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This paper analyses how middle managers perform and experience their role in enacting policy in Scottish higher education institutions. The policy focus is the quality enhancement framework (QEF) for learning and teaching in higher education, which was launched in 2003. The data-set was collected between 2008 and 2010, during the evaluation of the QEF by means of focus groups with middle managers at nine Scottish institutions. The metaphor of a policy implementation staircase helps to situate middle managers’ position in enactment, and analyse their experience of the role. Despite the values of collegiality and ownership upheld by the QEF, middle managers’ accounts of their practices reveal that their position at the interface between university management and core academic activities continues to be a delicate one, marked by contradictory allegiances to institutional strategies and the concerns of academic colleagues. While emphasising middle managers’ pivotal role in the implementation of the QEF policy, the data paradoxically suggest that the systemic positioning of middle managers is more influential in shaping their role of mediation than the values of collegiality and ownership promoted by this enhancement approach to quality specific to Scotland.  相似文献   

In a context where public action must demonstrate its effectiveness and efficiency, and where the links between teaching and the quality of learning are regularly highlighted, it seems relevant to identify the trends and logic that govern university professors’ decisions with respect to the modes of learning assessment favoured within the framework of their delivery of teaching services. Moreover, given that university teaching practices are changing rapidly due to the introduction of different views of the learning process, one might conclude that the same holds for assessment practices. Through our research work, we led to the development of a trilingual (English, French and Spanish) online survey devoted to an international investigation into the classroom assessment practices of higher education teachers. This survey proposes an online platform that will allow institutions of higher learning to document some of their current practices and to compare observed trends with what is happening elsewhere, in accordance with differing missions and traditions. These research notes are thus intended to describe the survey itself and to show how the questionnaire and individual items were structured, in addition to providing an overview of treatments within and between institutions that followed the testing.  相似文献   

创新力逐渐成为大学校本教学评价制度设计的重要因素。其中,回归教育本质是其主要特质,创新力维度是其构建的基本原则,而要构建以创新力导向的大学校本教学评价模式则需要树立大学自主的特色办学理念,营造以创新为价值取向的校本评价文化,组建合格的校本教学评价团队,建立有效的校本教学评价监控机制等。以创新力为导向的大学校本教学评价模式在推动大学自治与大学自由,形成鲜明办学特色;实施有效教学管理,提高教学质量;优化教学过程,培育大学创新力等方面也有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The professionalisation of teaching is of increasing importance in UK higher education due to converging processes including the proliferation of managerialism, increasing quality agendas and changes to student fee structures. These have brought into sharp relief the need for greater understanding of how quality teaching evolves in university settings. One key element of this involves academic development and its impacts on teaching and learning. Current literature suggests that a plethora of ideas, frameworks and instruments claiming best practice exist but that take-up of these is inconsistent. This prompted a UK national research project which produced an evidence-based toolkit for evaluating academic development. As part of the toolkit augmentation, academic development representatives from across the sector were asked to create, review and test uniquely tailored evaluation instruments. These instruments were then piloted on university teachers who had participated in teaching-related continuing professional development activities. This paper reports on these individuals’ reflections of using the toolkit. It suggests that academic developers are interested in evaluating the impact of their work on teachers, students and on the wider institutional culture but that confidence and expertise varies. Using the toolkit generated ‘traditional’ evaluation data including satisfaction with the development activity and changes to lecturers’ conceptions and behaviours. However, it also prompted critical discussions around current evaluation practice. This included the need for transformational reform of institutional culture to support links between evaluation and good standing; and making explicit the thorny issue of evidencing student learning. This paper will be of interest to those with an interest or responsibility for evaluating teaching in higher education. The paper offers an important contribution to the international literature at a time when global higher education is faced with questions about teaching, learning and quality. Evaluation, and how to do it well, is timely and important business.  相似文献   

研究型大学多模式、个性化教学评价体系的建立和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着研究型大学教学体系的建立,教学质量的评价标准发生了新的变化,建立符合研究型教育理念的教学评估运行机制,才能进一步推动教学质量提高.本文介绍了近年来清华大学在完善课堂教学质量评价工作中的思考和实践,通过对研究型大学教学质量标准的深入分析,建立了适应研究型大学教学特点的学生评教体系,以及多模式、个性化教学评估系统,以促进教师教学能力的发展,推动教学质量的持续提高.  相似文献   

Our research addressed two aims: to develop a systematic way to evaluate institutional engagement with graduate outcomes and to explore such engagement in higher education institutions in Aotearoa/New Zealand. An online survey was completed by 14/29 institutions with nine follow-up interviews to gather information on institutional engagement with graduate outcomes. Using a Maturity Modelling approach with indicators of planning, systems, delivery, assessment, evaluation and professional development support for graduate outcomes, we assessed the level of engagement in each institution. Results revealed patchy engagement across the polytechnic and university sectors. There was strong engagement with the planning, systems and delivery of graduate outcomes, particularly in the polytechnic sector, but much lower engagement with their assessment and evaluation, and overall, weak engagement with professional development support for graduate outcomes. Some mechanisms for promoting engagement with graduate outcomes were external drivers, a teaching-focused culture, strong leadership from the top and enabling structures. Our findings can inform institutional policies and practices in order to support not only compliance, but more importantly engagement with the graduate outcome agenda to improve the student learning experience.  相似文献   

以人工智能、大数据等技术为代表的新一轮技术革新,迫切需要对知识产权管理交叉学科研究生人才培养模式进行创新优化,这是推进国家创新驱动发展战略、知识产权强国战略实施的现实需要,亦是推进知识产权管理“新文科”内涵式发展的必经之路。新文科建设背景下,高校应以学生发展为根本、以社会需求为指引、以知识应用为导向,促进跨学科交叉、多主体协同,通过明确知识产权管理研究生人才培养定位,组建新时代高素质师资队伍,制定适应新形势需求教学体系,建设“资金+平台+基地”的教学资源,构建多元化教学质量评价体系等实施路径,探索新文科建设背景下知识产权管理交叉学科研究生人才“教—学—用—评”一体化培养模式,为国家、企业和社会输送复合型、应用型知识产权管理高素质人才。  相似文献   

高职院校是为社会输送高素质技术技能型人才的重要教育机构,教学质量评价的有效性和合理性在很大程度上会影响教师教学质量的提升。虽然很多学校已经具有一套多元的评价体系,但是现行的评价体系也存在若干问题。大数据的到来,给教学管理带来了深刻的影响,数据正在成为一个学校的核心资产。结合实际情况,研究充分利用大数据技术,实现教学质量评价的创新发展,构建大数据时代的教师教学质量评价体系,提升高职教学的高质量发展。  相似文献   

This article, derived from a three-year ethnography of distributed medical education provision in a Canadian university, explores the ways in which information and communication technologies are used by teachers and students in their everyday work within technologically rich teaching environments. The environments being researched are two university campuses: a campus at the main university site and a satellite campus in a neighbouring province. The article seeks to contrast dominant, institutional discourses of technology use in higher education teaching with the everyday practices of staff and students. The article concludes that there is a gap between policy and practice in distributed education and that the teaching and learning experience and context of staff and students in different sites need to be analysed in depth, in terms of: whether the experience of learning across sites can be positioned as being comparable; the extent to which technology ameliorates learning and teaching; and understanding the work done by staff.  相似文献   

This paper analyses teaching and non-teaching staff perceptions on the implementation of internal quality assurance (QA) practices at their higher education institutions. The aim is to understand how far different perspectives on quality – as culture, as compliance or as consistency – are reflected in the views of these two groups on such practices. Data from a survey sent to all Portuguese institutions show that, to some extent, the perspectives of quality as culture and quality as compliance seem to permeate both groups’ views. This is evident in regard to the factors identified as supporting the development of internal QA, the main features underlying the implementation of such practices and their main effects. As the study allows for a better understanding on how these practices are perceived by teaching and non-teaching staff, it can contribute to promoting the critical reflection of institutions about QA and the way it can be both more effective and aligned with academia’s needs and expectations, contributing to influencing institutional practices.  相似文献   

The adoption of information and communications technologies (ICT) is a catalyst for innovation and evaluation of teaching, and are driving many tertiary institutions towards a reconsideration of the nature of quality learning. While the technology of online delivery receives most attention, it is arguably the management of teaching and learning that requires new approaches. Universities which have been engaged in traditional forms of distance education are considering how best to integrate communications technologies that offer alternative forms of course delivery, communication, flexible pedagogies and new roles for teachers and learners. Institutional change issues are also linked to ICT adoption: developing students' generic skills, fostering lifelong learning and catering for greater flexibility in delivery of educational services is now core business in tertiary institutions across Australia. This paper argues that such changes require tertiary teaching staff to adopt a different mindset, that of facilitating and supporting learning while assuming new roles as managers, motivators, mentors and mediators of learning. The rationale for each of these roles within Web-based learning environments is presented within a constructivist framework, which affirms and extends good teaching practice. In addition to highlighting aspects of teaching and learning that are supported and transformed by constructivist, Web-based delivery, this paper proposes that professional development is essentially about establishing partnerships for renewal of teaching values, and that staff developers need to learn the craft of supporting change at various levels: at the individual level, at the course and unit level and at the institutional level through systemic contextualized affirmation of constructivist values. Professional development for adoption of Web-based teaching requires multi-dimensional thinking. Rather than acting as a driver of top-down change, effective staff development is participatory and supportive, seeking action research partnerships where more profound changes in teacher conceptions of learning must take place before online pedagogies become part of tertiary teaching culture.  相似文献   

随着经济的全球化与一体化,知识获取的途径与方式不断变化,高等学校都在寻找突破传统教学的新路径,高等教育应该更加注重人才创新精神和实践能力的培养,注重人才的可持续发展。基于建构主义理论,探讨该理论所能够解决的实践教学问题,在此基础之上,提出有效培养会计专业学生实践能力的途径与方法,创设真实学习情境,使学生通过各个环节的学习,达到创新能力与实践能力的提升。  相似文献   

远程高等教育质量保证:反思与评论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要针对开放远程教育质量保证的理论与实践进行了思考,着重分析了开放远程教育质量保证实践的现状、存在的不足、今后发展的策略等。  相似文献   

在新的历史时期推进大学生文化素质教育应强化其实践导向,努力将文化素质教育融入大学生的学习和生活实践,引领大学生更早更好地投身到社会实践和文化建设,并应当从这样的高度进一步明确文化素质教育的功能定位,构建文化素质教育的目标体系,探讨文化素质教育的有效途径,确立新时期文化素质教育的价值取向。坚持全员育人与全员自育相结合、素质教育与专业教育相结合、教练式的教与学生自主性的练相结合、规范式教育与个性化学习相结合是深化大学生文化素质教育的必然选择。  相似文献   

Conventional student-led evaluation is now an orthodox feature of the North American, UK and Australian higher education landscape. Increasingly, it is guiding major institutional decisions around educational quality, academic promotion and more recently institutional funding by government. Yet significant research around student-led evaluation has demonstrated that this form of student opinion-based evaluation remains highly fragile and susceptible to multiple forms of influence. This paper argues that student-led evaluation of itself is not sufficiently robust to appropriately inform notions of educational quality or pedagogical capability of academics. An alternative approach to evaluation in higher education is proposed, broadly drawing on the conception of fourth generation evaluation. The model foregrounds academic collaboration in shaping a professional evaluative framework at an activity level (i.e. programme or sub-discipline level) based on an ongoing dialogue between peers and with students, as well as qualitative evaluation of student learning. The model attempts to make tensions and conflicts in the teaching and learning context more explicit and the active focus of evaluative efforts to devise appropriate and sustainable responses to improve the quality of learning and professional practice. This paper presents some preliminary research on the effectiveness of this model in its initial piloting in postgraduate programmes in an Australian university.  相似文献   

In an educational context characterised by globalisation, reputation constitutes a crucial issue for today’s higher education institutions. Internationalisation of higher education is often seen as a potential response to globalisation and, consequently, higher education has become increasingly internationalised during the past decade. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between internationalisation and reputation in top higher education institutions. Results reveal that internationalisation positively influences a university’s reputation but also moderates the relationship between the institution’s reputation and its institutional performance with regard to research quality, teaching quality and graduate employability.  相似文献   

Faculty-student interaction is critical for quality undergraduate education. Faculty mentorship provides concrete benefits for students, faculty members, and institutions. However, little is known about the effect of institutional context on mentorship. Using data from interviews of 98 faculty at five different California State University institutions, we examined faculty motivations and institutional supports and barriers to mentoring as it occurs outside of formalized programs. We argue that this type of mentoring is distinct from advising and teaching and constitutes extra-role behavior. Further, institutional norms and the culture of the academic profession often hinder mentorship. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses an intervention project by means of motivational approaches in a British culture survey course for English majors in mainland China's university classroom context. The intervention uses such motivational theories as attribution and task orientation to motivate the teaching and learning of the EFL course so as to create a cooperative classroom environment. Theoretical bases of the Chinese heritage culture and motivation are examined, specific intervention procedures discussed, relevant data analysed and finally some suggestions regarding the EFL teachers' important role in promoting the quality of EFL education are made. The intervention results show that an innovative pedagogy to motivate students' metacognitive awareness, cognitive and socio‐cognitive ability in cooperative classroom learning situations different from the traditional cramming methods and examinations proves effective. Motivation should be given a central role in promoting China's EFL quality education.  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

In an effort to identify policies that foster an institutional “culture of teaching,” or encourage use of effective pedagogies, this study uses data from 5,612 faculty members at 45 institutions to examine connections between institutional policies and faculty members’ perceptions and practices related to teaching and learning. A series of multi-level models suggests that academic policy variables have small and generally insignificant relationships to such faculty perceptions or practices. Instead, conventional institutional characteristics, such as selectivity and Carnegie classification, appear to be more influential factors.  相似文献   

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