制,并亟待从宏观的大学—政府关系、中观的院校竞争—合作秩序、微观的大学内部治理等多个层面培育市场协调机制。  相似文献   

为了引发和加强高等教育理论中的重大问题以及高等教育发展与改革中迫切需要关注的热点、重点、难点的研究,《大学》(学术版)杂志特开辟“学术聚焦”专栏,回应国家政策、理论研究、高校改革等方面的需要,推出相关主题,吸引和聚集更多理论和实践工作者的共同关注和深入探讨,从而为促进高等教育的发展与改革提供有益的智力支持。  相似文献   

This text is based on a lecture held at the 29th IGIP Symposium (annual conference) in Biel (Switzerland). This conference took place at the HTA Biel (University for applied sciences) under the title 'Unique and Excellent'. The paper takes up the old question: What should be present in an engineering curriculum, and who should decide? The author tries an overview based on the contributed lectures he had to handle while assembling the proceedings of the symposium. He also includes current tendencies in general and attitudes of students. In particular, he deals with the current trend for direct utility in engineering education.  相似文献   


Background: Undergraduate research is evident in many forms across higher education: in journals, at conferences and on research placements. It is widely reported that undergraduate research can encourage the development of discipline-specific and transferable communication skills and, in some cases, a more complex development of higher-order critical appraisal. Recent studies of extracurricular undergraduate research conferences have also found that participants report a development of self-authorship and an appreciation of the conference as liminal and transformative space. With many published studies measuring immediate feedback surrounding conference events, there is also a need to explore participants’ reflections over a longer term period of time.

Purpose: This small-scale project investigated participants’ self-report of whether and in what ways participation in a non-assessed, extracurricular undergraduate research conference had impacted their academic and professional practices, one year after their involvement in the conference.

Method: The qualitative study took place over two academic years with participants from an undergraduate conference which was held annually. The investigation adopted an action research methodology and completed two cycles of research. Data were collected firstly through an online survey with open questions, yielding feedback from 44 respondents. Focus groups were then conducted with nine of these students to explore this data further. A thematic approach was used to analyse the data.

Findings: The two cycles of data collection and analyses resulted in the identification of four central themes: (1) general positive impact on studies or career; (2) the development of presentation skills and personal confidence; (3) the development of research skills and perspectives; (4) an increased engagement with extracurricular opportunities.

Conclusions: Overall, our analysis identified that participants reported a development in communication skills and an enhanced relationship with the concept of ‘research’ and self-authorship. Students’ report that participation directly led to increased engagement with additional extracurricular activities is particularly noteworthy, as it contributes something new to the growing body of literature surrounding undergraduate research. More widely, the study suggests the potential for undergraduate conferences to act as springboards for increased extracurricular engagement.  相似文献   

UNESCO—APEID国际会议是亚太地区教育领域非常有影响力的会议之一。本文介绍了2009年11月15-17日在中国杭州召开的第13届UNESCO—APEID国际会议暨世界银行-KERIS“ICT在教育中的应用”高级研讨会的主要内容,此次会议的主题是“ICT变革教育”,会议共包含80场大小报告,主要的议题涉及四方面的内容:有关“ICT在教育中应用”的政策、规划和评价;ICT在教学中的作用;ICT在高等教育、开放和远程教育以及开放教育资源中的作用;利用ICT促进非正规教育和终身学习。文章最后还对此次大会的内容进行了总结与评述。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程,中国正越来越多地融入国际社会,因此,更需要优秀的会议口译员。本文介绍了会议口译的几种主要形式并通过作者的实践和观察,从口译准备、译员素质、口译笔记、译员礼仪以及职业道德等方面阐述了会议口译应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

中国教育学会教育理论刊物分会2010年会于2010年12月在广东省广州市召开.会议围绕教育理论刊物如何宣传贯彻<国家中长期教育改革和规划纲要(2010-2020年)>、如何应对数字出版两个主题展开.会议认为教育理论刊物要主动面对各种挑战,必须勇于承担使命,担当责任,引领和促进教育改革的健康发展,进而提升教育理论刊物的社会知名度.  相似文献   

The title of the 2014 Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) conference was Teacher Education, An Audit: Building a platform for future engagement. One of the conference themes was Professional Experience: What works? Why? I seized upon this theme and the title of the conference as it afforded me an opportunity to do an audit of my research in professional experience over the last 25 years. This article presents this evidence base and the messages I have taken from this evidence. I have done this in the hope that, by collating some of the insights gained from the past and the present, it will help to “build a platform for future engagement” in professional experience. In preparing this article I was asked by the Editors to reflect also on how I developed my distinctive line of inquiry and expertise in relation to the practicum across an extended period. These reflections are included. I hope they will support university-based teacher educators in enhancing their satisfaction and achievements from working in this stimulating and provocative field of study.  相似文献   

At the on-site conference convened at Ruyang on July 11, which was held on the subject of implementing the "Project for Promoting Compulsory Education in Impoverished Regions" and the World Bank Loan for the "Third Basic Education Project" for impoverished regions in Henan Province (hereafter, referred to as the "Two Projects"), the reporters who attended the conference were excited about the achievements that Henan Province has attained in the implementing of these "Two Projects," and, after the conference concluded, were moved to go down to the countryside, in spite of the harsh wilting heat of the summertime, to visit the places where the achievements had been made and to "get the story out."  相似文献   

This paper reports on the 2011 conference of the International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE), drawing out implications for the theory and practice of English studies at a time when ‘standards‐based reform’ movements are affecting the practice of teachers in several countries represented at the conference. Focusing firstly on a study of the impact of these developments in Australia, the paper then gives detailed, evaluative accounts of the other main conference presentations. These relate to the teaching of writing, literature and discourse generally, and offer productive alternatives to contemporary tendencies by demonstrating pedagogy that respects the agency and cultural formation of both teacher and student.  相似文献   


This mixed methods study examines the impact of online professional development on preschool teachers’ self-efficacy, burnout, and stress. Participating teachers (n = 89) were randomly assigned into four groups: one of three treatment conditions (course-only, conference, reflective writing) or a control group. All treatment conditions received a 14-week online course on teacher-child interactions, which included regular homework assignments and community discussion boards. The conference and reflective writing conditions received additional supports. Regression analyses revealed that teachers who were in the course-only treatment condition had decreased self-efficacy and increased emotional exhaustion, a component of burnout, relative to the control group. However, teachers in the conference and reflective writing conditions did not experience such negative effects. Qualitative analyses suggest that all teachers tended to focus on personal challenges within the course, but teachers who had access to conference and reflective writing supports benefited from the availability of emotional outlets and/or opportunities for feedback  相似文献   

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