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在格律诗的平仄句式中存在"音""结""连"三种结构单位,它们不同的特性与作用形成了它们在平仄句式中不同的分布链接规则,据此便可以推导出各种格律诗整首诗的平仄格式使用。文章对平仄句式的这三种单位的特性和由此形成的整首诗平仄格式推导规则以及具体推导过程作了分析阐释和演示。  相似文献   

汉语语法检查是汉语语言处理发展中的瓶颈,涉及汉语语言处理的各个方面,与汉字拼写检查、文本切分、词性标注、汉字输入、汉字编码等问题紧密相联。语义理解是语法检查及自然语言处理的制高点。新的发展趋势是研究者越来越注重语义在语言结构和语言表达上的制约作用,试图用统计大规模语料为手段来攻克难关。这种发展趋势对自然语言处理的冲击不在于研究命题的转移,而在于研究方法和论证手段的量化。在汉语的各种制约关系中,可能有一种超越已知句法语又关系的认知心理语法,它与特定历史时期内人们对物质世界和客观社会文化关系的理解相一致,有可能是自然语言处理的最后一个堡垒。  相似文献   

There has been much discussion about whether certain aspects of human learning depend on the abstraction of rules or on the acquisition of frequency-based knowledge. It has usually been agreed, however, that the spelling of morphological patterns in English (e.g., past tense -ed) and other languages is based on the acquisition of morphological rules, and that these rules take a long time to learn. The regular plural -s ending seems to be an exception: Even young children can spell this correctly, even when it is pronounced /z/ (as in bees). Reported here are 3 studies that show that 5- to 9-year-old children and adults do not usually base their spellings of plural real-word and pseudo-word endings on the morphological rule that all regular plurals are spelled with -s. Instead, participants appeared to use their knowledge of complex but untaught spelling patterns, which is based on the frequency with which certain letters co-occur in written English.  相似文献   

数据挖掘是从大量的数据中提取知识。数据挖掘的主要功能有关联、分类、预测、聚类和时序分析等。文章对关联规则和分类规则这两种挖掘模式的存储方法进行研究,提出在关系数据库系统中使用主-子表来存储关联规则和分类规则的方法,继而将这种存储方法应用在其它类型的模式上,形成一种统一的数据挖掘模式的存储方法。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,关于新诗形式问题的讨论十分活跃。回归中国诗歌传统,重建新诗格律,是这期间集中关注的诗学问题。本在系统梳理这期间有关新诗形式问题的几次重要讨论的基础上,对讨论中有关新诗格律问题的一些有代表性的观点,也作出了具体的分析和评价。  相似文献   

连读变调的方向性是指作用在两字组的连读变调规律,在应用于三字组或三字以上结构时,其运用顺序或方向会出现不统一的现象。最为典型的案例就是天津方言三字组的连读变调。变调方向上的差异实际上是对标记性结构修复模式上的差异,而这种差异是声调稳定性与声调异化制约条件相互作用的结果。串行优选论弥补了经典优选论的不足,从而能够描述和分析天津方言三字组的连读变调。  相似文献   

在概念层次里进行关联规则的挖掘,并考虑到用户感知与主观判断所产生的认知不确定性;结合模糊分割法与FP-Growth方法,应用于概念层次架构中找出关联规则方法,主要分为两个阶段:层级架构的顺序将数据项做抽象化,找出高频模糊格;由高频模糊格来产生多层次模糊关规则。最后通过比较验证所提方法可提高算法的执行效率、缩短计算时间。  相似文献   

This research introduces a method to construct a unified representation of teachers and students perspectives based on the actionable knowledge discovery (AKD) and delivery framework. The representation is constructed using two models: one obtained from student evaluations and the other obtained from teachers’ reflections about their teaching practice. We integrate both models into one that incorporates students’ opinions and teachers’ knowledge and meta-knowledge. This method provides a representation of a teacher’s best teaching practices where student perceptions are presented as patterns in the form of association rules. The representation adds actionability to association rules by demonstrating how students’ association rules are related between themselves and how they are related to teacher’s meta-knowledge.  相似文献   

我国报业在走入市场经济的过程中 ,报纸版式设计作为一门视觉艺术 ,具备艺术美和技术美的双重特性。我国报纸版式设计步入 2 1世纪以来 ,其形式变化之大、风格之多、发展之迅速 ,在历史上从未有过。它具有七种改进模式、七种构成形式、七类版式感情特征。  相似文献   

数据挖掘是目前数据库界广泛研究的课题,而频繁项集的挖掘是关联规则挖掘、序列模式挖掘、相关分析挖掘、聚类模式挖掘和回归模式挖掘等问题中的关键步骤.该文介绍了频繁项集挖掘算法的相关概念,对目前频繁项集挖掘典型算法进行了分析和比较,并作出了适当的评价.  相似文献   

对数据挖掘中的关联规则和序列模式的概念和作用进行了探讨,对关联规则中寻找大项集的部分应用程序加以实现,同时对两种模式的实现过程用程序流程的方式加以说明,并讨论了几种不同的实现算法。  相似文献   

传统著作者对于诗词格律的介绍,都将近体诗的不同体式作为基本元素,就首句平仄起收不同分别作以介绍,并将其中格律的变化部分称之为"拗救"。这类著作让读者陷入格律的重峦叠嶂中,反而阻碍了格律的普及和推广。罗辉先生在其著作《诗词格律与创作》中将律诗的四种句型作为基本元素简约地介绍其变化。由于律诗实际上只是这四种句型的轮转,这就使得爱好者掌握了格律的法门。同时作者在诗词创作技法上提出了"有形、有则、有魂"的"三有"原则,从而在创作的形式和内容两方面为诗词爱好者指明了学习和努力的具体方向。  相似文献   

对话理论和狂欢理论是巴赫全诗学的两大支柱。对话和狂欢都具有生成体裁的意义。人们狂欢(社会的狂欢)与体的狂欢对人、社会、艺术的生存与发展都有利弊,都是对旧有秩序的改良与改革和解构与颠覆。这对中国当前的体建设,特别是新诗的体建设很有意义。  相似文献   

Changes in the patterning of adolescents' beliefs about the legitimate domains of parental authority were modeled in 2,611 Chilean adolescents, 11–16 years old. Transitions in adolescents' belief patterns were studied over 3 years. Latent transition analysis (LTA) revealed 3 distinct patterns of beliefs— parent control , shared control , and personal control— that differed in the extent to which adolescents believed that parents had legitimate authority over personal, prudential, and multidomain issues. Younger adolescents with fewer problem behaviors, higher self-efficacy, and more parental rules were more likely to espouse the parent control belief pattern. Adolescents' patterning of beliefs was relatively stable over time. Older adolescents with more problem behaviors and fewer parental rules were most likely to move away from the parental control status.  相似文献   

将词法结构与句法结构进行比较,传统上以语义关系为准,对于二者的相同点与联系考察较详。从语言单位的组合方式来考察词法结构与句法结构,可以看出二者组合形式上的联系与差别,从而发掘二者组合的可借鉴或不可借鉴的相关规律。从形式结构上看,二者都有同级单位组合与异级单位组合两种情况,其中一些组合规律由于上下层语言单位的相似性而可以相互借鉴,而另一些组合规律则由于不同层级语言单位使用范围有特殊性或使用特点有差男tl从而受到不同限制,彼此之间则不能借鉴。从形式组合上比较、分析词法结构与句法结构,有利于对二者进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

Learning algebra is difficult for many students in part because of an emphasis on the memorization of abstract rules. Algebraic reasoners across expertise levels often rely on perceptual-motor strategies to make these rules meaningful and memorable. However, in many cases, rules are provided as patterns to be memorized verbally, with little overt perceptual support. Although most work on concreteness focuses on conceptual support through examples or analogies, here we consider notational concreteness—perceptual-motor supports that provide access into the dynamic structure of a representation itself. We hypothesize that perceptual support may be maximally beneficial as an initial scaffold to learning so that later static symbol use may be interpreted using a dynamic perspective. This hypothesis meshes with other findings using concrete analogies or examples, which often find that fading these supports over time leads to stronger learning outcomes. In an experiment exploring this hypothesis, we compared gains from the fading out of dynamic concrete physical motion of symbols during instruction with the introduction of motion over the course of instruction. In line with our theoretical perspective, concreteness fading led to significantly better achievement than concreteness introduction after Day 2 of the intervention.  相似文献   

张雪莲  张帆 《陕西教育学院学报》2004,20(2):123-124,F003
教育部新颁《英语课程标准》(实验稿)对中小学英语语法教学进行了大幅度的改革,强调在语言交际的实践中运用语法知识,强词语法功能而不是语法形式本身。在教学实践中一些教师对这一要求产生了误解,认为在教学中不再需要讲解语法规则,遂使得语法教学又走向了另一个极端。本文就此发表意见,并提出走出语法教学误区的几点建议。  相似文献   

句群是句子组合的,句群中的各个句子要前后连贯,互相衔接,才能形成一个有机体,表达一个完整的思维过程。组织句群要围绕一个中心,按照一定规律,恰当地运用关联词和相同词语及句式,做到前后呼应,上下贯通。  相似文献   

在普通话初步普及,解决了声、韵、调读音规范之后,针对国内外汉语文朗读教学普遍存在的韵律问题,吸收汉语韵律研究成果,提出普通话朗读的韵律规范,是提高汉语文教学质量的当务之急。实践证明,在读者正确领悟文本的前提下,掌握并运用声调连读变调规则、停延规律,及句调群组合规律和语篇基调的组合模式等韵律理论来朗读指导,就能事半功倍地实现普通话朗读的韵律规范,从而把文本读得字正腔圆、语意清晰。朗读的韵律规范不但能激发学习兴趣,还能使读者和听者在认知世界的同时,提高汉语的理解能力和表达能力。  相似文献   

褚亮 《海外英语》2011,(9):202-203,205
As a branch of linguistics,Functional Grammar plays an important role in translation analysis.From the perspective of patterns of progression and cohesion,a text and its translation from TEM8 examination is studied as an example to get some general rules,and thus,a new approach of translation analysis is offered.  相似文献   

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