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Science history shows us that interdisciplinarity is a spontaneous process that is intrinsic to, and engendered by, research activity. It is an activity that is done rather than an object to be designed and constructed. We examine three vignettes from the history of science that display the interdisciplinary process at work and consider the implications for education. We consider recent examples of interdisciplinary science education, including where interdisciplinarity involves students in authentic scientific research. We conclude that the reconciliation of research and education is a meaningful role for interdisciplinary practice in science education.  相似文献   

通过对传统思想政治工作内容、手段的反思,提出在飞速发展的现代化社会和高科技信息化时代,如何更新观念,改变思维方式,吸取现代科学技术手段,给思想政治工作注入新的活力,为高校的改革发展提供精神动力和思想保证。  相似文献   

在人类社会发展进程中,科学技术的发展在给人们带来物质财富与精神财富的同时,也伴随产生了一些复杂问题并且日益突出,如网络安全问题、生态环境问题、伦理道德问题等。人既是社会实践的主体,也是科学技术发展的享受主体,其对科学技术的选择及价值判断与社会发展紧密联系。关于思想政治教育的内容,各专家学者各有论述,但要提高科学素养,促进人的全面发展,必须将科学价值观教育融入思想政治教育内容,优化思想政治教育内容结构。具体可通过加强思想政治教育队伍建设,共享思想政治理论课网络精品课程,注重大众传播媒介与典型示范相结合的原则,创新教育方式方法,促进人们树立正确的科学价值观。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理教育是提高我国大学生思想政治素质教育的主渠道和主阵地。科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,是我国各项事业改革和发展的指导思想,其核心是以人为本,把提高人作为发展的根本途径,把尊重人作为发展的根本准则,把为了人作为发展的根本目的。本文主要想就科学发展观的核心内容以人为本思想对高校思想政治理教育的重要指导意义进行探讨。  相似文献   

The literature depicting educators’ role in scientific racism and eugenics during the early 20th century has tended to approach the topic in dichotomous terms, as an ideology that one was either for or against. In this historical study, the author adds some nuance to this literature by tracing leading educators’ inconsistent and evolving thoughts on eugenics and the ‘science’ of race. By approaching the educational discourse on race as thinking rather than thought, the author explores how scholars such as G. Stanley Hall, John Dewey, Franz Boas, William Bagley, David Snedden, Edward Thorndike and Charles Ellwood struggled to make sense of a rapidly changing ideological landscape, but nevertheless supported the ideology of white supremacy.  相似文献   

科学教科书的意识形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学教科书的话语结构其实隐喻着“谁的知识最有价值”这一意识形态的问题,只是科学教科书的意识形态功能相对于人文社会科学来讲,更加隐蔽。科学教育作为一种社会事业,其教科书的编制与话语选择必然反映着它所处的社会和时代的主流意识形态。传统科学教科书中宣扬一种个人英雄主义的、实证主义的、归纳主义的、机械还原论的意识,这不利于学生良好科学素养的形成。  相似文献   

试论思想政治教育的理论创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从改革与创新现行思想政治教育的理论方面实现思想政治教育的改革与创新:就是通过事实依据和理论论证,全面改革与创新现行改革思想政治教育的理论所存在的弊端;在此基础上,改革和创新思想政治教育的理论,通过多种理论方法特别是哲学、系统科学理论方法,全方位实现思想教育理论的改革与创新的整合,使之成为一个有机的科学整体,尽可能地实现科学化、现代化、最优化。  相似文献   

Current literature about interdisciplinary education research is focused on three points: conceptual definitions of interdisciplinarity, the need for interdisciplinary research to tackle the advent of problem-based research and the positive curriculum outcomes to be gained from interdisciplinary research. While this research is important, it does not always include an account of the often complex and politicised interactions that might affect the outcomes of interdisciplinary research groups. This paper provides one possible ‘roadmap’ for successful interdisciplinary collaboration. It is based on a reflective case study of the authors’ own formation of an interdisciplinary research group and the practical resolutions to both the theoretical and the practical issues involved in achieving interdisciplinarity in education research.  相似文献   

In this critical review essay, I argue that the National Research Council's (NRC) 1996 National science education standards uses a discourse of invisibility to lay out its massive reform for science education in the United States. This invisibility discourse dangerously compromises the well-intended goals of the NRC by not directly addressing the ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, and theoretical issues which influence the teaching and learning of science in today's schools. Herein I propose that the Standards ought to provide strong arguments and evidence in support of the reasons why equity should be a guiding principle in science education reform. In the same manner, the Standards must articulate the theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence on which the numerous recommendations for change are based. Only then would the Standards provide the conceptual guidance necessary to encourage teachers, administrators, parents, and politicians to spring into action and take the necessary risks associated with radically transforming schools. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34 : 19–37, 1997.  相似文献   

当前,我国正面临着经济快速发展和改革攻坚的关键时期,思想观念、社会结构都发生着深刻的变化,高校作为培养教育青年入的主渠道、主阵地,义不容辞地肩负起“培养什么人”、“为谁培养人”的历史使命。在当前形势下,我们应着眼于意识形态产生的根源,分析改革开放以来意识形态教育取得的成绩和存在的不足,形成一套卓有成效的教育方法,进一步增强社会主义主流意识形态教育的吸引力、感染力、战斗力和保障力。  相似文献   

新时代下,随着互联网技术的广泛应用,网络被赋予政治功能和价值属性,日渐成为传播思想文化的前沿阵地。我国思想政治教育为了顺应时代发展的潮流,不再囿于思想政治教育的传统模式,逐渐在互联网上深入开展高校思想政治教育工作,网络思想政治教育应运而生。借助于这一新兴载体进行思想政治教育有一定的优势,但同时在当今社会国内外意识形态斗争渐趋激烈的复杂情况下,又面临一系列挑战。在这一背景下掌握了网络的主动权,也就意味着掌握了意识形态的主动权和话语权。因此,先需明了网络思想政治教育话语权内涵、在提升网络思想政治教育话语权方面遇到的问题及成因、如何建构自身的话语权等一系列问题,才能在网络环境下积极发挥思想政治教育的优势,才能有力地回应西方意识形态的挑战,从而牢牢掌握意识形态的主动权和话语权。  相似文献   

Teacher–student discourse continues to be teacher-centred even though researchers and reform documents have recommended changes toward increased levels of student-centred discourse. In science education this situation is paralleled by effort to make scientific inquiry more student-centred. The purpose of this study was to investigate how discourse forms changed over time in a classroom where the regular teacher and his students were scaffolded in the transitioning to student-centred scientific inquiry. Video-recordings were collected at intervals over one academic year. Three prominent forms of discourse were identified: two teacher-authoritative forms and one more interactive, dialogic form. As the lessons increasingly turned into student-centred scientific inquiry, a shift to the dialogic discourse form was found. Co-teaching provided for (a) guidance towards an organisation of events in the classroom that included regular teacher–student dialogue (b) modelling of the more dialogic form of discourse.  相似文献   

The literature on interdisciplinarity identifies several forms of collaboration: multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary (as bridge building or integration). To assist vocational psychology translate its interdisciplinary discourse into action, this paper uses that literature to identify the benefits, challenges and conditions for success. It indicates that the form of collaboration needed must be decided, and the cognitive, social, organizational and institutional aspects of the collaborating disciplines considered. It highlights the significance of interpersonal relationships when establishing and maintaining collaboration.  相似文献   

从信息社会出发审视当前的思想政治教育,存在着科技意识形态与政治意识形态的相对立、信息风暴与个体选择之间的不协调、认知水平与行为能力之间的不平衡以及媒介运用与语言转换之间的不顺畅.信息社会条件下实现思想政治教育的创新发展,要坚持主流意识形态,实现思想政治教育话语变革;关注主体信息需求,赋予思想政治教育供给功能;整合多种信息媒介,促进思想政治教育工具融通;注重信息数据收集,增强思想政治教育舆论引导.  相似文献   

江泽民同志立足于当代 ,始终坚持马克思主义科学技术是第一生产力的基本思想 ,在领导我国改革开放和中国特色社会主义现代化建设的伟大实践中 ,深刻地阐释了他的科技发展时代观、科教兴国战略观、科技体制改革观和科学技术创新观等主要思想观点 ,从而形成了其历史唯物主义科学技术观的思想理论体系 ,为我国科技发展和社会主义现代化建设宏伟蓝图的实现 ,提供了科学的理论指导  相似文献   

课题组 《教育研究》2022,43(1):11-22
思想政治教育在我国革命、建设、改革各个历史时期都发挥着统一思想、凝聚共识的重要作用。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记就新时代加强和改进思想政治教育提出了一系列新理念新思想新观点,坚持把思想政治教育放在"生命线"战略地位,坚持把培养时代新人作为根本任务,坚持把思政课教师作为关键力量,坚持把"培根铸魂"作为内容主线,坚持把"大思政"观作为指导思想,坚持把学生幸福人生作为终极目标。教育系统深入学习习近平总书记关于思想政治教育的重要论述,加强党对思想政治教育的全面领导,推进学生思想政治素质稳步提高,持续壮大优化思政课教师队伍,着力加强思想政治课程教材建设,全面推进思政育人体系建设。习近平总书记关于思想政治教育的重要论述丰富和发展了马克思主义教育思想,是新时代加强和改进思想政治教育的行动指南,昭示了思想政治教育未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the debates on “interracial competition” and “racial extinction” in the biological discourse on human evolution during the second half of the nineteenth century. Our intention is to discuss the ideological function of these biological concepts as tools for the naturalization and scientific legitimation of racial hierarchies during that period. We argue that the examination of these scientific discussions about race from a historical perspective can play the role of a critical platform for students and teachers to think about the role of science in current othering processes, such as those related to biomedical technosciences. If they learn how biological ideas played an ideological function concerning interracial relationships in the past, they can be compelled to ask which ideological functions the biological knowledge they are teaching and learning might play now. If this is properly balanced, they can eventually both value scientific knowledge for its contributions and have a critical appraisal of some of its implications. We propose, here, a number of initial design principles for the construction of teaching sequences about scientific racism and science-technology-society relationships, yet to be empirically tested by iterative cycles of implementation in basic education and teacher education classrooms.  相似文献   

Lampert  Yvonne 《Science & Education》2020,29(5):1417-1439

This paper draws attention to basic philosophical perspectives which are of theoretical and methodological interest for science education, general education and curriculum research. It focuses on potential contributions philosophy class can offer if philosophy education opens up for science and for a collaboration of teachers in the context of post-compulsory education. A central educational goal is to connect basic philosophical skills with any curricular intellectual practice. This implies the possibility of crossing disciplinary boundaries. Hence, the present paper questions the disciplinary rigidity of education and aims at bridging the artificial gap between teaching philosophy and teaching science in order to enrich the individual school subjects involved. Towards this end, this article sketches out a conceptual framework for the issue of interdisciplinarity with regard to philosophy and science in upper secondary school. This framework takes into account aspects of the nature of science (NOS), history and philosophy of science (HPS) and the critical thinking approach which have significant implications for teaching. It aims to facilitate a basic understanding of the significant positive impact philosophy could have on improving scientific literacy as well as decision-making in general. I set forth methods of cross-curricular teaching which can promote innovation in education as interdisciplinarity already does in research since there is growing appreciation of collaboration and partnership between philosophy and science.


文章简述高等院校意识形态工作的重要性,指出民族地区高校意识形态工作遇到的问题,并探讨新时代背景下高校意识形态工作的路径。要深化思政课程教学改革,牢牢掌握高校意识形态话语权;加强网络新媒体掌控,为高校提供安全的意识形态教育环境;落实意识形态工作责任制,助力高校意识形态工作常态化。  相似文献   

The article provides a theoretical overview of the relationship between gender, education and computing. It explores the role of education in the continued reproduction of computing, and latterly information communications technology, as masculine domains. Gendered social relations are inscribed into the development of computing technology and the ideological separation of the 'expert' from end-users. The article offers a critique of the strong sociology of science and postmodernist analyses of technology for reducing technology to the social, and of technological determinism. It argues instead that we need to understand how computing is constituted historically and the ways computing can be understood as a concrete science. The article brings together perspectives on technology derived from a critical realist perspective with some aspects of the feminist standpoint paradigm. The author examines three key educational locales in the reproduction of gender ideologies of the machine. These are schools, universities, and the multiple sites of lifelong learning. The article concludes that the gendering of computing as a masculine discourse continues, and that the analysis of technology and the sociology of education needs to reconnect within a broader critique of society if women's continuing marginalisation in the dominant discourse is to be understood and challenged.  相似文献   

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