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传统液压实验台大都采用PLC或继电器的控制方式,存在数据采集和数据记录困难、实验内容单一、缺乏整体性等不足。利用虚拟仪器并结合检测、液压传动、电液比例伺服等技术构建多知识融合的综合性液压实验台。该实验台以LabVIEW为软件开发平台,结合压力传感器、流量传感器、位移传感器、USB6211数据采集卡等构成液压系统,能够完成液压元件性能测试、回路测试、位置控制等实验。实验系统界面直观性强、操作方便、功能齐全、交互性好,同时具备了数据采集、自动处理与存储、实验报告生成和打印输出等功能。  相似文献   

本文介绍了水泵综合性能实验台的装置及量测系统,对其汽蚀特性实验做了分析,并指出了本实验台以后的发展方向。  相似文献   

流体输配管网综合实验台的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在管网性能实验的基础上,综合流体阻力系数测定实验和水泵的性能实验,研制了流体输配管网综合实验台,实验台利用阀门和灵活多变的管路系统,拓展了实验功能,实现了实验的综合性和设计性。文章对实验台的总体结构、特点和功能作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

为探究板式换热器的换热性能,根据工程热力学、传热学、热工测试技术等基本测试原理和方法,结合现行的国家标准与规范要求,研制了板式换热器性能实验台。此实验台安装有高精度的传感器,并研发了基于STM32为主芯片的高精度数据采集板和上位机软件。上位机软件利用Visual Studio2008的开发环境,用C#编程语言编写完成,并结合了动态Flash、SQL Sever数据库、虚拟仪器等相关技术。根据实测数据,计算出板式换热器的性能参数和传热关联式。实验结果表明,该实验台具有自动化程度高、控制精度高、可操作性强等特点,为理论研究提供了可靠的实验依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

研制的叶轮机械气动-振动性能耦合实验台,在完成本科实验教学的同时,也为毕业设计实验、创新实验,同时也为工业风机、压缩机、烟机、汽轮机、电机等旋转机械的气动和振动性能及其耦合特性的研究搭建了综合性实验平台。介绍了旋转机械气动-振动性能耦合实验台的主要结构、工作原理,以及可完成的实验内容;分析了实验台的设计思路和创新点,以及建设过程中应注意的问题。对工厂、科研院所及高校同类叶轮机械实验台建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

阐述了空调用封闭式冷却塔工作原理及特点,重点介绍了封闭式冷却塔热工性能实验台,这个实验台由锅炉、换热器、孔板流量计、水泵、微压计、温度计等仪器设备组成。在该实验台上,可测试空调用封闭式冷却塔各项热工性能指标,为深入研究空调用封闭式冷却塔的动态特性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水泵性能测试仿真实验台研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要阐述了水泵性能测试仿真实验台软件开发的数学模型及该侅软件的应用实例,应用该仿真实验台进行实验教学,其效果比在实际的实验台上进行更好。  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的光电检测实验台的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
现代测试技术为光电检测、传感等课程的实验教学开辟了崭新的途径。本文介绍了一个基于虚拟仪器思想的光电检测实验装置。本文从光电传感器及其信号处理角度介绍了该实验装置的整体构思和具体功能,并对该实验台在教学中的实际应用做了具体介绍。  相似文献   

本文介绍了快速插接任意组合式液压与气压传动综合教学实验台研制工作,主要介绍了该实验台的设计思想、结构特点及所能实现的功能。通过实践证明该实验台是培养学生创新意识、增强学生解决实际问题能力的实验平台,是目前液压实验教学的理想设备。  相似文献   

根据高职院校液压课程实验的教学需求,以QCS003型液压教学实验台为载体,开发设计了实验台性能参数采集数显控制系统。系统以智能巡检仪为技术平台,配合各类传感器,在线检测实验过程中的压力、流量、温度等参数并数字显示。本系统安全可靠、操作方便、采集性能参数准确,可用于一般设备性能参数自动检测系统中,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

本从理论上分析了在QCS003B液压实验台上所进行的旁路节流调速实验曲线下凹的原因,实践证明分析是正确的,其结论具有实际意义。  相似文献   

针对目前车辆称重方法的不足,设计开发一种车辆电容称重装置,在介绍其结构设计和称重原理的基础上,对其静态性能和动态性能进行试验测试,重点讨论了测试过程,提供了相应的试验数据.测试表明车辆电容称重装置静态时具有较好的重复性,但也存在着一定的非线性误差及较大的迟滞性,直接影响着载荷检测结果;动态时加速度对动态称重影响较大,而速度、振动影响较小.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of the uplift device of a sugarcane harvester was built up in Pro/Engineer. Simulation and evaluation of its motional and dynamic performance were performed with the automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical system (ADAMS). ANSYS program was applied to the structural analysis of the model. A finite element analytic model was built up with the bottom-up methodology and was meshed. The default Block Lanczos method was used to work out the native frequency. The results indicate that the five lower modes-the transpotaion wheel, the left holding device, the right holding device, the left cutter disk, and the right cutter disk- and displacement of vibratory type only slightly affect the process of sugarcane harvester and harvesting quality. So it is advisable that the optimization of the static intensity other than the dynamic stiffness of uplift device be executed.  相似文献   

随着心理学和认知科学的进一步发展,人们对智力活动的动态过程有了更深刻的认识,动态测验从一种动态的角度来评价个体的智力,能够弥补传统静态测验的缺陷和不足,这正成为西方当代心理和教育测验研究与应用领域的一大热点。目前国外最有代表性的动态测验有学习潜能评估工具、学习潜能测验、过程学习测验和认知加工测验。  相似文献   

动静结合作为我国古诗词创作常用的传统艺术创作方法,它的表现方式主要有以静衬动、以动衬静、以动衬动、动静互衬四种,被我国古代诗人在其作品中广泛而巧妙地运用,创作出了"妙合无垠"的艺术境界及艺术审美效果,充分体现出动静结合手法绝妙的艺术表现力,因此留下许多脍炙人口的经典佳作,成为我国文学艺术宝库中的瑰宝,对后世的诗歌创作必将产生更为深远的影响。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Organic semiconductors are receiving considerableattention due to their remarkable advantages especiallyvarious manufacturing methods ,lowcost and plentifulmaterials .Ebisawa ,et al.[1]fabricated the first poly-mer-based transistor in 1983 . Since then,lots of re-search works have been done in the filed of organicmaterial-based transistors .It was reported that organicthin-fil m transistor ( OTFT) fabricated by usingorganic semiconductor material copper-phthalocyanine(CuPc)[2…  相似文献   

Ultrasonic wave testing was applied to investigate the quality and weathering status of rock specimens obtained in two borings situated in the Xishan Buddha rock slope in Taiyuan, China. This paper pays special attention to the distribution of bulk density, dynamic parameters and static parameters of rock specimens as well as the relationship between static and dynamic parameters. The results illustrate that the distribution of both parameters is identical along the depth of two drilled holes in the rock slope. When the hole depth increases, the density of rock mass, saturated compression strength and static elastic modulus, dynamic elastic modulus and wave velocity also show increase tendency. The weathering degree in the rock mass ranging from the surface of cliff to the depth of 2.5 m is the highest while the rock mass is unsalted and more rigid when the depth is larger than 3.0 m. The relationship between dynamic elastic modulus, sonic wave velocity and horizontal depth indicates that dynamic elastic modulus is more sensitive than sonic wave velocity. Conversely, by comparing quantity relationship between static elastic modulus and sonic wave velocity, it is found that the composition of rock has a great influence on the relationship between static and dynamic parameters, that is, inequality of rock composition will lead to dispersion and abnormality of the distribution of static and dynamic parameters.  相似文献   

厚度2.8 m的现浇混凝土楼板的重量远大于危险性较大模板支撑体系规定的荷载值,采用通常的模板支撑架不能满足立杆稳定性验算的要求。设计超厚板独立支撑模板支撑体系,在模板支撑架立杆上布置应变测点,采集浇筑混凝土过程中的应变数据。分析显示:局部测点应变值偏大与模架下方立杆偏心受压有关,浇筑混凝土过程中出现瞬间动载远超静态荷载应变允许值等现象。建议应用类似模板支撑结构时,设计更为合理的立杆上方承载装置;浇筑和振捣混凝土形成的动荷载是模板支撑架的安全隐患,有必要进一步研究动荷载与模板支撑架稳定性之间的关系。  相似文献   

为配合因考虑地基辐射阻尼作用和大坝坝体横缝非线性应分析方法和动接触力计算模型,该文建立了对非线性结构反映静动荷载耦合作用的静动组合计算方法,使得动接触力模型能够用于静力问题的计算,同时使得静力计算和采用波动模拟方法的动力计算能够统一、连续进行。  相似文献   

Three types of blue-violet light-emitting devices based on an exciton-confined structure have been prepared, in which different materials were used as emitting layers and hole-transporting layers. They had structures of ITO/CuPc/NPB/CPB/TPBi/Alq3/LiF/Al(DNC), ITO/CuPc/JO3/CBP/TPBi/Alq3/LiF/Al(DJC ) and ITO/CuPc/JO3/FNPD/TPBi/Alq3/LiF/Al(DJF). Here copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) acted as hole-injecting layer( HIL), N, N-bis-(1-naphthyl)-N, N-diphenyl-1. lbiphenyl-4-4-diamine(NPB) and J03 bole-transporting layers ( HTLs), 4,4‘-dicarbazolyl-1,1‘ -biphenyl (CBP) and FNPD as emitting layers( EMLs), N, arylbenzimidazoles (TPBi) as holeblocking layer ( HBL ), and tris(8-quinolinolato ) aluminium complex ( Alq3 ) as electron- transporting layer ( ETL). TPBi applied here is a good confinement to both charges and excitons, which make the devices emit blue-violet light originating from the emitter, CBP and FNPD. Their characteristics have also been investigated. The result shows that the device DNC based on NPB/CBP has the best performance among the three devices. The excellence of DNC is attributed to the better hole-transporting ability of NPB as compared with J03, and the better emitting ability of CBP as compared with FNPD, although the best matching of energy levels is found in the hole-transporting layer and emitting layer of the device DJP.  相似文献   

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