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王红  刘伟 《辽宁教育》2010,(7):9-11
“我认为本课的知识是小学四年级上册第三单元知识的进一步提升,它主要是让学生在原有知识的基础上,进一步加深对……”这是西岗区红岩小学教师素养“过三关”系列活动的一个镜头——全体语文教师在进行的主题为“我眼中的新教材”学科知识点过关活动宣讲,也是红岩小学“搭建多种平台、全面提高教师素养”为主题的“过三关”系列活动的一个缩影,  相似文献   

大连西岗中学是一所以师资优势和学生升学优势享誉大连的品牌学校。建校10年,一直把师资队伍建设作为促学校提升,让学生发展的首要工作来抓,尤其是在西岗区教育局提出“过三关”计划之后,学校更是以此为契机,引导教师重新规划发展目标,采取有效措施,促进各层次教师积极“过三关”,实现新跨越。  相似文献   

导读—— 众所周知,专业化的教师队伍是教育持续发展的有力保障。不断提高教师专业素养是促进义务教育均衡发展的根本走向。大连市西岗区教育局以“过三关”计划提升教师专业素养的实践经验概略:  相似文献   

学校能否办好、发展好,校长的作用非常关键,因此,校长的选任也就受到上上下下的严重关注。那么,校长该如何选拔呢?笔者认为,要想当校长必须要“过三关”,即教师推举关、领导审批关和学生认可关。  相似文献   

杨爽 《辽宁教育》2010,(7):17-18
文化是学校的灵魂,是学校凝聚力和活力的源泉。学校文化之教师文化内隐于教师心灵,外显为学校的校风、教风。教师文化的打造非朝夕之功,它需要学校始终如一的密切关注,合理有效的氛围营造,步调和谐的共同提升。近几年来,在西岗区教育局“让每个学生都进步、每位教师都成长、每所学校都发展”的理念指导下,第七中学通过构建文化阵地推动教师“过三关”,让老师们在这片洋溢着激情与活力的热土上幸福地成长。  相似文献   

质量是学校发展的生命力,是提升学校品牌的基础,质量的形成来自于每一节课堂的高效实施。而高效课堂的达成必须要有一支业务精良、知识丰富、充满智慧的专业教师队伍作为保证。我校积极践行西岗区教育局提出的“过三关”计划,以分层次引领,全面促进教师专业素养的提升。  相似文献   

学生骑自行车也要有“驾照”?2015年4月7日,有媒体报道称广东连南县顺德希望小学出台规定,学生想骑车,必须“过三关”取得“准骑证”:首先是年满12周岁,提交有学生及其家长签名的申请书,接受交通安全教育培训;然后进行笔试,笔试内容是相关的交通规则等知识;最后进行“路考”,通过后学校颁发“准骑证”,学生才能最终骑车上学和放学回家。  相似文献   

今天是外公60岁的生日,妈妈为外公做了一个精美的大蛋糕,谗得我直流口水。好不容易盼到可以吃蛋糕了,外公却说:“要想吃蛋糕,得过我这三关。”过三关?我才不怕呢!于是我满口答应道:“没问题!”  相似文献   

劳技靠训练,“感觉”是关键。学好一种技能要过三关:“结识”关,要 的是有形的真切感觉;“演试”关,要的是有情的熟悉感觉;“掌握”关,要的是有神 的灵巧感觉。在学生追求会学的主动性基础上,我们探索中学劳技课改革可能走 的启发“自觉”的教学路子。  相似文献   

在高中化学学习过程中,学生要过三关,即高一的“入门关”、高二的“加强关”和高三的“整合关”。其中,“入门关”能否顺利通过,对整个高中化学的学习有着深远的影响。最近一些高一新生向我反映难以适应高中化学的学习。那么,这是不是普遍情况?问题又出在哪里呢?基于这样的想法,我进行了一次调查。  相似文献   

论主动实践教学改革的三大障碍   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在培养大学生创新能力的教学改革中,主动实践是关键,但是在实施中会碰到诸多障碍。目前我国大学存在着影响主动实践教学改革的三大障碍,即因教育原理理解偏差形成的认知性障碍、因高等教育边缘状态形成的资源性障碍和因教学改革潜在风险形成的心理性障碍。研究其中的障碍,将有利于推进主动实践的发展。  相似文献   

在"双元、双线、双证"人才培养模式框架下,辽宁石化职业技术学院生产过程自动化技术专业探索了"学工交替,学随工动"人才培养模式。该模式以职业核心能力培养为主线,按照职业能力递进的规律,以每学期"能力过关"为抓手,构建的专业课程体系,从"工"、"学"及"质量保障体系"三个方面来保障人才培养模式的具体实施。  相似文献   

美国职前、入职和在职教师教育评估体系简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁军  毕诚 《外国教育研究》2004,31(11):56-60
教师专业生涯发展由职前、入职和在职教育三部分组成。美国通过对大学的认证和学生的选拔保证了职前教育质量。毕业生经过学科专业评价,获得初级证书,进入新手教师教学导入计划。在达到标准并通过课堂行为评价后,才能获得正式教师证书,进入教师专业。对在职教育,没有统一的标准,但要求教师继续学习并取得更高学位。  相似文献   


We identified 48 barriers to teaching environmental education reported by teachers in global literature and compared frequency to empirical data we collected from rural Ecuador, part of an understudied region and continent. We utilized Q methodology and interviews with 25 (78%) teachers at 6 schools to identify and categorize barriers. Perceptions of barriers ranked by Ecuadorian teachers were statistically classified into three factors: logistical (associated with fieldtrips, time, and money); training and lack of government support; and attitudinal (associated with student disinterest). In contrast, barriers related to student testing and controversial topics were only reported in more developed countries. Results enable region-specific recommendations.  相似文献   

This study looked at the impact of a precision teaching training programme which was delivered by the authors to primary school staff at a range of training settings. A questionnaire was used to gather information and data were interpreted using thematic analysis. Following training, a questionnaire was sent to all the primary schools that had attended. Of the schools that returned the questionnaires all schools were using precision teaching three to five times a week. Precision teaching was being used to measure progress with a variety of key skills. The impact of the precision teaching training programme is discussed in terms of facilitating factors and barriers to implementation. Implications for future research are also considered.  相似文献   

Dance is a viable and enjoyable activity – and potential career – for young people with disabilities, yet they face several barriers to participation and training. The aim of this article, by Imogen J. Aujla of the University of Bedfordshire and Emma Redding of Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, is to review the literature on barriers to dance training for young disabled people and to put forward practical recommendations for overcoming these challenges. The main barriers identified were aesthetic, attitudinal, training‐related and logistical in nature, with further barriers related to physical access and a lack of knowledge or available information about opportunities. One of the key recommendations for overcoming these barriers is to build an effective network between special and mainstream schools, dance studios, youth dance groups and professional integrated dance companies in order to encourage dance participation at a range of levels and support young disabled people throughout their dance journeys.  相似文献   

英语听和说的障碍及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在英语听说能力培养的过程中,听和说的种种障碍常常会表现出来。我们在此分别予以剖析,并提出排除障碍的相应对策。听的主要障碍是:语言知识障碍、跨文化障碍、心理障碍、技术障碍。对策是:加强语言知识物教学、注意文化差异比较、重视对学生心理素质的培养、讲究听的方法和技巧。说的主要障碍是:心理障碍、思路障碍。对策是:发挥情感教学的作用、注意说的训练方法和技巧、强化语言知识,提高文化素、创设说英语的环境,打开话匣子。  相似文献   

This study explores the perceived barriers and supports identified by school staff in tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying, using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model as a framework. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from five separate second-level/high schools (two designated disadvantaged schools, and three non-disadvantaged schools), within an area of Dublin, Ireland. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the resulting data. Findings indicated that the main barriers in tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying included students’ perceived discomfort in discussing their sexuality with teachers, teachers’ discomfort in discussing issues (including an associated lack of training), a lack of priority given to these types of bullying, and parental views on homosexuality. Perceived supports included consistency in dealing with these types of bullying, appropriate training, and support from management. Relationships were also evidenced between some perceived barriers and supports, with the absence of these factors being perceived as a barrier, while their presence was perceived as a support. Findings are considered within the context of previous research. The strengths and limitations of the study are discussed, as are its practice implications, and implications for possible future research.  相似文献   

Although teachers today recognize the importance of integrating technology into their curricula, efforts are often limited by both external (first-order) and internal (second-order) barriers. Traditionally, technology training, for both preservice and inservice teachers, has focused on helping teachers overcome first-order barriers (e.g., acquiring technical skills needed to operate a computer). More recently, training programs have incorporated pedagogical models of technology use as one means of addressing second-order barriers. However, little discussion has occurred that clarifies the relationship between these different types of barriers or that delineates effective strategies for addressing different barriers. If pre- and inservice teachers are to become effective users of technology, they will need practical strategies for dealing with the different types of barriers they will face. In this paper, I discuss the relationship between first- and second-order barriers and then describe specific strategies for circumventing, overcoming, and eliminating the changing barriers teachers face as they work to achieve technology integration.  相似文献   

成人在网球训练中存在一些心理问题,文章通过观察、分析、总结,查阅相关的文献资料,研究成人在网球训练中的心理障碍,提出相关的解决方法,给成人网球教练员提供有意义的参考价值。  相似文献   

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