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调查研究发现"电大开放教育"的学员比"成人学历教育"的学员在学习兴趣、学习能力、专业知识、思维能力、学习态度诸方面有更多的优势,因而有更好的学习效果。要防止学员把教育消费理解为商品消费。实行开放教育、学分制的办学模式,是一种更好的办学模式,势在必行。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育模式旨在提高学员学习能力,倡导终生学习观念.市场营销学是一门操作性、实践性很强的学科,运用案例教学可激发学员学习兴趣,提高学员分析和解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

目前远程开放教育“异化”严重,成人学习活动没有吸引力。对此,加强成人学习活动迫在眉睫,只有提升学员的网上学习能力、学习品质,提高学员参与学习的主动性和积极性,才能推动远程开放教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

现代开放教育的基本特征之一是强调以学生为中心,即学生在教师的指导下,独立选课、独立选择教学媒体和学习方式,自主学习。本文从开放学员的学习现状、教学组织形式的改革、不同的教学方法的探索等方面,探讨了"以学生自主学习为中心"的开放教育教学模式的构建。  相似文献   

“研究性学习”立足学员的直接经验,关注学员的自主探究,它以学员的个性发展为出发点和落脚点。实践表明,在电视大学开放教育毕业论文教学中引入“研究性学习”方略将成为学员自主研究与教师个别指导相结合的一种学习模式。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,对开放教育农村学员的自主学习能力进行调查和分析,并结合基层电大现代远程开放教育实际,提出了应采取加强对学生的始业教育、指导学员制定个人学习计划和创设基于计算机网络的学习环境等有力措施, 才能更好地培养开放教育农村学员的自主学习能力.  相似文献   

自主学习是远程开放教育学习的必要途径之一,自主学习既需要学员自身的努力,也需要导学员间接的给予学习支持服务,电大远程开放教育实行学分制,学籍8年有效,学员在校期间达到专业规则规定的毕业年限和毕业学分时,学生即可申请毕业;各类远程教育支持服务体系的建立和逐步完善,远程开往教育特有的学习形式也为学员提供了弹性学习的平台,为学员自主学习提供了最为开放的学习条件。  相似文献   

开放教育是现代教育模式,为人们的终身学习奠定了基础。开放教育班主任是学员与学校之间的桥梁,为学员提供导学服务的窗口,是学员得以顺利学习的重要保障。本文从远程开放教育班主任工作的导学服务内容和管理职能等方面,探讨开放教育班主任工作的实质。  相似文献   

自1999年实施"人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"项目以来,电大的开放教育趋于稳步的发展阶段。但发展中工学矛盾、学习方法、主观意识、学习基础等因素影响了开放学员持久性学习的信心,造成在册学员与实际参加学习的人数相差较大,为数较多的学员不能坚持开放学习。电大管理者要从协调内外部关系、提供学习策略的支持和个别化支持服务等方面促进开放学员持久性学习。  相似文献   

对于开放教育的学员来说,关注学习过程就是关注教学质量。但是在实际的学习过程中,学员在学习状态(学习观念、学习态度和自主学习能力)方面,存在着一些不利因素,另一方面,检查学员学习过程的形成性考核在具体操作上表现得较为盲目和混乱,使开放教育的教学质量大打折扣。因此,强化学员的主体学习意识,把好形成性考核各环节的关口,加强质量监控,对提高开放教育教学质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to replicate and extend research on academic assignment preference by presenting high school students with control assignments containing eight 2‐digit × 2‐digit + 2‐digit × 2‐digit mathematics reading problems, experimental assignments that contained eight equivalent 2‐digit × 2‐digit + 2‐digit × 2‐digit problems, and three additional interspersed 4‐digit + 4‐digit mathematics reading problems. After spending 10 minutes and 40 seconds working on each assignment, significantly more high school students ranked the experimental assignments as being less difficult. When given a choice between the two assignments for homework, significantly more students chose a new experimental assignment. No differences were found on accuracy levels across assignments. Although the experimental assignments contained more problems, the students preferred the experimental over the control assignments. Discussion focuses on future research designed to investigate the applied implications of the interspersal technique within educational settings. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Examined in this two-study investigation was the effectiveness of supplemental homework assignments on the acquisition of basic skills by students with diagnosed learning disabilities (LD). In Experiment 1, an adapted alternating treatments design was used to investigate the efficacy of unstructured homework assignments with 6 elementary school-aged students having basic math problems. Although the impact of the homework assignments differed across students, three factors maximized the effectiveness of the homework assignments: rate of homework completion, percentage correct on the homework assignments, and the rate of acquisition of the content being presented. Experiment 2, designed to formally test the effectiveness of homework assignments structured specifically to address these identified factors, confirmed that homework can be employed to increase the effectiveness of direct instruction sequences with students diagnosed as LD.  相似文献   

综合作业以综合为主要特征,在教师有目的、有计划的设计指导之下,从学生的兴趣和社会需要出发,融合各学科的特点,侧重知识的整体性和系统性,对作业内容、作业形式、作业时间实行变革,使学生自己建构知识,形成良好的知识结构。综合作业的类型有:研究性作业、活动性作业、操作性作业。综合作业的评价实行:无劣评价,纵向衡量,寓作业于快乐,在快乐中求发展。  相似文献   

本文在开放式问答的基础上,针对少数民族学生在汉语作业中对教师如何布置和批改作业所持的期望心理等进行评析。  相似文献   

Alternating treatments designs were used to compare on‐task levels in 4 students diagnosed as emotionally disturbed while working on control and experimental independent seat‐work mathematics assignments. Control and experimental assignments were similar except experimental assignments contained additional briefer mathematics problems interspersed following every third problem. Results showed greater on‐task levels while working on experimental assignments across 3 of the 4 students. Discussion focuses on problem completion being a conditioned reinforcer and applying this theory to prevent and remedy academic and social‐behavior problems in students with behavior disorders. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article examines the pedagogy of assignments in social justice teacher education programs. Employing a programmatic view, this study aims to understand the collective representation of social justice provided by assignments across multiple courses. Findings come from a qualitative case study of two social justice programs. Drawing on concepts from sociocultural theory and a theory of justice, this study reveals that the conceptions of justice assignments that were emphasized varied from a focus on the individual needs of students to an emphasis on the sociopolitical conditions of schooling. When assignments drew on teachers' field placement experiences, they overwhelmingly stressed an individualistic notion of justice. The diversity among students in teachers' placements substantially shaped teachers' opportunities to engage this notion. When assignments emphasized the sociopolitical conditions of schooling, they focused on general principles for teaching and were disconnected from teachers' field placement experiences. Implications for practice and research in social justice teacher education are considered.  相似文献   

平时作业是反映开放教育学生自主学习状态、过程、效果,体现学习质量的重要环节,也是对学生自主学习过程监控的主要手段。本通过对平时作业相关情况的调查,分析了目前开放教育平时作业在质量控制与管理环节方面存在与远程开放教育形式不协调的一些问题,并提出了要提高平时作业质量必须增强平时作业质量意识,注重平时作业设计,丰富平时作业传送形式,激发学生平时作业动机。  相似文献   

High school students in remedial mathematics classes were exposed to three pairs of mathematics computation assignments. Three of the assignments served as control assignments and contained 15 target problems (i.e., three‐digit by two‐digit multiplication problems). Students were also exposed to three paired experimental assignments that contained either 15 (0% more), 18 (20% more), or 21 (40% more) equivalent target problems. Each experimental assignment was also lengthened by interspersing additional one‐digit by one‐digit problems following every third target problem. After exposure to each pair of assignments, students reported which of the two assignments (control or experimental) would require the most time and effort to finish, which was most difficult, and which assignment they would prefer to do for homework. Across all three assignment pairs, significantly more students rated the experimental assignment more favorably for time, effort, and difficulty and chose the experimental assignment for homework. These results extend previous research on interspersing additional brief tasks by showing that this procedure has sufficient strength to get students to prefer homework assignments with 20% and 40% more target problems. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The literature on the teaching and learning of statistics tend not to address issues of cultural diversity. Twenty-nine students enrolled in a statistics course at a historically Black college/university (HBCU) were the focus of this pilot study. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), the study tested models of the effects of writing assignments, compared to scores on standard homework assignments and midterm grades, on students’ performance on the final examination in the elementary statistics course offered by the psychology department. Consistent with past research on the teaching and learning of statistics, the results supported the hypothesis that writing assignments contribute positively to better performance on the final examination. These preliminary findings suggest that writing assignments in an elementary statistics course are an effective strategy with students attending an HBCU.  相似文献   

素质教育实施过程中,"题海战术"遭到诸多专家学者的非议,但教育教学实践中,"题海战术"依然发挥着巨大作用。文章在对"题海战术"存在的心理学基础、根本原因、积极作用、实施策略等方面进行全面分析的基础上,对如何正确看待"题海战术"提出理性思考。  相似文献   

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