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Web2.0环境下医学信息检索新途径初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着网络技术的发展,Web2.0技术在网络上的应用越来越广泛,信息发布形式和检索方式也随之发生着变化。对医学信息的检索除了沿用以前的检索途径外,还应探索web2.0环境下新的检索途径。文章对Web2.0的主要技术做了简要介绍,并就博客医学信息检索、RSS服务下的医学信息检索、wiki网站医学信息检索以及讨论组和论坛上的医学信息等这些新的医学信息检索途径做了初步探讨。参考文献7。  相似文献   

检索类刊物开发利用举措   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王秋香  陈玉华 《图书馆》1996,(5):54-55,57
本文指出在我国计算机检索与通讯网络尚未普及的情况下,利用检索刊物获得文献信息,是一条快速而准确的途径。提出重视检索刊物收藏,建立检索室、开设文献检索课,宣传、介绍检索刊,运用检索刊物开展定题服务、专题检索,生产信息产品及为科研立题、成果鉴定进行查新等开发利用举措  相似文献   

因特网的发展和普及,把信息资源的开发与利用推向了网络化与全球化。图书馆应把工作重点转移到医学信息服务上来,并从网上图书介绍、书目信息查询、数据库检索、医学信息导航与开发、项目服务、“镜像”数据库服务、继续教育、读培训等10个方面讨论发展医学信息服务的内容。  相似文献   

李小平  马佳  张琴 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(1):138-139,137
利用国内外医学权威数据库,将医学文献检索中易漏检的一些问题,通过检索实例进行比较,探讨如何提高查全率和查准率,让更多的科研人员掌握其检索技巧,从而更好地为科研服务。  相似文献   

上海医科大学远程医学研究与信息服务   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
上海医科大学利用校园网进行远程医学研究,不仅开展远程咨询会诊和远程医学教育,而且提供远程医学信息服务。图书馆利用网络技术和信息技术,以校园网络和因特网为依托,为读者提供书刊目录检索、一次文献服务、医学信息导航等全方位信息服务,满足远程医学对信息的要求。  相似文献   

档案工作者的重要使命是不断创新档案服务机制,开发档案信息资源,积极主动地为社会发展和经济建设服务。一、创新服务手段1.建立档案馆(室)网页,开展网上利用服务。建立档案馆(室)内部局域网,充分利用企事业单位的网站制作自己的网页,积极组织上网数据和信息,使档案管理服务系统联上企事业单位网站,实现档案信息的网上检索,让利用者与档案馆(室)利用电子邮件在网上进行快速通讯,进行信息交流,回答服务对象对档案材料真实性与保存价值的咨  相似文献   

信息咨询服务是以读者需求为契机,以开发、利用信息资源为基础,为读者提供搜集、检索、揭示、传递信息的服务。网络时代,信息咨询服务将成为高校图书馆的主要服务内容之一,咨询职能将是图书馆的核心职能。高校馆传统的参考咨询主要是答复读者有关图书馆使用知识方面的询问、定题服务、编制书目索引、检索查新、帮助读者使用目录、指导使用工具书等,以手工检索为手段,以本馆读者为对象,但主动性不强。网络环境下的信息咨询是在传统咨询服务的基础上,重点在于利用现代化设备为用户提供咨询、决策、顾问、中介、代理等服务。  相似文献   

近年来,随着数字化网络化技术的发展。图书情报机构的业务模式、服务方式和管理手段均发生了重大的改变。积极发展和利用电子信息资源,加强馆员和用户培训,提高数字环境下信息资源与服务的能力是文献信息服务今后发展的重要趋势。为提高图书馆员对网络信息资源的检索技能与数据库使用,我们特举办“网络信息资源的检索利用与常用数据库”培训班。  相似文献   

论数字图书馆的服务集成   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
卢共平 《图书馆》2004,(5):47-50
服务集成是服务主导型数字图书馆建设与研究的主要内容。为支持用户发现和利用各种资源与服务,应建立数字图书馆门户,集成各种类型各种格式的数字资源,通过一次性用户认证,在统一检索平台上进行集成检索,提供个性化的信息服务,建设数字参考服务系统,由此实现不同系统问的无缝链接,建立完整的网络化信息服务体系。  相似文献   

病历档案是医院诊疗信息的主要载体,同时也是卫生管理信息的主要采集源,它是具有医学档案属性和科学价值的医疗载体,是极宝贵的医疗信息资料。随着医学的发展,病历档案在医疗、科研、教学管理及法律、社会服务等方面的需求日趋增大,依赖程度日渐提高,信息作用日益显。充分挖掘和开发病历档案信息资料,提高病历档案利用率,是各医院领导和病历档案管理人员必须重视的问题。  相似文献   

探讨医疗服务市场中信息搜寻行为的特性,研究患者在医疗服务市场中进行信息搜寻的成本、搜寻次数以及搜寻结果并讨论造成现状的原因。方法:主要从患者的角度,运用搜寻理论及有关方法,通过设计问卷,进行实地调查,分析信息非对称状态下的患者在就医过程中获取信息的途径、方法、时间等。结果:患者对健康信息的渴求与成本投入之间存在很大差异;患者在就医过程中存在一定盲目性;患者对于医疗质量信息的需求量大但不足。结论:患者通过网络等对健康知识的搜寻最有必要,通过医务工作者或者医院的网络平台是获得就医信息、增加医疗服务收益的最佳途径。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the research into current medical vocabularies and their impact on searching the Web for health information. The Web provides growing opportunities for laypersons to gain knowledge about specific health conditions, though research to date has been incomplete. Many studies have examined aspects of controlled medical vocabularies. Other studies have examined aspects of medical Web searching vocabularies. In this context, there is a growing need to examine more closely laypersons' Web queries using controlled medical vocabularies that were designed to serve the needs of medical professionals. It may be the case that the average consumer of Web health services is not able to use correct medical terminology, and may not be able to choose analogous or synonymous terms from a search result list. Our review suggests a growing need for studies to examine the current applicability of controlled medical vocabularies as well as alternatives to semantic query by Web search engine users.  相似文献   

The information-seeking behaviour of doctors: a review of the evidence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper provides a narrative review of the available literature from the past 10 years (1996-2006) that focus on the information seeking behaviour of doctors. The review considers the literature in three sub-themes: Theme 1, the Information Needs of Doctors includes information need, frequency of doctors' questions and types of information needs; Theme 2, Information Seeking by Doctors embraces pattern of information resource use, time spent searching, barriers to information searching and information searching skills; Theme 3, Information Sources Utilized by Doctors comprises the number of sources utilized, comparison of information sources consulted, computer usage, ranking of information resources, printed resource use, personal digital assistant (PDA) use, electronic database use and the Internet. The review is wide ranging. It would seem that the traditional methods of face-to-face communication and use of hard-copy evidence still prevail amongst qualified medical staff in the clinical setting. The use of new technologies embracing the new digital age in information provision may influence this in the future. However, for now, it would seem that there is still research to be undertaken to uncover the most effective methods of encouraging clinicians to use the best evidence in everyday practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies deal with the use of computers and the Internet in the health sector. Most of these studies show an increase in the use of the new technologies in searching for medical information-particularly by patients--but these uses remain very heterogeneous and depend on the studies. AIMS: The aim of this work was to consider the use of computers by French general practitioners (GPs) and to analyse the impact that computerization could have on their information-seeking behaviour. METHODS: The nature of the approach used is qualitative using interviews. RESULTS: Most of the GPs interviewed are equipped with a computer. The policies of the government were supposed to give financial incentives for GPs to start using computers for the management of administrative procedures, but many physicians do not know how to use the new tools properly. Their computers are, in most cases, underused for searching for medical information. Most of the time, the Internet sources are thought to be unreliable. CONCLUSION: This study sheds light on the use of computers and the preferences of GPs in searching for medical information.  相似文献   

A survey to determine attitudes toward end-user searching was made at Loyola University's Medical Center Library using MEDIS, an online full-text and bibliographic medical retrieval system. One hundred forty-one completed questionnaires were analyzed for this report. Information was collected on user familiarity with computers, end-user training, system use, mechanics of searching, and attitudes toward future use. Computer familiarity was highest among the faculty users. Ninety percent of the respondents saw librarians as a crucial agent in training and in providing end-user assistance. Respondents identified five major reasons for using the system: helpfulness, convenience, time savings, rapid feedback, and presentation of needed information. Searching the MEDLINE database rather than the full-text database was the search method of choice. Continued use of both mediated and end-user searching was intended by most of the respondents. Survey results support a perceived need for end-user searching and confirmed recommendations of the Association of American Medical Colleges on medical information science skills.  相似文献   

网上信息检索系统的核心是搜索引擎。由于目前在网上运行的各类搜索引擎均属综合性的搜索引擎, 学科专业十分庞大, 用户要从上亿个网站中筛选出自己所需信息相当不易。本文从网络搜索模式解剖入手, 阐述了在Internet 上信息资源搜索引擎的类型, 总结归纳出信息资源检索的方法和技巧, 同时也指出了搜索引擎信息资源检索中的问题。  相似文献   

电子出版物和电子图书馆的发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文以大量实例叙述了九十年代以来, 在世界范围内出现的各种电子读物和电子图书馆。论文首先以单媒体电子读物、多媒体电子读物及电子图书馆三个不同的类别分别论述它们各自的特点, 而后引入网络和信息高速公路, 并以清华大学图书馆的多媒体阅览室、光盘联网联机检索数据库、Internet 检索及图书馆网络化建设为实例, 具体论述电子出版物在中国图书情报领域的应用。  相似文献   

Background: Reviews of how doctors and nurses search for online information are relatively rare, particularly where research examines how they decide whether to use Internet‐based resources. Original research into their online searching behaviour is also rare, particularly in real world clinical settings. as is original research into their online searching behaviour. This review collates some of the existing evidence, from 1995 to 2009. Objectives: To establish whether there are any significant differences in the ways and reasons why doctors and nurses seek out online information; to establish how nurses and doctors locate information online; to establish whether any conclusions can be drawn from the existing evidence that might assist health and medical libraries in supporting users. Methods: An initial scoping literature search was carried out on PubMed and CINAHL to identify existing reviews of the subject area and relevant original research between 1995 and 2009. Following refinement, further searches were carried out on Embase (Ovid), LISA and LISTA. Following the initial scoping search, two journals were identified as particularly relevant for further table of contents searching. Articles were exclused where the main focus was on patients searching for information or where the focus was the evaluation of online‐based educational software or tutorials. Articles were included if they were review or meta‐analysis articles, where they reported original research, and where the primary focus of the online search was for participants’ ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The relevant articles are outlined, with details of numbers of participants, response rates, and the user groups. Results: There appear to be no significant differences between the reasons why doctors and nurses seek online Internet‐based evidence, or the ways in which they locate that evidence. Reasons for searching for information online are broadly the same: primarily patient care and CPD (Continuing Professional Development). The perceived barriers to accessing online information are the same in both groups. There is a lack of awareness of the library as a potential online information enabler. Conclusions: Libraries need to examine their policy and practice to ensure that they facilitate access to online evidence‐based information, particularly where users are geographically remote or based in the community rather than in a hospital setting. Librarians also need to take into account the fact that medical professionals on duty may not be able to take advantage of the academic model of online information research. Further research is recommended into the difference between the idealised academic model of searching and real world practicalities; and how other user groups search, for example patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper reports on the training of medical practitioners in information literacy. The course is carried out by an academic medical library in collaboration with its parent institution and the local physicians' licensing body. SETTING: The University of Zagreb Medical School (UZMS) developed an extensive continuing education programme for residents and practitioners, in partnership with the Croatian Chamber of Physicians. Within this programme, the Central Medical Library (CML) offers a hands-on course on searching and appraisal of medical information. DESCRIPTION: Continuing professional development (CPD) helps physicians update and develop the skills and knowledge they require in their everyday practice. The ability to locate, critically evaluate, and use medical information is an important component of CPD. The CML has developed a course entitled "Finding and Appraisal of Medical Information" which has been reviewed and accepted by its parent institution and the physicians' chamber. The course has been introduced in 2005 on a half-year base. OUTCOME: The course provides participants with the information on the most important medical information resources and with the basic skills needed for their effective usage. An evaluation questionnaire is used to assess the effectiveness of the course.  相似文献   

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