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张林芳 《体育科研》2011,32(2):92-95,103
日本早在1961年就制定了《体育振兴法》(简称《振兴法》),虽然已进行了13次修改,但是还不完善,为了使《振兴法》在理论上进行相对性的调整,从1997年日本体育法学会就提出了《体育基本法纲要方案》(简称《纲要方案》),文章以《纲要方案》要点为基础,分析日本体育法的现状,并对日本体育法体系的发展动向进行探讨。  相似文献   

体育彩票是市场经济的必然产物,其根本宗旨就是"取之于民,用之于民"。它的产生和发展有力地补充了社会的保障基金,弥补了国民财政投入的不足。同时广泛地发动和组织群众参与体育、支持体育,为我国体育事业的发展起到了良好的宣传和推动作用。体育彩票对国家和社会的意义是深远而广泛的,因此应该坚持并加强体育彩票的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Doosik Min 《Sport in Society》2019,22(8):1382-1395

Sport, widely believed to have a positive utility in the diplomatic arena, has been adopted by the North and South Korean governments from the early 1960s onwards. However, sport exchanges on the divided peninsula functioned as a social agent only when political reconciliation and cooperation prevailed already. Thus, the aim of this article is to understand the relationship between sport and international relations with particular reference to the cases of Korea and Germany. It seeks to critically explore the role of sport as a diplomatic vehicle in inter-Korean relations from a historical and political context, while focusing on the integration theories. This article also uses the German case to highlight how sport has played a role in the process of German reunification. Then this paper argues that sport has not been a crucial factor in promoting either reconciliation or unification, and the utmost efforts to institutionalize sport exchanges are essential.  相似文献   


In April 2014, for the first time since the event was established, over 200 foreign recreational runners participated in the Pyongyang Marathon, which is part of Day of the Sun commemorating the birthday of Kim Il-sung. The decision of the North Korean regime to open the event to foreign amateurs was unusual, thus the paper examines this new approach to the marathon, and to tourism in general, by contextualizing them within an historical perspective. It is argued that tourism policy under Kim Jong-un, the third leader of the ‘Kim dynasty’, was unprecedented in terms of its systematic approach to the development of a meaningful tourism industry while also particularly emphasizing Western tourism and sport tourism. With the inclusion of the marathon into its tourism industry, North Korea strengthened its place in the worldwide trend of sport event tourism, yet the Pyongyang Marathon has stood out by being more about branding a country than a city. In this regard, this sport tourism event has offered the visitors a look into a ‘different normality’, which was indicative to the rationale of the regime that benefited from the attention it drew through its image as ‘unexpected’ and ‘mysterious’.  相似文献   


Local Non-Governmental Organisations and sports organizations have been recognized as important and well positioned strategic implementing bodies by the ‘Sport for Development and Peace’ (SDP) sector. Whilst they may be experienced and knowledgeable of the historical and local sociocultural landscape, many seek to form transnational partnerships, for the purpose of expanding their capacity, sustainability, and expertise. Rwanda’s history of genocide frames much of its development objectives, and sport has been an integral method for implementing programmes that speak to social impact and reconciliation aims. This paper examines a transnational partnership active in Rwanda, that uses football as a tool to achieve its shared development goals. We conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Rwanda, by volunteering with the organizations as they delivered SDP programmes across the country. In doing so we were able to deconstruct the management and intricacies of this partnership and contextualize the important negotiations, management and style of approach when tackling difficult issues. This paper contributes to both expanding our knowledge of transnational partnerships and provides unique commentary that aligns the complexities of engaging with local populations in post-genocide Rwanda with ‘Sport for Social Development’ programming.  相似文献   

随着健身体育、闲暇体育、大众体育的兴起,为适应消费者需求,满足人们参与体育文化享受的需要,为人们提供体育劳务产品、体育物质产品、体育信息产品及其它相关产品的体育产业在国际上得到迅速发展,形成较大的生产规模,成为一些国家扩大就业人口,获取巨额收入,在国民经济体系中占有显著地位的重要行业。体育产业是围绕消费者需求,以消费者为轴心的行业,从体育产业发达国家的经验来看,这一行业以满足消费者和其它行业的体育需求为基点,以追求投入产出经济效益为宗旨,其领域涵盖一切与体育相关的生产经营活动。同时,在发展体育产业的政策上,各国则根据本国具体的社会条件有所侧重,重点发展那些市场大、投资小、收益高的基础行业。我国体育产业尚处于初级阶段,体育市场的发展也不尽如人意,体育市场体系不健全,体育人才市场流通不畅,体育中介市场薄弱,经纪人匽乏。体育规模、经营水平、资金、技术、人才等方面水平都很低。如不加以发展,必将在未来的竞争中无立足之地。  相似文献   

韩国体育产业增长的发展战略(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育利润的增长,体育参与的增加,职业体育的流行和不同体育项目的商业化,使体育在社会中的重要性大大增加,这也导致了体育产业的发展。在韩国,自1997年以来政府官员和学者们越来越频繁地使用“体育产业政策”这个词,该文认同体育产业是一个有发展前景的产业,其包括三个亚产业:体育用品业、体育场地,设施业和体育服务业,该文旨在分析政策的变迁和韩国体育产业现状,并提出发展体育产业的战略决策,体育产业促进政策开始制定于第1个国家体育促进总体计划(1993-1997)准备时,在第3个国家体育促进总体计划(2003-2007)中,政策的导向包括与建设体育文本和体育网络信息有关的基础结构。1999盾,韩国国民体育估算产值约为90.4亿美元,占韩国国内生产总值的2.48%,全部体育场地、设施产业产值为25.99亿美元,很明显,体育场地,设施业是体育产业中最大的组成部分。其产值占体育产业总值的43%强,体育用品业中的竞技体育鞋袜和服装产值为17.6亿美元,体育服务市场估算为15.3亿美元,占体育产业总值的17%。体育用品促进政策包括制定不同的贷款项目,合作计划和提高质量计划。自1997年以后,针对体育场地、设施业的特殊贷款项目开始实施,该项目由汉城奥林匹克体育促进基金资助,体育场馆可以在10年中以平均最低的利率贷款40-160万美元,包括体育观赏业和体育营销业等在内的体育服务业正逐渐成为一个新兴产业。文化与旅游部有望加强政策对该产业的促进并将开始实施。为发展和增强未来体育产业,有必要建构不同的基础结构,其中之一便是优秀人力资源的保障措施,这是体育产业发展的动力。以达到这些目标,韩国体育科学研究已经开始进行职业人员的培养,该项目由文化与旅游部的国家预算资助,其中,职业体育市场人才的培训包括7个教育项目。  相似文献   

历届国际运动心理学大会的主题变化,反映出30多年来国际运动心理学的发展十分迅速。同时,也反映出国际运动心理学大会的主题缺乏对运动心理学研究对象的针对性和对国际运动心理学发展方向的指导作用。严格界定运动心理学的研究对象是运动心理学健康发展的重要问题。  相似文献   

J. Reilly 《国际体育史杂志》2015,32(15):1778-1783
Sport as a topic for museum collection, display, and interpretation has gradually developed over the last 100 years. However, until recently, there has been very little discussion or examination of the material culture of sport within the literature. Consequently, there is a misconception that sport in museums is relatively new, little is understood about the role and value of sporting heritage, and sporting collections are rarely used to inform historical study. In turn, the museum sector would benefit from more opportunities to work with sports historians whilst developing and delivering their sporting provision. Therefore, this paper examines the development of sport in museums, explores the current activity being developed in the field including the work of the Sport in Museums Network and the National Sporting Heritage Day, and offers practical information about how partnerships between academics and museum practitioners can be established to create a better understanding of the history and heritage of sport.  相似文献   

中国体育社会学的兴起与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
回顾了体育社会学在中国改革开放时期产生的经过,详尽地综述了1989-1992年期间国内各主要学术刊物或学术会议上发表的有关体育社会学理论研究、社会问题研究、社会调查和其它学术文章的各种主要学术观点。概述了体育功能在新的历史时期的转变及发展,我国体育改革的社会学基础,体育与地区政治、经济和社会发展的关系,体育运动的群体效应,以及我国体育社会问题的形式和特点。研究表明,体育社会学是一门极富生命力的、应该引起体育界高度重视的体育社会科学学科。  相似文献   

体育产业与城市化关联性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育产业与城市化具有很强的关联性,对两者的关联性进行了简要分析,认为体育产业发展可以加快城市发展速度,提高城市发展质量,城市发展也会推动体育产业的发展。  相似文献   

中日女子大众体育现状的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人类社会快速发展的今天,妇女在政治、经济、文化等社会各领域的作用正日趋显著,妇女的体质问题愈加受到关注。因此,增强妇女体质、增加妇女体育人口数量,对实施和完成《全民健身计划纲要》,促进体育事业的全面发展具有重要意义。将中日两国妇女大众体育现状,包括运动目的、运动项目和体育人口等作比较分析并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

关于运动参与概念的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运动参与作为新一轮基础教育改革的体育学习领域,越来越受到广大体育工作者的重视,但原有运动参与概念只是对运动参与领域目标的总体描述,而不是其真正定义,不利于理解运动参与的内涵。通过查阅大量文献资料界定运动参与的概念、提出运动参与的特征,指出运动参与是指学生在体育课堂或课外体育活动中身体、心理等方面的投入。运动参与的特征为参加活动过程中身体和心理两部分的不同表现及其相互关系。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relationship between the Chinese government and the globalization of sport. The analysis looks at how the Chinese government has developed and managed its national sport, table tennis, as the sport became more and more globalized. This research developed a theoretical framework and an analytical tool based on Houlihan's model for analyzing ‘global reach and local response in sport’ and adopted a qualitative approach of content analysis and semi-structured interviews. A total of 16 interviewees contributed to this study, consisting of officials from Chinese sports administrations and Chinese scholars specializing in sports studies. This study found that the Chinese government has responded to the challenges associated with the globalization of table tennis in the dimensions of ‘participating in international organizations’ and ‘commercialization’ in two and five different ways, respectively. As this case study of China shows, a country's response to the globalization of sport is not limited to just one of the three types of responses described by Houlihan: passive, participative, or conflictual. In fact, a combination of two types is also possible. In China's case, the response has been both participativeand conflictual, but never passive. This study concludes that since the Chinese government habitually prioritizes the interests of the state ahead of everything else, it has never loosened its grip on the development of table tennis. It has so far demonstrated its ability to control resources when dealing with the impacts associated with the globalization of table tennis. China's socialist market economy model, which features a ‘dual-track system’ and ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’, has generated a unique set of values that serves to rationalize whatever conflicts arise between capitalism and socialism. Although the Chinese government currently handles its relationship with globalization effectively and flexibly, the reform and opening up policies in China are expanding and may expose conflicts of interest between the Communist regime, enterprises, and professional players in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

相比于大众锻炼领域和体育教育领域,竞技体育受到了运动心理学的更多关注.一系列运动心理干预技术已在北京奥运会上使用,如心理对策库、生物反馈技术、心理影片和音乐、心理网站,专为运动员做心理测试和迅速调整的多功能服务车等.心理领域的领先技术如电脑电图(EEG),事件相关电位(ERP)和电脑象限图(EEQG)等被用于诊断运动员运动时的心理状态或训练效果.通过对近3年发表在重要国家和国际期刊及会议里相关文章的分析发现,运动动机、运动认知、自我认知、运动情绪和心理技能是近年来运动心理学在竞技体育领域的主要研究方向.积极心理学的兴起有丰富的理论和应用领域,也丰富了近代运动心理学的理论和应用领域.运动心理学在20世纪出现许多新思潮,流畅体验便是其中之一.在竞技运动领域,心理监控与运动实践的联系是最紧密的.心理监控也正在向着系统化与专业化的方向一步步迈进,现代技术如CAS计算机辅助运动技术、Observer行为观察分析软件、FaceReader软件、Virtual-Reality仿真系统(虚拟现实)等已经在训练或比赛中得以应用.建议对已取得的运动心理学研究成果可以在未来实践中得到更多的应用.  相似文献   

缪佳 《体育与科学》2011,32(6):107-109,114
古兹姆茨是世界上第一个提出恢复古代奥林匹克运动的人。他对奥林匹克的热情呼唤,不仅铸造了强盛的日尔曼民族的体质,而且推动了现代学校体育的发展。他出版的世界上第一本学校体育教科书《青年少体操》为青少年的全面发展提供了手段和方法。本文利用文献分析法,就相关研究文献和资料进行理论分析,本文论述这位"近代体育之父"教育理想的渊源,分析其思想内涵价值和特点以及对现代学校体育的贡献,从中发掘对于完善我国学校体育产生积极影响的内容。  相似文献   


Studies on the development of Olympic Solidarity as a tool of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to enable National Olympic Committees of developing countries access to resources and influence in the Olympic Movement exist. However, historical scholarship has relatively neglected the development of aid programs by International Federations to explain how they made use of resources to gain influence in international sport politics. Based on extensive multi-national and multi-lingual archival research in the archives of the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) and the German Sport University Cologne, this article explores the establishment and development of the IAAF‘s Technical Aid Program, which had been installed in 1974. Referencing a large amount of previously unknown protocols and written correspondence, the paper critically discusses the IAAF‘s development activities in light of two parallel occurring processes that shaped the federation’s character in the 1970s and 1980s decisively: its increasing commercialization and its path towards democratization in its voting system. It is argued that the IAAF development programs served as a tool to enforce commercial and sport political interests whilst the nature of support remained without clear guidance until the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

我国体育社会科学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
1979年以来我国体育社会科学迅速发展。研究队伍初具规模,体育学列为国家一级学科,研究成果日益受到重视。体育社会科学的应用性研究将进一步受重视,国家体委将加强对体育社会科学研究的组织、课题管理和人才培养,注重建立科研成果转化机制等。  相似文献   


Models of positive youth development suggest that athletes may be influenced by parent education programmes; however, there is little research examining the impact of such programmes on athlete outcomes. This study examined the impact of the Respect in Sport Parent Program on athlete outcomes among minor hockey players over three years. This study consisted of cross-sectional and longitudinal online surveys measuring athletes’ positive and negative developmental experiences, prosocial and antisocial behaviours, parental support and pressure, and sport enjoyment and commitment. Athletes completed at least one online survey during the study period (N = 366; 84.2% males; 14–19 years of age; M = 15.4 years), and 83 athletes completed multiple surveys for longitudinal analyses. Cross-sectional results comparing athletes in leagues adopting the programme at different time points indicated significant differences in prosocial behaviours towards teammates. Multilevel longitudinal analyses revealed improvements in athletes’ antisocial behaviours towards opponents, initiative, goal setting, and cognitive skills over time, regardless of whether they were in a league that implemented the programme. However, athletes in leagues that implemented the programme during the study reported greater improvements in antisocial behaviours towards opponents, and there were trends with respect to improved personal and social skills. These findings provide suggestions to improve the delivery and impact of parent education programmes in youth sport.  相似文献   

舒建平 《体育科研》2007,28(5):18-20
健康的需求与观念认识的更新,使体育旅游成为现代旅游产品一部份是发展的必然,面对这巨大的市场,从更新观念、加强规划、开发器材设施、培养专业人才、做好保障、加强宣传等方面建议加强和完善体育旅游各个方面的条件,促进体育旅游健康发展。  相似文献   

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