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教学过程Step 1.Free talk T:Good morning,boys and girls.How is the weather?S:It’s sunny.T:Yes.It’s a fine day.Let’s go out and play.Let’s go camping.S:That’s a good idea.Let’s go.设计意图:通过师生间的自由交谈,自然导入语篇话题。  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talk1.Listen a song"We arehappy bees"2.Free talkT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Ss:Good morning,MissWang.T:How are you?Ss:Fine,thank you.T:What’s the weather liketoday?Ss:It’s sunny.T:Let’s go to the toy shop!Ss:Great!Let’s go!Say a rhyme:Shopping,shopping.I like shopping!Shopping,shopping.Let’s goshopping!(说唱的同时配以动作)  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Sing the song:"The wheels on the bus"2.Free talk教师出示学校、动物园和剧院等图片,与学生展开问答。T:I go to school on foot.How do you go to school?Ss:I go to school  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Listen and sing the song"Jingle Bells"(渲染圣诞节的气氛)2.Free talk T:Boys and girls,what day is today?What holiday(节日)is coming?S:It’s Christmas.T:I like Christmas very much.Do you like Christmas?S:Yes,we do.T:When’s Christmas?S:It’s on the 25th of December.T:What do people usually do at Christmas?  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.warm-up 1. 教师问候学生。 2. 师生同唱儿歌"The clock"。 Step 2.Presentation 1.Lead-in (1)多媒体出示 12 张钟面图片,让学生数钟的个数。 T:Clocks can tell us time. 2. 教授" What time is it ? It’s … o’clock "。 (1)通过多媒体出示钟面并呈现句子" What time is it ?"。 T:Look , what’s this ? S:It’s a clock. T:What time is it ? S:It’s one o’clock. (教学生认读 o’clock ) (2)教师再通过多媒体呈  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming upT:Hello,everybody.S:Hello,Miss Wang.T:Nice to see you.Introduceyour friend to me,please.S1:This is my friend,Sally.S2:This is my friend,Tom.Step 2.RevisionT:Tom,do you like football?(做踢足球的动作)Tom:Yes,I do.T:Let’s go and play footballafter class.S3:Do you like basketball?(让学生说时要带上动作)  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up T:Hello/Good morning/How are you?S1/2/3:…T:Look,this is my…(教师分别指着自己身上的夹克衫和毛衣,边说边让学生补充句子。)Ss:Jacket/sweater.T:Good!This is your…Can you tell me?S1:This is my sweater.T:It’s nice.(教读"It’snice.",PPT出示课题。)S:Thank you.设计意图:这样的自  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm up1.Play the flash and singthe song"We study and play".2.Free talkT:Look,what’s this?(PPT呈现一只篮子)Ss:It’ s a basket.T:What’s in my basketnow,guess?Ss guess.T:It’s a basketball.I playbasketball.(师拍篮球)T:Do you play basketball?(PPT:Do you play…? )We’ll learn Unit 10 Do you  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming-up 1.Daily talking (1)T:What day is it now? S:It’s Monday. (2)T:What’s the weather like today? S:It’s windy and sunny. T:It’s windy and sunny in winter.T:What season do you  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Free talk (略) Step 2.Presentation and practice 1.Pre-reading Activity 1.学习句型"What are you doing?"及回答"I’m…" T:Let’s play a game.(做唱歌状)Guess what I am doing. S:Sing. T:Yes!I’m singing.(课件显示:sing→I’m singing.) T:(做跳舞状)What am I doing?  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Greeting2.Sing a song"Color song"3.Free talk T:Boys and girls,are you happy?Ss:Yes,I’m happy.T:I’m happy,too.Do you know why?Ss:No.T:I’d like to go shopping now.引出单词"shopping"。  相似文献   

1.狼保姆和兔宝宝目标语言It’s 6:30/…It’s time to get up/…情境设计通过故事情境狼保姆和兔宝宝引出并学习get up,go to school,go home,go to bed等动词短语,然后利用故事情节,帮助学生灵活使用句型It’s…It’s time to…。教师要求学生同桌两人,一人扮演狼保姆,一人扮兔宝宝。效果描述表演让学生变得异常兴奋,由此产生的对话富于想象力,  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talkT:Welcome back to school,boys and girls.Glad to see you.(安排一名学生晚点进入教室,复习"May I come in.?"这个句型。)S:May I come in,Mr Xu?T:Yes,come in,please.(Write"May I come in?Come in,please."on the blackboardand lead Ss to read.)T:You did a good job.Thispencil is for you.把铅笔奖励给  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1.G reeting and revi-sion1.Before class,Say achant.T:H i,class.First,Let's saya chant:叮叮当,闹钟响,getup getup快起床,背上书包,go to school,gohom e go hom e快回家,再见再见,bye-bye,再见再见,see you,go to bed go to bed快睡觉,道声晚安good night。(Ss say this chant and dosom e actions.)T:OK.Sleep now.(Ss趴在桌上休息片刻.)(铃声响)T:Oh,dear.The bell isringing.W hat’sthetim enow?It’s…o'clock.It’s tim e to have class.T:G et up,children.Ss:O K./A llright.T:Shallwe begin ourcl…  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talk1.Listen to the chant and try to say.One,two,get up.Three,four,go to school.Five,six,have lunch.Seven,eight,come home.Nine,ten,go to bed.2.Magic eyes:快速闪现:20-100之间的数字。师生总结规律:整十数20-90后均以-ty结尾。设计意图:语篇学习的导入主要在于激活学生已有的经验,引导他们在原有认知基础上进入语篇学习。用节奏明快的  相似文献   

教学过程Step1:Sing an English song“Let's go to tpark”.犤将《快乐英语》里的英文歌曲“Let's go school”改成“Let's go to the park”来唱,并配上动作,一方面调动学生的积极性,另一方面也为下文的“去公园”作准备。犦Step2.R eview and presentationFree talkT:H ello,boys and girls.Let's go to the parkO K?S:O K.T:Let's go now.S:A ll right.犤开头就设计一个去公园的情景,一下子吸引了学生的注意力,使他们不知不觉地参与进来,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,也活跃了课堂气氛,为下文作了铺垫。犦Step3.To learn“cold”T:…  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Sing a song"Hello!Howare you?"2.Free talk T:Nice to meet you,boys and girls.Ss:Nice to meet you,Miss Chen.T:Hello,伊伊伊.How are you?S:Fine,thank you.T:Now,boys and girls.Our friends are saying hello to us.Let’s listen.(课件播放小动物们的声音:Hello,how are you?)T:Who are they?Do  相似文献   

Step 1.Lead in   T:Where do you live?   S:I live in….   T:How do you go to school?   S:By bus.(By bike.By car…)   ……  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Free-talk(略)Step2.Presentation and drill1.Before listening Activity:T:Hello,may I speak to Mike?M:This is Mike speaking.T:Mike,this is Miss Zhang speaking.Happy birthday to you!M:Thank you.T:OK,boys and girls,let’s give our best wishes to Mike.S2:Miss Zhang,but Helen is not here.T:Yes,she is absent today  相似文献   

Step 1.Lead in   T:Where do you live?   S:I live in….   T:How do you go to school?   S:By bus.(By bike.By car…)   ……  相似文献   

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