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全国卷: 8 .Your story 15 Perfeet;I,ve never heard_before. A .the better one B.the best one C .a better one D.a good one 14.—Did you take enough money with you?—No,1 needed_1 thought 1 would. A.not 50 mueh as B.as muehas C .mueh more than D.mueh less than北京卷: 2 1.This washing machine 15 envimnmentally friendly beeause it uses—water and eleetrieity than_medels. A .less,older B.less,elder C.fewer,older D.fewer,elder天津卷: 13.Fiiness 15 important ins卯rt,but of at least_im即rta…  相似文献   

not more than与not less than、no more than与no less than用法极易混淆。下面试用对比方法给以归纳,希望能给同学们一点帮助。一、与基数词连用1.not more than“顶多”、“不多于”(=at most),只说明事实。2.not less than“至少”、“不少于”(=at least),只说明事实。例如:  相似文献   

more than和no(not)more than不仅仅是反义词,它们在不同的句子中表示不同的意思,列举如下:  相似文献   

I.Vocabulary and Structure(10points,1point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It would be better to make a decision now,leaveit until next week.A.other than B.rather than C.less than D.more than2.We'll inform you as soon as tickets become.A.valuable B.capable C.acceptable D.available3.The foreign company has been running this factoryfor decades.A.enormously B.effectively C.infinitely D.extremely4.If you my advice,you wouldn't be in such trouble now.…  相似文献   

I.Vocabulary and Structuer(10points,1point for eachitem)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.He spoke so that even his opponents were impressedby his words.A.frankly B.clearly C.convincingly D.loudly2.The government great importance to intellectualproperty protection.A.associates B.attaches C.attributes D.approaches3.The heart is intelligent than the stomach,for theyare both controlled by the brain.A.not so B.not much C.much more D.no more4.The factory has…  相似文献   

more than是英语中一个常见的结构,也是英语学习者较难掌握的常用结构之一。它不仅仅用于比较,在使用时应注意与其形近的more...than,no more than,not more than,no more...than,not more...than结构区分开。文章对more than及几个形似结构的语义和翻译技巧进行归纳和辨析,帮助读者准确理解它们各自在具体语境中的用法。  相似文献   

not more than与not less than、no more than与no less than用法极易混淆。下面试用对比方法给以归纳,希望能给同学们一点帮助。  相似文献   

<正>More than和less than的用法很复杂,但在英语中经常使用。下面我把它们的用法归纳如下;一、more than与less than1.a.more than放在数词之前,意为"超过,不止,以上",用于此意义时,可以与over互换使用。例如:My grandfather and my grandmother are more than seventy.  相似文献   

英语中有些形容词、副词的比较级形式,由于引申意义的增强而使其比较意义不明显或者完全失去。人们常用这种比较级形式来表示数量、时间、选择、否定,程度、语气、递进等意义。现分述如下: 一、表示数量 1.no(not any)more than:只有,仅仅,顶多 1.There are no(not any) more than three people in this room.房间里只有三个人。 2.not more than 至多,最多,不超过 1.I fe read not more than thiety .pages every day.他每大看书不超过三十页。 3.no less :不少于,恰好,正是,不亚于 She won less than 2000yuan in the lottery.她中了不少于2000元的彩票。 4. not less than:至少,多至,不下于 We have not less than six class every day.我们每天至少上六节课。  相似文献   

一、no more than与not more than 1.no more than的意思是"仅仅""只有""最多不超过",强调少。如:  相似文献   

形容词及副词练习1.H e was illyesterday,but he felt this m orning.A.good B.well C.better D.best2.W hich do you like,apples,bananas,or pears?A.better B.best C.m ore D.less3.Jim is Li Lei.So he sits in frontofLi Lei.A.as tallas B.so tall asC.not as tallas D.taller than4.The boy is singing a song.H e looks very.A.happy B.happier C.happily D.happiest5.O ur classroom is one of in our school.A.the big one B.the biggestoneC.the biggestones D.biggestones6.Jim has a twin sister.The twin sist…  相似文献   

选择题部分(45分)I.单项选择(15分)()1.Will people have robots___100years?A.after B.in C.for D.behind()2.If you want to be thinner and healthier,you’d better eat___food and take___exercise.A.more;fewer B.more;less C.less;more D.fewer;more()3.After years of hard work,his dream___.A.came out B.came true C.came over D.came back()4.They all went to the museum___Lin Tao.Because he was ill.A.besides B.beside C.except D.behind()5.My little sister always___her shoes and put them on the floor whe…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. We must manage to do our work better with ____ people. A. less money and few B. less money and fewer C. little money and less D. few money and less 2. It is not easy for me to find out our formal teaching building because the school ____ so much since I left. A. is changing B. has changed C. had changed D. should have changed 3. Vegetables are cheap ____ when they are in season. A. to buy B. to buy them C. to be bought D. buying them 4. …  相似文献   

1.’单项选择(20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 空白处的最佳答案。 1 .The TV Play 15_interesting than the story· :暇A .very B.mueh 。只卜少叩y甲re,,,”·muc“more ‘一u Lel WorKs narQ,anQ_- B .1 do 50 D.50 1 do the room.You’d better Sn e了.‘-1 汕一do coldcoat. ﹄‘引0 口︼5 Sr J‘J‘r、..二勺,口 . 内J not to take off take down BD not take off do not take off AC 4.叨一ere 15 tea in the have some now. mueh euP,butl’d like a litile B .litile D .a lot of to A.C 5.Mother ofte…  相似文献   

I.单项选择1. John plays football, if not better than, David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as2.a teacher,so he must decide what to do and what not to do.A. Being B. As C. He is D. Because3. He demanded that the books to the school library at once.A. return B. should returnC. be returned D. would be returned  相似文献   

王军 《考试》2007,(Z4)
known other for to work eden each侧wh y0U︸lon H l IOng?一Not very in the A 2 party?曲erB一Did befo花C D .sinee you enjoyyo。心at the—阮呵tos叮1 didn’t .It was一a meeting than a Palty. A .much of B .more like C .less of D .more orl咫s 3 .He 15 ratherd西e己t to make伍ends with,but his伍endshiP,_,15 more true than any other. A .once加n司C .afteris加ned 4 .The river,_ B .when D .while a工e cover以1 trees,15 very long. A .which baz正s B .of whieh C .whose the b肚止s ha”卜,D .the …  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.句意理解(5分)从A,B,C,D中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的 选项。1.A.The twins don’t like potatoes at a11. B.The twins like tomatoes better than potatoes. C.The twins’favourite vegetable iS tomatoes. D.The twins like potatoes better than tomatoes.2.A.I came to buy some meat for Kate. B.1 was late for the meeting. C.1 was the first in the sports meeting. D.1 was not late for the meeting.3.A.Bill had his supper on the bed. B.Bill didn’t go to bed after supper. C.Bil…  相似文献   

一、no more 1、no more通常用在口语里,也可以变换成not…any more的形式,一般用来修饰表示具体动作的非延续性动词,意思是指今后或从那以后"不再"。例如:I'll drink no more.=I'll not drink any more.Lost time will return no more。I will go there no more.=I won't go there any more.  相似文献   

请看两道高考题: 1 .It,5 believed that_you work,_result you,11 get.(1993年上海) A .the harder;the better B .the more hard;the more better C .the harder;a better D .more hard;more better 2.In reeent years,travel eompanies havesueeeeded in sending us the idea that the furtherwe 90,_.(2001年上海) A .our holiday will be better B .our holid叮will be the better C .the better our holiday will be D .the better will our holiday be 这两道题都是考查‘,the+比较级……,the十比较级……”的用法,第一道题正确…  相似文献   

1.——The fishing boats in this area 0f sea have doubled in number in the last three vears. ——That’s too bad.How 1 wish it it is! A.more than:other than B.×;kw than C.rather than;less than D.1arger than;f_ewer than2.The workers,——they are,we never know, are devoting their lives to the Three Gorges Dam. A.who B.whoever C.which D.what3.Some working people aI.e usually too busy to cook af【er a day’s work.They ——tOeatOut. A.want B.hope C.wish D.prefer4.——Son吖.I haven’t finis…  相似文献   

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