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随着网络媒体的发展,纸质媒体的销量一直在减少,无论是报纸还是杂志,简单的新闻报道已经无法与网络媒体竞争,那么纸媒将如何寻求自己的发展呢?纸质媒体在速度方面无法与网络媒体相比,也没有电视的画面感,而它却以深度报道见长,本文将以内容研究的方法从《三联生活周刊》封面报道的选题、选题展开、报道角度、基本立场和封面设计这几个方面来考察,从新闻框架的角度来思考专题报道以及人们如何应对这种带有倾向性的报道。  相似文献   

杨阳  陈达凯 《东南传播》2010,(7):157-159
本文比较研究了《中国新闻周刊》、《凤凰周刊》对汶川地震这同一事件的封面故事的报道,阐述了封面故事的重要性,通过对报道主题、报道性质、报道方式、写作风格四个方面的比较,分析了两家杂志报道的不同特色,得出结论即应保持差异化的风格,平衡各方团体,从而不断加强核心竞争力。  相似文献   

社会的发展往往需要文化的推动,而文化的传播离不开大众传媒,有品质的文化报道可以提升大众的认知能力和文化素养,有助于整个社会形成良好的文化氛围并惠及物质文明建设,因此,严肃的综合类新闻周刊、周报都很重视文化报道。本文将对具有典型综合类周刊、周报特征的《三联生活周刊》、《新民周刊》和《南方周末》的文化报道在文化价值取向、题材类型、报道形式等方面进行比较分析,以期能对当前重视文化报道的综合类新闻周刊、周报在文化报道的内容呈现上有个宏观的认识。  相似文献   

随着信息传播技术的不断革新变化、全球经济一体化的迅速发展,包括期刊在内的出版活动国际化趋势正在乘势兴起。在这种背景下,中国的新闻类周刊也在快速崛起。期刊业有一句行话:"赢封面者,赢天下。"如何在封面故事上做出特色,以期占有更大的市场份额,是业界关注的话题。基于此,选取2012年度美国《时代》周刊和《中国新闻周刊》封面故事为例,试图以故事内容为研究样本,通过比较分析,以期从美国期刊业丰富经验中找到缩小差距的可行方案。  相似文献   

封面报道是每一期《时代》周刊中最吸引读者注意力的部分,是整本期刊中最为重要、最为精彩的报道,对《时代》的发展有着不可忽视的作用。本文采用随机抽样的方式,选取2004—2013共10年的《时代》周刊封面报道,每月抽取一份样本,并对获得的120份样本进行研究,以期发现《时代》周刊封面报道的特色。  相似文献   

文章主要分析《周刊少年Jump》杂志的读者调查和作者专属、读者市场的细分与本土化等编辑和经营策略,追溯名刊从本土走向海外的市场拓展历程,以期能从中得到借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

本文从内容和形式两个方面分析羊城晚报副刊《博闻周刊》亲和力的表现方式及成因,结合当代中国报业发展形势和传媒业竞争态势,分析了《博闻周刊》因其亲和力带来的影响,并探讨新时期国内报纸副刊发展新趋势。  相似文献   

城市不但是高楼大厦、酒绿灯红等城市景观塑造的实体空间,更是时代信息与社会文化互相沟通的符号系统,"新一线"栏目是《第一财经周刊》的重要组成部分,其城市报道将人文观与经济观两者有机结合,很大程度上反映了《第一财经周刊》的办刊理念,笔者对其2015年城市形象呈现的选题与报道进行研究,希望为今后《第一财经周刊》及其他杂志城市新闻报道的策划、写作提供参考。  相似文献   

1999年12月至今,陕西日报主办的《三秦都市报》陆续推出了五大周刊──新闻周刊、生活周刊、万象周刊、财富周刊、大西部周刊。“周一至周五,天天出周刊”。其新颖的形式、全新的内容及其独特的办刊模式与运作策略在陕西乃至全国新闻媒介和广大读者群中引起了强烈反响。《三秦都市报》的发行量也由此攀升,广告量随之翻番。究其致胜策略,可一言蔽之;弃“卿卿我我”,走专业之路,推“满汉全席”,迎百家口味。 “纯文化副刊”的萎缩与“准新闻专刊”的崛起 80年代是报纸副刊的黄金时代。副刊的软、活与多彩一改传统新闻的单调与…  相似文献   

史明磊 《青年记者》2010,(11):82-83
在几代美国人的眼中,《时代》周刊(Time)及《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)周一摆上报摊的那一刻,也就为他们定下了本周国家新闻议题的基调。互联网诞生前,有线电视新闻频道开播前,新闻类周刊上的封面新闻等于头等大事。  相似文献   

Customer magazines blur the boundaries between journalistic reporting and organizational information. On the one hand, customer magazines are intended to communicate the interests, brands, products, and services of an organization. On the other hand, their topics, style, and layout resemble those of journalistic publications, from which readers expect independent and objective reporting. While customer magazines are distributed in high numbers throughout different industries and play an increasingly important role in the media landscape, they have hardly been the focus of researchers to date. It is therefore quite unclear how editorial decisions are made within these publications. This study investigated the relevance of journalistic news factors for topic selection in customer magazines and the extent to which these factors differ from those of journalistic publications. We conducted a quantitative survey of customer magazines’ editors-in-chief in Germany (N?=?143). We compared their responses on the relevance of news factors to the findings of a survey of senior journalists. The findings revealed clear differences in the use of news factors between the two groups.  相似文献   

自动文本摘要中一个关键的步骤是确定文章的主旨并将反映文章主旨的句子提取出来.在讨论分析k-means, k-medoids等聚类算法的基础上,根据对文本摘要的实际要求以及文档自身的特点,提出一种基于聚类算法的主旨句提取方法.实验结果表明,在提高聚类准确性的基础上,新方法较其他聚类算法能够更加有效地避免遗漏主题的问题,能较全方位地反映全文的主旨,提取出的摘要既覆盖全面又突出重点.  相似文献   

中国大陆地区的新闻类周刊1990年代以来取得长足发展,也面临新的挑战与危机。“生逢其时”的社会环境与“生不逢时”的媒体竞争环境,使其努力寻找更为适合自己的生存路径,包括对“刊”形态与“周”时态的重新认识,对“忙人”与“有影响力”的人的重新界定,对“品质”与“风格”的不同选择,以及从“品牌化生存”到“两栖化生存”的拓展,以期借助于其他类型传播媒体的同步传播或“二次传播,”形成品牌,扩大影响,牢牢站稳属于自己的一片媒体空间。  相似文献   

近年来,我国档案信息资源研究涉及主题广泛且发展势头较好,但缺乏主题关联结构层面的态势分析。本文基于CNKI数据库,在提取文献主题词的基础上,以共现分析为理论依据,进行我国档案信息资源研究的主题分布、关联结构及演化态势的指标计算与可视化揭示。研究结果表明,我国档案信息资源研究的主题涉及面广且较为集中,但分布不平衡;我国档案信息资源研究领域已形成档案资源建设、档案服务、开发利用、资源共享、城建档案5个主要的研究方向,但各个方向发展成熟度存在明显差异;我国档案信息资源研究领域在研究方向上已趋于稳定,且延续性较强,同时在发展中也存在诸多主题的融合与分化现象。  相似文献   

The detection of communities in large social networks is receiving increasing attention in a variety of research areas. Most existing community detection approaches focus on the topology of social connections (e.g., coauthor, citation, and social conversation) without considering their topic and dynamic features. In this paper, we propose two models to detect communities by considering both topic and dynamic features. First, the Community Topic Model (CTM) can identify communities sharing similar topics. Second, the Dynamic CTM (DCTM) can capture the dynamic features of communities and topics based on the Bernoulli distribution that leverages the temporal continuity between consecutive timestamps. Both models were tested on two datasets: ArnetMiner and Twitter. Experiments show that communities with similar topics can be detected and the co-evolution of communities and topics can be observed by these two models, which allow us to better understand the dynamic features of social networks and make improved personalized recommendations.  相似文献   

TIMELIT is a database covering the topic of medical education. Entries in this resource cover a range of topics from professional education to both health and patient education. This column will provide an overview of the database and its content, as well as give basic information about searching TIMELIT.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对单学科和双学科主题发现方法无法挖掘现有交叉文献中主题演化来源的问题,提出面向跨学科的主题发现方法,为跨学科发展和合作提供依据。[方法/过程] 首先在动物资源与育种领域期刊文献数据中选取已经出现交叉现象的两个基础学科文献及其交叉文献,使用改进的主题相关分析方法,提取共同主题和各自的独立主题;然后利用相关性测度方法量化不同学科独立主题的相关性;最后对共同主题和相似性较高的独立主题进行具体分析。[结果/结论] 在动物资源与育种领域的农学生殖生物学、兽医学以及其交叉文献上进行实验验证,结果表明所提出的方法能够有效发现交叉主题的学科出处。  相似文献   

Dynamic development is an intrinsic characteristic of research topics. To study this, this paper proposes two sets of topic attributes to examine topic dynamic characteristics: topic continuity and topic popularity. Topic continuity comprises six attributes: steady, concentrating, diluting, sporadic, transforming, and emerging topics; topic popularity comprises three attributes: rising, declining, and fluctuating topics. These attributes are applied to a data set on library and information science publications during the past 11 years (2001–2011). Results show that topics on “web information retrieval”, “citation and bibliometrics”, “system and technology”, and “health science” have the highest average popularity; topics on “h-index”, “online communities”, “data preservation”, “social media”, and “web analysis” are increasingly becoming popular in library and information science.  相似文献   

Periodical Radio is a podcast interview program with the editors of journals and magazines. This article presents editors' diverse perspectives on topics including title changes, peer review, Open Access, the business of sustaining magazines, and the future of print versions of periodicals.  相似文献   

In this study, MatrixSim, a new method for detecting the evolution paths of research topics based on matrix similarity, was proposed. In the analysis of research topic evolution with the help of co-word networks, in contrast to traditional methods of topic evolution path detection, such as cosine similarity and edge similarity, MatrixSim is based on the local community structure of topic communities in co-word networks and considers the similarity of research topics in both nodes and edges, that is, words and inter-word relations. Using the library and information science field as an example, two sets of experiments were designed for topic similarity detection and subject-specific research topic evolution analysis to evaluate and verify the performance of MatrixSim in detecting the evolution paths of research topics and its validity and feasibility in research topic evolution analysis. The results confirm that MatrixSim performs well in detecting the evolution paths of research topics. It can correlate important research topics, help describe the research development process in scientific fields, reveal the internal evolutionary features of research topics, and thus discover and track the research frontiers in scientific fields. This study provides significant methodological support for researchers conducting prospective research activities.  相似文献   

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