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青青的山上,白白的羊群,白白的羊群。风儿静静不再吹荡,你们伫立在山上。当风儿轻轻荡漾,你们慢慢徜徉。白白的羊群,白白的羊群。你们去向何方?(山东王全红供稿)W hite sheep,w hite sheep,O n a blue hill.W hen the wind stops,Y ou will stand still.W hen the wind blows,Y ou walk away slow.W hite sheep,w hite sheep,W here do you go?云朵!山东@王全红…  相似文献   

Winter comes. The weather gets colder and colder. The days ore shorter and the nights ore longer. The wind often blows strongly. But there is no snow in my town. The sky is still blue and the clouds are still white. You would say winter is blue and white.  相似文献   

①“white”一词在英语中的基本含义是“白色的”。如: a white cat(一只白猫)A White House(白宫) ②还可以指姓,White译为“怀特”。如: Mr White译为“怀特先生”,the Whites译为“怀特一家”。④但在下列短语中,white均不译为“白色的”。你知道如何翻译吗? 1.a white day 2.a white night 3.a white war 4.a white lie 5.a white alloy 6.a white elephant  相似文献   

The New Friend     
Little Lamb is a little white sheep. He wants to play with the children. But the children want to play games. Little sheep does not like to play games. So he runs away.  相似文献   

陈卓 《海外英语》2013,(2X):283-285
The White Stone worship is an inseparable cultural part among Qiang People in the history and their daily lives. It has relationship with the God, with Qiang people’ s fondness of the white color, with the fire-making, with the function of white stones as the tool and weapon for survival, and with the worship for Snow Mountain. The White Stone is the oblation in Qiang Families, the architecture-Blockhouse relating to the white stone is famous worldwide. The essay also discusses the links between the white stone worship with Qiang people in the past and in the future.  相似文献   

(A) Teacher:What do we getfrom sheep? Boy:Wool. Teacher:You are quiteright.And what do we makefrom wool?  相似文献   

The night will never stay, The night will still 90 by. Though with a million stars You pin〔用针固定]it to thes蛛 Though you bind「将~’‘’青边]it with the blowing wind And bucUel扣住]it with the moon, The night will sliP away Like sorrowl悲痛]or a tune. 黑夜永不停留, 黑夜总会离去。 纵使你用百万颗星辰 把它钉在天宵, 纵使你用风儿将它束起, 又用月亮为它结扣 可是黑夜仍会悄悄 就像那些曾经黑夜永不停留@Eleanor Farjeon @洪馥芝~~…  相似文献   

On a prairie(草原), there is a little black sheep. One day, all the little white sheep say to him, "Let's play games together." But he answers, "Sorry, I don't want to." His mother asks, "Why?" He says...  相似文献   

在某些英语短语中虽包含了颜色单词,但由于它们处在特定的语境中,所以会失去自己的本色。我们应特别注意这种语言现象,并逐步引导学生了解。a white day吉日a white lie善意的谎言white gourd冬瓜white sm ith铁匠white wing街道清洁工black sheep败家子blackart魔术black book  相似文献   

动物有语言吗?它们之间是如何沟通的?请走进下文了解详情。You know many animals, like rabbits,dogs, birds, sheep and so on. But do you know  相似文献   

My Kite     
My kite is white,My kite is light,My kite is in the sky.Now low,now high,You see the kite,You see it,you and I.My Kite!陕西@李华  相似文献   

White可作形容词和名词,表示“白色的”, “白色”。例如:a white shirt白衬衣,a white flower白花The little girl is in white.小女孩穿着白衣服。white还与许多词一起构成具有特殊含义的词和词组,在我们的日常生活中广泛使用。在翻译时切不可望文生义。以免闹出笑话。  相似文献   

Little Rabbit     
Rabbit,rabbit,Little rabbit.With long long ears,Red red eyes,White white fur.He likes eating cabbages,I like playing with him.  相似文献   

●对他来说,那点钱只是九牛一毛。◇Your house would be repossessed.◇你的房子会被收回的。●You might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.●偷羊偷羊羔一样都是贼,都要被绞死。横竖是死,那就一不做二不休。●as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb●一不做,二不休。◇He’s world-weary and cynical.◇他愤世嫉俗。  相似文献   

My Hobby     
Hi! Everyone! My name is Li Hexiang. I have art English name: Stevenson White Lee. You can call me “Steven”. I am a middle school student. I like a lot of things.  相似文献   

●对他来说,那点钱只是九牛一毛。◇Your house would be repossessed.◇你的房子会被收回的。●You might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.●偷羊偷羊羔一样都是贼,都要被绞死。横竖是死,那就一不做二不休。●as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb●一不做,二不休。◇He’s world-weary and cynical.◇他愤世嫉俗。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 1. be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that should C.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should 2.We wouldn’t obey the local government’s order that all the houses along the street . A.were broken down B.be broken down C.should be broken out D.broken up 3.—I don’t mind telling you what I know. —You .I’m not asking you for it. A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t 4.— would you like your coffee, black or white? —White,please…  相似文献   

秋天刚过,芦苇顶着白白的花穗,扭着娇小的腰肢,跳起了一曲曲华尔兹.在这个小湖里,芦苇们一丛丛,一片片,几乎盖住了整个湖面.惹得风儿都禁不住惊叹:“芦苇们的舞蹈,是我今生见过的最美的舞蹈.” 在这个季节,风儿似乎成了小湖里的常客.只要风一出现,热情的芦苇,总会你挨着我,我挨着你,相互挽起小手儿,在小湖里摇曳起来.  相似文献   

Long long ago,there was a little sheep.She loved beauty very much. One day,the little sheep's mother gave her a beautiful bell.She felt very happy.The second day,she hung it on the neck and went to play She arrived in the forest.A little dog said,"You are really beautiful,can you  相似文献   

汉语的“白”并不完全等同于英语的white。在某些场合,我们可以对带颜色的词采用直译法,如在指人的种族时,我们可以说the black people(黑人),the yellow people(黄种人),the whitepeople(白人)。另外,由white组成的有些词也可以直译,如白炽(white heat),白匪(white bandit),白宫(White House),白鹤(white crane),白热(white heat),白杨(white poplar),白鱼(whitefish)等。  相似文献   

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