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Reiko Yamada 《Prospects》1995,25(4):791-802
Conclusion The 1947 education reform and mass education after the period of high economic growth have greatly influenced women's higher education attainments. These changes are beginning to transform women's views towards education and more women with higher education attainment are entering the labour marker. However, as previously indicated, many obstacles to equal opportunity and results in the labour market still remain for women. Higher education for women has never had the same social impact as that for men. So far as the academic career of women is regarded as having ‘symbolic value’—it has a close relationship to marriage in Japanese society. Women's higher education is a social way of maintaining a sub-culture and traditional gender norms. Ph.D. in education (dissertation: ‘The gender roles of Japanese women’) from the University of California in 1993. At present affiliated to the PHP Research Institute (Japan) as a senior research associate. Areas of interest include comparative higher education, educational policy, and gender and education. Her most recently published works in English are ‘Higher education in partnership with industry: the necessity to employ off-the-job-training system’ in theInternational journal of lifelong education (vol. 12, no. 2, 1994) and ‘The gender roles of Japanese women: an assessment of gender roles of Japanese housewives in the United States’ inPHP research report (vol. 9, 1995).  相似文献   

This article focuses on the effect of economic crisis on women in higher education in Europe, Australia, the United States and Japan. It looks at women's access to higher education as students, women's choice of subjects, the employment prospects of women who have earned university degrees, and women as teachers in higher education. The data suggest that as societies face fiscal crisis, greater emphasis has been placed on articulation between universities and the job market, there has been a tendency to increase fees and decrease student loan possibilities, and universities have curtailed hiring. This has meant that the trends toward equalization which characterized the past two decades are in some jeopardy.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,随着高等教育的全球化和中国经济的发展,越来越多的中国学生留学海外接受高等教育。学生能否做出高回报的海外高等教育决策,与他们对海外高校质量信息的了解有着密切联系。本研究利用香港中文大学教育学院2007年对全国东中西7个城市12961名高三学生所做的“留学海外高等教育的看法和意愿”问卷调查数据,分析了我国高中生对海外高校质量信息的重视程度,以及可能影响这种重视程度的因素。研究发现,学生普遍重视海外高校的质量信息。同时,在各种因素中,不同留学付费方式、留学国家和专业选择偏好,以及学生个人特征(如家庭居住地特点、学业自评水平)因素,对学生对质量信息的重视程度都有着显著的影响力。  相似文献   

在全球化的宏观大背景下,随着信息与通讯技术的飞速发展、教育市场化浪潮的推进,传统高等教育的各种边界,无论是观念上的,还是制度上的,都在不断地向“无边界”过渡。西方发达国家特别是美国、英国、澳大利亚的一些学者开始提出了“无边界高等教育”的概念,用以解释国内外各种教育空间、教育形式、教育机构之间的渗透和跨越。美、英、澳等国家无边界高等教育的发展具体体现在教育机构的无边界、学生的无边界、课程的无边界等方面。  相似文献   

Higher education and women’s empowerment in Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper summarises the findings of a 2005 doctoral study by Malik which explored to what extent participation in higher education offers empowerment to women in Pakistan. A survey instrument was used to question female faculty members and female students from 10 public universities in Pakistan; 1290 students and 290 faculty members responded. Subsequently, semi‐structured interviews were held with 10 faculty members and 10 students. Respondents highlighted economic independence and an increased standing within family and society as the main benefits of higher education participation. A major finding is that participation in higher education enables women to impact on a number of discriminatory practices simultaneously and thereby effect change for the better. The main recommendation is that future educational strategies be developed with the aim of further promoting gender equality in all areas of education in Pakistan, but particularly with the aim of increasing female students’ participation in higher education.  相似文献   

西方早期女子学院为不能进入传统大学学习的妇女提供了接受高等教育的机会。美国走在了西方女子高等教育的前列,这一点突出地表现在早期女子学院的创办和发展上。女子学院作为一种专门提供给妇女的男女分校式的高等教育,其特点非常鲜明。早期女子学院的创立和实践改变了整个高等教育的结构,并且作出了严肃对待妇女接受高等教育的历史贡献。直至今日,女子学院仍是世界各国女子高等教育的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The Laboratory     
Creative thinking skills are essential for today's workplace. Three faculty members from different professional schools (business, higher education administration, teacher education) examined student responses to the creative assignments in their courses. The assignments exemplify the following criteria: invited taking risks, encouraged innovative thinking, stressed connecting, demonstrated synthesis and transformation of course content. The study examined student responses to creative projects via a Likert-scale survey, open-ended narrative responses, and then scores on a rubric on creativity and integrative learning. Fifty-seven students were surveyed across all three courses. Overall, results indicate that students not only found these assignments worthwhile but also found that they furthered their learning of course content. Implications for practice are included.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(4):277-291
Japanese higher education institutions have experienced major reforms in the 1990s. These reforms were voluntarily promoted by the universities, and were aimed at transforming research-oriented faculties, or research centered organizations, to teaching and student centered universities. However, at the turn of the millennium, a new reform movement emerged, more economic centered, more market conscious and more influenced by the policy shift toward deregulation. In the 21st century, Japanese higher education institutions will face retrenchment, post-massification, and globalization.This paper examines government higher education policy and Japanese higher education reform movements in the globalization and post-massification eras. First, issues surrounding Japanese higher education in an era of post-massification will be set out. Secondly, the direction of higher education policy will be examined and compared with the higher education policies of some Western countries. Finally, the impact of the policy shift toward higher education institutions and the existing structural problems around Japanese higher education will be analyzed.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the problems of measuring the rate of return to women's education, and evidence is presented for nine countries which shows that the returns to secondary and higher education are on average two percentage points lower for women than for men, but in some countries they are actually higher. Education increases the earning capacity of women, and also increases their propensity to remain in the labour market. But some allowance must be made for the value of women's non-market work, for indirect benefits of education, and for psychic income. Various methods are suggested for measuring the non-monetary benefits of education, such as the intergeneration effect of a mother's education on the future achievement of her children, or the non-pecuniary benefits of employment for women in the labour force. The effects of discrimination on women's earnings and job prospects are discussed, and it is shown that a large part of the observed differential between male and female earnings is due to the concentration of women in low-income occupations. The paper concludes that the difference between the returns to education for men and women is less than is often suggested, particularly if some attempt is made to measure nonmonetary benefits. But the returns to women's education would be increased if there were a change in traditional attitudes leading to a more equal occupational distribution and better utilisation of women in the labour force.  相似文献   

女子社团是清末民初不可忽视的一种社会力量。它是由当时先进的女知识群体组建的社团,它的兴起是中国妇女觉醒的标志。先进的女知识分子受到当时经济、政治以及国外先进思想的影响纷纷组建团体以争取女性解放。因此,女子社团的兴起是各种社会力量合力的结果。  相似文献   

This empirical research explores a role that the quality of teaching and students’ competence play in shaping students’ views about the upward mobility opportunities in their higher education institutions. It is often understood that the principal role of higher education is to promote merit-based mobility amongst students, as well as espouse the merit-based upward mobility amongst its faculty. How exactly students in higher education form their views about the presence of meritorious upward mobility is the question that remains largely unanswered, especially in developing societies. To help answer this question, the study relies on the binary logistic regression of data collected via 762 surveys from 6 public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and determines what factors help predict students’ views on whether faculty promotions are merited or not. Findings in this article are sub-selected from a broader empirical work, and they point to a novel link: the quality of teaching and students’ views on whether the most competent students are first to graduate in their faculties are the key predictors of whether students believe the faculty members within their higher education institutions are promoted based on merit. In the absence of meritocracy, students are, as this research finds, likely to categorize the educational system as corrupt. When the merit-based competition does not determine who moves up within higher education, one's belonging to the political, social, and economic elites tends to become the alternative basis for the upward mobility. Moving away from the merit-based mobility can have broad social consequences particularly in developing countries that are poorly equipped to react to such digressions, underlining the relevance of this work cross-nationally.  相似文献   

张志华 《海外英语》2012,(4):91-92,96
With the increasing of globalization on social life and economic activities,English has already become one of the basic and essential accomplishments for citizens all over the world.English education,in five-year higher vocational education,not only need adapt to the requirements of social and economic development,giving service in order to cultivate high-quality and high-skilled talents,but also should consider students’ mental and emotional attitude as well as other factors,thereby meeting their stainable needs in employment and life after graduated.Therefore,the English education of five-year higher vocational education possesses multiply social and cultural significance.Though the analysis and understanding of the course objectives,ideas,contents and implementation suggestions brought up by The English Curriculum Standards of the Five-year Higher Vocational Education in Jiangsu Province,this paper explores the educational methods of higher vocational English reading lessons.  相似文献   

经济全球化条件下的我国高校大学生面临许多不利因素的影响。因此,高校思想政治工作必须加强理想信念教育,增强思想政治工作的实效性,建立规范的保障机制,创新思想政治工作,以确保大学生健康地成长为社会主义现代化建设的合格接班人。  相似文献   

哈佛大学、世界教育杂志、教育发展中心和波利维亚的研究人员完成了一项在玻利维亚的历时3年多的大规模的纵深研究.我们已发现女童的教育与其发展二者相关,本研究则旨在阐明成人基础教育和妇女的社会与经济水平之间是否有相类似的关系存在. 该研究随机抽样了2200名成年妇女,包括1600名该项目的参与者和600名非参与者.研究人员综合衡量了妇女社会地位与经济水平及其发展结构,他们使用的指数包括1)识字/教育水平;2)挣钱活动的参与度;3)家庭决定权;4)子女教育;5)公民事务参与度与公民意识;6)法律权利参与度与法律意识;7)保健参与度及保健意识.此项研究的一个关键研究成果是综合基础成人教育项目对玻利维亚妇女的生活有重要作用(或影响),甚至在考虑了妇女的个人特点、所受正规教育水平、社会地位、经济地位、家庭所在地以及三年中的种种未知因素后依然如此.该项目参与者在社会与经济水平上比未参与者净增11个百分点.本文解释了所应用的研究框架、方法和得出的重要发现.  相似文献   

当下中国学生出国留学行为已经成为高等教育全球化中一个最为显著的表现形式.面对大学生留学动机行为的思考态度和应对方式是:在观念上要对大学生留学动机行为给予更多的理解,从政策体制上要提供大学生更多的关注和支持.因为从长远利益来讲,大学生出国留学的行为是值得提倡的,这有助于我国大学生在自我激励和自我实现的过程中,逐步迈向成功,同时也能使我国人才培养的整个过程更加完善,促进我国教育的国际交流,让我国高等教育事业在良性的环境下运行.  相似文献   

Japan and Korea have highly developed information and communications technology infrastructures and have recently reformed their higher education systems and encouraged e-transformation. However, Japanese universities have not embraced e-learning as wholeheartedly as their Korean counterparts. The paper concludes that this is due to governmental and institutional failure to develop a cogent vision and strategic plan for e-learning, to recognise the need for fundamental shifts in organisational cultures and structures and pedagogy and to provide training, funding, recognition and reward for such development. It attributes this to differences in the cultural perspectives, values and customs of the two countries' policy makers, managers and faculty members. The findings are seen to hold important lessons for other countries embarking on e-transformation.  相似文献   

湖南作为中国内陆省份,来华留学教育本来就很落后,在经济全球化、教育国际化的当今时代,在国内各省大力提倡"教育强省"的竞争下,把来华留学教育着力纳入教育强省建设行列,值得沉思。分析教育强省与湖南来华留学教育的关联和意义,追踪存在的问题和原因,找出对策和路径,是实现教育强省的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

在全球化时代,高等院校学生的全球流动给国际学生输入国的政治、经济以及高等教育带来了重要影响。英国作为国际学生的主要接收国之一,其优质的高等教育吸引着来自世界各地的学生。在新自由主义意识形态、国际教育服务贸易理念与高等教育财政拨款投入制度的影响下,英国逐步向国际学生收取高额学费。英国高校国际学生学费的变化呈现出新的特点,影响着国际学生的来源结构、生源数量与质量,可能导致高校课程调整与师资流失。国际学生学费的变化引发了英国社会对高等教育市场化取向与国际学生公平教育权益的讨论,并实施了将国际学生学费与院校国际教育质量挂钩、以奖助学金形式平衡国际学生学费压力等具体改革举措。  相似文献   

The globalization of higher education, which is as much an affair of electronic delivery as of franchising and of validation of university awards, has given rise to various concerns. The most well known of these has been the question of quality; however, there are also cultural, economic, and political factors, examples of all of these being given. Some countries, indeed, have made such efforts to regulate transnational higher education offerings on their national territories that they have created less than legitimate barriers to such programmes. The higher education community should respond forcefully to these barriers.  相似文献   

近代台湾的法学教育是在日本法的强烈影响下发展起来的。二战后,台湾的法学教育经历了维持、成长、停滞、快速发展和调整五个阶段。台湾法学教育在保持大陆法系主要特征的同时,在法学院的建制、培养目标的定位、培养方式以及教学方法上都受到了英美法尤其是美国法的影响;其主导因素就宏观而言,是战后美国的对台政策、世界经贸形势尤其是经济全球化下台湾社会经济的需求;就微观而言,主要是师资留学背景构成的变化。  相似文献   

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