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Research on the pedagogical value of providing students with PowerPoint (PPT) slide handouts has produced mixed results. One reason for the inconsistent findings may be that most studies in this stream of research have neglected to examine individual differences. In the current study, we aimed to advance research on the pedagogical value of providing students with access to PPT slide handouts by examining whether self-efficacy and gender influence the effect of PPT slide provision on academic performance. We found no evidence to suggest that the provision of slide handouts has broad, unconditional pedagogical value. Instead, we found that both self-efficacy and gender moderated the extent to which the availability of the handouts enhanced or hindered students’ performance. As predicted, both students high on self-efficacy and males performed significantly better when they were provided with handouts. Conversely, students low on self-efficacy performed significantly worse when the handouts were provided. Female students also trended toward lower performance when the handouts were provided. Additionally, we found that students who were provided with PPT handouts perceived their instructor as more effective, and that this relation was mediated by students’ feeling of preparation. Finally, students also considered the provision of PPT handouts more valuable to their learning and course performance than one-to-one interactions with the professor. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Kei Tomita 《TechTrends》2018,62(1):103-112
While authors like Mayer (2009) suggest that designers should avoid using visuals for the purpose of attracting learners’ interests, some scholars suggest that visuals could influence learners’ emotions. In this study the author investigated whether the perception of the visual appeal of instructional handouts affects learners’ self-reported motivation to learn from the handouts. Two handouts were prepared for this study: a minimalist handout following Mayer’s (2009) Coherence Principle and an appealing handout complying with everyday visual trends. Participants were instructed to look at the handouts in different orders according to groups and were asked about their impressions of the handouts. The appealing handout was perceived as motivating when it was seen after the minimalist handout. However, the group that saw the minimalist handout first did not perceive the appealing handout as motivating. The result implies that not only the design but also the learning context influences learners’ self-reported motivation to engage with the handout.  相似文献   

This paper is a report on the introduction of microfiches to replace conventional pre-prepared handouts for solutions to exercises in the first-year engineering mathematics course at Nottingham University. Details of the arrangement of material on the microfiches are described, as is the system of labelling the frames of the microfiches and the equations. Some general comments on the preparation of material are also made. The microfiches are very popular with the students and their cost compares very favourably with that of the production of large numbers of photocopies of conventional handouts. The system may be easily adapted for use in many other subjects.  相似文献   

High school social studies students (N = 448) were each assigned to one of 16 groups defined by possible combinations of two teacher uncertainty conditions (uncertainty vs. no uncertainty), two teacher “bluffing” conditions (bluffing vs. no bluffing), two lesson discontinuity conditions (discontinuity vs. no discontinuity), and two lecture notes conditions (notes handouts vs. no notes handouts). Each group was presented a lesson about the geography, politics, history, and economy of Botswana. The lessons were the same except for variations in the four conditions stated above. After the lesson, each group was tested on comprehension of the material, and then each group completed a lesson evaluation. Teacher uncertainty negatively affected achievement, and notes handouts positively affected achievement. Both teacher bluffing and lesson discontinuity negatively affected student evaluation of the lesson. Several significant interactions were obtained. These findings are discussed in relation to previous research on low-inference behaviors related to teacher clarity.  相似文献   

机械设计制造及其自动化专业是所有综合性大学都开设的本科专业。对"机械制造专业英语"这门课程近些年来的教学经验进行了总结。针对不同层次学业基础水平的学生如何达到较好的教学效果方面进行了有益的探索与思考。从教材的选择、讲义的编写、课件PPT的制作、教学方法的体会和经验、学习积极性和兴趣的提高等5个方面来总结和归纳"机械制造专业英语"的教学方法和感悟,针对不同的专业方向的学生如何更好地学以致用方面进行了对策性研究。  相似文献   

Providing a context for learning information and requiring learners to teach specific content has been demonstrated to enhance knowledge retention. To enhance students' appreciation of the role of science and specifically histology in clinical reasoning, disease diagnosis, and treatment, a new teaching format was created to provide clinical context, promote integration and application of science knowledge, and to foster peer teaching and learning: the Clinico-Histologic Conference (CHC) for the Mount Sinai School of Medicine Histology course. Teams of six students were each assigned specific disease processes and were charged with creating oral presentations and handouts that taught their classmates about the clinical manifestations, etiopathogeneses, diagnoses, and treatments of the assigned processes, along with comparisons of normal histology to the pathology of the disease. Each team also created four questions, some of which were used on Histology written examinations. The physician facilitator evaluated the presentation and handouts. About two-thirds of students agreed the CHC enhanced appreciation of the importance of histology, provided a context for integration and application of basic science to patient care and enhanced their ability to teach their peers. Student feedback demonstrated that the CHCs were successful in promoting teamwork, peer teaching, and the application of histology to diagnose diseases. The authors believe that teaching basic science content in this new format enhanced student learning and application of medical knowledge, and that this new teaching format can be adopted by other medical school courses.  相似文献   

Z. Kadas 《PRIMUS》2018,28(8):785-796
We make a case for including difference equations, in particular the discrete logistic equation, in basic differential equations courses. Contrasting the behavior of discrete and continuous models enriches students’ understanding of both modeling and differential equations. To facilitate sharing discrete population models with students, some materials including class handouts and an “exploratory” computer assignment are provided.  相似文献   

分析了元认知监控理论的相关概念及作用,并将其引入控制类课程教学中,以提高学生的学习能力及效率。提出了制定教材配套讲义、构建探究式教学及层次化科研体系、建立交互式考核评价机制、在学生中促进朋辈交流等相关改革措施,并在教学实践中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Language teachers can uncover new understanding of the teaching and learning process through reflecting on critical incidents [Richard, J.C., and T.S.C. Farrell. 2005. Professional Development for Language Teachers. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press]. Based on the data analysis of workshop handouts, observation notes, and interviews, this study analyses three critical incident workshops designed and delivered to 19 elementary school English teachers in Taiwan in terms of design, participants’ learning, strengths, and suggestions. The study has the following findings. First, the participants moved from knowing nothing about critical incidents or mazes to writing up, discussing, and analysing critical incidents in collaborative reflective practice. Most importantly, the workshop facilitator fostered a safe and trusting environment for participating teachers to discuss critical incidents freely and combat their isolation. Five elements are recommended to be integrated into the design and delivery of critical incident workshops.  相似文献   

Teacher practices are essential for supporting learners in scientific inquiry practices of framing research questions, designing and conducting investigations, collecting data, and drawing conclusions. This study examines instructional practices of two Grade 11 Physical Science teachers engaged in teaching practical investigations. Data were collected from video recordings of teachers?? enactment of pre-laboratory, laboratory and post-laboratory practical investigation lessons. Other data sources included video-based classroom observations, teacher and learner interviews, and artefacts, such as teacher handouts, supplemental materials and learner work. The results suggest that when teachers introduce practical investigations, they vary in the practices they engage in as well as the quality of their use of these practices. Implications for teacher practices of scientific inquiry are explored.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the connections between elementary teachers’ conceptions of how scientists use writing and how the teachers used writing during science lessons. Data collected included lesson observations, interviews, handouts to students, and curriculum resources. The findings revealed that teachers in this study thought scientists write for several purposes: the presentation of data, observations, experiences, procedures, and facts. The teachers used writing tasks that mirrored this with their students. The teachers also had a limited definition of creativity in writing, and when they had students write creatively in science it was to add in fictional elements. Implications of this study include providing teachers with better models for how and why scientists write, including these models in more inquiry-based science lessons, and directly relating concepts of nature of science to elementary science writing.  相似文献   

Although applications of computer-mediated communications (CMC) continue to evolve, most colleges and universities have no plan to prepare for future development. In order to develop such a plan, a vision of the future of CMC needs to be formed. This study attempted to create such a vision by predicting which CMC applications will become prevalent, the resources required to support these applications, and the major obstacles that will need to be overcome. To address these issues, faculty around the world who extensively use CMC in instruction participated in an electronic Delphi study. Findings indicated that future CMC applications will be those that support common classroom activities such as sending and receiving assignments and distributing electronic handouts. Network access, new teaching skills, and additional time to integrate CMC into the classroom were identified as the resources required to support these applications. Faculty resistance to CMC was identified as the major obstacle.  相似文献   

In this study, I, the first author as a Thai teacher educator employed self-study as a research methodology to investigate my own understandings, questions, and curiosities about pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for teaching science student teachers and the ways I engaged student teachers in a field-based science methods course designed to help them to develop their PCK. Qualitative data gathered included: the syllabi, handouts, work submitted by student teachers, student teachers’ journal entries, my journal entries, and video recordings of my classroom teaching. Data were analysed using an inductive process to identify ways in which I attempted to enhance student teachers’ PCK. The contributions of this study are insights generated to help teacher educators think about how to support and develop student teachers’ PCK. Some of these contributions are enhancing teacher educators’ PCK for teaching science teachers, developing PCK for teaching science, and designing a science methods course in science teacher preparation programmes.  相似文献   

We have developed a wet lab DNA microarray simulation as part of a complete DNA microarray module for high school students. The wet lab simulation has been field tested with high school students in Illinois and Maryland as well as in workshops with high school teachers from across the nation. Instead of using DNA, our simulation is based on pH indicators, which offer many ideal teaching characteristics. The simulation requires no specialized equipment, is very inexpensive, is very reliable, and takes very little preparation time. Student and teacher assessment data indicate the simulation is popular with both groups, and students show significant learning gains. We include many resources with this publication, including all prelab introductory materials (e.g., a paper microarray activity), the student handouts, teachers notes, and pre- and postassessment tools. We did not test the simulation on other student populations, but based on teacher feedback, the simulation also may fit well in community college and in introductory and nonmajors' college biology curricula.  相似文献   

Writing skills training for engineering students in large classes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
First Year engineering students at the University of Edinburgh are taught Writing Skills as part of aProfessional Engineering Module. Particular difficulties are presented by the large class sizes and the generally low standard of writing skills among native English speakers at entry to the course. The course aims not only to give students the skills to communicate effectively with any readership but also to teach the conventions of engineering writing. Writer-centred, genre-centred and reader-centred approaches to the teaching of composition skills are all seen as necessary means of helping students to get the most out of their writing, for themselves and for their readers, and of motivating students to improve their writing during the four years of their degree course and beyond. The merits of lectures, handouts, surgery hours and feedback were assessed by means of a questionnaire, student interviews and analysis of feedback proformae. The indications are that structured feedback provides the key to helping individual students evolve and maintain a personal development programme for improving their writing skills to a level which meets the needs of their profession.  相似文献   

针对环境工程专业双语教学改革中的问题,以“污水处理新技术”课程双语教学为例,对教材编制、教学模式选择、成绩考核方式与教学评价体系建立等方面进行探索。课程建设围绕“培养应用型工程人才”这一目标,选取水处理技术领域的新兴技术、行业发展动态和前沿知识编制讲义;充分利用线上课程平台、云视讯、问卷星、雨课堂等多种新媒体工具,建立互动式的智慧课堂;优化成绩考核办法,加大平时成绩比重,实行以教师评分为主、学生互评为辅的成绩考核方式,以对学生的学习成果做出全面、客观的评价。教学实践表明,该课程的双语教学课程建设取得了良好的效果,对推行环境工程领域的双语教学、实现应用型工程人才的培养目标提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高职教材管理是高职教学管理的重要组成部分,不断改善和创新教材管理有利于促进高职院校教学管理的水平和质量。现行教材管理有一定滞后性,存在科学管理不足、教材选用不当、编写质量不高、自编讲义良莠不齐等问题。因此,要在现代化的教材管理理念指导下,加强教材管理的制度建设、教材管理信息化建设、教材选用管理,构建教材评价体系,建立完整的教材档案库,并能在教材建设中体现高职特色,以促进高职教材管理的规范化、科学化。  相似文献   


In higher education, supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) necessitates an understanding of these needs, additional teaching aids and innovative ideas. The teacher must be an integral part of this support process, and this is difficult for the majority of teachers, due to their lack of core understanding of SEN. However, teachers can focus on their core skills and content knowledge, and have immense alacrity to explore potential options to support their students with SEN. I decided to support my students with SEN by adapting my PowerPoint presentations according to their requirements. PowerPoint presentations usually provide concisely summarised information to students that often lead to confusion in their pre-lecture or post-lecture review. This lack of comprehensive subject information within PowerPoint presentations can have serious implications for students with SEN and their note-takers if no other teaching resources or aids are available to help them. Students with SEN and note-takers reported this concern to me at Aberystwyth University, UK. Consequently, I began to explore ways to make my PowerPoint presentations extra helpful for my students with SEN. After a review of best practices for students with SEN based on universal design for learning and a few trials, I developed a dual PowerPoint presentation (DPP), lecture handouts and comprehensive lecture notes. Subsequently, I successfully employed this approach in the delivery of some of the undergraduate modules of a BSc computer science programme. Feedback from students with SEN, note-takers and the student support department, and examination results showed the success and potential of this DPP approach.  相似文献   

Food spoilage has an enormous economic impact, and microbial food spoilage plays a significant role in food waste and loss; subsequently, an equally significant portion of undergraduate food microbiology instruction should be dedicated to spoilage microbiology. Here, we describe a set of undergraduate microbiology laboratory exercises that focus specifically on food spoilage which were taught in 2 lab periods as part of the undergraduate food microbiology lab curriculum at Cornell University. The lab was broken down into 3 exercises. Two exercises lead students to determine the likely source of contamination in a canned salsa through (exercise 1a) plating and observation of colony morphology and (exercise 1b) determination of the thermal resistance for those isolates. The final exercise (2) involved detection of the spoilage bacterium Alicyclobacillus in apple juice. Spoiled juice demonstrations were also prepared in this exercise for students to observe sensorial changes resulting from spoilage, emphasizing that spoilage is not always visually detectable. Students were able to successfully determine the source of contamination based on the results of their laboratory findings, which they used to make recommendations for production to reduce microbial food spoilage in the canned salsa product. Based on student answers to discussion questions provided following lab exercises, participants were able to (a) identify the significance of microbial spoilage and how spoilage is principally different from food safety, (b) describe varying sensorial changes associated with microbial spoilage, and (c) employ methods and analysis to evaluate sources and type of contamination. Downloadable handouts and stepwise instructions are available as supporting information.  相似文献   

In the conventional English as a Second Language (ESL) class‐based learning environment, teachers use a fixed learning sequence and content for all students without considering the diverse needs of each individual. There is a great deal of diversity within and between classes. Hence, if students' learning outcomes are to be maximised, it is important to know how to provide learning content using students' preferences, learning characteristics and knowledge background as a basis. A five‐step algorithm was proposed that was based on the four factors (gender, learning motivation, cognitive style and learning style) as the different learner characteristics. The percentage increase between the pretest and posttest scores was used to determine optimal adaptive learning sequences to accommodate a variety of individual differences. The algorithm included the following five steps—to obtain the learning performance, to distinguish the learning performance of the lowest and highest groups, to use the different learning sequences as a basis for categorisation, to test the four factors between the lowest and highest performance, and to reduce the number of handouts. Finally, an empirical study for validating the adaptive learning sequence was conducted. By analysing the students' characteristics and the optimal learning sequences, an attempt was made to develop an adaptive learning sequence system to facilitate students' learning and to maximise their learning outcome, thus addressing the problem of fixed learning sequences in conventional ESL instruction.  相似文献   

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