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王洁成 《海外英语》2012,(21):187-188,209
New Criticism is a dominant trend in literary criticism of the mid twentieth century.New Criticism,focusing on the text and emphasizing close reading,finds its excellence in poetry interpretation.This essay introduces the theoretical basis,the ap proach-close reading,and terms of New Criticism.The essay analyzes the metaphysical poem"Virtue"written by George Her bert by the use of New Criticism.  相似文献   

张静 《海外英语》2011,(14):97-98
The text-based and reader-based are two contrasting groups of approaches existed in the field of textual coherence study.On the basis of the integration of the two kinds of approaches,an integrative interpretation of the nature of coherence is proposed,that is,coherence is both a text-related and reader-related phenomenon.In order to construct coherent interpretation of text meaning more efficiently,readers should not only be able to identify and use text-immanent coherence cues,but also be capable of drawing coherence-related information by perceiving the contextual features and by engaging actively in activating their background knowledge and in using their cognitive skills.Coherence construction based on the integrative interpretation is the key to success in reading comprehension,so it can generate important pedagogical implications in the college English intensive reading classroom.  相似文献   

许景城 《海外英语》2011,(5):213-217
Among the sundry studies in China on John Donne’s The Flea,there has been none done from the perspective of Reader-Oriented Theory to probe into the readers’ roles in the construction of meaning.The present article under Wolfgang Iser’s theories,in a further pursuit of the expansion of the gestalt of such studies on the poem,aims at exploring the readers’ active roles in complementing,completing and recreating the textual meaning,and differentiating the implied reader and the actual reader through the poem as well as attempting to fulfill the construction of the reading cognitive model through the interpretation of the conceit the flea.  相似文献   

In literary criticism,both structuralism and reader-response criticism enjoy their positions.They share similarities in some ways,but obviously they are two different ways of literary criticism,with structuralism focusing on text and reader-response criticism focusing on readers.This essay attempts to contrast structuralism with reader-response criticism in their assumption on text ’s meaning and the reader’s role in the process of reading a text.  相似文献   

闫娟 《海外英语》2011,(14):263-264
It aims to map the theory of one of the leading reception aestheticians,Wolfgang Iser,dealing with his concept on reception aesthetics.From the 1960s until now,Reader-Oriented Criticism has been on the wing,and it regards the reader as the investigated object and offers the reader an authoritative position,emphasizing the relation between the text and the reader,and the influence the text brings to the reader.His basic and systematical theory are at first centered which has got Iser renowned around the world.The significance and the evaluation of his theory are elaborated in the last part.Iser’s theory is treated as a great challenge towards the traditional literary criticism,soon spread to the other countries,bringing something new and refreshing to the filed of literary criticism.  相似文献   

Introduction Depending on the perspectives of different fields of study, it is possible, broadly speaking, to see reading as practice, product or process. The first has been the interest of anthropologists and social psychologists whose concern is with reading and writing practices as linked to their uses in everyday life, not merely within schooling. The second orientation focuses on the form and meaning of written texts and their constituent parts. The third perspective pays relatively greater attention to the role of the reader in the ongoing processing of written language and the strategies that she or he draws on in constructing meaning from text.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between commanding those basic information contained in a text and the final purpose of comprehending in a text-reading process.By using the main topic and the central meaning that all texts have as two main examples,the author mainly illustrates what a reader should pay attention to in reading a text.  相似文献   

朱秀文 《海外英语》2012,(6):217-218
Having drawn widespread attention and appreciation,Robert Frost’s poem—The Road Not Taken is known to be rich in thematic sensation and meaning.In exploring the enduring charms of this poem,the present paper attempts to analyze it on the phonetic level in perspective of literary stylistics through which the poet enhances the aesthetic beauty in sound.  相似文献   

The paper tries its best to illustrate the fact that the Authorized Version of the Bible is by far the greatest gem of literary art of all the works in the history of English literature, and that it has exerted no small influence upon the written and spoken language of the Englishspeaking peoples. A large number of idiomatic expressions, sayings, allusions, etc. come from the Bible directly and indirectrly. Hence, there is no better key to the understanding of English literature in all its epochs than a competent knowledge of the Bible.  相似文献   

IntroductionTheRoadNotTakenRobertFrostTworoadsdivergedinayellowwood ,AndsorryIcouldnottravelbothAndbeonetraveler ,longIstoodAndlookeddownoneasfarasIcouldTowhereitbentintheundergrowth ;Andhavingperhapsthebetterclaim ,Thentooktheother,asjustasfair ,Becausei…  相似文献   

阅读是阅读主体和阐释主体通过文本进行的对话。文本是阐释主体对文学事件的阐释。一个文本就是一个阅读陷阱。完全忠实于原文的阅读并不存在。写作即阅读,阅读即误读。在文本阅读中,阅读主体解构文本中阐释主体和文学事件和人物的情感认同和价值认同关系,批评性阅读文本,警惕作者和读者的同谋。坚持阅读的主体性和阅读的历史语境性,重建文本的历史性阅读和文本的历史性意义。  相似文献   

《黛西·米拉》是亨利·詹姆斯早期创作的“国际题材”短篇小说。它主题鲜明 ,含义深远 ,尤以叙事技巧见长。在叙事技巧中 ,叙事视角作为文本的一部分 ,带有很强的主观色彩。它能帮助读者更好地解读文本  相似文献   

解构主义对于文学文本以及作者思想的解构没有确定的文本要意,主张文本读者从不同的生存环境、文化习俗、历史背景、思维模式、生活习惯、宗教信仰等多个角度对于文本进行阅读以及理解。因此,解构主义语境的文学翻译中,译者可以通过自己对于文本的阅读以及理解角度有多种文化阐释。本文主要从解构主义语境对于文学翻译的文化差异进行分析论述。  相似文献   

“知人论世”是高中语文文学类文本解读的传统方法,基于社会一历史视域的解读,“知人论世”有其合理性与历史意义。但在现行教学实践中存在种种弊端。加之课程与教学语境下“文本细读”的提倡与实践,更有利于完成“学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间的多重对话”。因此,以“知人论世”为切入点,在继承“文本细读”重视文本、语言价值的基础上,提出“循着文本的层次突围”的解读方法,旨在达到丰富文本内涵、指向学生个体阅读的目的。  相似文献   

文章认为,“言词”与“意义”的关系问题一直是众多思想家探究的哲学命题。“言词”从其发端以降,就被纳入不断地注解和阐释中,从而导致了多种“意义”的生成。“意义”作为对对象价值的把握,因为“言词”的介入而得以明晰。“言词”与思想、观念一样,都是一种存在,它们在彼此构架和创造。文章从分析“言词”与“意义”的关系出发,通过探讨“话语”、“文本”和“时空历史”,认为:理解者的偏见、先在、前结构、不同视角等造成了解释的多样形态,每一种形态的存在都有其合理性。而理解者解释“言词”、“话语”、“文本”、“历史”的过程,也就是解释自我的过程。但说与不可说浸透于整个解释过程中,人类将永远面临“说不可说”的尴尬。  相似文献   

郭子旻 《莆田学院学报》2012,19(1):65-68,77
从读者的角度,分析接受美学在理论阐释空间上的突破。认为接受理论瓦解了传统文学阐释追求恒定不变的作者本质的局限性,使读者因素在诸如"期待视野"的心理以及对文本"空白"填补想象中得到凸显,在读者主动参与文本意义建构的过程中,作品的意义得到再生产。但是,在这种文学阐释范式的读者转向中",过度阐释"的存在是理论上有待解决的一个难题。  相似文献   

惠帅 《天中学刊》2014,(5):48-51
对"一件文学文本的意义是什么"这一问题,向来有诸种回答,如作者意图、读者理解、文本自身等,而这些回答显然都有一定的问题。通过分析理解以及对作品的存在及其意义时间性的探析,我们看到了这个文学作品意义的问题本身所具有的不合理性,进而从文学作品意义"到时"角度看到了以上诸种回答的问题所在,进一步揭示了作品意义的时间性。  相似文献   

接受美学对文学翻译策略的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代接受美学理论认为本意义是不确定的。本意义依赖于读的阅读,读在对本的诠释中起主体作用。在翻译过程中,本意义的实现依赖于译的前理解;译对翻译过程中的创作自由度是有限的,须以原本为依据;译还要相信译读的接受能力。  相似文献   

作为阐释主体的读者,自身的审美倾向常常会取代作者的表达意蕴,作为被阐释者的创作主体只是将个人的情感体验表达出来,而不同时代的阐释者则解读出了具有超越意义的艺术体验。一种情结的形成是在主体不断强化的过程中形成的,其一旦形成就会进一步生发出对感性世界加以观照过程中的理性思考。经过历代研究者的阐释从中找到更具普遍意义的合理内容,以意逆志也好,断章取义也好,都找到了属于自己时代的诠释视角。由此可见,文学文本一旦被过度诠释就会面临"以意逆志"的观念传播,进而不再以文本最初的意义出发,形成了特有的大众阅读的传播场域。  相似文献   

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