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整合Struts、Spring、Hibernate3个开源框架已成为当前信息系统研发和应用的首选。用Struts实现系统视图层,用Spring实现系统业务逻辑层,用hibemate实现系统数据持久层,从而提高项目代码的复用性、可移植性、可维护性和可扩展性。根据3个开源框架的技术特点和实现方法,在此基础上提出了基于Struts2+Hibernate3+Spring3框架的应用设计方案。并对可行性作出了分析。  相似文献   

分析了Struts、Spring和Hibernate框架的工作原理和技术优势,研究了三种框架的具体整合方案,设计了一个健壮、高效、通用、易于扩展的WEB应用架构。在架构中,表示层采用Struts,业务层采用Spring,持久层采用Hibernate,各层功能独立,层次之间松散耦合,为实现高效、灵活的WEB应用提供一种新的思路及方法。  相似文献   

在基于J2EE企业级应用开发平台上,整合Struts2、Spring和Hibernate(SSH)开源框架技术,提出了一种多层B/S模式的大学生创业教育多元化网络平台。简要阐述了系统框架、系统功能以及框架中表现层、业务逻辑层和数据持久层的实现。  相似文献   

Struts,Spring和Hibernate是目前主流的三种轻量级J2EE开源框架,在分析了这三种框架各自的特点基础上,探讨了SSH多层Web应用整合的相关技术,并将其应用到教师评价系统中.实践结果表明,使用该整合技术不但减少了代码的冗余度,而且提高了系统的可扩展性和可维护性.  相似文献   

分析了Struts、Spring和Hibernate等优秀的开源Web技术;提出基于MVC设计模式将整合Struts、Spring和Hibernate框架的集成架构作为Web应用系统的解决方案,并将该解决方案用于具体实例。研究表明,集成架构很好地解决了系统的开发效率低、不易于维护、低耦合及可移植性差等问题。  相似文献   

陈霞 《考试周刊》2009,(33):148-150
本文整合Struts和Hibernate框架,设计了一个基于MVC模式的图书馆信息系统。对基于MVC模式的Struts框架、Hibernate的ORM机制和对持久对象持久化的管理技术进行了探讨。最后结合具体的模块对系统的实现作了详细的说明,验证了实现方法的可行性。  相似文献   

分析了在Web应用时进行合理分层的三种主流开源框架Struts、Spring和Hibernate,设计了具有结构清晰、松散耦合、可扩展和可维护性好等特点,基于良好的应用程序分层的Web开发框架,为Web应用的实现、有效整合和在实践中的成功应用,设计一个完整的框架提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

根据Web应用分层设计的思想,将J2EE信息系统分为表现层、业务服务层、数据持久层和域模型层,并对每层的实现策略进行了研究。采用Java Web MVC框架,Struts实现表现层,Spring框架实现业务服务层,对象/模型映射工具Hibernate实现数据持久层,普通的Java对象实现域模型层。系统利用Spring框架自身"非侵入性"的特点,将Spirng与Struts、Hibernate进行整合,详细阐述了基于Spring的轻量级架构的应用系统开发过程。  相似文献   

介绍Struts2、hibernate、Spring三种优秀的JavaWeb开发框架以及它们整合后的SHH2架构,并在此架构上设计物资管理系统。在SSH2框架中,Struts2作为web层,Hibernate作为数据持久层,Spring和Struts2同时充当控制层,三者的融合使得它们更加优越。实践表明,使用该架构开发出的物资管理系统具有良好的可维护性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

Struts、Spring、Hibernate是当前J2EEweb应用开发的三个常用框架。综合使用这些框架,发挥各框架的优势,可以有效地提高系统可扩展性,降低系统开发复杂度。本文结合高校就业服务和管理工作需求,介绍了基于Struts、Spring、Hibernate的高校就业管理系统的体系结构、功能模块、数据库设计和系统实现过程。  相似文献   

舒丹 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(2):132-134
随着Web应用的普遍以及需求的多样化,其结构和内容越来越复杂,设计开发也越来越困难,开发者迫切需要简化开发过程、降低开发难度,现有的Web应用框架都不尽如人意,最近兴起的Grails则是极大地响应了这种需求的一个Web应用框架。本文首先分析当前Java平台上各种Web应用开发框架的不足,然后详细论述Grails框架的各种特性、核心体系结构以及关键技术。以该框架为基础构建Web应用系统,缩短开发周期,降低开发代价,在迅速开发和部署Web应用方面体现了强大的优势。  相似文献   

Web应用程序自动化测试工具   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在.NET框架下,研究Web应用自动化测试工具,并给出了设计和实现。该自动化工具包含两个子工具WebTester和WebReplay。前者实现了对测试用例的自动录制、回放,而后者则允许测试人员手工编写测试脚本,进行更为复杂的测试。实现的关键是采用了两个开源的框架Watin和HTMLParser。  相似文献   

随着Web技术日益广泛的应用,基于B/S结构的Web应用程序也成为了Internet上使用最广泛的应用开发技术。但是,现有的基于J2EE平台的开源技术在开发B/S结构的软件时有着不可避免的缺陷。从MVC(Model-View-Controller)设计模式出发,总结前人关于框架设计的方法,以现有的开源技术(Struts,Hibernate,Spring)为基础,提出一种新的针对B/S应用的完整实现框架(LIGHT-FRAME),它将开发人员从繁琐的编程开发中解放出来,使人们更专注于具体的业务逻辑而不用烦恼技术实现的细节,同时也提高了开发效率和缩短了开发周期。  相似文献   

Recent research into sexuality and education shows that homophobia is particularly prevalent and problematic in schools. However, little of this work has drawn on linguistic frameworks. This article uses the tactics of intersubjectivity framework to examine how a group of LGB-identified young people understand their sexuality identities in relation to the secondary school context. The application of this framework offers deeper insights into sexual orientation and education than can be gained from thematic analysis alone and can contribute towards developing understandings of sexual diversity issues in schools. The framework is applied to interview data in which young LGB people talk about their school experiences. Findings show that in the schools attended by the young LGB people, they have experienced a state of pervasive illegitimation surrounding LGB identities. The participants express a desire for this perceived institutional illegitimation to be replaced by authorisation using a range of authentication strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast between two theoretical frameworks for addressing nature of science (NOS) and socioscientific issues (SSI) in school science. These frameworks are critical thinking (CT) and argumentation (AR). For the past years, the first and second authors of this paper have pursued research in this area using CT and AR as theoretical frameworks, respectively. Yacoubian argues that future citizens need to develop a critical mindset as they are guided to (1) practice making judgments on what views of NOS to acquire and (2) practice making decisions on SSI through applying their NOS understandings. Khishfe asserts that AR is an important component of decision making when dealing with SSI and the practice in AR in relation to controversial issues is needed for informed decision making. She argues that AR as a framework may assist in the development of more informed understandings of NOS. In this paper, the authors delve into a dialogue for (1) elucidating strengths and potential of each framework, (2) highlighting challenges that they face in their research using the frameworks in question, (3) exploring the extent to which the frameworks can overlap, and (4) proposing directions for future research.  相似文献   

This article presents the major findings of an international study that attempted to investigate the labour market outcomes of qualifications frameworks in six countries – Belize, France, Ireland, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia, as well as the regional framework in the Caribbean. It finds limited evidence of success, but fairly strong support for the frameworks. The continued popularity of qualifications frameworks as a reform mechanism seems to be symptomatic of the ways in which transitions from education to work are in flux in many countries, coupled with the fragmented and complex systems of vocational provision in some of the countries. Even where such systems are not overly complex they have weak and possibly weakening relationships with work. Insufficient differentiation of different types of frameworks by policy makers obscures these factors, leading to misleading ideas about what frameworks can do in general. Extending existing typologies for the analysis of qualifications frameworks the paper argues that the French framework, where labour markets were the most regulated and collective bargaining had the widest reach, had the clearest relationships between qualifications and work. However, the qualifications framework did not seem to be the cause, but rather the effect of such relationships.  相似文献   

As they learn to navigate the social world, children construct frameworks to interpret others' behavior. The present studies examined two such frameworks: a mentalistic framework, which construes behavior as driven by internal mental states; and a normative framework, which presumes people act in accordance with social norms. Participants included 101 children (ages 4, 7, and 10; 81% White; 41% female) and 35 adults (66% female) tested in the northeastern United States from 2019 to 2021. Children and adults utilized both mentalistic and normative frameworks to explain others' behaviors. Framework use depended on features of the behavior being explained. Minimal developmental differences were observed. The relative independence and the utility of the mentalistic and normative frameworks for naïve reasoning about behavior are considered.  相似文献   

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