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The international project described in this paper has been inspired by the Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Projects (TAPP). By 2013, the TAPP network had connected classes in writing, usability testing and/or translation at three universities in the US and several partner universities in Europe, Africa and China. The pedagogical import of these forms of collaboration has been emphasised in studies that analysed the dynamics of cross-cultural virtual teams. The goal of our study was to have first-year undergraduate students in the US learn what is at stake when they write a text for an ‘alien’ audience. At the Italian end, we wanted students to enhance English as a lingua franca (ELF) reading and writing skills as well as to raise their cross-cultural language awareness. Another goal for both groups of students was to communicate via email, Facebook and other online environments using ELF.  相似文献   

在教育部“双万计划”建设背景下,根据烟草学专业基础课程教学的实际情况和特点,课程组结合国内外著名高校优良做法,探索出一系列切实可行的核心课程教学方案。创新性地提出以学生为主体、需求为导向,结合生产实际经验积累+现代信息技术支持,边研究边实践,线上线下结合的课程教学体系,提高学生自主学习能力和专业创新能力,使学生从“我学会”到“我会学”。为我国高等农林院校一流课程建设新模式提供实践经验,为栽培类专业课程教学提供理论依据与支撑。  相似文献   

自教育部提出打造“金课”、淘汰“水课”的要求后,各高校纷纷对课堂教学作出一系列改革与探索,高校思政课是改革课程之一。高校思政课之传统教学模式存在授课方式单一、理论灌输为主,教师唱主角、缺少与学生的交流互动等不足。由此,在高校思政课中采用对分课堂模式,能够做到教师讲解与学生学习相结合,改变授课方式单一状况;师生互动频繁,教师主导、学生主体相得益彰。在高校思政课中,可以从教师讲解、学生自学、师生交流3个方面去构建对分课堂的教学流程。通过在高校思政课中采取对分课堂模式,最终取得学生的“三率”改善、师生的获得感显然提高、学生理论联系实际的能力提高的教学实效。  相似文献   

"地球村"的概念反映了世界不同地域、不同文化的人们之间联系和交往的日益紧密,全球化进程使跨文化交际日益成为生活常态,在全球化视野中关照大学公共英语教学,培养学生跨文化能力的责任日益凸显。然而目前的大学公共英语并不能满足这一形势发展的需要。研究着重分析了当前大学公共英语在培养学生跨文化能力方面薄弱的原因,探讨了新时期大学英语跨文化教学应有的内涵,包括教学目标定位、教学内容和教学模式上应有的转变。  相似文献   

英语课程具有特殊的隐性思想政治教育功能。通过构建“中国之声”有声阅读资源库,采用线上线下混合式教学方式,在英语阅读教学中加大对蕴含中国文化元素的材料输入,以提高学生跨文化交际意识和能力,这对推动中国文化“走出去”,加强文化自信,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

“学习共同体”是一种让全体学生通过课前学习,线上线下共同参与教学目标制定,不同寝室学生组成小组,在相互合作、汇报、沟通交流中,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,从而达到既定学习目标的课堂教学模式。研究表明,该教学模式在一定程度上有助于提升学生合作交流的意识、培养师范生综合能力,并促进成绩考核的公平公正。  相似文献   

实验教学能力是师范生专业素养的重要组成部分。在后疫情时代,如何更好地提升高校实验课的教学质量,培养师范生的实验教学能力已经成为当下教育关注的重点。通过师范生教师教育类“中学生物实验教学研究”课程的教学改革,借助虚拟仿真实验平台和网络课程平台,将真实实验与虚拟仿真实验相结合,制定了虚拟仿真实验线上新型混合式教学实践方案,并构建了虚实结合的课前、课中和课后三阶段混合式教学实践过程,同时使用虚拟仿真测评系统进行了线上线下、定性定量的实验教学评价的改革。  相似文献   

Australian curricula name “sustainability” as a key priority area with implications for preparing pre-service teachers. In the research that generated this paper, we asked: How can framing teaching through space and place inform pre-service teachers’ pedagogical thinking and practice? In new third year Bachelor of Education (primary) subject Understanding Space and Place, Australian teacher education students shared online responses to focus questions and readings framing education through place, designed and taught a unit of study “beyond the classroom” to children in their professional placements and reflected on changes in their theoretical, philosophical, and curriculum goals. Data from these forum posts were analysed through Somerville’s three “enabling place pedagogy” categories of embodiment, storylines, and cultural contact zones. Many students came to re-imagine their teaching roles and understand how a place pedagogy framework can operate to expand the possibilities of teaching and learning sustainability through creative and embodied place-making experiences in local places.  相似文献   

This article compares teacher education in China with Canada, with the aim of fostering a cross-cultural dialogue between the two systems. Using case studies the article attempts to address the following questions: What can the two countries learn from each other? Can Canadian teacher education be a possible alternative model for China? Can Canada’s teacher education curriculum be used to enhance greater pedagogical preparation and more pre-service teaching practice for China? Is Canada’s move towards strengthening professionalism in teaching of value to China?  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情防控背景下,针对应用型本科院校“计算机程序设计基础”课程强实践性的特点,在充分分析大学生居家线上学习存在问题的基础上,构建了基于“云班课+微信”的“轻直播+”在线教学平台,并以本科工程教育中符合“三个是否”界定标准下的工程体验为核心进行了教学过程设计,采用问卷调查方式开展在线教学效果分析与评价。评价结果表明,学生对课程内容安排、授课方式、互动反馈以及听课感受等方面的满意度均较高,课程的在线教学取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

As universities seek to provide cost-effective, cross-cultural experiences using global virtual (GV) teams, the ‘soft’ communication skills typical of all teams, increases in importance for GV teams. Students need to be taught how to navigate through cultural issues and virtual tool issues to build strong trusting relationships with distant team members. Weekly team meetings provide an excellent opportunity to observe key team interactions that facilitate relationship and trust-building among team members. This study observed the weekly team meetings of engineering students attending two US universities and one Asian university as they collaborated as a single GV capstone GV team. In addition local team members were interviewed individually and collectively throughout the project to determine strategies that facilitated team relations and trust. Findings indicate the importance of student choice of virtual communication tools, the refining of communication practices, and specific actions to build trusting relationships. As student developed these attributes, collaboration and success was experienced on this GV team.  相似文献   

This article is part of a narrative study of Chinese beginning teacher induction through cross-cultural teacher development, which has been developed and contextualized in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program between the University of Windsor (UW), Canada and Southwest University (SWU), China. This program is part of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Project, Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China. The partnership builds on the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program, and the Shanghai-Toronto-Beijing Sister School Network. In this article, the authors conducted narrative inquiry with two of the SWU participants in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program to explore their experience from their cross-cultural learning in Canada to beginning teachers in West China. The findings of the research suggest the need to develop a global and cross-cultural dimension in teacher education and development in West China. It is evident that the cross-cultural experiences in Canada have influenced beginning teachers’ curriculum views, relationship to students, and beliefs about teaching. Their “lived stories” (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990, p. 6) also indicate that the personal, pedagogical, and social influences of cross-cultural experiences play important roles in beginning teachers’ teaching careers.  相似文献   

随着通信技术的发展与教育现代化进程的推进,在线教育得到了广泛的应用。以存在论视角对在线教育进行分析可以发现,在线教育虽然为教育提供了远程在场与知识延展的手段支撑,但同时也面临学生存在空间收缩的危机。远程在场使知识得以延展的同时易出现知识内化片面且断裂的现象;界面化与符号化使知识跨地域传输的同时易导致学生学习成为一种脱节于真实经验与应用的存储。溯其原因在于远程在场存在收缩而导致的学生认知局限,身体缺席而导致的学生主体冲突,技术呈现中的情境残缺而导致的学生片面发展。因此,在线教育应重述“在场”的意义,区分现实与虚拟的课堂,明确虚拟是现实教学的辅助,以真实经验引领虚拟感知。  相似文献   

通过分析设计类课程、设计类学生的特点,提出高校设计类课程在SPOC模式下开展线上线下混合式教学模式。针对艺术类学生的专业内容、高考模式、学生性格等方面,提出以课程思政、美育研学、创新实践、竞赛锻炼等方式提升课程效能。课程上参考国家级一流课程的经验进行内容建设。设计类实践项目以甲方采用为标准,虚拟实训项目以赛展获奖为标准。通过SPOC模式做好“三全育人”,培养合格人才输送至就业岗位。  相似文献   

"大学物理实验"是面向理工科学院学生开授的通识必修基础课,该课程要求学生在学习了大学物理的基本知识后,能够借助物理实验室提供的实验仪器,通过自己动手操作,完成相应的物理实验项目,加深对物理理论的理解和融会贯通,同时增强学生的实践能力,对学生后续的专业实验和实践起到承前启后的引导作用。大学物理实验教学改革是本科教学发展的需求,重视学生独立自主学习、开拓创新,以学生为中心进行教育教学。学校"大学物理实验"教学改革中融入了课程思政,加入了虚拟仿真实验,实现了线上线下混合式的教学模式,做到推陈出新、虚实结合。  相似文献   

“互联网+”视域下的大学英语教学模式大致包括慕课、微课和翻转课堂。这些模式的应用对提高学生的英语水平起到了事半功倍的效果,然而民族院校学生由于英语基础差,对外信息接受条件所限等原因,还一时无法完全适应“互联网+”背景下的英语教学模式。因此,将传统教学模式和“互联网+”视域下的各种先进教学手段结合起来,创造一个与民族院校学生英语习得相适应的混合教学模式和策略将是现阶段民族院校大学英语教学应当考虑和研究的问题。  相似文献   

对当下医学院校的公共英语演讲课程做出了三点调整:一是将公共英语演讲课程的定位从跨文化交际类通识课逐渐过渡到专门用途英语课.二是在教学内容的选择上凸显医学学科特色;提升对思辨能力的系统性认识;增加对说理演讲的学习,达到专业、技能、思辨的深度融合.三是在教学模式上,采用线上线下混合式教学.通过上述方法并举,力求使医学院校开...  相似文献   

通过分析设计类课程、设计类学生的特点,提出高校设计类课程在SPOC模式下开展线上线下混合式教学模式。针对艺术类学生的专业内容、高考模式、学生性格等方面,提出以课程思政、美育研学、创新实践、竞赛锻炼等方式提升课程效能。课程上参考国家级一流课程的经验进行内容建设。设计类实践项目以甲方采用为标准,虚拟实训项目以赛展获奖为标准。通过SPOC模式做好“三全育人”,培养合格人才输送至就业岗位。  相似文献   

刘宇  谢岳  崔东泽 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(11):221-226
2020年春季,为应对新冠肺炎疫情,各级学校“停课不停学”开展在线教学。为使“分离式”高校通识课在线教学顺利开展,实现与课堂教学的“实质等效”,以OBE与主体间性教育理念为导向,对基于腾讯课堂+“教学立方”学习平台+对分课堂的创新思维与创新技法课程教学进行设计与实证研究。由于通识课学生专业和年级不同,且人数众多,在课程伊始,对学生进行“起点测”问卷调查,据此进行差异化课程设计与教学规划。在课程结束后,对学生进行“结果测”问卷调查,并将其结果与教学评价和期末成绩结合,对课程教学效果进行比较研究。结果表明,基于“教学立方”学习平台,学生知识掌握率、课程交互情况、学习收获、学习体验和满意度均有显著提升,但期末考试平均成绩略为下降。最后对新兴技术背景下高校通识课教学提出建议。  相似文献   

In the “flipped” class, students use online materials to learn what is traditionally learned by attending lectures, and class time is used for interactive group learning. A required quantitative business class was taught as a flipped classroom in an attempt to improve student satisfaction in the course and reduce the “transactional distance” (perceived barriers to engaging with the instructor, other students, technology, and course content) and increase satisfaction. Analysis indicated improvements to both transactional distance and student satisfaction in the flipped classroom. Multiple regression analysis quantified the extent of which each transactional distance was a predictor of student satisfaction. The improved satisfaction in the flipped classroom was predicted by the improvement in transactional distances between students, students and the instructor, and students and the instructional technology used in the class. The conclusions from this study suggest that the flipped classroom is a particularly good pedagogical strategy for quantitative classes. It allows the instructor to increase student satisfaction (a win for the students) in a course in which it is usually low without compromising academic standards (a win for the teachers). Finally, increased satisfaction leads to increased retention and hence increased revenues for the institution, which is a win for the administration.  相似文献   

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