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当下低年级写话教学中存在内容开发不足,时间安排不合理,方式远离儿童等问题,构建“儿童写话”微课程可解决此类问题。课程构建的要点包括:课程目标注重分层,最大程度上适合每一个学生的发展;课程内容贴近儿童,从儿童的生活、想象、学习、阅读等活动中寻找题材;课程实施基于儿童,遵循儿童认知规律,让儿童乐学、学好;课程评价体现人性,保持儿童写话兴趣,促进儿童语言的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This research is based on an empirical study exploring how academics make curriculum decisions and their perceptions of the influences that shape their decisions. Interviews were held with 20 academics from diverse disciplines, who were both research active and committed to teaching. The higher education curriculum was conceptualised as a field of decision-making shaped by academics’ beliefs about educational and contextual influences. The study identified five distinctive curriculum orientations representing coherent patterns of curriculum decisions aligned with academics’ beliefs about educational purposes. Case studies are presented to elucidate each of the curriculum orientations. Curriculum orientations were also found to shape academics’ responses to educational change. The following higher education change drivers are explored: graduate employability and the skills agenda, teaching–research relationships, changing understandings about teaching and learning, educational technologies and flexible delivery. The findings suggest implications for institutional curriculum change initiatives and academic development programmes.  相似文献   

In higher education, assessment is key to student learning. Assessments which promote critical thinking necessary for sustained learning beyond university are highly valued. However, the design of assessment tasks to achieve these types of thinking skills and dispositions to act in professional practice has received little attention. This research examines how academics design assessment to achieve these learning goals in Indigenous health education. Indigenous health education is an important area of learning for health practitioners to help address worldwide patterns of health inequities that exist for Indigenous people. We used a constructivist qualitative methodology to (i) explore learning goals and assessment strategies used in Indigenous health tertiary education and (ii) examine how they relate to higher education assessment ideals. Forty-one academics (from nine health disciplines) involved in teaching Indigenous health content participated in a semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis revealed learning goals to transform students’ perspectives and capacities to think critically and creatively about their role in Indigenous health. In contrast, assessment tasks encouraged more narrowly bounded thinking to analyse information about historical and socio-cultural factors contributing to Indigenous health. To transform students to be critical health practitioners capable of working and collaborating with Indigenous people to advance their health and well-being, the findings suggest that assessment may need to be nested across many aspects of the curriculum using a programmatic approach, and with a focus on learning to think and act for future practice. These findings accord with more recent calls for transformation of learning and assessment in health education.  相似文献   

A feature of Australian Higher Education over the last 10 years has been the increased numbers of international students. This feature has been perceived to have great potential for enhanced learning for all students – both international and domestic. Yet, student surveys and research clearly indicate that there is very little interaction occurring between domestic and international students. This article reports on a study that investigated the extent to which university teaching can promote interaction between students from diverse cultural and linguistic background. Using an innovative video-analysis methodology, the research found that academics engage in a variety of activities to encourage interaction between student groups. In order to assist academics in planning interaction, one of the main findings of the study was the development of ‘The Interaction for Learning Framework (ILF)’, that identifies key dimensions for curriculum design that can be used by academics to inform ways that they can enhance interaction between diverse student groups within teaching and learning contexts.  相似文献   

With the rapid expansion of graduate education in China, graduate curriculum evaluation has aroused great concern from the administrators and researchers. Many colleges and universities have developed their graduate curriculum evaluation system based on educational policy, job analysis or discussions of school administrators. To date, very few systemic studies in this field have been done in China, and little is known about students’ view on the evaluation system. In this study, 30 second-year graduate students from a comprehensive university were selected to participate in a semi-structured interview. It was found that graduate students attached more importance to the following 5 aspects: 1) The curriculum objectives should be employment-oriented and in line with students’ need of future employment and long-term development; 2) The curriculum content should be up to date and its breadth and depth of coverage are appropriate; 3) The instructor's teaching approaches should be flexible and varied, emphasizing student participation and teacher-student interaction; 4) The learning evaluation should be conducted fairly and reasonably in various ways; 5) The curriculum should be able to effectively promote students’ mastery of knowledge and capacities. This study will provide the evidence for rethinking and improving graduate curriculum evaluation system.  相似文献   

课程是教育工作者系统化整理并逐步应用到教学过程中的重要资源。随着教育的发展,课程在内涵、特征、类型等方面发生着深刻改变,主要表现为:课程核心功能更加凸显,内容范围拓展深化,技术融合趋向深度;课程改革逐渐显现出丰富化、多样化、校本化、定制化、智慧化的发展倾向;课程开始演化为基础课程、发展课程、综合课程、生命课程、数字课程五种类型。课程的变革离不开实践的检验,在未来,课程实施要求深化师生未来意识导向、聚焦核心素养价值目标、营造未来课程实践氛围,不断推动未来教育的变革发展。  相似文献   

深化教学基本建设是推进高职院校内涵发展的现实需要,教学管理应把握好学术与行政、设计与施工、规范与创新之间的关系。高职院校要针对专业、课程、教材、师资、实践教学基地以及教风学风等建设内容,不断丰富建设内涵,提升管理效能。同时,教学基本建设管理要顺应社会发展趋势,重视教育教学管理研究,注重建设质量调控,不断推进信息化管理水平。  相似文献   

语文课程评价应该是一种动态性评价。动态性评价具有多维性、对话性、多样性、发展性和激励性的特点。语文课程动态性评价在实施策略上应注意: 课程、教学与评价的互动统一; 现时判断与前瞻性评价的统一; 点的透视与面的综合的统一; 量性评价与质性评价的统一; 结果评价与过程性评价的统一。  相似文献   

当代课程与教学论:新内容体系与教材结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从文化哲学观的视角看,课程与教学论学科作为特殊精神文化,实质上是人们进行课程与教学研究的特殊生命存在及其优化活动的知识与经验形态。当代课程与教学论的新内容体系,包括“课程与教学概论”“课程与教学系统”“课程与教学过程”“课程与教学管理及领导”以及“课程与教学美学”等五个相互联系的领域。基于“学习为本”价值观.当代课程与教学论需建构“学程式”新教材结构.以强化其实作性并促进有效教学。新教材的章节组织和结构特征,遵循教育心理学规律和教学法原则并依托互联网,应当从“激发学习动机”“丰富教学环境”“提供练习机会”以及“开发网络资源”等方面设计出丰富多彩的表现形式。  相似文献   

谈初中历史与社会的教材亮点与教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初中《历史与社会》以其特有的人文性、综合性和实践性等亮点而受到学生的欢迎。在新课程理念下,教师应当以此为基础设计教学活动,充分调动学生的积极性,有效地发挥其在培养学生人文精神、探究精神和创新精神方面的应有价值。  相似文献   

奚钰池 《成才之路》2022,(9):102-104
幼儿思想意识单纯,对身边的一切事物都充满好奇心,善于模仿,热衷于与同龄人一起做游戏.幼儿园教育应注重培养幼儿良好的生活习惯,使其具备一定的交际能力,更好地融入集体和社会,为其健康成长奠定坚实基础.新时期学前教育课程与游戏的融合,符合幼儿的认知特点,能激发幼儿学习兴趣,调动幼儿学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学效率和教学质量...  相似文献   

信息技术与课程整合的含义、层次及整合点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术与课程整合,就是利用信息技术的教学功能,实现教学内容的呈现方式、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生的互动方式的变革,以促进教学目标的顺利实现。根据信息技术的定位及其与课程的整合程度,信息技术与课程整合可以分为独立开课、工具性整合和课程改革三个层次。为此,应该从学习理念、课程目标、课程内容、学习方式、媒体技术等方面进行信息技术与课程整合的理论探索与实践研究,从而推动信息技术条件下的课程改革,促进信息技术与课程整合的深入发展。  相似文献   

影响大学生主体性发展的因素,主要有学生的专业兴趣、对大学学习方式的适应性和学习心理障碍等;高校要营造大学生主体性发展的制度环境和人文环境。要让学生有对专业、课程、学业进度的选择权;要通过深化教学改革,组织多种活动促进学生之间、师生之间的互动,培育学生的主体意识、问题意识、竞争意识、合作意识。  相似文献   

新课程改革背景下,不断强调学生的主体性和参与性的重要性,因此倾听学生的话语变得越来越必要。但当前,学生话语在课程改革与课堂教学实践中处于"失语"的状态,学生的话语权严重缺失。因此,学生作为学习的主体,应该让他们积极参与到课程与教学的实践中来,促使传统的课程改革与课堂教学实践发生新的转向,最终促进学生的发展。  相似文献   

在当今计算机辅助设计日益发展的背景下,高职艺术设计基础教学应作出顺应时代的改革,考察台湾职技类大学的艺术基础教育,对基础课程的设置、发挥作用和教学过程等进行调研,思考当今设计基础教学课程设置、师资结构、评价模式等方面的利弊,以此对大陆高职院校的艺术设计专业基础教育提供借鉴,从而培养出合格的设计人才,促进创意产业的发展。  相似文献   

大学教师隐性文化与隐性课程构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教师教育中,大学教师通过显性课程作用于大学生,发挥现实的影响力。同时,其自身的隐性文化以隐性课程为载体形成可能的影响力,为职前教师的专业发展提供动力支持。大学教师需提供良好的隐性课程内容,了解大学生的隐性课程学习方式,促进大学生的理解,使可能的影响力转化为现实的影响力。  相似文献   

让探究成为教学的动力——推进本科研讨型课程的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习观决定着教学活动的方向,应当从学生发展的需要、社会发展的需要和研究型大学建设的需要来审视我们的学习观。探究性学习是从尊重学生的内在主体性出发,通过学生自身探究实践,既培养研究思维和方法,又拓展和积累知识。研究型大学的本科研讨型课程,是旨在培养学生探究性学习能力的课程。其特征是:强调教师与学生、学生与学生的合作,强调学习的过程,在课程设置与要求上都有其独特性,需要系统地改革,逐步地实现。  相似文献   

中小学语文教育"费时多,收效微,负担重"的问题,长期没有得到根本的解决,教育改革一直都在锲而不舍地进行着,然而尚未收到预期的效果。今后小学语文教育改革可参考以下思路:提前识字、早认多识;加强自学、大量阅读;识写分步、强化写字;喜欢交流、敢说善说;乐写能写、顺畅表达。此间的保障措施有:1.创编兼具识字和传承文化功能的《新蒙学读本》;2.编写在教学内容上有更高的确定性、能切实体现课程标准精神的小学语文教科书;3.阅读教学要改变思路与教法;4.习作教学要亲近儿童、贴近生活;5.语文教育要落实"大语文""生活语文"的思想。  相似文献   

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