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This paper will review the existing student voice work in higher education and critique its current weaknesses, particularly in relation to conceptualisations of and commitments to participation, transformation and empowerment. It will be argued that the employment of participatory methods in higher education student voice work offers a way to address these weaknesses. The potential of participatory methods is illustrated and discussed using two case examples drawn from one higher education institution in the UK. The first case provides an illustration of what is called ‘transformation of the familiar’, while the second case provides an illustration of empowerment, through recognising the importance of what is not voiced by students, as much as what is voiced. It is concluded that whilst a participatory approach to student voice work in higher education has potential, further work is required in order to evaluate the long‐term impact of projects that use such methods.  相似文献   

月人词严格地遵循中国词的格律,中规中矩,是真真正正的词,被诗词界专家誉为“词人之词”。月人词是不折不扣的现代词,情真意切,充满浓厚的时代气息和生活气息,即使是农民、工人,也都能看懂、听懂。有人将其称为“乡土词作家”,其实月人就是人民词人!月人是一个数十年如一日、有强烈的词志和创作追求、不遗余力、舍花气力、词思涌流如喷的勤奋而多产高产的大词人。  相似文献   

In 1994, South Africa moved away from its cruel and divided past to a future where its citizens would learn together, work together and grow together. In short we had to learn what it meant to live together by unlearning the ideas introduced by apartheid that permeated every aspect of our society. This required a new Constitution, brave and exemplary leadership by Nelson Mandela and others and a Truth and Reconciliation Commission led by Desmond Tutu.
None of these efforts, as important as they may have been, could ever be sufficient to sustain change. Ordinary people who have no positional authority are those who will sustain change. Roughly one quarter of the South African population is at school and these are people who will take the message of reconciliation into the future.
In this article we describe attempts to redefine what is good. In particular what kind of teacher, learner and curriculum we will need to form the basis of a transformed and admirable society, one in which we will know how to live together.  相似文献   

Usually, in physics textbooks, the physical magnitude ‘work’ is introduced as the product of a force multiplied by its displacement, in relation to the transfer of energy. In other words, ‘work’ is presented as an internal affair of physics theory, while its relation to the world of experience, that is its empirical meaning, is missing. On the other hand, in the history of its creation, ‘work’ was a concept that had empirical meaning from the start. It was constructed by engineers to measure the work (labor) of motor engines, men, and animals. Very soon however this initial meaning seems to vanish. In this article, it will be looked at how ‘work’ is presented in physics textbooks, what was its initial meaning in the history of its formulation, under what circumstances this initial meaning faded, and how elements from the history of its creation can be used in the classroom to teach it.  相似文献   

秦汉时期的始傅、始役、终役的年龄研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦汉时期的始傅、始役、终役的年龄问题是研究秦汉时期赋税制度的重要问题,史家历来观点不一。本文认为:秦朝为十五岁始傅、始役,不满十五岁者,只要身高超过六尺五寸者,也在始役范围之内;有爵男子五十六免,无爵男子六十免。而汉代始傅情况可分为三个阶段:即汉初,袭秦制十五始傅;汉景帝二年,为二十始傅;汉昭帝时,变为二十三始傅。汉朝男子一般均为五十六岁老免,无爵、犯罪夺爵除外。但也有例外,因政治、经济、军事形势的需要,封建统治者会将始傅、始役的年龄提前,或将终役、老免的年龄推迟。  相似文献   

廉思的报告文学新作《蚁族》,是一部具有时效性与现实性的佳作。本文主要从作品的思想性、揭示作用和现实意义方面给予评介。题材选取的独特性和现实性,记录生活的真实性和现场感,发掘问题的深刻性与前瞻性,是作品的价值所在。  相似文献   

本文对苏东坡的“辞达”说作了客观的、历史的分析, 并着重分析其内涵,指出文学创作最难的地方就是“求物之妙”, 而作为表情达意的文辞, 其责任就是把这个“妙”准确、透彻地表达出来, 故名之新说。  相似文献   

相对于其他艺术作品的创作,音乐作品的创作过程相对特殊。它是由作曲家与音乐表演者相互协作才能完成的活动。作曲家的创作一度创作,是有意识地把众多音符组织在一起形成有结构的作品。音乐作品只有通过表演者的舞台演唱(奏),才能在听众的脑海中形成鲜活生动的艺术形象,这种表演是建立在表演者对作曲家了解及音乐作品的理解的基础上,称为二度创作。  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential impact of a national pilot initiative in England aimed at increasing and widening participation in advanced mathematical study through the creation of a new qualification for 16- to 18-year-olds. This proposed qualification pathway—Use of Mathematics—sits in parallel with long-established, traditional advanced level qualifications, what we call ‘traditional Mathematics’ herein. Traditional Mathematics is typically required for entry to mathematically demanding undergraduate programmes. The structure, pedagogy and assessment of Use of Mathematics is designed to better prepare students in the application of mathematics, and its development has surfaced some of the tensions between academic/pure and vocational/applied mathematics. Here, we explore what Use of Mathematics offers, but we also consider some of the objections to its introduction in order to explore aspects of the knowledge politics of mathematics education. Our evaluation of this curriculum innovation raises important issues for the mathematics education community as countries seek to increase the numbers of people that are well prepared to apply mathematics in science and technology-based higher education courses and work places.  相似文献   

工资始终是保证科技人力资源可持续开发激励的主要手段,我国科技人员现行的纯职务工资,存在构成要素单一、绝对平均主义、职级设计和职等归类及增资机制不合理等问题,必须改革构成要素,研究建立分类工资制度,完善奖罚机制等,以便从根本上真正建立起科技人力资源可持续开发的长效可激励的工资制度。  相似文献   

英国电影中的黑人身份主要包括四种类型;第一,因为宗主国或本国放逐而在生理和心理上双重无家可归的被放逐者.第二,因为殖民主义及其后遗症而散居各地的黑人流散群体.第三,因为殖民与后殖民行为促使黑、白群体相互“混杂”而使双方都失去民族纯洁性的黑人混杂体.第四,因为跨种族婚姻促使后代在基因方面“混血”,而在文化、历史、价值观等方面混杂的黑人混血儿,即所谓的“基因和文化混杂体”.  相似文献   

著名作家沈从文的创作在近代文学史上可以说是特立独行的,是什么使他的文风与同时代的其他作家如此不同,本文认为,他的作品中增加了许多作为苗族人的民族情结,对苗族故乡的眷恋,对那里的人性美、人情美的赞颂,以及对本民族多灾多难的命运的深刻忧虑。这一切,充斥在那充满牧歌情调的作品中,给他的作品增添了独特的魅力。  相似文献   

In the post-Franco context of the 1960s in Spain, we asked ourselves what type of changes were necessary for the teaching profession to respond to the demands of a democratic society. This article reflects the discourse developed over many years within the personal experience of one of those young people who received John Elliott's seminal work back at that time and their intellectual influence in the years since. It is concerned to see to what extent action research makes sense in education, within the context of the cultural change we are immersed in today. The debate about who rules the change can be reformulated today again within the socio-political and cultural context of the present moment of modernity. But the paradox of the change dilemmas cannot be resolved, but constitute the essence of action research; they are its justification. It is argued that a central feature of this new state of modernity is the recognition of uncertainty and deliberation is seen as a basic means to face it. While the structure of the systems tends to reproduce through different means the conventional model of dual systems and professional models based on technical rationality, educational discourse very often emphasises the discourse which emerged in the new age of liquid modernity. This contradiction leads to three possible scenarios, each with important practical consequences on curricular development, on teaching professionalism and on the type of research required. Each of these is considered.  相似文献   

《本事诗》是一部专门记载诗歌创作、传播及品鉴类故事的诗本事专著。尽管它的内容带有综合性,兼具文学、文献及理论的价值,但其主要价值仍在文学批评方面。《本事诗》可称为"唐人诗话",它不仅是先宋诗话发展的高峰,也是宋代诗话成型的重要先导。  相似文献   

《西风颂》在中国的译介与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈燕 《鸡西大学学报》2008,8(3):138-140
试图系统梳理《西风颂》在中国的译介与研究情况,分析《西风颂》在中国广受欢迎的主客观原因,考察其对中国文学尤其是诗歌创作的重要影响。  相似文献   

“科学始于问题”,但有时却并不一定懂得真正挨近科学的“问题意识”到底是什么。有人认为在20世纪世界文学理论出现空前繁荣之后,中国文学理论如何在世界文学理论多声部中唱响自己的声音,这是“中国文学理论界共有的‘问题意识’”。其实,这只能算是中国文学理论界共有的一桩空泛无边的心事、心态,与科学所需要的“问题意识”还相距遥远。这种貌似进取的心事、心态一直空泛下去,免不了心生浮躁,要滋生出如文学创作界那样的“消极写作”,挖空心思地“忽悠”出一个并无真实价值的东西来混世。靠近科学的“问题意识”,绝对不是空泛无边的,而是具体的,它是必须能够面对实践领域的无解之题、难解之题,或是错解之题等等真问题的。所谓学术“原创”、“创新”,必须是解决真问题的学术动作。倘并无真问题面对,张张狂狂做出的“学问”,就只能归类到“学术泡沫”里。在尽兴享用着“空前繁荣”的20世纪世界文学理论成果的当代中国文学理论界,董学文先生应该算是逮住了这个领域里的真问题的一位。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the creation of new forms of historical research in education which uses and reflects the changes in methodology and substantive concerns of other disciplines across the shifting boundaries of scholarly work on the social. It is based upon a practice developed out of a series of international seminars and an unfunded research proposal. It is an attempt to use contemporary theory in cultural studies, geography and the sociology of technology to assemble arguments for a new approach to urban education history in which the silences of the field and the method, the restlessness about its boundaries and practices and its contemporary possibilities are collated into a proposal of work. This is called the new archaeology of schooling.  相似文献   

两宋是中国史料笔记发展的第一个高峰期。这一时期笔记作者的撰述旨趣十分明确,他们既不同于先秦诸子的论理譬喻以存哲思,更异于南北朝、唐人因“作意好奇”而为志怪、传奇,而是为着补充、保存信史和施行教化的目的而作,体现出与传统史学大致相通的书写意愿。在采撰范围上,上自军国大事,下至街谈琐议,无所不包,体现出广泛而博恰的特点,而在体例上则善于吸收和创造,表现出灵活、不拘的特点。  相似文献   

吴小鸥 《湘南学院学报》2011,32(3):72-76,79
公益基金会在教育领域强调社会公益概念,创立公益品牌,以承担社会教育义务为依归之路,为弱势群体提供了许多急需的援助和发展机会,使人们在社会生活中感受到关怀的真实和价值,在彰显人文意蕴中有效地促进了教育公平.  相似文献   

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