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本文从“数字出版”和“大数据出版”的概念辨析入手,指出两者最大的差异是后者能够通过对信息的数据化(结构化)处理来实现出版资源的重新整合与最大化利用;以自然灾害类历史典籍为例,说明“大数据出版”能通过建设专题数据库的途径实现对出版物资源的数据采集、存储和检索,并在数据库平台上进行数据挖掘和可视化呈现,以生产新的知识和产生新的价值;最后总结了“大数据出版”给出版行业重塑自身的核心竞争力、资源整合与服务方式、版权保护与交易方式带来的新契机.  相似文献   

皮书数据库是以皮书品牌图书资源为基础全力打造的数据库产品,也是社会科学文献出版社探索尝试数字出版工作的重要成果。皮书数据库以品牌资源、产品优质深得业界和用户认可,2013年荣获“第三届中国出版政府奖·网络出版物”奖,在数字出版博览会上也多次获得“数字出版·知名品牌”奖项,更是实现多年持续盈利。2014年6月13日,新版皮书数据库发布会召开,标志着皮书数据库的建设工作又进入一个新的阶段。回顾皮书数据库的建设历程,梳理新版皮书数据库的建设思路与重点,总结皮书数据库建设的成功经验,在此时显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

曹建  霍赵杨 《中国出版》2023,(10):44-48
随着技术的进步和融合业态的发展,建设传播自身品牌,创新与读者行为变化、行业转型升级相适应的出版品牌传播模式,成为当下出版企业的紧要任务。为探索这一背景下出版企业的品牌传播建设路径,提升企业品牌传播能力,以“消费者浸合”理论为基础,聚焦于“浸合培养”的观察、参与和共同创造三个核心阶段,重新审视出版品牌与读者之间的关系。从定位、产品、运营等层面入手,构建适合当下读者与市场的出版品牌传播建设的基本路径。并在此基础上,结合出版行业存在问题与一些成功的品牌案例,从出版品牌的读者赋权、新型渠道开拓、读者需求反馈、情感纽带建设、触角延伸与人才队伍强化等层面入手,为出版品牌未来高质量的传播建设提出切实可行的策略与建议。  相似文献   

夏进 《传媒》2023,(S1):90-93
在媒体融合发展的“读图时代”,以刊载精美图片为特色的传统画报类期刊与其他期刊的“界限”已变得越发模糊。随着新闻出版方式和影像传播形态的改变,画报类期刊正由传统以纸质为主的出版发行方式,向内容数字化生产、跨介质出版传播的现代融合出版经营模式转型。为把珍贵的影像资料转变成具有版权保护的数字资产,切实发挥其史料文献价值和品牌传播价值,《贵州画报》以推进“贵图云”影像资源管理与传播服务平台建设为路径,奋力走出一条期刊媒体融合创新发展的突围之路。  相似文献   

为了改进、完善出版科研手段,提高出版科研效率,推动出版科学理论研究的深入开展,中国出版科学研究所决定全面启动“出版科研数据库”工程。 “出版科研数据库”工程由四个部分组成,一是出版法规数据库,二是出版统计数据库,三是出版科研人才数据库,四是出版专业资料数据库。现在,该数据库工程已全面启动,整个工程计划于2000年基本完成。 “出版科研数据库”的建立,将系统地、动态地存储大量出版科研数据,将分散孤立的资料通过现代化手  相似文献   

“云南日报数字化工程建设项目”日前全面建成。历时两年多建成的《云南日报}60年图文数据库,拥有近14万个版面、2.1万多期、120多万条文章数据、7.9亿汉字、25万多张新闻图片、1519万条广告数据。该数据库形成了数据库、数字报、光盘出版一体化,实现了报纸资源的电子版保存和数字产品出版,为报刊数据的多次开发应用提供了便利条件,实现了数据源采集、数字报发布、光盘出版、数据检索,可广泛适用于单机、局域、互联网和移动载体的阅读形式.是利用信息技术查询和了解云南历史发展的重要平台。  相似文献   

中国英文科技期刊寻求和海外出版机构合作,其核心是寻求成熟的出版平台对其出版的内容进行收集(投稿)、遴选(审稿)、发布和传播,同时获取标准化的出版规范、办刊经验指导、数据库的申请与数据传输等服务。国内出版平台应从英文科技期刊建设需求出发加强国际化运营能力建设。以服务中国英文科技期刊建设为目的,清华大学出版社SciOpen平台从夯实平台技术基础、支持多种出版模式,创新出版模式、推广中国数据标准,加强和数据库沟通、服务学术传播,加强期刊出版标准作业程序(SOP)建设,提升全流程期刊建设能力等方面,全面提升国际化运营能力。针对当前国内出版平台建设问题,提出了以服务学术出版来明确建设定位、加强期刊与平台的相互赋能、推广我国数据标准、拥抱新技术的同时,关注出版伦理等发展建议。  相似文献   

档案数据库就是以特定方式组织起来的档案数据集合。具体地讲,就是为满足多个用户多种应用需要,按照一定的数据模型将本单位保管的档案信息存贮在计算机中以备使用的数据形式。档案数据库建设是档案信息资源建设的基础和核心,档案信息资源建设又是档案信息化建设的核心任务,是档案信息化建设取得实效的关键。加强档案数据库的建设与应用,加快推进档案信息资源的整合与共享,把档案目录数据建设好,并建好全文数据库,以满足快速检索利用的需要,是目前档案馆建设的一项至关重要而又十分迫切的任务。一、按照从实际出发的原则,搞好档案数据库建设…  相似文献   

效率评价是为实现机构科学化管理与发展所进行的一种测量和评定方法,目前已受到图书馆界的关注。基于"教育部高校图书馆事实数据库"的指标数据,利用数据包络分析法对高校图书馆纸质资源建设效率进行效率评价,有利于分析导致高校图书馆纸质资源建设效率低的主要因素,提出高校图书馆纸质资源建设的优化配置方案,进而为高校图书馆开展文献资源建设评价提供参考。  相似文献   

日前,中国出版集团正式启动厂可供书目数据库建设。据介绍,可供书目是出版发行行业的基础信息,担负着行业生产产品的信息加工和传播的责任。可供书目业务始于上世纪早期的英国出版业,随后许多发达国家都先后建立了本国的可供书目系统。我国的可供书目数据库建设相对滞后,尚未形成全行业统一的信息服务平台,  相似文献   

Snub publishing is a new term that was coined in 2013 to describe a range of publishing cases in which the failure of quality control manifested itself through references in such a way that it would cause unintended damage to snubbed scientists whose names or identity were incorrectly represented in the literature. In this paper, real case studies are presented, mostly related to the author as a “victim” of incompetent editorial oversight, inexperienced or biased authors, or as a “victim” of direct professional conflicts of interest. In essence, this paper serves as a prototype showing in concrete terms how a scientist can or may be professionally snubbed (intentionally or unintentionally). Using the Anthurium literature, this paper aims to raise awareness about snub publishing and seeks to encourage other scientists to also quantify how they too may have been professionally snubbed in the literature.  相似文献   

传统出版的困境并不意味着它的消亡,它将结合互联网出版的优势以双向融合的方式实现出版业的重构。在互联网技术的支持下,由线上到线下的大规模定制出版有着不可忽视的优势。同时,也实现了专业生产与大众生产的结合,公信力与生产力的结合。总之,互联网出版与传统出版已经呈现融合发展的趋势,“互联网+出版”才是出版行业的出路。  相似文献   

曹继东 《出版科学》2016,24(3):24-27
传统出版和新兴出版融合发展上升为国家出版战略,研究融合发展模式是为全面深化中国出版改革探寻改革路径,重点探析中国出版融合发展的三种模式:全媒体融合范型、融合出版范型、关系出版范型,以期从技术视角探讨融合发展的改革路径。  相似文献   

Notes about the February 2016 PubWest Conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and a panel discussion about the relationship between academic publishing studies programs and publishers. PubWest is a regional publishers’ organization in the U.S., with Canadian members. The 2016 conference—“A Passion for Books”—included keynotes, intensive sessions, and panels on making publishing more profitable. Per Henningsgaard, Portland State University, chaired the panel “What Publishers and Academics Who Study Publishing Can Learn from Each Other.” Co-panelists: Sybil Nolan, University of Melbourne; David Emblidge, Emerson College. Henningsgaard gave an overview of publishing studies programs worldwide, what they teach and how they serve students interested in entering the publishing business. Emblidge presented a publishing studies student project from Emerson College—a book proposal for an illustrated nonfiction trade book. Nolan commented on broader research interests concerning the book business and its history, shared by academics in publishing studies. Similar conferences for publishing industry professionals and publishing studies courses at various universities are noted here, as is a research project aiming to build a comprehensive database for publishing studies teaching and learning materials.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a flood of papers and preprints, has placed multiple challenges on academic publishing, the most obvious one being sustained integrity under the pressure to publish quickly. There are risks of this high volume-to-speed ratio. Many letters, editorials, and supposedly “peer reviewed” papers in ranked and indexed journals were published in a matter of days, suggesting that peer review was either fleeting or non-existential, or that papers were rapidly approved by editors based on their perceived interest and topicality, rather than on their intrinsic academic value. In academic publishing circles, the claim of “peer review”, when in fact it has not been conducted, is a core characteristic of “predatory publishing”, and is also a “fake” element that may undermine efforts in recent years to build trust in science's budding serials crisis. While the world is still centrally focused on COVID-19, the issue of “predatory publishing” is being ignored, or not being given sufficient attention. The risks to the scholarly community, academic publishing and ultimately public health are at stake when exploitative and predatory publishing are left unchallenged.  相似文献   

杨扬  孔少华 《出版科学》2016,24(1):86-89
电子书产业是信息社会中涌现出来的新兴业态,近些年来展现出巨大的发展潜力,台湾地区由于市场规模小,资源紧缺,往往难以实现产业发展中的规模效应。针对这一现状,台湾电子书平台在运营中另辟蹊径,以“创新性”“体验性”和“社交性”为发展方向,致力于丰富电子出版物的内容,提升平台的服务质量,培养读者的阅读兴趣,在实践中不断壮大电子出版市场。本文以台湾地区电子书城Readmoo平台的经营经验为例,深入分析台湾电子书平台的创新实践和运营哲学。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the presentations made at the “Academic Journal Publishing” session of the 2007 NASIG conference. The session was conducted by four publishers from a variety of academic publishing companies who made presentations (specifically tailored to a librarian audience) which provided a broad stroke overview of their industry and how they go about the process of publishing and distributing academic journals in the 21st century. Through each of their presentations they spoke to the questions of “what they do, how they do it, and why they do it.” Topics covered included the launch and acquisition of journals, the peer review process, the tools and services supplied to authors and editors, the production processes employed, special legal and copyright issues, marketing and distribution strategies, and usage.  相似文献   

Greening the German book industry is a large-scale task. This article, based in part on the results of a one-day conference titled “Bio im Bücherregal?” (Engl. translation: “Eco-friendly products on the bookshelf?”) that was held in Mainz in January 2013, considers different perspectives on green publishing in Germany and presents the status quo as well as an outlook. After a brief historical and theoretical overview on the media and the environmental movement, the article presents current developments such as the initiative “Nachhaltig Publizieren” (“Green Publishing”). Initiated in 2011 by the publisher Oekom, the project has become a catalyst for the green publishing movement in Germany. In addition, this contribution introduces publishers and imprints, in particular of children’s books, that strive to fulfill the highest possible criteria for green publishing in certain project areas. Finally, the close connection between green publishing and green content is discussed.  相似文献   

彭莹 《出版科学》2016,24(3):65-68
“众筹”概念诞生于十年前,目前在中国已被学界和业界熟知,并已进入官方话语体系。但是“众筹”和出版相结合的运作方式仍属新鲜事物,仍需在理论上和实践中探索。本文从迈克尔?波特提出的产业价值链的视角出发,运用知乎网的“众筹”出版行为、乐嘉的众筹图书营销等多案例分析的方法,尝试说明“众筹”出版模式如何将产业价值链改造为产业价值网,如何改变终端产品形态,以及如何重塑读者的角色和作用。还提出出版众筹遇到的阻力和发展瓶颈,包括“众筹”平台自身的原因,以及出版机构中体制和思路的限制。  相似文献   

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