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战争是证明男性气概的最佳场所,战士也是历史上男性气概的典型示范。战争中体现的“勇敢”“威武”和“荣耀”等精神是评判男性气概的主要内容,形成了男性气概的传统。而海明威,作为书写“男性气概”和“迷惘一代”的杰出作家,显然意识到了新时代对于男性气概提出的新要求。他笔下的男性气概以及对“海明威式英雄”人物的塑造都有对传统男性气概的颠覆和对新时代男性气概实质的思考。因此,与其说海明威笔下“迷惘一代”的男性气概因战争而被阉割,毋宁说是经历了战争之后,对于新时代男性气概的建构。  相似文献   

老师:“汤姆,学生们在学校里最常用的三个字是什么?” 汤姆:“不知道。” 老师:“对极了。”  相似文献   

樱桃是男生。却像个小女生,有一张樱桃小口,让真正的女生极为不屑。不过樱桃无所谓,从不试图培养男子气概。岂但如此,还在一篇作文里自甘堕落地写道“唉,就这么不男不女地活着吧”。  相似文献   

写在前面的话:集中采访七位男性小学校长,这在本刊可算是第一次尝试。长期以来,在人们的固有印象中,小学一直被认为是一个缺乏“阳刚之气”的地方。在小学里,女教师所占比例高是现实,但人们对小学教育还是存在不少的误解,如,认为小学教师和“幼儿园阿姨”无异,认为小学教育教学是“简单的”甚至是“低水平重复的”,认为小学里的男性教育工作者缺乏“男子气概”等等,  相似文献   

在小说《太阳照常升起》中,海明威对主人公杰克隐秘创伤的省略描写所造成的本空白具有丰富的象征含义。本通过拉康的主体理论分析阐释了这一本空白的象征含义,即杰克隐秘的生理创伤象征了战后整个社会男子气概的缺乏,而男子气概的缺乏则又象征了战争对人类心理的创伤。  相似文献   

不到6%的美国人会狩猎,但美国人乐于将他们和白宫联系起来。事实上,在最近的50年里,半数的美国总统都是酷爱狩猎的人。狩猎是颇能体现男子气概的事情。综观全球,男子气概是获得权利的先决条件,但是从意大利到法国再到日本,政府首脑官邸里执掌权柄的人鲜有是猎手的。像牛仔一样,猎手都有典型的美国特色。  相似文献   

汤姆用毛驴驮着两大篮葡萄向市场走去。中午,天气非常炎热,他在一棵大树的树阴下停了下来。那里还有其他几个人,而且他们的驴子上也驮着一篮一篮的葡萄。吃完午饭,他们都去睡觉了。过了一会儿,汤姆开始把别人篮子里的葡萄往自己的篮子里装。突然一个人醒了,看到汤姆在拿别人的葡萄。他恼怒地说:“你在干吗?”“噢,”汤姆说,“不要为我担心,我是半疯,所以我会做很多奇怪的事情。”“噢,真的吗?”那个人说,“那你为什么不把你篮子里的葡萄放到别人的篮子里呢?”“您没理解我的意思,”汤姆说,“我说了,我只是半疯,并不是完全疯了。” Tom put …  相似文献   

萨姆和汤姆正看着商店橱窗里的玩具飞机,突然汤姆的表表响了。“我上课要迟到了,我得走了。”汤姆说。  相似文献   

周海亮 《成长》2007,(12):48-49
约翰和汤姆是这座小城里两位喜欢开玩笑的亿万富翁。这一天,约翰对汤姆说:“你信不信,我能让小城里的绝大多数人在几天内变成驼背。”  相似文献   

农夫汤姆养了一群羊。放牧时,他总是放声高唱:“我雪白的羊群啊,多么可爱……”可是育件事让他感到有些遗憾——他的羊群里还有一只黑羊。汤姆盘算着要卖掉黑羊“这样我的羊群里就都是可爱的白羊了。”冬天到了。一天,在一场暴风雪中,汤姆与羊群走散了。当暴风雪停息的时候,漫山遍野银装素裹,汤姆四处寻找,哪里还有羊群的影子?  相似文献   

This essay examines aspects of Tom Paine's “vulgar” style by comparing the sentence structure and diction of Common Sense with that of four other pamphlets of the American Revolution. It concludes that Paine adapted his prose style to the popular audience, in part, by avoidance of noun modifiers and overly long subordinate clauses, and a preference for uninterrupted subject‐verb‐object sentences, active verbs, and forms of “to be.”  相似文献   

1899至1900年,在杭州谋生的林纾出版了首部译作?巴黎茶花女遗事?,与魏易合作完成了?黑奴吁天录?的翻译并为?译林?杂志作序。这对林纾的翻译和人生走向产生了巨大影响。受益于杭州地区的同乡社交网络,林纾依靠?茶花女?的出版摆脱了困扰其多年的“言说困境”并获得巨大的士林声望。与此同时,受当时学术风气的影响及“助译”等现实条件的制约,为了更好地言说己见,林纾关注的翻译对象渐由西方政史著作转向小说。在杭时期是林纾翻译的重要转折,也为其后来的人生路径埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   

广西当代女作家杨映川以温和的女性主义书写让她的作品独树一帜。在一系列以男性为主人公的小说里,她通过梦、暴力等场景的细致描绘,展开了一系列的"唤醒"工作。正视男性的固有缺点,并在此基础上进行了深入地探讨,使得杨氏小说的男性审美空间极具特色。  相似文献   

Tom Gilbert is often called the “Father of Performance Technology.” His models and techniques are taught and used worldwide. They serve as a foundation upon which other performance technologists have built their ideas. He is one of the giants upon whose shoulders we stand. Yet one of the most important aspects of his work is seldom discussed, his role as philosopher. Gilbert deliberately applied the methods of philosophy to develop the science of performance engineering. He sought to create vantage points from which we could simply and systematically make sense out of—-and improve—-human performance. The following article reveals qualities of the mind of the philosopher through the processes he's used in developing his ideas. This should enhance our understanding of Tom Gilbert. It should also demonstrate, through his example, the value of being able to change points of view. This ability is essential for anyone interested in engineering worthy performance.  相似文献   

The importance of increasing and widening participation in post-compulsory science and informal science learning (ISL) spaces is widely recognized—particularly for working-class and minority ethnic communities. While there is a growing understanding of the intersection of femininity with class, ethnicity, and science learning across formal and informal settings, there has been little work on how masculinity may shape urban boys’ science (non)participation and (dis)engagement. This article analyzes performances of masculinity enacted by 36 urban, working-class boys (from diverse ethnic backgrounds) during school science museum visits, exploring how these performances relate to science identity and engagement. We identify three main performances of masculinity enacted during the visits (“laddishness,” “muscular intellect,” and “translocational masculinity”), and trace the implications of each for boys’ science engagement. We consider the power implications of these performances, notably the extent to which hegemonic masculinity is normalized within the science museum space, the ways in which this normalization is co-constitutive of the boys’ performances of masculinity, and the implications of the boys’ performances of masculinity for other students (notably girls and less dominant boys). The article concludes with implications for research, policy, and practice regarding how to promote equitable participation and science learning within ISL.  相似文献   

This study reviews empirical data from the U.S. Census, American Community Survey (ACS) and academic journals to explore K-12 and higher educational outcomes pertaining to Southeast Asian American (SEAA) males. We argue that the empirical dismissal of SEAA males in social science research reinforces a longstanding agenda of structural neglect and invisibility. By disaggregating some of the existing data for Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, and Vietnamese subgroups from the broader “Asian” group, we hope to repudiate the model minority myth and stereotypes related to masculinity. Findings revealed that SEAA males had K-12 and higher educational outcomes that contradict the standard conception of academic and financial success. We situate the findings of the article in a discussion of intersectionality and the mainstream cultural forces that impact SEAA males.  相似文献   

福建客家女作家何英的《抚摸岁月》是一部反映客家社会风土人情的长篇小说。以“双性同体”理论为主线, 从女性主义视角剖析《抚摸岁月》中的母女形象双性同体人格形成的过程,透视母女两人内心的女性气质和男性气质,描述在女性意识觉醒的作用下双性人格从母亲到女儿身上的发展变化及两性人格特征在女儿身上的和谐统一,为深入剖析《抚摸岁月》中的女性形象提供新的途径。  相似文献   

受“观物取象”与魏晋玄风的影响,陶渊明在诗文中表现出强烈的“观看”欲望,有意展现出“凝视”姿态。他对外面的风景无心观看,选择并聚焦于“旧居”“林园”“庭院”“田园”“白云”“飞鸟”等日常生活景物,故能摆脱玄虚困境,在“观看”中混融了主客体意识,对自然产生认同感,并形塑了作为“农夫”的自我形象,从而在思想上转向“新自然说”。  相似文献   

Within literature relating to the broad field of boys’ education attention is regularly drawn to the significant difference between essentialist and anti-essentialist accounts of “the boy problem” and the limitations of gender-based educational reforms which rely upon deterministic notions of what boys are ‘really’ like and, by extension, what they ‘really’ need. While these deterministic interventions have been widely critiqued in academic literature they nevertheless continue to dominate school and media based discussions about how to best support alienated, disengaged and at risk boys. This raises questions about the extent to which anti-essentialist approaches can be made more accessible and meaningful to teachers in schools. It further suggests the value of developing detailed accounts of real world interventions that have had a demonstrably positive impact upon the boys involved without reinforcing essentialist notions of masculinity. Adopting an attitude of “educated hope” (Giroux, http://www.units.muohio.edu/eduleadership/anthology/OA/OA03001.html, 2003) and drawing upon the resources of (Deleuze and Guattari, A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1987), this paper examines one such case of anti-essentialist reform involving three Australian schools. It explores one particular boy’s experience of an intervention known as Boys with Books and argues that Ryan’s journey can be conceptualised as a line of flight away from traditional forms of masculinity: a journey in progress that has impacted positively upon his relationships with peers and teachers and changed his beliefs about his possible future options. The paper, therefore, illustrates the capacity for teachers and schools to display anti-essentialist understandings about masculinity while responding in practical and ‘do-able’ ways to the needs of at risk, alienated and underperforming boys in schools.  相似文献   

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