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Although teacher enthusiasm is a relevant variable in the teaching context, a clear definition is still lacking. Research on teacher enthusiasm is characterized by ambiguous conceptualizations of enthusiasm as either an affective characteristic of teachers or behaviors of expressiveness. Integrating these two notions, a new conceptualization of dispositional teacher enthusiasm, defined by teachers' positive affect and positive emotional expressivity, was developed. It was hypothesized that dispositional teacher enthusiasm would relate to students' interest, mediated by students' perceived teacher enthusiasm. Based on a correlational study design, secondary teachers (N = 75) from Switzerland reported on their enthusiasm, complemented by student ratings (N = 1523) on perceived enthusiasm and interest. Multilevel structural equation modeling revealed that dispositional teacher enthusiasm positively predicted students' interest, which was fully mediated by students' perceived enthusiasm, providing the basis of a valid definition of teacher enthusiasm. Based on this integrative definition, implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the mediating effects of students’ perceptions of teacher enthusiasm and of peer enthusiasm on the relation between students’ initial interest and their situational interest at the end of the semester. Students’ motivation for affiliation with their teacher and with peers was also measured to allow for potential associations between these variables and the students’ perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm. In path analysis, data from 455 undergraduates showed that perceptions of teacher enthusiasm and of peer enthusiasm had direct associations with two kinds of situational interest, both hold and catch interest. Also, the relations between initial interest and both hold and catch interest were mediated by perceptions of peer enthusiasm but not teacher enthusiasm. Students’ affiliative motivation with the teacher and peers had direct effects on their perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm. This study contributes to clarifying the importance of contextual factors as well as students’ own individual variables in understanding the mechanisms by which students’ interest in a course develops and is maintained throughout the semester.  相似文献   

Research on teacher behaviors that actively promote student intrinsic motivation to learn has been relatively scarce. In this article, 2 studies exploring the effects of teacher enthusiasm on both students' intrinsic motivation to learn and their pychological vitality are presented (Ryan & Frederick, 1997). In Study 1, a questionnaire including measures of intrinsic motivation, vitality, teacher enthusiasm, and numerous other positive teacher behaviors was administered to 93 college students. Among the teacher variables, enthusiasm was the most powerful unique predictor of students' intrinsic motivation and vitality. In Study 2, level of teacher enthusiasm (high vs. low) was manipulated in an experimental design with 60 college students. The students who received an enthusiastically delivered lecture subsequently reported greater intrinsic motivation regarding the lecture material and experienced higher levels of vitality. The authors speculate about possible mechanisms for and limitations to the positive motivational effects of teacher enthusiasm.  相似文献   

Teacher enthusiasm: Dimensionality and context specificity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enthusiasm is considered an important characteristic of effective teachers. However, the conceptualization of the term in the research literature is inconsistent. Whereas most studies use the term “enthusiasm” to describe features of instruction, some have used it to describe a characteristic of teachers. This research seeks to clarify the concept of teacher enthusiasm, examining its dimensionality and context specificity. The study draws on three samples of teachers who were administered questionnaire measures of enthusiasm. In two samples (N = 205 and 332), it was possible to match teacher data with data on the students taught. In another sample (N = 113), additional measures of work-related wellbeing were implemented. Confirmatory multigroup factor analyses showed that two dimensions of teacher enthusiasm can be distinguished, namely enthusiasm for teaching and enthusiasm for the subject. These dimensions differed in their meaning and context specificity. Whereas teaching enthusiasm was systematically linked to occupational wellbeing and to classroom variables, subject enthusiasm related only moderately to other measures of occupational wellbeing and was independent of characteristics of the classes taught.  相似文献   


Parents and teachers play an important role in stimulating student motivation. The aim of this study was to examine if both parent and teacher enthusiasm could predict intrinsic motivation toward STEM activities, and if motivation would be associated with improved STEM achievement over one year in a one-year prospective examination of 288 Swedish students in their final year of a Science High School program (143 females and 145 males). Surveys of parent and teacher enthusiasm were collected at baseline, and student intrinsic motivation and GPA in STEM were assessed at baseline and at the end of the year. Baseline GPA and intrinsic motivation as well as follow-up intrinsic motivation were significantly associated with later GPA. Finally, intrinsic motivation mediated the relation between teacher and parent enthusiasm and change in GPA. Findings show the importance of parent and teacher enthusiasm for adolescent’s intrinsic motivation and achievement in STEM.  相似文献   

Following Pekrun's (2006) control-value theory of achievement emotions, we investigated carry-over effects and cross-lagged relationships between student-perceived teacher enthusiasm and humor and students' enjoyment and boredom both within and between university lectures. We used a latent state-trait approach to acknowledge the role of situational factors in this relationship. Data were collected from 559 university students (76% female, mean age 21.6 years) from seven different lecture courses. We assessed students' self-reported emotions and student-perceived teacher enthusiasm and content-related humor over a period of four lectures at three random points during each lecture course. The analyses revealed that all variables were influenced by previous measures within lectures; however, between lectures, only previous enjoyment and humor influenced the subsequent measure. When students experienced boredom, they perceived less teacher enthusiasm and humor. On the other hand, perceived teacher humor positively affected enjoyment within lectures.  相似文献   

If a student often keeps his enthusiasm to the study his academic record will not be bad.It is very important that the teacher affects the student's enthusiasm to the subject in the concrete practice of English teaching.Then what does the teacher should do in this process? This text talks about it from three aspects(the first, holding the student's "pulse", respecting entity; the second, activating the teaching form, arousing the enthusiasm; the last, enlivening the atmosphere of the classroom strengthening the sense of humor), which will cause an active auxo-action to the boys and girls on the enthusiasm for their studies.  相似文献   

评价一堂课的优劣通常有五项基本指标,即:教学重点是否突出、教学难点是否突破、教学组织得是否严密、教师和学生的积极性是否充分发挥、教学的目的是否达到.其中“教师的积极性是否发挥”是一项关键的指标,它关系到其他几项指标的完成和实现,而教师教学积极性得以充分发挥的要件是:一个良好的教学环境;一个健康、乐观、和谐和积极向上的班风;教师对教育事业的热爱、渊博的知识、极强的语言表达能力、熟练的教学方法和技巧、良好的道德素养,以及非凡的人格魅力,乃是教师充分发挥自身教学积极性的关键。  相似文献   

教师心理健康的自我维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康是教师生活、学习和工作积极性的基础,是教师完成工作职责的前提条件,是教师素质的重要组成部分。教师应该做好心理健康的自我维护。  相似文献   

Teacher enthusiasm is a key factor of effective teaching, favouring teachers’ well-being and instructional behaviour, and students’ cognitive, emotional, and motivational outcomes. Research has largely examined its positive effects, while neglecting the interplay of factors shaping teacher enthusiasm. This study aimed at examining the interrelations of motivational (teacher self-efficacy), affective (positive emotions), and well-being factors (job satisfaction) in shaping teachers’ experienced enthusiasm. A sample of 536 high school teachers participated in a follow-up study with a time lag of approximately six months. Results confirmed that positive affect was related to enthusiasm both directly and indirectly via self-efficacy and job satisfaction.  相似文献   


There is an inconsistency between the importance of professional dispositions for teaching perceived by practitioners and other stakeholders in literature and the omission of dispositions in professional standards in New Zealand. Taking passion and enthusiasm as an example, this study explores the reasons for the inconsistency. Within the context of New Zealand early childhood education (ECE), interview data were collected from 21 practitioners and parents from seven ECE services and 15 teacher educators from eight universities and institutes of technology. Contextual, conceptual, and role-related factors are found to determine the teacher educators’ perceptions of the omission of passion and enthusiasm in the standards documents. “Conditional inclusion” and “contextual mediation” are proposed to negotiate a place in the government-imposed standards for passion and enthusiasm.  相似文献   

通过调查结果发现:小学低年级学生经常在课堂上提问,且学生提问的状况与教师应对学生提问的态度和方式有关;学生的提问类型与学生的家庭环境有关;对于学生所提问题难度的不同,教师应对方式差异大;教师应对小学生在课堂上的提问方式与地域有关,教育存在不公平性.在小学低年级教学中,面对学生的课堂提问要给予肯定,保护学生的积极性;要改变应试教育的教育方式,多启发,多探究,要鼓励学生质疑;教育部门应推进城乡教师之间的交流,以缩小城乡教育的差距。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine whether teacher enthusiasm and classroom management self-efficacy are related to classroom mastery orientation and student motivation. We used data from 803 students in grades 9 and 10 (53.3% girls) and their mathematics teachers (N = 41; 58.5% men). Student-perceived teacher enthusiasm was related to classroom mastery orientation as well as to intrinsic value and cost at the student level. Teacher-reported self-efficacy was related to classroom mastery orientation at the classroom level. At both the individual and the classroom level, classroom mastery orientation was related to attainment and utility value.  相似文献   

Interest is important for successful student learning, but little is known about the developmental dynamics between interest and social support in classrooms. Based on the stage-environment fit theory, this study investigated the interrelation of developmental changes in student class-level interest and perceived teacher support in mathematics classes over one school year after the students transitioned to secondary school. We also examined how teacher-reported enthusiasm was related to these changes. Data of 1000 students (53.6% male) and their classroom teachers (N = 42), who were surveyed at the beginning of Grades 5 and 6, were analyzed. The results showed a significant decline in class-level mathematics interest and perceived teacher support. Teacher-reported enthusiasm buffered the decline in class-level mathematics interest. When including bidirectional relationships between perceived teacher support and the students’ interest, perceived class-level teacher support in Grade 5 positively predicted the change in student interest and, thus, buffered the decline.  相似文献   

景梅 《铜仁学院学报》2005,7(3):62-62,65,75
构建民主和谐、互尊互爱、平等合作的新型师生关系,会促使教师发挥出最佳的教育热情,调动自身的积极性,创造有利于创新人才成长的良好育人环境;更会激活学生的学习兴趣和主动性,发挥其自身潜能;由此达到师生间相互激励,教学互惠的效果。为此,首先应更新师生关系观念,教师应热爱学生,信任学生,突出民主。  相似文献   

澳大利亚昆士兰州中小学教师流动制度体系完善,实施程序严密,能充分调动相关各方参与流动的积极性,具有鲜明的特色。概言之,政策宗旨能兼顾政府、学校和教师利益诉求的平衡,调动相关各方参与流动的积极性;教师流动政策法规体系健全,并能与其他法规有效衔接;实行流动积分制度,确保教师流动过程公平;设置流动申诉制度,保障教师合理的流动诉求;注重偏远地区流动激励,多途并举吸引教师任教。  相似文献   

优秀教师的人格特征包括教师为胜任本职工作所具备的强烈的责任感和使命感、高尚的道德品质和正确的价值观、较强的成就动机与求知欲、充满个性的创新。优秀教师人格的培养需要各级教育部门领导的重视和配合,塑造教师健全的人格、培养教师的奉献精神和主体创新精神、建立有效的教师激励机制,激发教师工作的积极性。  相似文献   

赵治 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(10):108-109
高职学生课堂学习的积极性问题历来受到广大高职教师的重视与思考。要想改变目前一些高职课堂上死气沉沉现状,提高高职学生课堂学习的效率,调动学生的学习积极性则是关键。教师应从学生学习兴趣、课堂学习氛围、师生关系等方面入手,调动高职学生课堂学习的积极性,以提高教学效果。  相似文献   

This article considers being inspired by statistics as both a learner and a teacher. It looks particularly at a task involving research of Minard's Map, a statistical representation, to create and present a statistical task for a learner. It describes how the use of imagery, and the enthusiasm that developed as the map and its context were explored by the teacher, were passed on to the learner.  相似文献   

教师评价能够促进教师发展,教师评价是教师发展的重要途径,已经成为社会共识。但是,我国现行教师评价目标功利、内容片面、主体单一、标准僵化,长期以来都给教师带来沉重的压力,使教师对工作失去了信心和热情,导致教师职业倦怠现象,严重影响教师专业发展。文章试图从教师评价目的、评价内容、评价方法、评价结果四方面着手分析,提出改进措施。  相似文献   

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