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Differences in the strategies used by gymnasts of different abilities to cope with performance difficulties were investigated using the Ways of Coping with Sport questionnaire. The sample of 83 adolescent females represented gymnasts at two levels of ability: those who had competed at international or national championships and those who had competed at only state or club championships. The coping processes reported most frequently by the total sample of gymnasts were Increased Effort and Resolve, Seeking Social Support, Wishful Thinking, and Problem‐Focused Coping. It was noteworthy that these were also the preferred coping strategies of female basketball players. Analysis of the data by discriminant function indicated that the gymnasts of higher ability were older, had been involved in gymnastics for a longer period and were more likely to use Detachment to cope with performance problems. Age and experience were more important predictors of ability than was coping style.  相似文献   

采用实验研究的方法,运用中国大学生应对方式量表,对参加身体锻炼的大学新生在第1周、第6周和第12周进行调查,并对调查数据进行因素分析和重复测量的检验。结果表明:大学新生应对方式不存在性别和专业的差异;12周身体锻炼、6周中强度篮球锻炼对问题取向影响效果较好,它们能促使大学新生采用积极的应对方式;篮球运动、中强度身体锻炼、6周篮球锻炼均对回避途径的影响效果较好,它们能减少大学新生采用消极的应对方式;身体锻炼可以直接对大学新生应对方式产生影响,即减少大学新生采用消极方式应对压力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨工读学校学生自我效能、应对方式和二者之间的关系。方法:选取上海市工读学校140名初中学生作为被试,采用集体施测的方式,进行《一般自我效能量表》和《应对方式问卷》的测验。结果:(1)工读学生自我效能的性别差异非常显著;初中二年级学生的自我效能明显低于其他两个年级。(2)工读学生最常采用的应对方式是解决问题、幻想和退避。(3)工读学生自我效能可以通过初二年级、退避、解决问题、性别进行预测。结论:工读学生自我效能和应对方式之间密切相关。  相似文献   

采用观察、访谈、问卷调查、文献资料研究,对学校课余篮球比赛过程中队员运动水平普遍出现失常发挥的现象进行研究和分析,认为这种现象通过赛前充分的准备活动、比赛中篮球技战术的合理运用、场上队员情绪及时良好的调节和赛后进行恰当客观的总结和评价是可以克服的。  相似文献   


This study investigated the predictive power of thinking styles for academic stress coping. Participants were 563 (280 males, 275 females, 8 gender unspecified) secondary school students in grades 7 through 12 from mainland China. Thinking styles were measured using the Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised II which was based on the theory of mental self-government. Coping strategies were measured by the COPE-Revised, which was derived from Carver’s COPE (1989). Results showed that thinking styles had statistically significant predictive power for academic stress-coping strategies beyond age and gender, largely in the expected directions. Theoretical implications for research on intellectual styles and coping are discussed; and some practical implications for school teachers and students are proposed.  相似文献   

以400名师范院校学生为被试,使用大学生精神信仰、应对方式和SCL-90问卷。得出以下结论:(1)师范生的心理应对方式在性别、年级上存在显著差异,在城乡上不存在显著差异;心理健康在性别、年级、城乡上存在显著差异;精神信仰在性别、年级上存在显著差异,在城乡上不存在显著差异。(2)应对方式、心理健康、精神信仰三者之间存在显著相关,精神信仰在应对方式对心理健康有预测关系中起中介变量的作用。  相似文献   

运用艾森克人格问卷对68名大学生男篮运动员进行测试,结果表明:大学生男篮运动员与华东地区常模比较,P、N、E维度差异非常显著,L维度差异极为显著;男篮运动员EPQ各维度之间相互影响,E维度与P、N维度呈显著性负相关,P维度与N维度呈显著性正相关;18名T分数大于60的男篮运动员P、N两个维度得分高于整体样本,差异极为显著,E维度得分低于整体样本,差异显著;各年龄组分别与常模比较,仅有22~27岁组在P、N两个维度上差异显著.大学生男子篮球运动员整体上具有外向、诚实、倔强的个性特征倾向.本研究以期为完善大学生篮球运动员的人格特点,提高心理健康水平提供参考.  相似文献   

篮球比赛的节奏性是运动场上技战术运用的灵魂。掌握了篮球场上比赛的节奏就可以争取主动,制约对方,达到取胜的目的。个人掌握节奏就可以融入全队,担当好角色;全队打出节奏就会发挥好团队精神,取得比赛的胜利。因此节奏在比赛场上表现出它的重要性。节奏训练应教育青少年篮球比赛是集体比赛项目,通过节奏把自己融入全队,使个人的技术服务于全队的战术,适应战术的需要。节奏训练是篮球技战术训练的纽带,更是青少年体质、技术、战术训练的综合训练手段,更是青少年集体观念培养的良好手段。因此,有必要对比进行探索。  相似文献   

篮球运动是一项攻防快速多变的速度力量型和对抗性运动项目。篮球运动员体能的好坏直接决定着比赛的结果,因此必须加强篮球运动员体能水平的训练。针对篮球场上不同位置球员对体能的不同要求,总结出了他们的体能训练特点并提出了相应的训练方法,旨在为篮球运动员的体能训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

高对抗、激烈程度的日益增加,是当今篮球运动的演变趋势。目前篮球意识在青少年篮球运动员中扮演着不可磨灭的角色,这一认识已被众多该领域的权威人士所肯定。对于在基础训练阶段的青少年篮球运动员来说,篮球意识的培养也至关重要,着重体现在教练员教学和青少年篮球运动员训练两个环节上,教练员应结合道德教育,有针对性的看待战术意识与基础专项能力的培养对青少年篮球运动员的作用。  相似文献   

对抗是篮球运动的本质特征,身体对抗技术的合理利用对比赛起着直接的作用。本文运用文献资料法、比较分析法及观察访问法,结合篮球运动的身体对抗理论,指出影响中学生篮球运动员身体对抗技术的因素所在,并对提高身体对抗能力的训练方法进行研究。为进一步改进中学生篮球运动员的训练工作提供参考并提出建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数据统计法、对比分析法,对2008—2009赛季CBA与NBA篮球运动员身高、体重、年龄和技术等指标进行对比研究,分析了目前CBA与NBA球员之间个人竞技能力的差距,为我国职业篮球训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on stress in students of grades 1–12. A model to understand stress as the inequality between perceived demands and perceived resources is presented. Student stressors are identified in the family and school environments. Coping with these stressors is conceptualized as problem-focused, emotion-focused, or appraisal-focused strategies that make use of personal, social, and cognitive resources. Physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms of ineffectual coping efforts are then identified. After gender differences in stressors and coping are noted, instruments measuring stressors, coping strategies, and coping resources in children and youth are reviewed. Finally, representative intervention programs developed for school-aged youth are described and evidence of their efficacy is presented. The article concludes that there is a paucity of research on stress in children as compared to research on stress in adults.  相似文献   

焦点判罚不是单纯的裁判问题,它与篮球理念、规则、运动员技术规范化程度和运动员运用临界技术的能力等因素有着本质的联系。研究焦点判罚与运动员、规则与裁判员之间的相互关系,不仅与提高裁判员的业务水平和运动员技、战术水平密切相关,而且对提高篮球运动水平和促进篮球运动的发展与进步也具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨民办高校大一学生应对方式与学习适应的关系。方法:采用简易应对方式问卷和大学生学习适应量表对179名民办高校大一学生进行问卷调查。结果:民办高校大一学生的整体学习适应水平在性别、专业、生源地等方面不存在显著差异,在是否学生干部上有显著差异。积极应对方式与学习适应总分及学习动机、学习能力、教学模式、学习态度等维度存在显著的正相关;消极应对方式与学习适应总分及学习动机、学习能力、学习态度、环境因素等维度存在显著的负相关。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,结合国内外已有的有关篮球运动员心理训练的研究成果,分析篮球运动员赛中常见不良心理表现及其主要的主、客观原因,探讨篮球运动员赛中不良心理的调控方法,并对如何加强篮球运动员赛中心理训练提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

基于验证增强式训练提升篮球运动员体能及竞技表现功效,探索提高大学生球员弹跳、灵敏、动态平衡能力的新方法的研究目的。该研究采用文献资料法、实验测试法、数理统计法等研究方法,以绍兴文理学院28名校篮球队员作为研究样本,针对2019-2020年度浙江省ZUBA大学生篮球联赛赛前体能训练予以增强式训练。通过对实验前后以跳跃触墙高度、T型测试时间、八向稳定限度等跳跃、灵敏、动态平衡能力运动评估指标的分析。研究发现:1)增强式训练能够有效增加大学生篮球选手的垂直跳跃高度、缩短T型测试时间,增强式训练的频率、时间及强度是影响PT提高垂直跳跃高度的首要因素,其组合方式、设置顺序及对象特征等因素也会影响其它训练效益。2)增强式训练能改善人体姿势平衡控制与神经肌肉适应,其在整体、右方、左前与左后等方向的LOS测试表现,即身体双侧姿势控制及动态平衡能力等方面,应激机制与PT包含姿势控制与快速敏捷性转向动作(急停、冲刺与方向变化)有关。研究显示增强式训练能够有效提高大学生篮球运动员动态平衡与弹跳能力,可作为赛前体能专项训练方法。  相似文献   

当前篮球运动在体力、技术、战术等方面的对抗越来越激烈,打法越来越凶猛,运动员参加比赛不仅消耗很大的体力,同时也消耗很大的心理能力。因此对运动员心理能力要求越来越高,在比赛中心理能力发挥不好,即使技术、战术很好的运动队也会在比赛中出现失败。运动员心理能力是决定比赛胜负的关键。篮球运动员心理能力训练应纳入到篮球训练之中。  相似文献   

篮球运动员竞技能力是指篮球运动员的参赛能力,由不同作用和表现形式的篮球体能、篮球技能、篮球战能、篮球心理技能和篮球智能构成,并辩证协同的表现于篮球运动竞赛中.对篮球运动员竞技能力构成的子能力,篮球体能、技能、心能和篮球智能进行分析总结,从而全方位、多角度、深层次地认识篮球运动员竞技能力具有理论和现实的双重意义.  相似文献   

The majority of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are undergoing maintenance hemodialyisis. Hemodialysis is a process of removing metabolic waste, other poisons, and excess fluids from the blood and replacing essential blood constituents through a dialysis machine. With hemodialysis causing stress not only to physical status but also to psychological functioning and well-being, the individual will have to strive to cope with it. Coping involves cognitive and/or behavioral efforts exerted by the individual to be able to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands of a situation. Different coping strategies are being utilized by individuals such as thinking positively, having a positive outlook, and positively comparing self to others in similar situations. These techniques are what is referred to as optimistic coping. The study aims to capture the essences or languages of coping according to a select group of Filipino elderly patients with lived hemodialysis experiences. A total of 13 respondents, selected through purposive sampling, were provided with a two-part questionnaire. The first part is the robotfoto, which provides the cartographic sketch of the subjects. The second part is the semistructured interview, with an aide memoir. This is intended to surface the subjects' lived experience relative to hemodialysis experience coping mechanisms and the meaning of coping to them. Data gathered were transcribed and analyzed via cool and warm analyses. A repertory grid was constructed where significant statements were categorized and thematised revealing the languages of coping according to elderly patients with lived hemodialysis experience. Through interviews, the study yielded three themes that reveal the language of coping for Filipino geriatric patients undergoing hemodialyis. These themes consist of (a) coping as scaffolding: or the power to hold on, (b) coping as sailing: or the power to let go, and (c) coping as sanguinity: or the power to see the difference. Coping was defined as an ability (will power, acceptance, positive thinking) that people possess to keep up with certain stressful events, thereby making life more tolerable.  相似文献   

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