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'Modifying' or 'disapplying' the National Curriculum – what do these terms mean? Neither is clearly defined in the Education Reform Act, statutory instruments or circulars. Yet both begin to apply from this month onwards as the National Curriculum is introduced into schools. Guidance from the Department of Education and Science is urgently needed, suggests Brahm Norwich, lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs, Institute of Education, London University.  相似文献   

Preschoolers' Attributions of Mental States in Pretense   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When young children appear to recognize that someone else is engaging in make-believe play, do they infer what the pretender is thinking? Are they aware that the pretender is thinking about a pretend scenario yet knows what the real situation is? Preschoolers ages 3–5 ( N = 45) viewed scenes from the Barney & Friends television series depicting either make-believe or realistic actions. Children were questioned concerning the presence of pretense and the thoughts and beliefs of the TV characters. The children where also presented with false belief and appearance/reality theory of mind tasks. Children who identified when TV characters were engaging in pretend play did not necessarily infer the pretenders thoughts and beliefs. Inferring pretenders' thoughts was related to performance on false belief and appearance/reality tasks, but simply recognizing pretense was not. These data support the view that children initially learn to recognize pretense from contextual cues and are able to infer pretenders' beliefs only with further development of metarepresentational ability.  相似文献   

Telling it How it is: Accounts of Academic Life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several kinds of account of what academic life is like are available. This article reviews three of these – academic novels, the professional media and 'how to' guides produced for academics – and makes some comparisons with the picture presented by academic research on higher education. These genres convey multiple, partial, diverse and competing accounts. Understanding their messages is interesting, useful and important to those interested in academic life.  相似文献   

When all the people of the world finally speak the same language and commune in the same message or the same norm of reason, we will descend, idiot imbeciles, lower than rats, more stupidly than lizards. The same maniacal language and science, the same repetitions of the same in all latitudes–an earth covered with screeching parrots. (Serres, 1997, p. 124)
The goal of instruction is the end of instruction, that is to say invention. Invention is the only true intellectual act, the only act of intelligence. The rest? Copying, cheating, reproduction, laziness, convention, battle, sleep. Only discovery awakens. Only invention proves that one truly thinks what one thinks, whatever that may be. (Serres, 1997, pp. 92–93)  相似文献   

The incessancy of the educational reforms of recent decades in Western countries, and their prominent association with conceptions of quality drawn from industry and commerce, tend to becloud the lack of educational substance at the heart of many of the more influential of the reform patterns. This lack betokens something of a sophisticated renaissance of the late nineteenth-century mentality of payment-by-results. Exploration of the reforms also reveals a preoccupation with performance which bypasses the central concerns of education itself. Quality, in short, becomes redefined by a privative rationality, which then furnishes the conceptual arena and the predominant language for decision-making in matters educational.
Writings of two influential contemporary thinkers – MacIntyre and Lyotard – are reviewed to illustrate the nature and significance of what the reforms have neglected. These thinkers' contrasting analyses reveal how intricate the contexts of educational policy and practice have become in the pluralist circumstances of late modernity. Where MacIntyre adopts a largely traditionalist stance and Lyotard a largely dismissive one in the face of the competing inheritances which battle for the minds and hearts of learners, this paper suggests not a middle way, but a different way. This pursues a kind of thinking which is itself educational more than political, self-critical more than adversarial. Declining the path of self-assured advocacy it concentrates instead on opening up an educational issue which is more often overlooked, or busily bypassed, than understood: What actually befalls the experience of teachers and learners in the practical conduct of education? How can that experience benefit best as teaching and learning are defensibly practised? A range of communicative rather than combative virtues is identified in this connection and their promising import is briefly explored.  相似文献   

Handwriting is a skill which must be taught. The aim in teaching handwriting is for each child to develop a personal style which remains legible at speed. This objective requires the systematic teaching of handwriting. Teachers need to ascertain what are the important factors to consider when teaching handwriting and how to assess pupil performance. Chris Bailey reviews research on some of the factors affecting writing – pencil grip, finger pressure, writing implements and writing paper – and the literature relating to the assessment of legibility and speed. The author is headteacher of a primary school in the London Borough of Enfield.  相似文献   

Young reader, would you know whether the tendency of a book is good or evil, examine in what state of mind you lay it down. Has it attemptel to abate your admiration and reverence for what is great and good, and to diminish in you the love of your country and your fellow creatures? Has it addressed itself to your pride, your vanity, your selfishness, or any of your evil propensities? Has it defiled the imagination with what is loathesome, and shocked the heart with what is monstrous? Has it disturbed the sense of right and wrong which the Creator has emplanted in the human soul?

Robert Southey


数字媒介及其网络文化带来了艺术审美边界的拓展,形成了当代文艺的不断"扩容",调整了人类文明元典预设的艺术逻各斯的依存形态,带来文论学理原点的位移,并实施着文艺谱系置换后新的文论原点的重建.这主要表现为:艺术是什么--虚拟世界的自由表征;艺术写什么--数字化生存的平民叙事;艺术怎么写--以机换笔的感觉撒播;艺术干什么--自娱以娱人的文化消费.  相似文献   

Also received     
Books reviewed in this article:
BACIE (1992) Training Directory 1992 Kogan Page, London 0–7494–0607–0 £25.00 290 pp
Blythe-Lord R (1992) Captions and Graphics for Low Budget Video Butterworth, London and Boston 0–240–51312–6 £14.95 123 pp
Meyer M (1992) ed Aspects of School Television in Europe K G Saur, Munich, London & New Providence NJ 3–598–20209–1 DM56 595 pp
Naidoo B (1992) Through whose eyes? Trentham, Books, Stoke 0–948080–67–1 £10.95 159 pp
NCET (1992) Educational Software Whitaker, London 0–85021–228–6 £24 41 7 pp
Ogg H C & M H (1992) Optical Character Recognition: A Librarian's Guide Meckler, Westport CT & London 0–88736–778-X £23.50 171 pp
Osborne C (1992) ed International Yearbook of Educational and Training Technology 1992/93 Kogan Page, London & Nichols, East Brunswick NJ 0–7494–0587–2 & 0–89397–377–7 £47.50 380 pp
Voorbach J T et al (1992) eds Research and Developments on Teacher Education in the Netherlands Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse 90–265–1251–1 Hf145 191 pp
Woodhead, Nigel (1991) Hypertext and Hypermedia Addison-Wesley 0–201–54442–3 £19.95 231 pp
Williams B (1992) Directory of Computer Conferencing in Libraries Meckler, Westport CT & London 0–88736–771–2 429 pp £37.50
Wragg T (1991) Mad Curriculum Disease Trentham Books, Stoke 0–948080–58–2 £7.95 124 pp  相似文献   

In this response to Muis et al. (2006), I draw on the writings of Dewey to explore three critical questions. The first question is what is gained or what is lost when the study of epistemology moves from philosophy to psychology and eventually to educational practice? The second asks whether the primary question under examination should be if students’ beliefs about knowledge or knowing differ by domains or why they may differ? Finally, what are the implications of the generality or specificity of students’ epistemic beliefs for educational practice?  相似文献   

Conclusions As black students move into private schools at greater rates, a number of questions are raised. To what extent and under what conditions is a private school education better than a public school education for black students? What are the social and educational benefits and costs of being educated in a largely white environment? And what will be the benefits and costs as private schools themselves become increasingly black? Are the economic sacrifices made by black families to send their children to private school worth it to the individual child—to the black community?  相似文献   

David Leat, a researcher and teacher trainer, argues that teaching thinking can act as an important counterbalance to the more instrumental approaches which are the result of some aspects of the National Curriculum. He identifies some of the key characteristics of teaching thinking lessons and goes on to present four examples of practice. However, there are a number of barriers to change and these are identified. Seeking ways to promote change is important as currently the curriculum that pupils experience does not seem to be preparing them to be good learners. The paper concludes by suggesting that Debriefing – (pupils reflecting on and explaining what they have learned) – would be an appropriate springboard for change.  相似文献   

Issues surrounding early day care become clarified when brought within a developmental perspective. Day care is examined in the context of normal developmental issues. A series of questions emerges. How does development commonly unfold in the context of nondisrupted parental care? How is development organized; what are major sequences of development and, especially, how does one phase build upon and set the stage for others? What is required of social partners to promote optimal development? How does this change with age? In brief, what do infants need from the social environment, and how do they typically get it in the context of the family? One then asks questions concerning day care. For example, what kinds of arrangements are and are not generally compatible with infant needs and under what circumstances? A developmental perspective also provides a framework for organizing findings from day care research and even suggests strategies for intervention research. While not fully explicit, Belsky's review (in this issue) provides a valuable service by introducing developmental concepts to the day care discussion. In the present paper this viewpoint is elaborated.  相似文献   

An often-used idiom states: you can't lose what you never had. Yet contrary to this expression, it is possible to lose what you never had – at least when special education support is concerned. In Ontario, as in other jurisdictions, special education exists as a codified system. An ever-changing nexus of discourses and documents – including normalisation, legislation, regulations, and memoranda – set out how special education is to function in the province. The documents themselves articulate how learners' needs are to be formally identified, as well as how students are to be supported. Within this network a phenomenon of non-identification has arisen whereby some students do not get identified and yet would have qualified for special education support had they gone through the process. Yet what leads to this phenomenon? To what does the phenomenon itself lead? Should Ontario's special education system be readjusted to address the phenomenon of non-identification, or is identification itself an inherently flawed practice? To explore these three questions, this paper will analyse Ontario's identification policy, examining what it allows, what it dictates, as well as the challenges it creates.  相似文献   


Expectations regarding teacher-student relationships, classroom interactions, testing and evaluation, and academic integrity vary widely around the world. Understanding these differences can be critical to enhancing the academic success of ESL(English as a Second Language) college students. Faculty working with ESL students often ask: “Why won't my students participate more in class?” “Why do my students only repeat back what I've said?” “Why won't they tell me what they think?” “Why don't they ever know what courses they want to take when they come to registration or advisement?” Students often ask: “Why does my professor keep asking me to talk about my personal experiences? We never had to do that in my country. Why is it such a big deal to do that here?” There are a lot of “why's” floating around the campus. This article addresses some of these questions.  相似文献   

1992 will witness a big market for European engineers: but what kind of engineers? From what kind of schools? With what kind of diploma? What kind of freedom will there be for working as an engineer? Some answers are given from the French point of view. So many differences exist between European countries, that a good definition of ‘engineer’ is necessary. The French Commission for the National title of engineer (CTI) is very clear about the rules for becoming an ‘engineer’, and the need to avoid confusion in the European market and help firms. Good relationships are needed between ‘les écoles d'ingenieurs’, universities and professionals, to realize homogeneous courses and training throughout Europe.  相似文献   

This article considers the planning undertaken jointly by the Medical Colleges of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital and the London Hospital to merge their two undergraduate medical curricula and develop a new innovative curriculum for 1990–91. Some of the institutional features which encouraged successful curriculum planning are described. The emphasis is placed on the mechanisms employed by the Colleges to reach their decisions rather than the details of what was decided.  相似文献   

道德价值推导法是伦理学所特有的发现和证明方法。按照这种方法,发现和证明任何行为或规范的道德价值,首光必须弄清道德价值终极标准:道德目的、亦即道德终极标准究竟如何?这是道德价值推导法的一个前提;其次必须弄清道德价值实体,亦即弄清所要发现和证明的行为或规范之事实如何,也就是行为或规范的事实依据;是否实际存在抑或纯系子虚乌有?如果实际存在,它属于何种行为类型?它的本性是什么?这是道德价值推导法的另一个前提;最后用道德目的、道德终极标准来衡量这种行为或规范之事实,便可以发现和证明它们的道德价值;符合者便具有正道德价值,便是应该如何的行为或规范;违背者便具有负道德价值,便是不应该如何的行为或规范,这是道德价值推导法的结论。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on memory, not as a school subject with which it is still associated for many learners, but as one in which school is the subject and where the question ‘what are some of your earliest memories of playing school?’ can serve as an autobiographical prompt. In what ways do we continue to ‘play out’ early experiences of school long after we begin our teaching careers? What significance should we attach to not remembering? How can early memories of school, of teachers and of particular episodes of playing school become part of what bell hooks describes as ‘the usable past'? (hooks, 1984, Feminist Theory: from margin to centre, South End Press).  相似文献   

Continuity and Change in the Collegial Tradition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article has four main purposes: to explore the meaning of the idea of collegiality, to consider its importance in the governance of British institutions of higher education, to examine the pressures for change that have been exerted upon both the collegiate model of the university as well as upon the idea of collegiality, and to ascertain what relevance – if any – the idea of collegiality has in the context of a system of mass higher education. The article is a report upon ongoing research, of which interviews with some fifty Oxford academics and officials form the core of its empirical base. Naturally we welcome feedback. An important subtheme is our attempt to understand the process of change in British higher education. Our analysis suggests that the change process is best understood through an analysis of the interaction between state pressure for change and developments within the character of the academic profession.  相似文献   

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