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Thefunctionofcomputeraidedprocessplanning(CAPP)istotransformtheproductdesigninformationintotheinstructionsoftheproductmanufactureinthelightofthestatusoftheenterpriseresources .CAPPisthebridgebetweentheproductCADandtheCAM ,anditlinksproductdatamanagement (PDM )andERP .WiththewideapplicationofCADandthespreadofthecomputerintegratedmanufacturing (CIM )technologyinmanyenterprises ,asakey ,CAPPisnowrequiredtobemoreadaptable,feasibleandintegrated .Thelimitedfunctionandpart processoriented…  相似文献   

海外的生活是不是对你来说既神秘又新鲜,好奇的你是否想领略一下海外生活的一点一滴呢?从这一期起,我社驻加拿大特约作者将向你们一一展示海外学习、生活的真实图景!也欢迎大家鸿雁传书,与我们的特约作者亲自交流内心的感受吧!  相似文献   

The paper introduces the cardinal vowels system invented by the famous English phonetician Daniel Jones.This system enables a teacher to describe to his students a foreign vowel by comparing it with the nearest vowel in his mother tongue,which makes the learning of a foreign sound much easier to his students.Two cases of teaching Chinese students English vowels are taken as an example to illustrate the point.IPA cardinal vowel system is of use in terms of teaching and learning English.Two suggestions are put forward in the end.  相似文献   


This paper synthesizes what the empirical literature reports regarding what can best be learned outdoors. The review suggests that the outdoors may be effective in stimulating critical thinking, increasing problem-solving skills, and developing concepts rather than rote memory. Little evidence was found to support claims for the superiority of teaching language development in the outdoors. The empirical literature offers qualified support to those who advocate the value of outdoor education in facilitating cognitive development in the areas of environmental education and general science, but the evidence must be regarded as tenuous and uncertain. Much of the research which has been reported falls short of the scientific standards necessary for it to make meaningful contributions to this debate.  相似文献   

Looking the progress of cyber based information system in railways, air ways, commercial institutions, industries, medical institutions etc. a pertinent questions is raised that why not in agriculture? It is however, realized that due to short supply of extension workers, their lower educational level and least per capita extension expenditure, the demand based extension services are not been provided to different kinds of clients. Due to diversification of agriculture, the needs are varying from farmer to farmer and area to area. Farmers need different calculated feasible, viable and economical practices to follow for better output and income. The socio-economic and agro-climatic situation of farmers in the same village is also different. Therefore, demand based extension services cannot be possible through our conventional system of extension with the available human and financial resources. So far, extension agents give the information what ever they know and not that what the farmers need. It is therefore suggested to develop cyber based extension system in our country, which provides all required information about all possible questions of the farmers. Keeping this point in view, an effort was made to develop an Expert System of Extension at Division of Agricultural Extension, Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Dlehi-12. The system was built in two phases. In the first phase the agricultural information of the selected crops have been collected from the authentic sources and stored in the form of a database. In the second phase, the decision rules were formulated and coded in the expert system. Both these phases are finally combined to form cyber-based expert system, which is hosted on the Internet for the use of the farmers and general public. This is a best combination of man and machine for efficiency and need to based on dissemination at a time to all farmers.  相似文献   

AFuzyHomogeneousCombustionControlSystemShenJiong(沈炯)LüZhenzhong(吕震中)LiYiguo(李益国)(DepartmentofPowerEngineering,SoutheastUniver...  相似文献   

TextandVoiceIntegratedPagingSystemShenLianfeng(沈连丰)WeiHuihai(魏慧海)WanShan(万山)(NationalCommunicationsResearchLaboratory,Departm...  相似文献   

In modern system of distance education, most management subsystems generally adopt WebBrowser/Web Server/Data Server or B/S/D structure. In this structure, web server is in the centerof this three - level structure, having dual tasks: 1) expression service: to save HTML silence di-  相似文献   

lIntroductionTheflexiblemanulhcturingtechnology(FMT)originatedinUSAinthemid1960s',sincethenithasspreadtomanyothercountries.Duringthelastfewyears,theflexiblemanufacturingsystem(FMS)hasdemonstratednotonlypopularintheindustrializedcountries,butalsofindsitsap…  相似文献   

集成创新的Office System家族 在日常应用软件中,MS Office办公套件是大家最为熟悉的软件之一.MS Of fice中包括的Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook已被广泛应用.为了增强MS Office软件给用户带来的价值,提升MS Office集成创新的能力,2003年,微软整合Office套件和一系列.NET企业级服务器软件,推出Office System产品家族.  相似文献   

System View在EDA实验中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电子线路和通信课程的实验教学中,往往因为条件的限制而无法开设许多实验,本文推荐SystemView作为实验教学软件,它有强大的动态系统的模拟仿真功能,并适用于滤波器设计、信号处理、完整通信系统的设计与仿真等实验,可以构建一个良好的实验教学平台.  相似文献   

利用System View对增量调制通信系统的数学模型进行了实验仿真,通过对比理想信道和衰落信道构成的两种不同通信系统的仿真结果,分析了产生误差的原因,为通信类课程的实践教学提供了参考。  相似文献   

随着Internet的日益发展、普及,人们对WEB的要求越来越高,需要灵活的动态网页技术。动态网页技术ASP具有保密性好、与所有脚本语言兼容、易编写、无需编译等特点,且ASP在与数据库的连接上采用ADO(ActiveX Data Objects)技术访问后台数据库,这些深受网页制作者的欢迎。在Online Testing System中动态网页制作中采用ASP,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

This article describes automatic functional step-up systems in high-voltage installation, with emphases on functional process of step-up and step-down, two-circuit control and elimination of tip burr voltage.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic Optimization of DyCl3 -NaCl System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, the phase diagram of the DyCl3 -NaCl system is optimized and calculated with CALPHAD ( calculation of phase diagram ) technology. A set of thermodynamic functions of compounds Na3 DyCl6, NaDyCl4, and NaDY2 Cl7 have been optimized and calculated based on an interactive computer-assisted analysis. The optimized thermodynamic parameters, calculated phase diagram and experimental phase diagram are thermodynamically serf-consistent.  相似文献   

OCLC, the largest library network in the world, introduced CJK350 System in 1986, and CIK Plus Ststem in 1993 to facilitate shared cataloging and resource sharing of library materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) claracters. This paper describes the hardware and software requirements of the OCLC CIK Plus,System, its online HELP, and.five input methods. OCLC CJK Plus System users may retrieve records from the OCLC databnse by,using I) numeric search keys; 2) derived search keys in coman alptabet 3) CJK derived search keys; 4) combined search keys; 5) title phrase searches; 6) keyword seorche, and 7) Pinvin to Wade-Giels conversion. This paper also describes the following editing features o, f the OCLC CJK Phts Systetn: 1)cut, copy, and paste; 2) constant data record; 3) NEW conmand; 4) hell record editing; 5)UNEDIT command; and 6) record validation. Its printing and record export.feature‘s as well as character set and interchange code, and OCLC CJK database are also discussed toward the end of this paper.  相似文献   

MathematicalModelofWeightinEvaluationSystemSunLu(孙璐)DengXuejun(邓学钧)(TransportationColege,SoutheastUniversity,Nanjing210018)A...  相似文献   

1Introduction Thethermodynamicpropertiesandphasediagrams ofDyCl3NaClsystemsareimportantintheproduction ofmetaldysprosium,andusefulinhightemperature chemicalreprocessingofwastenuclearfuelinfastre actors.IntheliteraturesomeaspectsofthesystemDyCl3NaCl[1,2]havebeendescribed.Seifertetal.[3]re mea suredthephasediagramIn1995.Thepseudobinary systemDyCl3NaClwasinvestigatedwithDTAandX raydiffraction.Ithasbeenfoundthatthreeincongru entlymeltingcompounds,NaDy2Cl7,NaDyCl4,and Na3DyCl6,existinthi…  相似文献   

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