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Performance of hearing-impaired students on selected tests of visual processing and the relationship between performance on those measures and on a test of reading comprehension were investigated. Seventy-seven subjects, all 7- and 8-year-olds, were tested using the MVPT, ITPA Sequential Memory Subtest, VADS, Jordan, VMI, Slingerland, and SAT-HI. Scores of the hearing-impaired subjects failed to match those of the hearing norm sample of the VADS test but no systematic differences were found on the other tests of visual processing. Performance IQ was strongly associated with both visual processing and reading scores. Significant portions of the variance in reading scores were explained by IQ and performance on tests of memory for visual stimuli. Visual tests without a memory component failed to explain significant portions of the variance in reading performance.  相似文献   

运用错误觉察范式和眼动方法探查听障学生在文章通达与非通达情况下的阅读监控特点。结果表明:(1)听障学生阅读理解的整体能力低于健听学生,主要表现在文章阅读的整体效率显著低于健听学生。(2)听障学生阅读监控能力低于健听学生,主要表现在基于自信心评价的理解监控和以回视为指标的眼动监控均低于健听学生。(3)听障学生在阅读监控眼动指标上与健听学生有显著差异,主要表现在回视次数、回视时间和回视点个数上明显低于健听学生。并在研究结果的基础上提出了相应的教育建议。  相似文献   

Avoiding almost entirely the depiction of poverty during prime‐time broadcasts, television networks present a sentimentalized vision of economic deprivation that omits or minimizes hardship while idealizing the supposed benefits of a spartan way of life. Much happier than the harried members of middle‐ and upper‐income groups, poor and working people on television seldom strive against their economic fates or against the system. Conclusions are based on a monitoring of prime‐time entertainment broadcast by the three commercial networks during “ratings month.”  相似文献   

This article presents experiences from vision research implemented in education and argues for the need for teachers with visual competence and insight into suitable methods for stimulation and learning. A new type of continuing professional development (CPD) focuses on the role of vision in children's learning and development, the consequences of frequently occurring vision disturbances and related new educational possibilities. Participating teachers undertake a period of practical teaching training in their home community. Two students' cases visualise the need to break out of the narrow definition of visual impairment and become capable of evaluating the visual challenges affecting many pupils and their learning. The two cases presented represent various issues of visual challenges; both reached a better functional level, including better reading, following improved vision after the educational interventions. These results illustrate that vision competence in schools is most useful and ought to be widely accessible.  相似文献   

Caption rate and text reduction are factors that appear to affect the comprehension of captions by people who are deaf or hard of hearing. These 2 factors are confounded in everyday captioning; rate (in words per minute) is slowed by text reduction. In this study, caption rate and text reduction were manipulated independently in 2 experiments to assess any differential effects and possible benefits for comprehension by deaf and hard-of-hearing adults. Volunteers for the study included adults with a range of reading levels, self-reported hearing status, and different communication and language preferences. Results indicate that caption rate (at 130, 180, 230 words per minute) and text reduction (at 84%, 92%, and 100% original text) have different effects for different adult users, depending on hearing status, age, and reading level. In particular, reading level emerges as a dominant factor: more proficient readers show better comprehension than poor readers and are better able to benefit from caption rate and, to some extent, text reduction modifications.  相似文献   

The relationship between visual disorders and reading disability has been a source of controversy. Although much has been written, few clear relationships have been established. This study examined a particular visual disorder, alternating the use of the eyes. It has been generally assumed in the professional literature that eye alternation has a negative impact on a child's ability to read and perform visual-motor tasks. To date, however, this assumption is without scientific validation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether alternating the use of the eyes does in fact have a negative effect on reading ability and on timed visual-motor tasks. Forty school-aged children, aged six to 14, were selected from the patient population of four ophthalmologists. Twenty alternators, whose ocular conditions were verified by ophthalmologic examination, were obtained. The control group was obtained by matching children with normal eye exams to the alternators. All subjects were given the WISC-R (Wechsler, 1974) and the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, Form B (1973). Results of the study indicated that the reading achievement of eye alternators was no different than it was for visually normal children. Also, alternators are no more likely to have difficulty with the visual-motor tasks. Although alternators may score poorly on vision screening tests, there is no indication that their visual problems will affect their school achievement.  相似文献   

课题通过系列实验研究探讨了聋人手语、唇读、中文阅读与语篇理解的认知基础:(1)手语是语言,有助于促进听觉障碍学生认知能力的发展。(2)唇读是一项复杂的视觉语言认知活动,能通过语音编码进行语音识别,与听觉语言认知具有相同的机理。(3)听觉障碍学生与正常学生尽管在中文阅读与语篇理解过程中认知加工方式的相似性大于差异性,但听觉障碍学生明显滞后于正常学生。据此,我们提出了构建聋人综合语言教育模式的思路,聋校在采用综合语言教育时不可偏废某种语言交流方式,应该根据听觉障碍学生个体的特点或者群体的特点来作出有效的选择。  相似文献   

从阅读策略和学习策略的关系出发,结合我国听障学生的阅读实际编制了听力障碍学生阅读策略问卷,进行了信度、效度检验,并对359名听障学生的阅读策略特点进行了初步考察。研究发现听障学生阅读中策略运用的整体水平偏低,大多数学生在阅读过程中不善于使用阅读策略;不同年级听障学生在阅读策略的运用方面存在差异,大学阶段学生明显优于高中阶段和初中阶段学生,高中阶段是听障学生阅读策略发展的关键时期;听障女生阅读策略运用的总体水平优于听障男生。  相似文献   

The objectives of this pilot study were to investigate the effectiveness of Irlen filters for improving comfort and reading performance and to determine whether traditional optometric intervention would be effective in relieving the symptoms commonly reported by people seeking help through the use of Irlen filters. Thirty subjects were included in the study: 12 males and 18 females. The ages of the subjects ranged from 9 to 51 (mean = 23.6). They were randomly placed in either an Irlen filter treatment group (n = 11), a vision therapy treatment group (n = 11), or a control group (n = 8). Pre- and posttesting on all subjects included a vision evaluation, reading and intelligence testing, the Irlen scotopic sensitivity screening test, and a symptom questionnaire. Results revealed that subjects in both treatment groups were more comfortable after treatment, although only the vision therapy group showed improvement in vision functioning. The subjects in the Irlen filter group did not show any significant gains in reading rate, word recognition in context, or comprehension.  相似文献   

本实验以视系列呈现、选择、判断的方法对分别强化了的三类汉字认知的识虽速度进行了比较,探讨了聋人与听力正常人在阅读过程中对汉字的形码、义码、音码的信息的加工方式。实验结果发现:聋人与听力正常人在字词识别的加工过程中都表现出较强的形码作用;在字义提取时,聋人采用了通过字形直取其义的直通加工方式,听力正常人则更多地采取形/音转换后提取字义的加工方式。进一步的分析认为:聋人与听力正常人在汉字识别的内部心理机制方面并没有本质的区别。聋人也有“视觉型的语音编码”,字词的直通加工和形/音转换加工,很可能是一种相互激活的综合加工过程  相似文献   

Two versions of a technical film, captioned at approximately 8th- and 11th-grade reading levels, were shown to 32 hearing-impaired college students. Fifteen of these students also received supplementary instruction from a teacher. Data from a comprehension test were analyzed with a four-factor experimental design to determine effects of instruction, level of captioning, test type (recall or recognition), and subject reading ability. Significant effects were found for instruction, test type, and reading ability. In addition, there was a significant three-way interaction between instruction, caption level, and reading ability. While both high and low reading groups benefited from instruction when students viewed 8th-grade level, modified captions, only the high reading group benefited from instruction when they viewed the 11th-grade level, original captions.This research was conducted in the course of an agreement with the U.S. Office of Education.  相似文献   

本研究选取15名聋人与15名听力正常人被试,在两种刺激图对呈现时间条件下,通过考察其对拓扑性质等价和拓扑性质差异图对的反应,对聋人与听力正常人拓扑性质差异的知觉敏感性进行比较研究。研究结果表明:(1)总体上,被试对拓扑性质等价和拓扑性质差异图对的反应不存在显著差异,聋人与听力正常人对刺激图对的反应不存在显著差异。(2)对聋人来说,刺激图对长时间和短时间呈现的反应不存在显著差异;而对听力正常人来说,刺激图对长时间呈现的反应则优于短时间呈现。  相似文献   

Unemployment and underemployment have, for many years, been a social and economic problem for people with disabilities. This study looks at consumers’ perceptions of access to employment for people who are blind or vision impaired as one target group within the disability field. Using the Employment Access Questionnaire (EAQ), the perceptions of people who are blind or vision impaired were compared with the perceptions of people who are not blind or vision impaired (nondisabled). Results of the study indicated that people who are blind or vision impaired and people who are nondisabled view work as equally important in their lives. However, people who are blind or vision impaired reported that they were significantly less satisfied with career development and services and training opportunities as compared with their peers who were nondisabled. A factor analysis of the data gathered from 85 blind or vision impaired and 84 nondisabled participants revealed a four factor structure for the EAQ. These results are discussed with reference to previous work in this area and suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

This study examines reading difficulty characteristics in Hebrew in three reading-impaired populations. Two are groups of dyslexics: 100 readers with impaired auditory perception and 100 readers with impaired visual perception. The third group comprises 61 readers with deep/severe hearing impairment. All were elementary schools students in the second to sixth grades. The subjects were tested with a conventional Hebrew reading test. It examined types of reading errors (e.g. changes of phonetic structure or word content), self-correction in reading, reading speed, sequential/holistic reading, the effect of reading texts with and without the Hebrew diacritical vowel signs ('punctuation'), and the effect of meaningful or meaningless text material on the amount of reading errors. The literature describes distinctions between various kinds of reading disability related to auditory impairment and visual perception, and the definition of dyslexia as being one category or including sub-groups. Our research hypothesis was that similar characteristics of reading difficulties would be found amongst auditory perception-impaired students and hearing-impaired students, and that they would differ from those of students with impaired visual perception. Our findings support this hypothesis. Many of the sub-tests revealed similarity in the reading difficulties between the hearing impaired students and those with impaired auditory perception versus the visually impaired. An unexpected finding revealed that fourth grade students in all the groups were a special sub-group in each group. These findings suggest, in accordance with a major research approach, that dyslexia should be defined in terms of dyslexia sub-groups rather than as a single category.  相似文献   

本研究通过音节意识和首音-韵脚意识的问卷测试了聋校二、四、六、八年级共103名听障学生的语音意识。结果表明,听障学生的语音意识随年级的升高而提高;阅读水平越高,语音意识测验的成绩就越好,反之也一样,且年级差异与阅读水平高低差异的程度与趋势基本一致;女生对声、韵母意识的感知好于男生;听障学生首音-韵脚意识的发展好于音节意识的发展;听障学生普遍存在对字形、声调学习和掌握的困难。研究结果对现今聋校语音教学有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

Television is able to present information to the visual as well as to the aural senses. Further, it can show not only still pictures but moving sequences. The majority of educational broadcasts on television do not show movements as an integral part of the instructional process. It is usually present but unnecessary. On the other hand, there are times when the medium of television is used to the full when a combination of synchronised sound vision and movement is used to create an overall mental concept called a ‘dramatic effect’.  相似文献   

Conventionally, television history programmes are made by first settling on a story line, then looking around for visual material to illustrate it, without any attempt to analyse what is being seen on the screen. Visual evidence is in itself of great value in historical study; television programmes should concentrate on those areas where there is a richness of visual source material and should be built up, outwards as it were, from that source material. This is the principle underlying the series of eight Open University programmes entitled Britain and America: some visual evidence, which is an integral part of the new history course Comparative Themes in British and American History. Some of the programmes concentrate strongly on the problems and techniques involved in the critical analysis of different types of visual source; others concentrate almost exclusively on bringing out the value of particular visual sources in making a special contribution to an important historical problem. The programmes invite critical responses from students who require material in the programmes to deal with assignments set elsewhere in the course, and direct analysis is provided by an academic seen clearly in vision. While it would never be possible to deal comprehensively with any historical topic through television alone, nonetheless history could be presented on general television in a more authentic way if the conventions and cliches of traditional television production were jettisoned in favour of a recognition of the potency of visual sources properly and critically handled.  相似文献   

In this study silent reading by adults ranging in age from 35 to 90 years was investigated. The texts to be read were printed in black on white paper with character sizes varying from 1–9 mm x-height (visual angle 0.19° to 1.67°). In order to separate age effects from visual-acuity effects, subjects with different levels of visual acuity (0.1–2.5 decimal acuity) participated in the experiment. Silent reading rate was employed as the dependent variable. Visual acuity affected reading rate most, followed by letter size. In normal-acuity subjects the variance in reading rates decreased as a function of age. Reading rates initially increased rapidly with increasing letter size, but after reaching an optimum gradually declined again as letters became larger. For the different acuity classes there appeared to be clearly optimal letter sizes, varying from 1.9 for the highest acuity group to 6 mm for the lowest acuity group at the 33 cm reading distance employed. However, the optimal reading rates of visually impaired subjects found in this study remained below those of individuals with normal acuity. This suggests that visual impairment is a more general neural phenomenon rather than merely a deficient optical image. The obtained reading-rate data could be accurately described by a theoretical model encompassing a decoding process and an integration process. It appeared that the model predictions were entirely determined by the smallest letter size at which reading is just possible with a specified visual acuity. It is concluded that both decoding and integration are dependent on visual acuity and that, in the absence of specific visual defects, ageing effects in reading can be completely explained by gradual lowering of visual acuity having its origin in central mechanisms.  相似文献   

Earlier research revealed that many elderly people in The Netherlands are worried about their forgetfulness and are afraid of incipient dementia. Until now, no systematic research has been conducted on the effects of public education about normal forgetfulness and dementia, and therefore an information brochure was developed and evaluated. The main function of this brochure was to reassure people who were unnecessarily worrying about possible dementia. A second function was to motivate people to seek professional help when this seemed advisable. Sixty‐two percent of all respondents (307 of 400) who had been worried about dementia before reading the brochure said that their anxiety decreased or disappeared after reading it; approximately 3% became more worried after reading the brochure. A cognitive test battery was administered to 104 people to determine whether their increased or decreased anxiety was justified. Thirty subjects had low test scores, yet 16 of these subjects had been reassured by the brochure that their forgetfulness was nothing to worry about. This group was characterized as experiencing fewer problems in daily life as a result of their forgetfulness and as having a higher internal locus of control. Seventy‐four subjects performed well on the cognitive tests, yet 18 of them had remained worried about their forgetfulness after reading the brochure. Anxiety for heredity of dementia could be a possible explanation for their persistent concern. Although many people were reassured by the brochure, the results also show that it is important to evaluate information brochures used as intervention instruments—in one third of the present sample, the effects of the brochure were not in accordance with its goal.  相似文献   

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