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本文聚焦2020年新冠肺炎疫情期间的健康信息传播,研究通过内容分析和社会网络分析,检验了党媒、市场化媒体、社交媒体意见领袖与公众等多元话语主体间的多层次议程互动情况.研究发现,在第二层属性议程设置方面,公众的属性议程相对独立,党媒和市场化媒体主要影响到社交媒体意见领袖层面;在第三层网络议程设置方面,党媒对社交媒体舆论场...  相似文献   

申丹丹 《新闻世界》2013,(5):127-129
议程设置理论始于上个世纪六十年代,是大众传播的效果研究重要理论之一。经过多年的发展,建立在传统媒体环境下的议程设置理论是否还适合新的网络媒体时代?本文通过分析传统的议程设置理论以及当前的网络传播环境发现,网络媒体的确对传统的议程设置理论产生了冲击,"议程设置"理论在新的媒介环境下发生了变化,呈现出了新的特点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文从理论渊源、发展历程、取得的突出成果、研究新领域等方面,对议程设置理论的研究概况作了简要梳理。按麦库姆斯的观点,议程设置研究已经进入第二个层次属性议程设置,即由研究议题显著度从媒介议程向公众议程的传播转向检验属性显著度的传播。议程设置理论已经不仅仅是在传播学领域中得以运用,目前的研究已经扩展到了社会其他相关领域。  相似文献   

本研究是国内第一篇对关联网络议程设置介绍和评析的论文。关联网络议程设置的核心假设是新闻媒体将不同信息、概念和理念连接起来的关联网络方式,同时它也是影响受众将不同信息、概念和理念连接起来的关联网络方式。目前的关联网络议程设置不仅应用于传播学的研究,还渗透到其他学科,但是,中国目前对关联网络议程设置的研究并不多,且主要集中在对香港的研究。进行关联网络议程设置的研究需要使用社会网络分析方法,即分析媒介议程或属性之间的关联网络,进而分析受众议程或属性的关联网络,并比较媒介议程或属性之间的关联网络与受众议程或属性的关联网络。尽管关联网络议程设置超越了第一层和第二层的议程设置理论,但是其还存在着很多尚未挖掘和验证的领域,且对于目前中国国内来说,仍需要大力开展在新媒体下的关联网络议程设置的实证研究。  相似文献   

议程设置理论是传播效果研究的一个主要方面,随着网络的发展,议程设置的媒介环境发生了巨大的变化。网络议程设置凸显了其独特的优势和效力,其在舆论引导方面也有非常重要的意义。本文将从"贾君鹏事件"这一网络事件谈起,探讨网络议程设置的效力和其在舆论引导方面的特殊作用。  相似文献   

1972年,麦库姆斯和肖提出了著名的议程设置理论,"新闻中强调的这些议题随着时间的演化会成为公众认为重要的议题",换句话说,媒介议程设定了公众议程。新媒体的迅猛发展使得已有的传播理论受到新传播环境的挑战。而在新的情境下,议程设置理论有了新的应用模式。本文通过对网络议程设置的量化研究来探究媒介引导力的效力。  相似文献   

传播学奠基人拉斯韦尔在沃拉斯的第二手感情说和李普曼的拟态环境理论的基础上,提出了注意结构研究和环境监测功能的概念,不论是研究思路还是研究方法都非常接近议程设置功能理论。据此,本文认为拉斯韦尔是被忽略的议程设置理论先驱。  相似文献   

从“周久耕事件”看网络社区的议程设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自大众媒体产生以来,大众传播的效果问题一直为人们所关注。早期的传播学者认为受众在传播中处于完全被动的地位。但随着传播学的发展,一些传播学者提出了议程设置理论。美国学者塞弗林和坦卡德认为“媒介的议程设置功能就是指媒介这样的一种能力,通过反复播出某类新闻报道,强化该话题在公众心目中的重要程度”。传统媒体里的议程设置理论已经被广泛的研究和证实了,但是网络中特别是网络社区的议程设置理论的研究还较少。本文采用内容分析的方法,通过“周久耕事件”个案来探究网络社区的议程设置。  相似文献   

议程设置理论概览:过去,现在与未来   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文对议程设置理论的五个研究领域,即议程设置的基本效果、属性议程设置、议程设置效果的心理学、媒介议程的来源和议程设置效果的后果,自该理论创立以来所取得的主要发现作了简要回顾,并基于此讨论了议程设置理论的几个新研究领域,包括对议程设置理论基本概念与观点的在更多新领域的应用,比如企业声誉、教育、宗教组织等,这些新领域已远不是议程设置理论最初生成的公共事务领域了。作为该理论的创立者之一,作者在文章最后提出了对于议程设置研究的几点个人观察。  相似文献   

数字时代中需对议程设置理论重新检验,结合唐纳德·肖教授的访谈和新近研究成果发现,垂直媒体的权力逐渐向水平媒体转移,社会化媒体强调议题时从传统媒体中借鉴背景内容,议程设置理论正吸纳所有媒体。传统媒体提供议程设置的第一层议题对象,而社交媒体提供第二层属性,二者可能在主题上达成共识,但在属性上存在分歧。议题融合中同时融合了主题和属性。反向议程设置中新闻记者对实际或想象的公共利益做出应对,公众议程获得关注,普通公众凭借社交媒体获得赋权。议程设置可用于测量社会稳定,传统媒体和社交媒体间的共识系数可作为参照,"导向需求"理论在社交媒体中依旧适用。  相似文献   

As agenda-setting theory moves toward its 50th anniversary, its productivity in the past and at present augurs a highly promising future. In this essay, the original theorists trace the development of agenda setting and identify seven distinct facets. They explore three of the seven facets—need for orientation, network agenda setting, and agendamelding—in greater detail because those are particularly active arenas of contemporary research. Grounded in more than 40 years of productive collaboration among the authors, this inaugural Deutschmann Scholars Essay offers numerous new ideas about recent trends in and future directions for agenda-setting theory and research. The three authors are all recipients of AEJMC's Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in Research recognizing a career of scholarly achievement. The Deutschmann scholars observed that this may well be the most original article they have ever written together.  相似文献   

Current Critical Problems in Agenda-Setting Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After experiencing steady development over the past three decades,agenda-setting research appears to be in a period of flux. Thispaper discusses three current and critical problems that agenda-settingresearch has been facing recently: the problems of process,identity, and environment. These problems are critical becauseeach has implications that might call into question the valueof agenda-setting theory. The process problem concerns the natureof the agenda-setting process, specifically, the degree to whichthe agenda-setting process is automatic and unthinking. Theidentity problem asks whether the new concept of attribute agendasetting will become indistinguishable from framing or traditionalpersuasion research. The environment problem asks if the developmentof communication technology and the subsequent growth in thenumber and variety of news outlets will minimize the impactof media agenda setting at the social level, leading to fragmentationof the public agenda. After examining each of the problems,I suggest that the agenda-setting perspective is still worthpursuing, and I present an agenda that agenda-setting researchshould address for its future development.  相似文献   

议程设置理论与后大众媒体时代的民意研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于媒体与民意的理论大部分提出于 1 93 0到 1 980年之间 ,这是一个仅仅拥有传统信息选择方式的时代。麦库姆斯和肖 (1 972 )最初提出议程设置理论时 ,用北卡罗莱纳州的教堂山 (ChapelHill)社区作为研究对象 ,而现在那里的媒介使用情况也已经发生了巨变。当我们迎来议程设置理论提出 3 0周年的时候 ,教堂山的受众现在面临的信息选择令人惊叹。在 2 0世纪 90年代 ,肖提出 ,美国的大众媒介已经经历了“兴和衰”(riseandfall)。肖认为 ,大众媒体时代结束于 2 0世纪 80年代。议程设置研究是否能像之前的 3 0年那样 ,继续开展下去 ?当受众使用着上百个信息来源时 ,议程设置和民意研究会产生何种变化 ?这是本文将要回答的问题  相似文献   

Through two separate studies in the context of Hong Kong, a Chinese society, this research tests the third-level agenda-setting effects and examines the differences between the explicit and implicit public agendas based on the attributes consciously and unconsciously reported by the public. A total of 1667 news reports and 680 responses to a public survey are collected for analysis. Evidence from both studies shows strong attribute agenda-setting effects at the third level, no matter the focus of the issue is obtrusive or unobtrusive. Results also demonstrate that the media agenda is positively associated at a higher level with the implicit public agenda than the explicit one. Findings well extend the network agenda-setting research.  相似文献   

走近唐纳德·肖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
议程设置理论之父唐纳德·肖在人民大学新闻学院讲学一周 ,使我们有机会接近他 ,与他面对面交流。他的诗情和激情给学员印象深刻。在他看来 ,做传播研究需要充满激情并且坚持不懈。他认为 ,议程设置第二层的框架理论告诉研究者不仅要关注媒体说了什么 ,还要分析媒体是怎么说的 ,是如何描述事物框架的 ,而影响媒体怎么说的因素包括文化传统等。关于新闻传播教育 ,肖教授认为 ,理论教育和实践训练同样重要 ,而写作是新闻传播者的基本功  相似文献   

Community structure research investigates the influence of the local community and specific demographic groups in the community on the degree of emphasis that particular public issues receive in a local newspaper. In contrast to this internal source of influence, intermedia agenda setting emphasizes the external influence of other news media and the national journalistic culture on the news decisions of local daily newspapers. To invoke a cliché, the agenda-setting and community structure perspectives are opposite sides of the same coin and should be considered in tandem. The research design and procedure for statistical analysis presented here, which involves the simultaneous investigation of the influence resulting from community structure and intermedia agenda setting, is a path for new research that can present a detailed explication of the balance between local and national influence on the issue agenda of local daily newspapers.  相似文献   

The present study, as an international application of an agenda-setting model, investigates how campaign agendas of issues are constructed in an election. The Korean Congressional election of 2000 provided rich empirical data for this study; the political party agenda, the civic agenda, and the news agenda were measured in terms of issue salience at two different data points in time during the official campaign period. The results of the cross-lagged rank-order correlations between different agendas indicated the following. First, the party agenda as a whole had little impact on the formation of the news agenda. The party–news relationship, however, showed a different pattern at an individual newspaper level. Specifically, a more conservative newspaper was more susceptible to those parties’ agenda-setting than was its progressive rival. Second, a nationwide civic movement for political reforms slightly influenced the formation of the news agenda, especially that of the reformist newspaper agenda. Both newspapers, on the other hand, substantially influenced the civic campaign's issue emphases. Finally, there existed no significant interactions between the party and the civic agendas.  相似文献   

This study tested for intermedia agenda-setting effects among explicitly partisan news media coverage and political activist group, citizen activist, and official campaign advertisements on YouTube—all in support of the same candidate. The setting for this investigation was the political activist organization MoveOn.org's “Obama in 30 Seconds” online ad contest, which was held during the 2008 U.S. presidential election primaries. The data provided evidence of first- and second-level agenda-setting relationships. Partial correlations revealed that the citizen activist issue agenda, as articulated in the contest ads, was most strongly related to the partisan media coverage, rather than to the issue priorities of the official Obama or MoveOn.org ads on YouTube. These results extend the intermedia agenda-setting framework to political activist communication efforts and consumer-generated content.  相似文献   

国外新媒体环境下的议程设置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新媒体环境下媒体的议程设置功能是否依然有效是议程设置研究领域中迫切需要回答的问题。国外学者近年来对这一问题的研究主要集中在两个方面:一是检验新媒体环境下媒体对受众是否具有议程设置的功能,二是检验新媒体环境下的媒介间议程设置效果。现有研究表明,在新媒体环境下媒体对受众具有议程设置功能;网络媒体与传统媒体之间、网络媒体自身之间存在媒介间的议程设置效果。  相似文献   

The Sewol ferry tragedy was a major event in South Korea in 2014. This study examines the agenda-setting links between a Korean online newscast (Naver) and a Korean online community (Daum). Although each portal initially focused on different crisis attributes and stakeholders regarding the ferry tragedy, their agendas became more alike over time. Notably, the cross-lagged analysis shows significant influence of the online community (Daum) on the online newscast (Naver). This study also expands on Son and Weaver’s [2006, Another look at what moves public opinion: Media agenda setting and polls in the 2000 U.S. election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18(2), 174–197] theoretical model for a stratified agenda, providing a more nuanced look at attribute agenda setting.  相似文献   

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