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The study examines the role of the Head of Department in UK secondary schools in terms of its potential for school improvement. Thirty-two heads of department in secondary schools in Birmingham and Manchester were shadowed and interviewed in order to identify: (1) their leadership and management styles; (2) the sense of empowerment felt by each; (3) initiatives for improving teaching, learning and achievement in their departments; and (4) obstacles to improving teaching, learning and achievement. Four deputy head teachers in the sample schools were also interviewed with the purpose of eliciting their views on the role of the head of department in facilitating school improvement. The findings support the prediction that distributed leadership (or shared power) among senior and middle managers in UK schools still remains rhetoric rather than practice and that there is a growing need for current middle management development and training provision to change radically if middle managers are to be supported as curriculum leaders and managers  相似文献   


Relatively little is known about how and by whom curriculum leadership and management occur inside secondary schools, especially in Asian contexts. This article aims to analyse curriculum decision-making in two academically effective secondary schools in Hong Kong. It employs qualitative methods to capture the contributions made by various school personnel, and in particular the principals, to curriculum leadership and management. Data for the two schools show that whilst neither of the principals plays a significant role in curriculum monitoring and innovation, the vice-principal (male), the senior teachers and teachers in one school were perceived to place more emphasis on curriculum monitoring and innovation than their counterparts in the other school. Whilst teachers in both schools shared high expectations for students' academic achievement, one subtle difference between them related to the pursuit of academic excellence. In one school, students did not exert much pressure on their teachers whereas in the other school, teachers felt they had to fulfil students' demands for good lesson preparation and take account of students' opinions of their teaching.  相似文献   


This article is set within the context of a school‐based change initiative, where we studied a number of teachers and students in order to understand the ways in which they understood and experienced the complexities of the change process, and to add their voices to the ongoing discussions around restructuring and school‐based change. We found that although there were some commonalties between how teachers and students experienced the changes being implemented, there were also some profound differences between the curriculum as planned by teachers and the curriculum as experienced by students. For the teachers, the themes of caring for students’ lives, recasting themselves as classroom practitioners and of working as collaborative colleagues were identified; for students, the themes were those of getting used to the place, and of re‐establishing their preferred way of working in this new setting. In our discussion and analysis of these themes we look at the implications for future school‐based change initiatives, and at some of the complexities and difficulties which present themselves as schools take on increased authority and responsibility for self‐management and for the creation of improved learning environments for students and teachers. We suggest that future change efforts should give more importance to the perspectives of teachers and students, and to the interactive and programmatic exchanges of teachers and students. We suggest also that changed school structures should originate in a focus on the improvement of teaching and learning, and on the facilitation of teachers’ and students’ collaborative efforts to create a curriculum for the classroom and a learning community which is both enabling and transformative for both.  相似文献   

普通高中技术课程实施的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对四个高中课改实验区为期两年的调研表明,当前,我国普通高中技术课程实施中,师生对课程必要性认同程度高,对课程文本认同程度偏低,部分课程价值获得较为普遍的认可;技术课程的实施环境离课程真实需要还差很远;课堂中的技术课程样态是多样的,主要体现了应用性特征,操作学习是主要的方式。学校水平的技术课程实施受到多重因素的影响,包括校内因素、校外因素、课程自身因素以及课程认同因素等,各种因素之间互动关联、相互影响,构成了一个复杂的因素网。推进普通高中技术课程深入实施,应加强政府部门的行政能力,努力改善实施环境,完善技术课程实施的制度保障系统;需以研究为基础,做好课程方案的修订工作;要加快解决技术课程教师的专业化问题;关注校长的专业发展,促进有效的课程领导运作;重视教研部门,发挥教研员研究、引领和培训者的作用。  相似文献   

县域非示范性普通高中新课改正面临着困境:教师对课程标准的误读,教材开发不合理,课程评价片面性,课程管理行政干预过强,师资存在问题,教具等教学设备不完善。教育行政主管部门、学校和教师要反思县域非示范性普通高中新课改的困境,推进县域非示范性普通高中新课改的进程。  相似文献   

通过E中学研究性学习课程十年实践的深度反思,提出改进研究性学习课程实施和管理的具体措施:理顺学校管理关系,明晰责权;落实课时和任课教师;实行档案袋管理;成立市级研究性学习教科研组织;加强教育行政部门的督导管理。  相似文献   

课程与教师的分离,从幼儿园教育开始就出现并一直要到大学教育段才再次得到统一。大学的发展历史表明,教学方法并不是它的优势。但是,大学的课程与教师的统一,为它提供了一种独特的教学方法选择:教师一方的“通晓”、学生一方的“虔敬”,共同构成一种适宜的“教”与“学”的准备状态。强调这种教学准备状态,是高中引进大学先修课程以后,在教学改革方面可以获得的新选择。这也是在未来的卓越教育时代里,高中在教学方法上面临的重要挑战。  相似文献   

with the continuous development of the new curriculum teaching reform, English Teaching in senior high school has also been significantly improved. More and more senior high school English teachers prefer to adopt more innovative and scientific teaching methods, which can improve the efficiency of English Teaching in senior high school. However, under the influence of the traditional teaching mode, high school English teachers still focus on Teachers' "teaching" while ignoring the "learning" of the students.  相似文献   

As part of a project concerned with developing a better understanding of the detail of appropriate teaching of direct current (DC) electricity concepts, extensive individual interviews were conducted with a number of experienced senior high school physics teachers. These interviews explored teachers’ perceptions of difficulties in student learning and their own teaching of DC electricity, their uses of models and analogies in this teaching, and their own understandings of the concepts of DC electricity. Eight high school physics teachers from the Australian state of Victoria were interviewed: three who had a strong focus on student understanding in their classrooms and five who used more traditional approaches. We also interviewed three authors of textbooks then currently used in senior high school physics in Victoria, all of whom were also teachers of high school physics. All but one of these eleven interviewees was a very experienced teacher of DC electricity at the senior high school level. The interview data are summarized and implications for curriculum and teaching/learning of electricity are considered. There was a wide range of views among the teachers about the difficulties of both the concepts of DC electricity and the teaching of these concepts, and about the nature of physics knowledge. A number of the interviewees revealed levels of conceptual understanding that we see as of concern. Some of the teachers whose understanding causes us concern made clear early in the interview their view that the concepts of DC electricity were essentially straight forward; in all cases these interviewees had by the end of the interview reconsidered this position.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers usually place very high value on those parts of their courses which are based in schools. We extended the school‐based component of the Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) course at Central Queensland University to include curriculum studies in Year 11 and 12 subjects. Questionnaires were administered to participants to explore their perceptions and reactions to this extension of school‐based studies. The findings suggest that school‐based development of the senior curriculum has significant advantages for school students, teachers and student teachers. However, the data also suggest that there is need for a professional‐development programme for teachers acting as mentors to preservice teachers.  相似文献   


One key to effective teaching is the ability to identify and understand the different ways students process information and acquire skills. The purpose of this study was to examine experienced and preservice teachers’ ability to diagnose student learning-style preferences. The subjects were 15 pairs of physical education teachers and their student teachers and 5 randomly selected students from each school site. To determine student learning styles, students completed the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory, and corresponding teachers and student teachers completed the Canfield Learning Styles Profile Assessment on each of their 5 students. The relationship between preservice/experienced teachers’ perceived scores and the students’ actual learning style scores was analyzed by the Pearson product-moment correlation technique. The results indicated that a wide variety of learning styles existed among the students and that neither experienced nor preservice teachers accurately diagnosed the learning styles of their students. The implications of this study are twofold. First, if teachers are going to make informed decisions about the teaching process, then they need to know the learning styles of their students. Second, information about learning styles should be included in the curriculum of professional preparation programs.  相似文献   

转变学习方式是高中新课程改革的核心内容。在转变学习方式的教学中,高中数学教师对自主合作探究学习方式普遍认同,但缺乏深刻认知,对新课程教学驾驭能力不强,学习方式转变出现形式化倾向;高中学生学习数学多数迫于升学考试,缺乏良好的学习方法,学习自我效能感较低,自主学习能力不强。为此,高中数学教师要加强理论学习,科学把握课改内涵,优化自身知识结构,创新教学方式,完善评价体系,促进学生自主、合作、探究学习。  相似文献   

The ability to express oneself clearly in both a mother tongue and a foreign language is a foundation principle of the new national curriculum in Estonia. Therefore, research was conducted to determine whether there was a possible relationship between English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of effective teaching and the contextual evaluation of the school. The aim of this article is to describe the relationship between the perceptions of school climate and effective teaching among EFL teachers. The study revealed that EFL teachers’ perceptions of the school climate correlate to some extent with their perceptions of effective teaching practices, with some differences between teachers of Estonian-language schools compared with those of Russian-language schools. The research also highlighted that senior management should place more emphasis on creating a cooperative school climate for developing a learner-centred teaching approach as one of the foundation principles of the new national curriculum.  相似文献   


Teacher research serves as an innovative redirection of the tradition of framing the education of teachers around curriculum policies. It recognizes and encourages teachers as agents of knowing and constructors of knowledge. It is inquiry‐based, frequently collaborative, and invariably generative of teachers’ craft knowledge. British Columbia is currently in the middle of a most ambitious revision of its education system. This system‐wide attempt at innovation has provided an enabling context within which teachers in the province could engage in classroom‐based research as they attempt to build a learner‐focused curriculum. This article describes the teacher research efforts that have been taking place in the province, and attempts to derive important implications for educational policy. Teacher research permitted teachers to honour the educative agenda of schools, suggesting that more, rather than less, structures like teacher research groups be provided for in the implementation of complex educational innovations, and recognizing that posing questions about teaching and learning represents the essence of being a professional educator. Teacher research groups also provided support, stability and challenge in a community of inquirers, suggesting that such structures are necessary for teachers to engage in continuous, public and systemic critique of proposed changes in school. Finally, teachers were enabled to clarify the principles of learning embedded in the new programmes, to distinguish between learner‐focused and learner‐directed teaching, and to address matters of substance rather than react to the change process.  相似文献   


A 4‐year project is described which was designed to improve mathematics instruction and achievements in two Israeli junior high schools. Project activities focused on the individual teachers, the mathematics staff, and the organization of instruction at the school level, under the assumption that more efficient teaching would lead to greater pupil learning.

Evaluation data gathered from classroom observation, questionnaires and tests indicated a general positive impact: many teachers improved their teaching strategies, more curricular material was being covered in class, a school‐wide program for mathematics instruction was established, teamwork among teachers was formalized, and pupil achievements improved.  相似文献   

王国强 《成才之路》2020,(8):132-133
要适应新课改要求,就要对高中信息技术教学进行改革和创新。高中信息技术应用探究式教学方式,能激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,培养学生自主学习能力和自主探究能力。教师在教学中,要创设探究情境,注重问题的提出,开展小组合作,重视课堂评价,切实提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生学科素养。  相似文献   

新课程改革的实施,为高中生物课堂教学提出了全新的要求,教师在开展高中生物课堂教学的时候,不仅要重视生物知识教学,还要注重培养学生的探究精神和综合素养,进而促使学生在生物知识探究中,提升自身的综合素质,最终获得长远的发展。文章以高中生物教学为中心,对探究性学习模式在其教学中的具体应用进行了详细的研究和分析。  相似文献   

先学后教:高中文言文自主学习策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中阶段文言文的教学费时高耗低效一直是困扰师生语文学习的难题。在新课改的形势下如何走出文言文教学的现状是一个亟待解决的问题。先学后教的自主学习理念优化了文言文的教学,拓展了文言文学习的时间空间,提高了学生学习文言文的兴趣,为新时期师生教学文言文提供了崭新的思路。  相似文献   

丁丽蓉 《成才之路》2021,(11):64-65
新课程改革对高中英语教学提出了更高要求。高中英语教师必须紧紧围绕“语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力”四大英语核心素养培养目标,对课堂教学内容进行重新整合,不断优化课堂教学手段,促使学生在英语学习中不断提升核心素养。文章在分析英语核心素养内涵基础上,探讨培养高中生英语核心素养的有效措施。  相似文献   

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