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高校处分权是高校为保障教育教学秩序,实现教育目的而对学生行为进行的必要约束与限制.在高校行使自主管理权的实践中,因高校处分权的不当行使而引发的学生状告母校案件频繁发生,通过分析现实中的案例,可以看出高校处分权与大学生受教育权、人身权以及程序性权利之间存在冲突与失衡.合法制定校内规则,遵循正当程序,拓展和完善学生的权利救济机制是制约高校处分权滥用的重要途径.  相似文献   

随着我国法治化进程的日渐推进与大学生法律意识的不断增强,大学生因高校管理过程中处分权的不当行使而提起的法律诉讼明显增多,引发了人们对规范高校处分权行使的深层思考。如何实现学生管理的法制化、更好地保护大学生的合法权益是高校管理工作中一个亟待解决的课题。高校在法律授权的范围内行使处分权时,必须遵循行政法治原则,切实保护学生的合法权益。  相似文献   

依据我国现行法律规范,高校享有对学生的处分权.高校处分权如果行使不当,极易侵犯学生的受教育权,特别是"退学"、"开除学籍"等处分一旦作出,对学生的权益将产生极大的消极影响;但在我国,高校处分权的行使却缺乏有效监督,受处分学生如果不服,只能申请校内救济或向有关教育行政部门申诉,尚不能诉诸司法程序,这对保护学生的受教育权是极为不利的.  相似文献   

黄艳 《教育探索》2013,(7):33-35
高校处分权的存在是合理且正当的,它是建设现代大学的需要,也有着坚实的法理基础。高校处分权是高校作为独立法人进行内部管理应有的权利,也对维护学术自由、促进公民福祉有着积极的意义。高校与学生之间的关系应为民事关系,对高校处分权进行司法审查缺乏严格的法律依据。司法审查的存在更多的是出于社会需要和政策考量,这一现实提醒高校应不断完善内部管理制度、规范行使处分权,推进对学生处分的规范化和法治化。  相似文献   

学生处分是高校享有自主管理权的重要表现。高校学生处分权的行使直接关系到学生的切身利益,甚至影响学生受教育权的实现。本文提出要重视程序控权的价值,按正当程序理念完善高校学生处分权行使的程序,充分体现权利保障、民主参与和学生自我发展。  相似文献   

目前,由于高等学校行使学生处分权法律程序的缺失,造成了对学生合法权益的损害,并因此引发了大量的法律纠纷。从正当法律程序的要求出发,遵循公开、公正、合理的原则设定高校行使学生处分权的法律程序已成为时代发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

李继红  聂建波 《考试周刊》2012,(65):156-157
近年来出现为数不少的学生诉高校处分不当案,反映了高校在行使处分权时存在诸多问题。学生的受教育权容易受到高校不当处分的侵犯,二者之间的冲突加剧。究其原因主要是由于高校处分权的执行不规范和受教育权的法律救济机制不健全。因此,我们应数管齐下,充分运用法律来解决高校的学生处分权与大学生受教育权的利益冲突,以此维护学生的合法权益。  相似文献   

高等学校学生处分权是高等学校自主权的组成部分,作为承担为社会培养高级专业人才的高校,给予违反校纪校规的学生相应的处分,能够加快教育目标的实现,但是有些高校在行使学生处分权时,没有严格遵守法律制度,严重侵犯了学生的权利,因此,随着我国法制建设的日趋完善,从法律角度来审视高校学生处分权问题,规范高校的处分行为和完善学生权利的救济途径,是我们必须坚持的目标。  相似文献   

高校处分权的行使与比例原则的适用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
比例原则作为行政法的一项基本原则对规范行政权的行使起着重要的作用。但是将这一原则引入教育法治实践中用以规范高校处分权行使的相关研究尚处于理论探讨阶段。章阐释了行政法上比例原则的蕴意,解析了高校处分权的行使适用比例原则的客观根据,进而明确了比例原则对高校处分权行使的基本要求。  相似文献   

近年来,学生诉高校的案例增多,多以开除学籍处分为诉讼案例,追究其根源是高校在行使开除学籍处分权的制定行使中缺乏法律依据。虽然高校对学生拥有绝对的管理权,但是其处分的合法性遭到质疑,而高校如何将干除学籍这种类似驱逐的惩罚合法化是当前一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于《学生纪律实践规则》的分析,英国开放大学学生处分听证制度主要包括制度目的、职权、基本框架、处分种类、处分机构、学生处分听证权利、听证程序等内容。学生处分听证制度在提供学生公正、公开违纪处理程序与上诉听证程序,维护正常教学与科研秩序,敦促学生遵守学术标准,维护学生合法权益,保障教学秩序与维护学术标准等方面意义重大。  相似文献   

教师惩戒行为的正当性缘于国家意志的必要强制、教师职业的应然要求以及监护权的部分转移。随着权利意识的觉醒和教育商品化的推动,教师惩戒行为的正当性逐渐偏离、异化,主要表现为学生权利的泛化、师生关系的契约化以及监护权的抗制。通过学生权利的保护与克制、教师职业的实然选择以及监护权的适当参与,从而实现教师惩戒行为正当性回归其本来价值。  相似文献   

因高校行使处分权引发大学生起诉母校的案件层出不穷,对不同案件所折射出的现实问题进行理性的思考,有助于提升高校的管理水平。在假定高校处分合法性的前提下,探讨处分的适度性问题,通过不同主体对适度性判定的特点和价值的分析,提出高校应树立正确的处理理念、保证处分实体规则和程序规则的适度、提倡处分结果的透明、测评处分效果和完备处分救济的对策建议。  相似文献   

Survival for public school teachers goes beyond curriculum design, discipline and other skills. School law is critical for teachers to face the areas of challenge that are currently present. There are two types of common legal mistakes made by teachers: a) failing to take disciplinary action when they should, and b) unintentionally violating students rights. Social media, religion, the rights of transgender students and the possibility of teachers right to carry a weapon are all within the realm of rapidly changing public school law. Teachers should stay well-informed, so they are ready to protect students and their own constitutional freedoms.  相似文献   

Set against the backdrop of reinvigorating the study of literature and concerns about the adequate preparation of students for the world of work, this paper explores how a Singapore teacher presented a literary text in the classroom. Drawing on data from a large-scale representative sample of Singapore schools in instruction and assessment practices, we discuss some of the potential consequences of instructional choice-making from a disciplinary perspective. Our findings suggest, for example, that when teacher-dominated discourse and interpretations dominate, instructional flexibility and responsiveness are correspondingly limited and restricted. These courses of action, we contend, may occur contrary to teachers’ plans and expectations. The paper closes by making a call for further longitudinal research across multiple research sites into the nature of literature pedagogy that has a strong disciplinary focus.  相似文献   

This research explores the relevance of cooperation and students’ environmental disciplinary concentration on decision-making with respect to environmental issues – specifically the use of water, a limited common-pool resource. For this purpose, 61 environmental sciences students and 46 educational sciences students played the role of farmers and made decisions about irrigating their fields in the simulation ‘Irrigania.’ Prior to the simulation exercise, participants were randomly assigned to an experimental condition (competition or cooperation). Results demonstrated that both a cooperation situation and students’ environmental disciplinary concentration are related to the use of more pro-environmental and less selfish irrigation strategies in the simulation. Moreover, high levels of cooperation were able to counteract the lack of students’ disciplinary concentration on environmental problems; inversely, high levels of disciplinary concentration on environmental problems were able to counteract the competitive situations. This study highlights the relevance of programs that provide learning of (1) cooperative contexts that may reinforce cooperative frameworks on which students could base their behaviors, and (2) broader disciplinary concentration related to environmental problems that could lead to students feeling powerful in respect of knowing how to act against those problems and, thus, behaving in less selfish ways, with positive implications for the planet.  相似文献   

试论高校处分违纪学生的法治原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
法律虽规定高校有处分违纪学生的权力,但并未明示具体如何处分学生。诸多学生告母校的诉案表明,高校的处分行为必须纳入法治的轨道,必须受如下基本原则的统率与指导,即:处分法定原则,公平公正原则,处分慎重、重在教育原则,权利保障原则等。  相似文献   

Feedback plays an integral role in students’ learning and development, as it is often the only personal communication that students have with tutors or lecturers about their own work. Yet, in spite of its integral role in student learning, there is disagreement between how students and tutors or lecturers perceive the pedagogic purpose of feedback. Central to this disagreement is the role that feedback has to play in ensuring that students produce the ‘right’ kinds of knowledge, and become the ‘right’ kinds of knowers within their disciplines. This paper argues that, in order to find common ground between students and tutors or lecturers on what feedback is for, and how to both give and use it effectively, we need to conceptualise disciplinary knowledge and knowers anew. We offer, as a useful starting point, the Specialisation dimension of Legitimation Code Theory as both practical theory and methodological tool for exploring knowledge and knowers in English Studies and Law as two illustrative cases. The paper concludes that this analysis offers lecturers and tutors a fresh understanding of the disciplinary knowledge and knower structures they work within and, relatedly, a clearer view of the work their feedback needs to do within these.  相似文献   

With the massification of higher education in a knowledge-driven economy, Western universities have struggled to keep pace with the cultural, linguistic, educational and economic diversity of university students and the complex realities of their lifeworlds. This has generated systemic inequities for diverse or ‘non-traditional’ students, and left academics with pedagogic uncertainty. This paper reports on action research that examined curricular and pedagogic practices that made elite academic codes explicit, and utilised students’ Funds of Knowledge as assets for disciplinary learning, in an Australian university. The action research confirmed the potential of creating bridges between the cultural practices and literacies of diverse students and the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, facilitating their negotiation of multiple literacies and the successful participation of all students. Institutional arrangements – governed by economic, cultural and socio-political conditions – that enabled and constrained these potentials were highlighted, suggesting areas for negotiation for the pedagogies’ ongoing and wider use.  相似文献   

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