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孔颖达《礼记正义》对《礼记》的教育思想进行讨论并加以发挥。整体看,《礼记正义》主要围绕教育的内涵、教育的内容、教育者、受教者等4个方面,阐述了教育“化民成俗”的政教内涵及其政治意义;明确了教育内容就是儒家经典;特别强调了教育者必须兼备学识、品德两方面的素养,以及在具体教育活动中“师法”得当的重要性;也要求受教者尊师重道,努力勤学儒经并践行圣人之道。  相似文献   

语文教育要塑造“求真”、“向善”、“崇美”的创造性的人才和“健全的人格”,并有效进入“人的发展和完整性建构”的全新境域,就必须而且应当注重美学视野下的语文教育主体的研究.语文教育主体是指施教者与受教者在语文活动中应建立的复杂的交互关系.它是人际关系中重要的一类,既是一种发展、变化、动态的关系,又是一种平等、民主、合作的关系.语文教育主体的施教者要做课堂学习的对话者、个性发展的激励者、立身行事的引导者;语文教育主体的受教者要激活封存的记忆、开启幽闭的心智、放飞囚禁的情愫;语文教育主体的施教者与受教者间互为条件、相互变化、相互依存.在语文教育中施教者素质的提高和受教者潜能的开发以及施教者与受教者间的互动都是非常重要的.  相似文献   

小学实施感恩教育的意义与步骤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
感恩教育在哲学上的含义就是要把感恩这种向善的趋势因势利导,进而促进人性的健康发展。一般来说.感恩教育包括三个层次:初始阶段是认知层次,受教者通过教育者的语言感化、实践示范、实例分析认知到感恩的朴素情怀,建立基本的判断标准;中级阶段是情感层次,经过认知的升华,内化为受教者内心的一种情感,了解到了施恩与报恩是一种自觉的意识,从而在做的过程中产生幸福感与满足感;最后是实践层次的感恩教育,受教者将感恩行为变成良好的习惯,将其内化为日常的普通行为。认知阶段是基础,情感阶段是动力,实践阶段是对象。  相似文献   

德育是一种主体性的实践活动.在德育活动中,主体是以形成受教育者一定水平的思想品德为目标的人,包括教育者和受教育者;客体是进入德育认识和实践的领域,为教育者和受教者共同关注并进行改造的特定对象,即受教育者的思想品德.德育主客体之间遵循着四个方面的关系:实践关系、认识关系、价值关系和审美关系.  相似文献   

大学德育是教育者和受教育者之双向活动过程。从教育者角度看,它是教育者对受教育者施加教育影响的活动过程(以下简称施教过程);从受教育者角度看,它又是受教育者接受教育影响的活动过程(以下简称受教过程)。教育者的施教过程和受教育者的受教过程是德育过程的两个...  相似文献   

教育活动中的师生关系探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在教育活动中,教师与学生(或称教育者和受教育者)这两大主体间显然不仅仅是教育与被教育的规范者与被规范者的关系。随着教育民主化和学生人权的发展与深入,重新审视两者的关系已很有必要,这也是教育改革与发展的一个重要方面。一、师生角色与关系定位教师和学生在教育活动中所扮演的角色,往往决定了其相应的地位与作用,在很大程度上影响着师生关系的性质及其发展状况。教育是什么?按传统的观念,这是一种培养人的活动,是把外在的社会规范不断地内化为受教育者的自我要求的过程,是人类知识、经验、文化、价值规范传递的工具。受教…  相似文献   

钢琴作为音乐教育的重要组成部分,在整个艺术教育中扮演着非常重要的角色。因此,如何培养钢琴受教者的艺术审美品格,成为了钢琴教育的重要目标。本文从美育角度出发,对钢琴教育中所应该遵循的美育原则与美育教学途径展开了探究。以期钢琴教育者能够在钢琴教育的过程中,从艺术的基本理论课程出发结合着美育去教学,才能让学生们真正了解和认识钢琴艺术与"美"的关系。  相似文献   

自助教育是培养受教育者自信、自立、自强、自律精神,从而促进其身心俱健的全人教育:是培养受教育者的主体意识和学习能力,促进其主动发展的终生教育;更是施教者通过引导并让受教者通过努力,独立地去学习知识,掌握自然界事物之间的联系,并探究其中道理,从而开启受教者心智的教育方式.  相似文献   

教者与教育者,既有区别又有联系。教者与受教者相对应,共同建构的是教学活动,教育者与受教育者相对应,共同建构的是教育活动。教者并不必然是教育者,而教育者却一定是教者,因为教学并不必然是教育,而教育却根本离不开教学。一教师是职业化的教者,是学校教育领域教育者的现实承担者,教师教育完成的任务实际上有两个,一个是教师培训,另一个是教育者培育。  相似文献   

高等师范院校音乐教育是以培养中等学校音乐师资,输送合格的中等学校音乐师资人才为主要目的和任务的。从我国目前的教育体制看,95%以上的中小学音乐教师来自于师范院校,因此。高师对学生在专业技能、综合素质、应教能力等方面的培养将直接影响中小学音乐课的教学。歌唱教学是中小学音乐教学的主要手段,其教育作用也是多方面的:通过歌唱可以培养受教者的音乐知觉、感受能力;各种不同表演形式的歌唱教学可以培养受教者的创造能力;  相似文献   

卫兴华是我国著名经济学家和经济学教育家,在他成长为人民教育家的过程中,主要受到以下因素的影响:亲人及师友的支持和引领、我国高等教育的发展和经济的转型、赤诚热忱的爱国之心、服务人民的人生志向、学者应有的学术品质、坚定执着的教育情怀。对当今教育家培养的启示:教育家要会利用环境,主动发展;教育家要有教育情怀,兴学育才;教育家要能坚持真理,勇于创新。  相似文献   

2010年颁布实施的《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要》强调"造就一批教育家,倡导教育家办学"。温家宝总理也在不同的场合多次提到教育家办学的思想,教育家办学已上升到国家战略。时代呼唤着教育家,教育需要教育家办学。要从教育大国转向教育强国、从人力资源大国转向人力资源强国,我国需要培养大批的教育家。通过对大学教育家校长的含义说明,并对当前大学校长在管理大学的过程中所存在的问题进行分析,提出培养教育家校长的一些条件,得出为培养创新人才和教育可持续发展,大学需要教育家校长的结论。  相似文献   

This article reports a literature review of self-studies by beginning teacher educators examining their experiences of the transition from classroom teaching to teacher educator. The authors conclude that becoming a teacher educator involves several complex and challenging tasks: examining beliefs and values grounded in personal biography, including those associated with being a former schoolteacher; navigating the complex social and institutional contexts in which they work; and developing a personal pedagogy of teacher education that enables construction of a new professional identity as a teacher educator. This research provides beginning teacher educators with a reference point for understanding their personal and professional transition to university-based teacher education. It also provides teacher education faculty and administrators with key information about how the transition from teacher to teacher educator can be supported and enhanced within professional learning communities.  相似文献   

教师教育者是提升教师教育质量的核心力量,并且在中国有着更为丰富的内涵。更为关注教师及其教育者教学实践活动的教师教育者自我研究,为教师教育者自身和教师的专业发展提供支持,成为提升教师教育质量的一个新途径。对教师教育者的研究应该成为教师教育研究领域的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

Who educates teacher educators? How are teacher educators educated and prepared for their roles and tasks? This article uses a review of a two-year full-time Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE) for teacher educators in Uganda to engage with these questions. The article begins with a presentation of the Ugandan teacher education context and a literature review, focusing mainly on teacher educator knowledge, preparation, roles and tasks. It then presents the review process and discusses the main findings that emerged, exploring their implications for the education of teacher educators in Uganda and internationally. The main implications concern the critical role of teacher education pedagogy, context, teacher educator knowledge, tasks and roles, reflective practice, practitioner research, and the background, capacities and education of the educator of teacher educators.  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):479-496

Change in education is inevitable. Physical educators are being positioned to effectively manage change and control their own destiny. In order to manage and facilitate positive change, physical educators should clearly embrace and accept physical education as a public health tool, understand the educational change process in schools, and know how to manage change through the strategic utilization of Professional Learning Communities. Physical educators can shape the culture of schools by increasing physical activity levels for students in physical education while facilitating physical activity opportunities for students and faculty across the school day. Given that physical education is a subsystem of the larger school system, each physical educator must understand the nature of change in schools and how to successfully influence it. Professional Learning Communities provide a structure for physical educators to take the helm by influencing positive and systemic change, shaping culture, and advocating for increased physical activity in schools.  相似文献   

Higher and further education institutions are increasingly using social software tools to support teaching and learning. A growing body of research investigates the diversity of tools and their range of contributions. However, little research has focused on investigating the role of the educator in the context of a social software initiative, even though the educator is critical for the introduction and successful use of social software in a course environment. Hence, we argue that research on social software should place greater emphasis on the educators, as their roles and activities (such as selecting the tools, developing the tasks and facilitating the students' interactions with these tools) are instrumental in a social software initiative. To address this gap, we have developed a research agenda on the role of the educator in a social software initiative. Drawing on role theory, both as the basis for a systematic conceptualization of the educator role and as a guiding framework, we have developed a series of concrete research questions that address core issues associated with the educator roles in a social software context. We have provided recommendations for further investigations. By developing a research agenda, we hope to stimulate research that creates a better understanding of the educator's situation and develops guidelines to help educators carry out their social software initiatives. Considering the significant role an educator plays in the initiation and conduct of a social software initiative, our research agenda ultimately seeks to contribute to the adoption and efficient use of social software in education.  相似文献   

In order to corroborate and grow teacher educator knowledge (TEK) scholarship, this paper describes an in-depth-focused exploration of a group of teacher educators providing professional development. Our grounded data analysis allowed us to define different major elements, sub-elements, and components that comprise TEK, as well as make explicit how the use of this knowledge—in the context of teaching professional development—draws upon multiple components at any given moment. These findings hold implications for TEK scholarship and practice. Specific to scholarly efforts, while current models for TEK are useful for explicating common understandings amongst the research community, the most functional representations should be fluid and dynamic, in part by balancing both breadth and depth in their scope. Specific to the development of teacher educators, teacher educator preparation should recognize, emphasize, and develop future teacher educators’ layered understandings (i.e. knowledge of students and teachers) and robust knowledge of contexts.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to find out what kindergarten teachers, parents and kindergarten student teachers think about education and about themselves as educators. The basic question was: what kind of similarities and differences are there between these groups of educators? The sample consisted of 21 parents, 28 kindergarten teachers and 37 kindergarten student teachers voluntarily taking part in the study. The data were collected using thematic interviews and an open-ended questionnaire. The approach used to analyse the material was phenomenography. The results show that the groups of educators between themselves had quite similar conceptions of education and of being educators of small children. However, some differences were also found. The division of the conceptions of education was: education as a societal function or socialization, education as a way of supporting a child's development, education as care, and education as work and action. All groups, but especially parents, regarded education primarily as a societal function. All three groups paid rather little attention to education as a function of becoming a human being. Education as a function of care occurred in the conceptions of some educators. The conceptions of being an educator were linked to characteristic features of educators, to working with children, to commitment and self-confidence at work and to demands on and responsibility of an educator. In particular, parents paid attention to the demands and responsibility of being an educator. Kindergarten teachers and kindergarten student teachers emphasized working with children and commitment to education.  相似文献   

在教育事业的发展过程中,影响其发展的因素有很多,管教育、办教育的人固然是关键因素,但笔者认为,决定教育发展的根本还在教育制度。提倡教育家办学既是教育规律的客观需要,也是我国建设人力资源强国的现实要求,为了实现教育家办学,我们应该创建一个有利于教育家成长发展的制度环境,从根本上解决影响教育家办学发展的桎梏。  相似文献   

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